WHITBY FREE PRESS , WEDNESDAY LDECEMBER 1, 1982, PAGE 5 * This year's United Way fuxnd-raising drive could be the first one for many years to fail short of its objective, officiais for the Oshawa-Whitby- Newcastle United Way said last week. The Iatest 'figures show the campaign has reached only id per cent of its $1.5 million ob- je'ctive, and .,donations have fallen off. in « the past few weeks..«.' TheUmited Way is ap- pealing to the camu- nity through the meédia in a final "blitz", in an atftempt- to fulfill this year's goal. Campaign Chairman Hugh Hollandý said- he expeets the drive to.fal short- by more thani, 10 per cent (or $200,OOO) if more donations are not made-in the next two weeks. This year's objective- is'up 14 per cent. from 1982, which takes" into account a 12 percent i4- fiatià n rate and the ad- dition of two agencies to the United Way umbrel- la, Holland said. OSHAWA N EWCASTLE Unitrnd "feeyhousehold in this community gave $3, we. would have it," Hol- land said at< a press con-- ference last Thursclay., "'That's why we em- phasize the 'falrýshare' concept, s0 we don't hit anybody too hard." The fair, share guide-, lune suggests each mndi- vidual donate six-tenths of one per cent of his or her, income, or 15 min- utes of pay per week. :For someone ýearning $10,000 per year, this' Iwould mean a. weekly donation of $1. "lWe know ,we won't get $3 fromevery house- hold, and .that'swhy we're asking those who haven't made aà dona- tion ta consider maklng one now, " Holland said. Hie pointed out that if a person donates, a total of one, per cent,0f bis in- corne to charitable or- ganizations, he can reach 39 of the 47 major charities by giving .6 per, cent .ta, the United Way. "This' still leaves people withA. per cent ta give to othér charities such as the Heart Foun- dation and the Cancer Society,"ý Holland said. 1The United Way li ap- pealing to'ala1- members of the community ta, help, mà ke this, year's drive a success in a time when the services it pro- v ides.are "needed more than ever before."I -The organization has targeted, Dec., 15 as the date it hopes ta reach 100 Per cent of the ai>- jective. *ANNOUNCEMENTS * EC EPTION CARDS *INVITATIONS, ITHANKCYOU CARDS ETEL M DE NTURE THERAPY-CLI'NIC 2140Dunda St. E., Whitby 668-7797, H ou rs: IMo n., - Sat.& EvenIng s ,,By Appoinhtment Only (across f rom Beer Store) Union, pûbli mloyees mostgnru Axnong the most generous donors in this year's behind unions, public employees and industrial em- Jnited Way fund-raising drive have been public ployeesin-their- donations this year. ,,mplayees and General Motors employees, officiaIs Donations from the mnedical and legal professions 'r the United Way said last week. are at 61 and .63 per cent of their objectivesrset Public employees in the. Oshawa-Wbitby-New- 'ively.esrpct ,astle area have reached 99 per cent of their $99,000 "There are some areas af the ecanomy ;that ýbjective in this year's campaign. haven't contributed their fair share," Holland told "The'average GM. employee bas donated $35 to. media representatives last week, "And it's nof he United Way,"'said Campaign Chairman Hugh always in those areas that cauld be accounted.for by olland. "There are very,-few people who confri- the poor economy." ate at that rate." In Wbitby, corporate donations are behind those lie said it. is often those wha can least afford ta in both Oshawa and Newcastle. -Whitby e'mployees ive who make the largest contribution. have contributed less than baif of the $35,000 objec- "With some of the groups that bave- low refurns tive for the town. iere is na question that they can afford it," Holland However, personai gifts in Whitby total $7,589, or aid. "But they're just-nat doing if." 87 per cent of the goal. Ain prieions, eXCwUdng - entists, are far Ottenbrite .and'Crawford D(angsandaintings honoured by'Whitby chamber Downtown business- ~woiman Lynda Buffett will head the Whitby Chamber of Commerce in 1983, chamber mnem- bers decided last.week. Buffett was elected president of the cham- ber at its annual dinner Wednesday night.' She is also president of .. Whtby's,- Central Business .District Im- provement 'AreaBoard off Management, -and re- cenfly ran,-for Centre Wardcouncillor in the November 8 election. She replaces Howard Smith of Davidson and, Smitb Accountants. As president of the chamber, she wiIl act as a spokesman for the business community in Whitby, and *w repre- sent Witby at provin- cial chamber meetings. "O0ver the past few years, the Whitby Chamber of Commerce bas become. far more active than in the past," says Buffett, who wil continue ta ensure the chamber fakes an ac- Fatal An Ajax ýman was killed on ighway 401 last Thursday when he attempted to cross the highway on foot near the Thickson .Road exit, Whitby OPP report. Dead is Stephen Me- Daugali, 21, of Harland- er Crescent in Ajax.. 1MeDougail was ap- parently crossing the hlghway wben he, was sfruck by a transport trailer in the middle lane. No charges have been *laid. tive raie in the cammu- mity. Also at the annual din- ner, ýtwo Wbitby wamen were'bonoured for aut-, standing achievement. Mandy Crawford, manager af "the Bautex Nearly New Shops, was named the ' ý,1962 Businesspersan of the year. Besides bier eight years experience in the Nearly New. Shops, Crawfard bas been very active - in community and social services., She helped 'establish the ' Community Care organization in Whitby, and was active in Wbit- by, Arts Inc. for more than 10 years. The third woman ta be honoured by the cham- ber was Anme Otten- brite,. the town's star swimmer in the 1982 Commonwealth Games. Ottenbrite was named student af the year for her contribution ta the town of Witby. The award recognizes a'stu- dent's contribution ta the 'community rather than academic achieve- ment, wbich is usually recognized by theý scbools themselves., Now for gronps of 3 or more combines " Dental & Drug Benelits " Preterred Hospital Accommodation .9 Major Medical Benefits " Direct dlaims payment " Easy administration with one 1D certificate and one monthly biling Write for a biuchure or cali directl WILLOW-RUN STUDIO GALLERY NowShowing R. Ernest Jukes A.O.C.A. Pre Christmas Sale' 585 KING ST. E. OSHAWA Michael Good Oshawa, Ontario L1G 4W5 ZÎ (416) 433-5541 ,LU ONACROSS -- NOW OPEN rK E LBA WSS Large selectio n'Of BETA ând VHSý,Movies Il PC Opiug Spcaa(ls * on VCR's, Portable VCR's, Cameras and Televisions (authorlzed Sony & Quasar dealers) -'6&À recen.t releases: Benji, Butte'rfly, tribu te u Kendalwood Park Plaza 1l801 Dundas St1, E., Whltby 579 591 HOME OWINERS news'you have been waiting for, (EFECTVEINSULATION REQUIRES PROPEIA VENTILATION) If your housewas bu lit prior to January lst 1971 yoïu are now eligible for a CHIP insulatilon grant. To quai ify you must use a C.G.S. B. lcensed contractor and you are wise to deal 1Io'al ly. GORESKI in Durham since 1958 "in our estimation we have the best price!" 723e9022- THAT COUNTS United Way askfr "air shae u ei fà ci ot th bu gil PEACOCK LUMIERII6. IN-STOCK Over 1,000,000,feet of Uin drled Hardwoods Softwoods Dressing Facilities WHOLESALE - RETAIL 328 Rltson Rd. N. Oshawa 725-'4744