PAGES8, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 1, 1982, WHITBY FREE PRES S Last week's snowy white blanket brings more than the Christ- mas spirit and heavy wintercoats. It heralds the begin- ning of thewlnter drlv- ing season,, a Urne of In- creased danger on the roada and highways that should bring more eau- tious drivlng. Young Drivers of Canada has declared the week of Dec. 1 to Dec. 8 "Safe Driving Week" across the coun- try. .Young Drivers hope to increase public aware- nesof t.he need for ex- tra caution and defen- sive driving in the win- ter months. Young Drivers isw a federaliy chartered non- profit orgamization that recently opened a new office ini Whitby. The goal 0f the organization is to reduce the amount of accidents, property damage and. death caused by vebicle colli- sions. Defensive driving skills are stressed in. the organization's 1-week driver training sessions, which are open to new and experienced drivers alike. The course deals with, the problems of driving at night, and in slippery and low-visibility condi- RAMA SURPLUS'7 WeBuy &SeII ANYTHING 444 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa Res. 263-82441 723-36261 'the key tions. It stresses preven- tion as the beit meaiis of reduclng road colli- sions. Good habits such as keeping space between your vehicle and others on the road, constantly moving your eyes and checking your mirrors, belng seen by using headlights, and spotting potential problems are taught, by Young Drivers. Using headlights at al times b as reduced acci- dents by 25 per cent for Gray Coach bus drivers, the organization says. As added incentive this year, Young Drivers will pick a' de- fensive* diver of the> month at eacb centre. The winner will receive a 1983 Ford Escort. Young ,Drivers,- en-, courage aIl drivers to have their defensive driving skills tested at their local Young Driv- ers Centre during Safe Driving Week. The Volunteer Asso- ciation of Whitby Psy- chiatrie Hospital is seeking the help of the community to make this Christmas special for people spending Christ- mas in a- psychiatrie hospital or rehabilita- tive centre. The Association stresses that a gift from caring . individuals brings the joy of Christ-' mas and hope for the New Year in the festive season. New items or cash donations are always appreciated, and can be left at the Administra- tion Building, switch- board or Volunteer Ser- vices office at .Whitby THE CORPORATION 0F '~THETOWNOFWHITBY NOTICE INAUGURAL COUNCIL MEETING THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBà Y WiII hoîd the Inaugural Meeting'of the 1983-85 Councll at the MUNICIPAL BUILDING 575 Rossîand Road Esat, Whltby On MONDAY, DECEM BER th, 1982 at 8:00 p.m. Citizens are co rdlîy invited to attend this Inaugu- ral Counicli Meeting. Those persons. planning to attend the meeting are requested to advise Mrs. Verna Roberts, at the Municipal Building '(668- 5803) -accordlngîy, on, or before December 2nd, 1982 Wmn. H.* WALLACE, .M.C.T., C.M.C., Administrator, Town of WhItby, 575 Rossland Rd. E., Whitby, Ontario Psychiatrie Hospital. The foilowing are a few suggestions for gift ideas: General Gifts: candy, books, magazines, puz- zles, stationery, games, cards and Christmas fruit cake. For Men: men's toiletries, wallets, scar- ves, pajamas, slippers, caps, gloves, washable sweaters and - under- wear. - For Women: cosmet- ics,- perfume,--gloves,' bats, night«, gowns, nylons, blouses, mitts, scarves, underwear and sweaters. The Volunteer Asso- ciation would appreci- ate unwrapped gifts as each patient receivesý several packages care- fully selected by nursing' staff, famillar with their needs and preferences. For more informna- tion, please cail Volun- teer Service Office at 668-5881 extension 323. ------------BAKE SALE IL T The West Lynde Par- SEVC ALLTV UNisoiaio i i CALLSWITH 01V holding its annual Craft 1 THISAD INY' and Bake Sale Satur- i OMT iday, Dec. 4 from -1 to 4 p.m. at West Lynde Public Sehool. Ail items offered for FALCON TV sale wil be new and represent vendors from BLAIR PARK PLAZA ail over Durham Re- 100 LUPIN DRIVE, WHITBY gion. A bake table la 688-6060 also féatured. Ope Ai Da SaurdysFor more informa- OpenAli ay Sturdytion, please contact Vicky Malanka at 668- 9403. c ilAIIVL ART DEPARTMENT ON PREMISES DANFORTHTYPEWIER .: .0L Elecric ypewites66- 0 fo 3 mnth i The Whitby Free Press congratulates, Francisca Gazley of Whitby (centre) whose recipe for Old Fashioned Holiday Trifle was judged the best overail recipe ini this week's Holiday Recipe Guide. 'Me Nethery, (right) manager of the Ali Baba Steak House, awards a "preferred customer", card worth $37 while Whitby Free Press advertising manager Liz Nozdryn looks on. - Free Press Staff Photo Whitby Psych appealls to ecomrnunity for. Christmas- gifts