PAGE, 18, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 1, 1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS Wit'by's Most WIdeIy Read CLA.SýSIF1ED ADS LU Contlnued f rom page 17 L FOR SALE, 1978 AMO, CONCORD Station Wagon, o6.cyiinder, automatio, Power steoring, power brakos, 48000 miles. $3,000'or beat cf fer. Must sali. Phono 668&7804 altter 5:30 p.m. 1977 GRAN PRIX, modal Si, air conditloning,' power staoring, power brakas, power windows, power locks, hsavy duty battery and altamator, remoto mîrrora, winterizad, 55,000 miles. $2,895. Phono 683-3326. 1978 VW RABOIT, 'as le, $1,200.< Phono 868-1633. GIGANTIC car and truck auction by Durhiam Raglan used car deal- ors. Balng held at Peleshok Motors, Basalina, Ajax. Saturday, Decamber 4 at 10:30'a.m. Ap- proximately 150 cars,- 'Atons, vans, etc. to b. sold to the public at auction prices. Deaiers wel- come. $100.00 cash daposit on each purchase. Buyera pramium 250.NOTE lIME! '10:30 A.M. Borna excellant vehiclas, et near *whoiesala. *Lunch .avail abla. McLaan' Auction» & Liquidation, Oshawa 5787550, Tor. 1ina 686- 3291, on site 666-3330. * WIde selection of reasonably prlced cars. 597 Slmcoe St. S., just North of 401 725-4011I CALL M68111 to place your ad'in 1he Whitby Fre0 pross. [~~ETENERSI Ontario Hydro has for sale USED ECONOMY FORM PANELS. Econorny. form panels (and components) con- structed of 3/16" mretal skin supported by steel ribs on 12' centres, 10/" thick, varlous outside dimensions (one lot>. Located at: Wesleyville Generating Station, Wesleyville, Ontario. Inspection, general terms and conditions and bld forms can be obtained from Mr. Melý Cairns, tele- phone (416) 839-1151, ext. 4405. The highest or any bld not necessarily accepted. Refer to Transaction No. 384-ED. Closing date.for offers Is 4:00 p.m. December 13, 1982 ln Toronto. Ontario Hydro has for sale item 1 WATERSTOP MATERIALS Item 2 CORRUGATED ASBESTOS CEMENT SHEETS (approx. 325) item 3 PIPE MANGERS, CLEVISES, etc. (AIl Materials - New Condition) Located at: Pickering Generating Station "B" Pickering, Ontario Inspection,, general terms and conditions, and bid forms can be obtained from Mr. M. Cairns, tele- phone (416) 839-1151, ext. 4405., The highest or any bld not necessarily accepted. Refer to Transaction No. 381 -ED. Ciosing date for offers is 4:00 pmDecember 14, 1982 In Toronto. UEPARTS WRECKING -Gaod used'parts'for: 1968 Fard Van; 1969 Fard Pick-up; 1974 D odge'Dustar; 1970 GM, St a- tIon Wagon; 1972 Pontia Ventura; 1972 Ford Cauriar; 1971 Mazda, 1800 cc engins; 1954 Fard Fiat Head, V8 engîne;ý' 1974 Pontiac' Ventura, cartIfiaed, $1,000; 1970 350 Vemaha, Baktoase, $100; 1971 650 Vamahe $300. Phono 655-, 3854. _SMALL SPACE with.classlfiod ads ln the... Whîtby Fres Press 668-6111 FREE- Drap Intô the Dickan Print- in fie Supply store ln the '-'Ajax Plaza and pick up a f ree copy o f their 1982 Mtriecelalnder. Printad ln two colaurs, It: maes for hendy raferonco. 683-1968. TYPEWRITER RENTAL, many makes and modale, by the week- and, waek or manth. Dscounts aveleabla. Dckson'Printing & Of- fice Supplias in t ho Aja Plaza. ceil us, far business machina repaire 683-1968. (ON sITE> AUCNSM AUCTION SALE RANDOM HÃ"USE AUCTIONS announces their- grand opening. Our ffrst auction FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3 6:30 P.M. <628' EucIid St., Whitby, Highlights of this sale are around1 oak pedestal table, hall stand, buffet, unusual antique bar, wal. nut gate leg table,' love- seat,'also tables, chairs, bods ,- dresse'rs, and radios Some o! the china Includes - Wedgwood, Meakin, 'Johnson, and Nippo ' cups and sauc- ers, plates- bowls, and platters. Good selection o! glass includos 'a do- cantere, bowîs,- plates, glassos, etc. 0f special ln-. tereësi we have a '74 Pon- tiac Parisienne, SkI saw, assorted tools, coal iam- ps, duck decoys, assort- .ed mirrors, schooli bell, Irish linen and an old school slate with pencils. Partial listing only. Auc- tions to be held weekly. CÇonsignments welcome, for our nex t sale, Dec. 10. Phone '666-2112 or 655- 3526. EARL MacKIN NON AUCTIONEER 666-2112 OR 655-3526 CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN AUCTION SALE FR1., DEC. 3 -6:30 P.M. 3 miles east o! Little Bni- tain or 7 miles wost of Lindsay on the Lindsay/ Little Britain Rd. Reuphol- sterod settee, waînut par- Ion chairs, platfonm rock *- er, OG dlock, Sessions echool -dock, Dominion uprl'ht piano , wicker rocker, woodon wardrobe, chesterfields, china cabi- net, Hoosien kitchen cup- board, dining room ex- tension' table, antique sldeboand, Inglis dryor, ocking chairs, 20' alumi- num ladder, antique. dressers, chests o! dnaw- ers, GE spin washer, Ken- more dishwashen, qty. o! ools, china Ujd glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R. 1, Little Britain (705) 786-2183> GIGANTIC CAR AND TRUCK AUCTION AUIG OS, AUCTIN ISAL SAT., DEC. 4c 1 P.M. At PEARCE 'AUCTlION CENTRE on Shirley Rd.'4 miles south o! Port Perry. With 8' truck camper, grandfather cîock-sterec unit,- 24" >range, fridges, washor, cjryen, 17 cu. ft. Sfreezer, 2 bednoom suites, large .carpets, wooc stoves,' antique hlgIh chair, ping 'pong table, portable AC/DC T.V., air hockey, 'baby ba rnage good steroos, s ewin-g machines, new toys,.train sot, dishes, English1's ad- die,, drill press, snow tires, propane space heat- er, 1 1 ton f loor jack, weight set, jack stand, 10- speedbike, plus n umen- ous other itemfs. Tenms cash, Visa or known cheque. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 985-7492 CORNEWLS AUCTION BARN AUCTION SALE SAT., DEC. 4 -1 P.M. 3 miles east of Little Bni- tain or 7 miles west o! Lindsay on the Lindsay/ Little Britain Rd. Int. 454 diesel tractor, power steering, hydnaulic load- or, Int. 420 baMer, .1969 GMC 1 ton, 10' stake body, new HoiIand-mixer/ grinder, '3-pt. hitch, 'Int. mower, Tuohope and An- -derson 'show wagon,.2. n.ubber tinod buggies, 4 cutters, Democra t, qty. o! bîacksmith., tools, large qty. of horse harness. DON.CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R. 1,9 Little Britain (705)786-2183 WANNAMAKEIR AUCTIONM SERVICES 1614 Charles St., WhItby EVERT MON*- & THURS. AT 6:30,P.M. -Ail ostates and consignments weîcome. 'Th. place t. buy or soit. We wiil pick up. 666-3731 668-8403 <DAYS) <EVGS.) AUCTION SALES EVERY WEEK Check the ads hene, thon pack up the wholefamily and cart them o!ff to an auction for a few hours. lt's a great way to spend a few hours this weekend.' NEED responsibloe duit ta shere hause. Mostly fumished. North Whltby area. $275 monthly. FIret and lest requirod. Ceil 66&2935 al- tar 4 p.m. DASMENT WOAICSHOP for rant neer faur' corners cf- Whltby. Phone 668-7017 ar 579-1596. WHITBY FREE PRESS 8834111 I i I i SW1M TEAM RESULTS MORTGAGE. SALE APPROXIMATELY,43 ACRES OF LAND PARTS 0F LOT 21, CONCESSION 2, AND LOT 54, PLAN 541, WHITBY, ONTARIO Under'and by virtue of Powers of Sale contalned ln a certain mortgage which wiII be produced at the time of sale, there wlll be offered for saleby A-U C,,TUO N, ON MONDAY-, DECEMBER 6, 1982, AT 11:00 A.M. AT 1127 FINCH AVE. W., DOWNSVIEW, 'ONTARIO0 Being composed of Parts of Lot 21, Concession 2 and'Lot 54, Plan 541, Town of Whitby. CIra/niar j Subi ect c Property 8. a Dundas St. E. J_ A plan of Subdivision ot the said property has received draft approval. The said property will be of fered for sal e subject to a reserve bld and condi- tions of sale. TERMS: A deposit of $50,000.00 by cash or certi- f ied cheque to be paid at the time of sale and the balance within thirty days thereafter. For further information con tact: DAN BURY SALES (1971) LTD. 112à 7 FINCH AVE. W., DOWNSVIEW, ONTARIO (416) 665-8341 BUSINESS3USINESS ~2RTUNIIESpRTUN TIES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO ST 1ART YOUR OWN BUSINESS IN YOLJR HOME! ENGRAVING & TROPHY BUSIES Includes two engravers, cutting boards, trophy and plastic stock, promotional -mat- erial. Equipment and stock worth over $8,000. Asking $6,000. W 'Ili 'assist new owner to get started. Phone:- 668-9714, ICLASSIFUED REAL ESTATE' OFFICEOFFICE THREE-ROOM WHITBY OFFICE SUITE With private washroom. Has over 750 sq. ftg! ulyboa-om4an -- dit1one goodies and a specêial bonus surprise. S.R.A. members should make their usual (early) plans for trans- portation. Any ques- tions, problems or doub- ts, may be answered in the newsletter or by phoning a member of the Conunittee. By ANN GOULDING ,w.I.s.c. The Whitby, Iroqu;oi.i Swim"Club results froir the Oshawa Sprint meci held -recently are ai follows. 8/under girls Danielle Houle, lst 2.1 fly, 2nd 25 brst., 6th 2. free, 6th 25, back.- ýAn Rienmie' 2nd 25, free, 4tf 25 back. lO/under girls: Juit Leswick 1st-200 IM, 5< free, 50 brst., 50 back 2nd 50 fly. Heather Ar. mitage lat 50 fly, 2nd 20< IM, 2nd 50 free, 2nd 5< back, 3rd' 50 brst. Allison Bettridge. 3rd -5< back, 3rd 200 IM, 6th -5< free.'. Wendy Primeat 3rd 50 free, 4th 50 fly, 20( IM. Patti MacDonalÈ 4th 50 back, 6th 50 fre Tina Doran 5th 50 frée, 50fly. 11/12 _girls: JanicE Currie- lst 50 fly, ' 5< back, '200 IM, 100 free, nd100 brst.ý Lesley Doran 3rd 50 back, 20X IM, 4th 100 free, 6th, 10( brst, 50 fly.ý MichellE Primeau 2nd 50 back, 3rd,100 brst.., 50,fly, Stii 100 free. Aime-MarkE Scott 3rd 100 free, 4tÉ 200 IM, 50 fly, Sth 100 br- st. Kyla Abbott 6th ,5( back.- Senior' girls: Tammy Oatteslst 100 back, 10E birst., 2nd 100 -free, 10C fly, 2nd 200, IM. LynniE MacDonald 4th 100 free. 8/under' boys: Ryar Donnelly lst 25 ,brs lt., 2nd e5 fre, 3 1rd 25 fly, Sth. 25 back. Scott- Don- nelly '2nd 25 brst., 2 back Scott Currie 4th 2E backSth2fly.' lo/under boys: CraiS Potsep lst 50. back, R< brst., 2nd 50 free, 50 fly, 200 IM.* Scott MacPhai 3rd 200 i1. 11/12 boys: Chris Don- nelly, lst-50 back, 2nd 5C fly, 100 frýee, '1 ,00 brst. , 200 IM. Jay Lee 3rd 5c fly, 200 IM, 4th 100, free, 5th 50 back. 13/14 -boys: Kevin Walker lst 100 brst., 100 free, 2001IM, 100 back, 50 fly. Peter Pfeiffer 2nd 100 brst., 3rd 100- back, 4<th 200 IM, Sth 100 free. Philip North 2nâd 100 free, 200 IM. Senior boys: David Groen lst 200 IM, 2nd 100 brst., 100 back, 3rd 100 fIy, 4th 100 free. CHRISTMAS PARTY An exciting Christmas p)arty will again, high-