PAGEJ10, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 1, 19 82', WFITBY FREE PRESS Kids' c'artooninl",g i just plain fuii. An arcbaeologist of the future would bave a remarkableý find if, he uneartheëd the' remains of a ,2Otb ýcentury 'sky scraper.-' Even more valuable might be the remains of a space shuttie, or the sheJls of nuclear mis- But if he -really want- ed to know what life was like in tbe eightb decade of the 2th céentury, be'd bel best to dig Up the drawings . 0 f Whitby scbool children on the subjeet 0f Santa Claus. The state' of tecbnolo- gy?, Santa being pulled by r obotý-reindeer in a, computerized sleigh. The stateof the econo- My?. Santia's phone is ringing off the hook and. be's, run. out of toys because of the reces-' sion. The condition -of. postal', service? A Christmas card marked "special delivery" arriving a, year late. Amusements? Santa delivers 2,000 Pac Man games on- his over-, loaded sleigh. SPECIA LS for GM Car & Truck,'GAAEESRVC owners URNEDPI, EN G INE TU N EUP $3495 $3895 $895 40Cyl. 6CyI. 8SCyl. Parts Extra FRONT END ALUGNMENT Windshieîd Washer Antif reeze $100 OIL CHANGE FILTER- ' LUBRICATION, FULL MAINTENANCE INSPECTION ) Child-parent rela- tions? Santa denies, the use of bis sleigh to his son wbo has a really hot date (the son is only 15). Working conditions? One of Santa.s rushed It the hospital with an overdose of, Shreddies. There' is definitely nothing wrong, with these kid's imagina- tions. And imagination is wbat Ken Lennox's car- tooning c-lass for child- ren is al about.- After teaching a few basic principles o *f drawing, Lennox just. Jlets them loose. And if they alter some of the details 0f the San- ta Claus myth, ail the better. Sponsored by the Whitbyý YMCA, the car- tooning 'class b a sat- tracted *about 40 cbild- ren wbo simply love to draw. "It's a great thing for kids, " says Lennox, wbo is currently, displaying bis own (more ýserious) art work at the Ajax Public Library. Cartooning Instrucetor Ken Lenniox helps 8-year-old Karen Tbompson with her Cbristmas cartoon. -Free Press Staff Photo "lThey 're here be- cause they want to be. And tbe parents love it toc." Lennox says cartoon,- ing gives cbildren who haven't joined activities sucb as figure skating or minor hockey. a cbance tô express themselves. So. wbile the world battles with unemploy- ment and inflation, these, children consider the deeper questions of 11f e. (What bhappens *wben Santa's sleigh getà stuck in a snow bank? What if it- stalîs in mid-air? Is bis wife fat or skinny..?) STHE CORPORATION OF > TETOWNOFWHITBY SALE 0F 1983 DOG LICENCES The Town of Whitby will be offering for sale 1983_ dog licences'on a door to'door basisý fromr mid Novemnber to January 30,1983. The Anderson Col- leglate Music 1Band and Rugby ,Club wli be sel llng, these licences on behaif of the Town. These stu- dents wili be ldentified as Town of Whitby Repre- sentat ives. Licence fees are as fol lows: $1 0.00 - Neutered Maie or Spayed Female $1 5.00 Maie or Female Deborah A. Smnart, Tax Coilector, - Town'0f Whitby. THE CORPORATION 0F STHETOWNOFWHITBY TO TH 'E RESIDENTS 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITDY THE-MAYOR AND COUNCIL. of the TOWN 0F WHITBY Cordially Invite you and your famiiy to attend an OLD TYME CHRISTMAS PARTY ta be h eld on Sunday, Decem ber l2th, 1982, at the Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Rd. E., Whitby, from 2:00 p.m. ta 4:00 p.m. There wi be Entertainment, Santa"for the Children and a Sing-a-Long for everyone. Light lunch and refreshments wiII be served. Chiidren must, be accompanied by an aduit. R. A. Attersley, MAYOR,' Specluls expire December 29, 1982. FREE PICK UP & DELIIVERY NURSE $U'«'R% GM SER VICE, CHEVOLDSIT'S THE ONL Y WNUTBY WA YTO GO 6684304 Hwy. 2& Thickson Rd. soo Infora s U