Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 24 Nov 1982, p. 8

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PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 24, 1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS Send letters to: North Pole, HOH OHO NORTH POLE, CANA- DA - Santa Claus said today he is delighted Canada Post Corpora. tion has chosen his sug- gestion over thousands' of others recommending ways in which the Cor- poration could. help make this Christmas 'a, merrier one. In a telephone cali to the Hospital for Sick Chiidren in Toronto, Santa spoke to R. Michael Warren, Presi- dent, wh'o was present to iaunch the Canada Post Santa Ciaus Letter Pro- gram. Warren said about HOME OWNE RS < news you have been waiting for INSULATION (EFFECTIVE INSULATION R3EQUIRES PROPER VENTILATION> if your house was bulit prior to January lst1971 you are now eligible fora CHIP insulation g 'rant. To qualifyyou. must use a CAGSAB. icensed contractor and you are wise to deal Iocally. GORESKU - in Durham since 1958' "In lour estimation we have the. best price!" two monthe ago, a radio commentator broadcaet an l'open letter'lto, him urging Canada Post to do something e'peciai that would enjance the true spirit of Christmas. Warren said: "This generated thousande of letters from, people right acrose the country. Aiso inciuded Was one frorn a certain gentleman at the North Pole, which we at Canada ýPost feel meeta the request and at the sanie time 'gives Santa the needed heip- ing hand that hie asked for. 4So, I'm happy to, an- nounce that a growing number of Canada Post empioyees and pension- ere,%..along with mem- bers of sernior citizens groupe and' service clubs across Canada have volumteers to, act as Santa's helpers in hie efforts to answer the let- ters maiied bo hie work- shop, at the North Pole." Children shouid write to Santa* at hie North Pole address: Santa Claus, North Pole,ý Canada, HOH OHO. Chiidren in Whitby can give their- letters directly to Santa'e heëlp-. ers i the Santa Caus parade, Dec. 4. Letter carriers wilI be waiking, In the parade and coilectlng 'letters *froni children.< If children plan to' mail the letters, they must be sure to mail their letters early and» wvrite their retun add- rese on the outeide of the envelope, including their' own postal code. It le importa 'nt to use the North Pole postal code, "HOH'OHO", on'.Santa's address. "This is the tiue.0f year when al young- sters begin to be touch- ed by the magic of Christmas," eaid Warren. "The response of ' ur employees and senior'citizens 'andser- vice club meimbers -to the Santa 'Claus Letter Program has been tre- mendous...we are al pleased to be Santa's heipers. Hopefully this wiii heip make Christ-. mas a littie bit brighter for everyone this year.," Bridge Resuits The foiiowing are the * resulta of last week's play at the Whitby Du- plicate Bridge Club. North and South: Dr. * and Mrs. Richard Ket- chel, 129/; Mr. and Mrs. Jini Whanrie, -,,118½ý; Mr.' and Mrs. Harold Barker, 118; -Mn. and Mrs. 'Hugh Baker, ____ 117,. East and West: Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Win- ter, 144; John McLean and Don -Titherington,ý 1421/2; Derrick Aistein and Paul Beischiag, 134; John Coleby and Gien Eliiot, 1291/2. The resuits of duplicate bridge play' are reponted each week in thé Free Press. Corri*do,ýr Capers- By MARY MCEACHERN Cali 725-8907 wtth Items for tht. cotumn. wýý1 -;M WESTMINSTER UNITED CHURCH The Westminster' United Church will. hold a bazaar November 27 from 1, to 4 p.m. Sandwiches and cookies wiil be ser ved.in, the tea room at a charge of $1.50 a person. 'Novelties," home baking, knitting and sewing, white elephant items, candy and plants will be available. .Çome and'bring ýa friend and neighbour. Ail welcome. ýSet-up time is setforFrdayat7 pm.One person lu each.booth kindly, bring a white bed sheet to coverthe table. A special evening* of music will be held next'Sun- day, Nov. 28 at 7 p.m. 'Musie ,by"Junior and aduit choira and special guesta, and, lots of Urne tb slng, your favourite hymne.Anoffering will be taken:to- go to the Special Church Project Fund. Next Sunday is the beglnning of Advent, the period of preparation for Christmas. Sème of the speciai events are: Lighting the Advent Candies, each Sunday morning November 28 to December 19; White Gift- Service, Decemiber 12 at il a.m.; Candlelight Carol Service, Sunday, Dec. 19 at 7:30 p.m.; Christmas Eve Service, Friday, Dec. 24 *at 7:30 p.m.; Advent Worship Services, each Sunday atil a.m.; and, Carol Singing each Sunday at 10:45 a.rm. November 28 to December 19. BON VOYAGE AND GOOD LUCK Kendalwood area will be losing a great couple. Marion and Ken Young have decided to pull up stakes, and head back to the north country for some peace and quiet. A fareweil party was given by Christine Bykiv and Helen Caughell to bid. our friends of many years a sad fareweli. We will, miss you, but I.'mý sure*you wilI be back to visit often. Best of luck to Ken and Marion. CORRIDOR AREA RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION There will be a full executive meeting of the Association on Thursday, Dec. 2, in .Commûittee Roo m 1, 8 p.m., at the Whitby Municipal Building. Ail executive and directors are asked to be present.: TheRatepayers, Association are, looking for, an,. appropriate logo. Kids 'or aduits of the Corridor are asked tosubmit a design -.featuring Whitby Corri- dor, Area Ratepayers Association - on a sheet of paper 3'" x 5".1 The çolours can- be of 'your own choosing. The design muet be mailèd or. deiivereëd to, Bob Kennedy', 22 Vanessa Place in Whitby, tele- 'phone 579-8409, on or before December 10; *.The win- ner wiIi be announced by December 15. The award for theý best desigu submitted will be* $25. Anyone within the Corridor Area of Whitby is eligibie: For further information, contact Bob Kennedy. The.hard-timeCapers Bail,,heldat the Masonic_ Halon Saturday levening, was a 'treniendoussuc- ces s. Our thanÎks to ail the executive members, and especiaily Sandra'Lindensâmith "and Bey Rogers,- convenors of the dance, and Del Holliday, the sou>p- line chef. The many prizes for the fun evening were generousiy donated by K-Mart, Whitby Free Press,' Kimbëriy-Ciark via Bob, Kennedy, G erry Emm, Hiram Walker, Lobiaws, Del Hoiliday, Signet Signsà, Margaret Merela and Wheelies Famiy Centre. In' keeping with the theme of the evening, liard tumes,ý the gif ta were beautifully, wrapped in used news-' papers. .The Choo-Chîli-Cookout could not begin to cm pare with our Capers chief-chili-bean- ladiers Ray Lindensmnith and Don Ro gers. In those aprons, you both iooked'superb 1 Whitby residents froni the new subdiv 'isions, Coventry, Kençlalwood Heighta, Biuegrass Mea- dows, Hazeiwood andManning were weicome addi-., tions- to themany faithiful regulars such as Jean and" Howard Alian and Lynnand'Lou'Majoros, who have attended ail our sixteen dances. Cowboy straw ha ,ta were- s oid by Brian Lindensmith and Sandra. Chris Peig .s, he .. 0f the - evening-weicomed-aIl the Wiggers at 668-9641 or any member of the Whitby Lionese Club. Proceeds will go to help the commu- nity. Cail 725-8967 with news items for the coiumn. YOUR. FIREP.LAC THE Keep your heat in your home, with' ELMIRA a beauaiful efficient airtight fire- INSERT pl<zce insert front Elinira. " Atrtight design uses 2/3 tess wood than '*open" fireptace " Automattc on/off btower system " Ovcr 52,500 BTU's or heat per hour " Large cooking surface " Htgh cemperature Corning viewing wndow atway, simys cicar kS At"rHoRi/i 1i) n A iR The Flireplaoe Plus 900 Hopkins Street at Burns Whitby - 668-3192 Tues., Wed. 9-6, Thurs., Fr1-. 9-9, Sat. 9-5 Closed Monday

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