WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 24, 1982, PAGE 21 .12 CARPENTRY and mrc rooms, alter- ations, repaire, small jobs, plumb- lng, maintenance, sews sherpin- ed, generai repaire. Experienced workmanshlp. Phone 728-2968, Oak for AI. CONGRATULATIONS on your for. thcoming marriage. Plisse vlîw aur semples of ingraved w.dding Invitations et your lelsure In aur Ajax Plaza store. Dlckson Prlntlng & Office Supplies 683196I8. TOMîN PALMISTRY The course of your lits laeshown ln your hand - l'Il read It for you. Phone 666&2405. HELP ia on the way for firme whose prIntir has recently gone out of business. Lou Dlckson hes the coat cuttlng Ideas you need et a ime like this, W31968. SERVICES "ORAMMAR for people Who hae grammar' le the Ideai pocket referince book for business peo. pie. $3.95 per copy and avallabis et DIokson Printing & Office Sup. pilies In the Ajax Plaza. Dealer en- quirites Invted 663-1968. Whltby's Most Widely Road CLASSIFE r I Olu A PIOftUISUIAI. CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS METRO LiC.,B-2554 Kitchens, Ceramic Tii1- Ing, Drywali, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES CAIL 668-4686, A COMPLETE ITRANSMISSION, DIFFEI rED CERANOWICZ 3BROCK ST. NORTH, HIGHEST PRICES Pald for Gol1d and Silver cOins, aid guns, docks, Jeweîery, dishes, furni- ture, cracks ,,ail paint- ings and sealers. 1 FRIENDLY FLEAARE 23 KING ST. W., OSHAWA 725-9783 ESERVICE ONi -UM :RENTIAL & DRIVE LINES PHONEW68-0737 I :ITBY, ONT., LiN 4H4 j W NNCNCENTS GARANT - Julie wouid like everyone, to know she has a, new baby brother,*Joseph David,, 7.Ibs.,7½1/ oz.,ý born Nov- ember ilfat 8:26 p.m. at the Oshawa '1General., Her mommy and daddy, Leslie- French and David Garant,. would Ilketo especially thank obstetrical 'nurse Mrs., P12ianeta and Dr. Brenda Calmns for their ýwarmn expert care In ensuring a saf e arrivai for the newest member of the family. Happy grand- parents are Shirley and Jim, French 0f West Rouge, and Moreen and Gaston Garant- of Candiac, Quebec. 1 PARENTS *TOBE * IPlace your newest famîiyl Imember's bith announce.I ImentIn theWhitbypFreel jProse et aur regular charge... A.picture of the newborn mili be pubiished FREE. only clear wailet-elzed IIphotos are acceptable for I publIcato n. Dedne forbr I th announcîmentswth pc * ure le Flday nmon prior tol pucton. ALONE. Are you tired of being elone? Are you unattached, separ- ated, single, or divorced? Meet that epecial person. Apply P.O. Box 104, Owen Sound, N4K 5Pi. PMase state age. May the sacred heart of Jesus be praised, adored and glorified throughout the whole world forever. Saythis prayer six times a day for nine days and favors 'wiii be grant-ed. Publication promised. P.M. Thank you HoIy Spirit for favours received. J.A.C. HELP FIGHÃT DNE HMADASUAN JEAN ANS FAsRIC SALE. Branùd name Jeans, reason- abiy priced. Loveiy upholstery fabrice nt $4a. yard. Good sec- tion o ai nearly new olothlng. On Tuesday, November 30 9 a.m. to05 p.m. andWednsday, December 1 gogo., 144 KiugSLE I, Osh~awa, SDE VÈLOPMENT -ANKI Pur representative JOHN MOULAND wiIÃŽ6îlbenthe Whitby area on THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2nd, to discuss FBDB Services: 1. Financial assistance for business. 2. Counselling to im- prov e business or soive problems. 3. Management.- train- ing and information on government pro. gramfs. FOR APPOINTMENT CALL JOHN MOULAND' (416) 576-6800 Fedoral Business Development- >Bank 22 King St. W. Oshawà NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS, In the Estate 0f PERCY JOHN REDSHAW, Retir- ed, deceased. AIl persons having dlaims against the Estate of Percy John Redshaw, who died Nov. 4th, 1982,. late of Whitby, Ontario, are flereby notified to send tay the undersigned Personal Representative on or bef ors the l7th'day. 0f December, 1982, full particulars of their dlaims. lmmediateîy after "he said date the said Pesonal ,Representative wiil distribute the, assets 0f the said estate having regard oniy to dlaims then f lied. Dated at Uxbrldge, Ont. ario, this l8th day of November, 1982. William George Redshaw, Executor, by HARRIS, FLETCHER, McKAY & MACK, Uxbridge, Ontario, his Solicitors herein. NOTICE TO ,CREDITORS/ muRS, > AND OTHERS In, the astate of Lorne Tarzweli, retirs labourer, deceased. Aill per'sans .having dlaims as credit- ors and heirsagainst the estate of theabove men- tioned, late,0f the 'Town ,of- W hitby in the Reglo'nal1 MunýIIpalIty-0f Durham who dled at the said town <0f Whitby o t itday of JuIy 1976, are requlred to file proof of same with the underslgned on or be- fore the 28th day 0 f December 198 2ý After that date the Public Trustee will proceed .ta ditrIbute, 'the es 'tate, having regard:only ta the claims of which he then shahl have had noôtice.. DATED at Toronto'this iSth 'Jay of ,'ýNovember 1982.ý PUBLIC TRUSTEE, ADMINISTRATOR 145 Queen Street West »Toronto, Ontario. M5H 2N8. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER 0F THE ESTATE 0F ERIKA HERMINE VON HAUSEN, late 0f the Town of Whit- by, in the Regional Muni-; cipality of Durham, housewife, deceased. TAKE NOTICE thatail creditors and others hav- inîg dlaims or demands against the estate of thme said Erika Hermine Von Hausen, who died on or about the 3Oth day of. Oc- tober, 1982, are required to give ta t he under- named their names, add- resses and full particulars 0f their cdaim on or.before December 29, 1982, after whichdate the estate wiIl be distributed having, regard only to the dlaims of which, the Executor then has notice. Volkmar VonHausen, Executor c/o Schilling, Evans 121 Brock St. North P.O. Box 267 WHITBY, Ontario Li N 5S1 CLASSIFIEDADS' CONTINUE ON PAGES 22 AND 23 0F THIS EDITION THE WORLD IS YOURS ..IF YOU KNOW THE RIGHT PEOPLE.... Wherever you move the Wei- come Wagon hostese ls the right pereon f0 heip you fin d a place ln your new community. -Cali 668-8943 CALL 8084111 ta place your ad ln the Whitby riefProsse. i a AT PiSase check your advertisement for errors on the first à da'y of publication. The Whltby Fres Press wlii not be hiable for ýfalurs ta pubiish an ad, or for typographic errors ln publica-. thon beyond the coet of the space accupied by the error up to a maximum cout of the f irst insertion. The Whitby Free tress.re.serves the right ,ta ciassify or rejeot ail advertiss- monts. Ado must appear ln the paper ane day before they con be changed or cancelied. CLASSIFIED RATES:- $350 for 20 words; ll each addition- ai word. You may charge your CiassIfied Ad ta, your ADS THE CRPORTION 0F THE TOWN"OF WH ITBV TOWN 0F WI4ITBY REQUIRES STOCK BUYER5 *TeTown 0f Whitby Tre asury.Department reqilres a Stock Buyer to work at the O'perations Centre. The successfui candidate. shail; have a minimumý Grade 12 education, compietio n of a f Irst-level ac- counting course ln a recognized accounting:,pro- gram,. or equivalent experience,and compietion of "lPrincIpies 0f Buying" course, or equivalent ex- perience. Knowledge of automotive parts :and equipment wouid be an asset. Duties shaii include; the Impiementation an~d açi- mInistration of an inventory, control systeri, t'me co-ordination and -administration 0f purchaulIng requiremente for the Operations Centre aà nd preparation of job. costing reporte for Input into a computerized accounting system. Salary Range: $21 ,050.00 to commence. Acknowledgement oniy to those applicants .suc- cessful ln obtaining an Interview,. Serious applicants, need oniy. apply. Applicatilons accompanied by detailed resume are to be sub- mitted to the Administrator's Office, noted beiow, and m ust' be received by 5:00 p.m., Friday, Decem- ber lOth, 1982. Wm. H. Wallace, A.M.C.T., C.M.C., Administrator, The Corporation of the Town of Whitby, 575 Rossiand Road East, Whitby, Ontario. Li N 2MV8 $1 0090001UN 18 MONTHS CALIFOANIA CO. NOW EXPANDINO INTO CANADA. Be onei of the first ln your aria. A true ground floor opportunity. Muiti-level marketing combined wlth the simplicity of mail or- dors. You do flot have ta, stock any product. You do flot have f coileat money. You do flot have book work. For more Inforibia- tion cail IRRL Daytime 576-5990 Eveningu 579-9552. Note: Any. body In multi-level marketing con join as this dose flot affectyour business. 2 PART-TIME SKATE SHARPENER required. ,Position. aultable for retIred person. Experience would be an.aseet. 'Appiy f0 Towni of WhItby, Iroquois Park Are, 668. 7765. NOTICS OPEN HOUSE To celebrate the golden wedding anniversary of Our parents and grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Staveren Sr. of' Whitby, the chiidren wish ta invite relatives and friends, to an Open House, to be heid at Fair. view Lodge auditorium Tuesday, November 30, 1982 f rom 2 to 4 and f rom 7 to 9 p.m. Best wishes oniy piease. AVON Feel good about what you do. Represent Ameri ca's No. i direct seiiing Com- pany. Seli beautiful pro- ducts, cos metics, f 'ra- earnings ln time for Christmas. We have open territories in North Osha- wa, Whitby, Brookiin areas. Cali Now 668-5463 SALESPEASONS experienced In space advertislng, good commis- sion, muet have a vehicie. Phone 66&.7390. HOUSE CLEANINO done. Expert, professonal service. Reasonabie rates. Cail Lynne eOS-6549. ________________________ I I i I TENTION DISPLAY,&,CLASSIfIED ADVERTISI ýChargex orylq4a9count. Please have your Visa* card ready, BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.010 for the first 10 wrd; 2*eacdh" additional word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANK.S - $8.00 for the flrst 50 words; 12* each additional >word'..- AUCTION SALES - 32s per lins. (No Word ada allowed.) BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers aie.available at an additlonaî charge of $2.0b. The Whitby Free Press wiIl make 'every on- djeavour to forward replies to box numbers, however, we ac-t- cdpt. nocriabililyreggrding losa or damage aîîeged ta arise thraugh failure or.dsiay in 'forwardîng sych replies. We wilI no eeponsibie for box number raPiis l aiêed for DEADLINES: Monday noon priar to publication ta Insert -or cancel Cîassified Ado. Friday faon prior to publication ta Insert or cancel Emporlum Ads. CALL 668-6111 St Clair MEDY *Safeway Paza Midtown MaIl* EU T 110 lrco N 20John St. TU cm MT T1AI1 OshawaI 668-61111 I CALL I ALLMAKE SERVICE CENTRE Prowpt flvfrssiaffw(S&rvie ta, ail mak es of/ap(iafs. 24 Calder Cres cent WHITBY, ONTARIO LiN 6M3 Phone 666-3222 for service ERVOES] SE3CES el . . Imission - ---Mmm6d 'tELP WANTEW W% a