LETTERS TO -THE]EDR Pf ,arent pleads fr residents of institution s EDITOR'S NOTE: Thme folîowlng ls a letter wrîtten to The HSonourable Frank Drea, Mînîster of Communlty and So. cial ,Services. by a parent of a dovelop. montalîy ' ,handî- cappedIndî.vidual1In' Mississauga. Dear Mr. D rea Vour 'announce- ment October 28 that the g'overn- ment will be cIosing six Institutions for the mentally retard- ed over the next f ive years cornes as a stunning blow to the aspirations of, parents of, residents of these facil1tMes. The facilîties you are planning. to close were develop-, ed for the very rea- son you now lmply is the objective of this program - the de-institutionaliza- tion of residents. They are the smaîî and medium size facilities which now f111 the void be- tween the large ln-: stitutians and thé group home. Where are these residents ta go? You say --un- defined" members wiIl go- ta an -ex- panded.ntoko group homes in the community..Where? Prese'ntly, in excess of 300 aduîIts await openîngs for homes in" the Toronto, area. alone. Public 'reac-- tion ta the develop- ment of group homes in Metro has, at best, been negative, and often CRAFT AND- The Seventh Whitby Girl Guides and the Fir- st Whitby Boy Scouts will hold a craf t and bake sale and white ele- phant table November 29 at 7 p.ni. at Palmier- violent. With such an adverse climate, and the present se- vere iack of avaîl- able spaces, what hope daes the future hold'for this option? SmaII and medium size facili- ties surely'must re- main the answer. D'Arcy Place hI'nCa-ý bourg' with' 27 group-lIke homes on-a former mllitary base, a-community wîthin -a communi- ty, must surely meet this need. Sirniîarly, Durham Regional 'Centre, with homes -and residences accom- modating 60 ,child- ren and 60 aduîts, and provlding inter- active community programs, fulfilîs that need. And's50 on. Another option, for these residents is to transfer them to, larger *institu- tions. Whaà t better example of institu- tionalization can there be than ta make those facili- ties you intend ta retain, larger? What purpose,,Is served? 'Other, than consoli- dation, moving resi- dents'ta a more re- mate area, prahibit- ing or limiting fami- ly isits-because of the .,,,distances in- volved, cannat be considered a' pro- gressive step for the, chilId or aduît involved. It is disturbing that such a major BAKE SALE ston Sechool in Whitby. There will be a wide variety of crafts that make good Christmas gifts., Coffee and tea will be served. step, Impacting as it does the-familles of residents,' the employees of these facilities and the communIties ln which they are Iacated, has been taken without, con- sultation. It Is In- comprehensible that you would con- sider such a ýmove without Input from parent interest groups and commu- nity organizations. Mayors 0f the muni- cipaîlties involved have decried the lIack of'~consulta- tion,- with the Ioss of jobs expected taD severely impact ai- ready troubîed eco- nomnies.' 1The reactian ta your plan -f rom those invalved h-as been a negative one, and rightfully sa. Most d isheart- ening, however, is the' fact that those who wiiI be mast af- fected wiII like.ly neyer utter a word ,of complaint. Won't you now reconsider, your actions, and work wlth those cancerned to imr- prove' their lot, ai- ENJO'Y A GOOD SCARE 4l'IL BE BACK BEFORE MIDNIGNT"1 BY PETER COLLEY STARRING MURRAY WESTGATE -WITH JUDITH MCGILLIGAN SANDY CRAWLEY MARY LONG HAROLD PLINTH DlnnerlShow Package from $1 9.95 Nlghtly lncluding Sunday. 2 Shows Saturday. MARI 9L Dinner 419 SROCK STREET NORTH WHITBY 6689000TORJAJAX 6883911 EU.)THE CORPORATIONOF ' 4-L THE TOWN OF WH ITBY SALE OF' 1>983 DOG LICENCES The Town of Whitby will be offering for sale 1983 dog licences on a door to door basis from mid November to January 30, 1983., The Anderson Col- leglate Music Band and Rugby Club will be selling these licences on behaif of the Town. These stu- dents will be identified as Town of Whltby Repre- sentatives. Licence fees are as follows: $10.00 - Neutered Maie or Spayed Female $15.00 MaIe or Female Deborah A. Smart, Tax Collector, Town of WhltbY. VINCE'S GROCERY SUPER**P*E*IALS Primo 0 13 litres .......reg. 3.79299 Unico Red Skin Peanuts......... reg. 1.29 b.95 lb. TromatoeS 28 oz. tin. .. . ... reg. 109 .85 Deccecco Macaroni (imported> ....... reg. .95 u79 Unico Tuna 3.5 grams. reg. .99 NOW .79' FRESH PASTA& LASAGNA DAILY 214 Dundas St. E., Whitby ~ 668-5112 FRUIT BASKETS FOR ALI OCCASIONS beit wlthîn econo- mic -constraints? WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 24, 1982, PAGE 5 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald ý9 11%,1I 2 Rasscowan Ores. 218.ROO V AA HPPN LZ Agincaurt, Ont. The Compete Store for Women ~, )fO/OFF (N6vemnber 24 - November 27> CH R ISTMAS DRAW WI 111009 50,ý25' - . *- Gif tCertif 1cates Featurlng: Petite Collection* (5'4" and under) Dress &Sportswear à . Shop Early for Best Selections. We Offer You: ' In Store Specials - Great Selections (Not Advertised)* Lay-Away Plan ' e Personal Service Gift Certif icates eFriendly Atmosphere * Weekîy Specials Tamarraw's Fash ions To-Day 116 Br-o-ck'St. Se668-1-266 e' owntown Whîtby.- Store Hours: Mon.-Sat. 9ý-6 Fr1. 9-9 j' Christmas Hours Dec' 1-23 9-9'Sat. 9-6 *1 THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN OF WH ITBY NOTICE INAUGURAL COUNCIL MEETING THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY WiII hold the Inaugural Meeting of the 1983-85 Council a tthe' MUNICIPAL BUILDING 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby On MON DAY, DECEM BER th, 1982 at 8:00 p.m.- Citizens are cordially Invited to attend this Inaugu- rai Council Meeting. Those persons plannfing to attend the meeting are requested to advise Mrs. Verna Roberts, at the Municipal Building ( 668- 5803> accordingîy, on or before December 2nd, 1982. Wm. H. WALLACE, A.M.C.T., C.M.C., Administrator, Town of Whitby.- 575 Rossland Rd. E., Whitby, Ontario