Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 24 Nov 1982, p. 20

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,PA,&GE 2O,.WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 24, 1982,,WHITBYFR.EE PRESS 'E..m ARTICLES FOR SALE AIR CONDITIONER for side slder window, ,000 BTU's, bargaîn -et $160. Cali Oshawa 725-5336. BEAuMARK f ree arrn portable zig Zag9sewing machine, n cany case. Asking $130. Cali 086-3674. BOYS SKATES - New, n@eer usod, CC.M-: Super Tacks, size 3W½, $75. Phonoe6M-4271.- Used one season, C.C.M. Super Taoka, sire.3 and 4W, $40,each. Phono 6554271. CROSS-COUNTRYSI, 190 cm. wlf h polos and boots, sire à, "b. Cross-country boots, sire 7é, $12. Figjre skates, sizo 5. $4.. Figure skateýs, air 6, $0. Boys Cougar boots, size 6, $6.. Two schooi deaksý,'blue arnd red, aoh ft$12. Hamster cage, round, sfuitrdy, metal, liko new, $10. Phonoe68- G482enings. DRUMS for salie Base, Snaro, Tom-Tom, Crash Symbol, plus smalior symbol attached. In good condition. Asking $250. Also want f0 soit good bed and mattrose for $25. PMesse call 576-1911 affer 5 p.m. FOR SALE - Spin washer, gold color, only usod two monthe, $200. Hlgh chair, ln excellent'condition, $25. Cali 668&1385. FOR SALE - 2 pair boy's, Bauer skates, sire 5 & 5½0, $10 osch. Mens Torino skis with polos & boots $40. 'Antique buffet wlth mirror $100. Bookcaso, 3 shoîves with 2 doors et the bottom, $75. Atari vldeo gamo, 6 cartrldges, $250. Singer;- treddie aewing, machins $25. Color IVeset, RCA, 26" floor model, $50. Chesterfield & chair, gold, $100. Picnic table $20. Mens, 10 spoed biko,lilght-, weighf, new tires & tubas, $75. Assortmont of books & records $10. Tyco racing car set, command control, $25. Phono 579-333. LARGE train.set, N-Gaugo, 124 cars, 16 onginos, 27 oloctric ewlt- ches, building and ftransformera. Asking $1,495. Calil fer 6 p.m. 5793408. MUSICRAT fur coat, sire 12-14, good condition, $250. Cati 668- 0127 affor 6p.m. ONE 8' oioctric baseboard hoafer w1tth bulit-in thermoetat, $40. One coder door, 32" wide x 81", with trame and iock, $100. Phono 668. 4686. ONE tae fur coaf, sire 44, $100. One Serte b.d cheeterfieid bod, nover usod, $250. One brown tweed wlntor coat, sire 16, $50. One Woatherali rein coaf., sire 14, $10. Phone 688-1398. 'ritekSftt PORTABLE TYPEWRITER ONLY $45 SNOW- BLOWER ONLY $300, ' *S« *cl* above PEU.. __ i mi, w,'. Emporium Ads wîlllonly be accepted àsubjecet to the following conditions. I IIU M FOR SALE, ONE truck cap for haif ton truck, insuiated, with lights, $150 or boat offer. One 80 galion f ish tank, ail accossories, $250. Chocolat. brown poodlo, il months, fuliy house trainod, not rogisfored, $75 or boat offer. Phono 668-1260. PA. SYSTEM wif h reverb.' Two 100-watt heede 'and s six-channel mlxing board. Two bas cabinets and two tweefor-horn cabinets. Aiso han covers bulit for the road. Includles many extras. Bought new $3,500. WliI sacrifice $1,300. Serlous Inquries oniy. 728-7158 anyfime. PIERRE CARDIN double-breasted raincoat, mon's, size 44 regular, beige. Worn f ive timesi $60. Phono 571-3423 affor 6 pm POOL. TABLE, soIid oak rails, fait cioth, rubbercushlons, balle, cuos and rack lnciuded, Ilko now, $350. Schooi dosk, soîid oak, $45. An- tique T.V., 7" Admirai, wood cabinet, t ret model Admirai T.V. manufaotured ln Canada, working Ilko oid, $425. SoIId walnuf trestie table $300. Kitty bed, solid bIrch, disposabie sanifary mattrees, $59. Phone 668-4098. SKIS, boots and polos. Ski iongth 170 cm. 800f size 10. Price $85. Also, oid recorda <78). Prico for lot $35. Phono 683-6638. SNOWBLOWER, 3 h.p., good as new, - maii tune-up roqulred. Asking $300. Phono 668-2388. STERLING SILVER ladios watch $75. Phono -morni ngu unt il 1 668- 3579, afternoons and evenings 668-6424. THOMAS DELUXE European 1125 electric organ with a double koy- board. Includes bench, ight and sheef music. Lîke new. Asking $975. A nice Christmas gift. Phono 668-2725. 1 THREE oak chaire $15 each. Brase lamps $30 pair. Large full eizo mirror $20., Car jack with stands, heavy duty, $60. Phono 683-6638. WALNUT BUFFET with gises doors, excellent condition, $150. Outeide waii chimney unit for wood stove, $200 or besf cfiter. Dorchester sereo' with twin speakers $25. Phono 668-0495. WATER PUMP, piston type, fo r ehaliow welis and lakos, suction 1", manufacturer "DURO". includ- Ing motor, gauges, foot valve, 30 gais. gaiv. tank, ail fittinga. Price $185. Phono 655-3004. WOOD 24' extension iadders $30. Snow skimmer, ail steel, $50. Phono 668-1987. -PLEASE READ - Whon the advertlsod Item le sold, dlsposed of, or uneveilablo for whatevor reason, the Item wiiI bo deernsd te, have been soid and a commission wiii b. charged basod on THE ADVERTIS8ED PRICE as ilusfrafe'd b.lew, règardiosa If prIce la stafed with "lbeet offer." If the Item la NOTSOLO, or dispose d of, the ad wIii b. mun f or 3 MONTHS and'e MINIMUM CHARGE et $600 wIlli apply payable ln advanceo f publication of the tiret ad. Otherwlso a 87.50 charge.wIli ap- ply If bilod which muet bo paid upon receipf of bill. The above minimum chargea wlilibo applied te the final commissiondus but In any case the highor amnount wlii b. chargod. Minimum charge: $6 '.00 pro-paid; 87.50 bIled. Maxmum commission: $100.00. Ail advortIsements muet b. piacod on an ex- clusive besia with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run et basf one rrtonth If nef sold. 5% of adwertlsed price Up to $400.00 RAT.jS(if aricfl, le soid): 2% of balance over S40.00 EXAMPLE: Sold Item advertlied for $12000. Commission due $8.00 (minimum charge la $600>. Privaie advertising onlyl Please notify the< Whitby Free P2rose immediateiy whon Item le sold s9 that we may doieto lif from the toiiowing Issue. Ail ada not tittIng the Emporium guidelinos wili bo troatod and chargod por woek as regular ciassIfIod ade on a pre-paid basis such as: services, heip wanted, clothing, rosi ostate, and personai message type ada, or ads nof quotIng prtco or quantity. Prîvato ciassifIod ada may appoar ln the Emporum section under appropriafe hoadIngs. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPÉCIFIED. MAIL APS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206' Whitby, LiN 5S1 If In doubt celi: 668-6111 OR DELIVER TrO: 131 Brock St. N. Whitby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS 1 HE FR1 DAY PREVIQUS TO PUBLICATIION AT NOON. TURN UNWANTED ARTICLES INTO CASH FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING Use this form to mail In your Emporium Ad I have read the Emporium guidelines anà wish to have the following advertise- ment placed underthis section of the Whitby Free Press. _______________________(don't forget to * I enclose $6.00 to cover the minimum charge * Charge $6.00 to my Visa account E 11 il me $7.50 at ter f irst publication of my ad, card No.- Exp. Date7 Noms pleaso print - tiret and lset name) Street Addres City Postai Code ____________________________ I à~i ARTICLES FOR SALE WALNUT FINISH 6 drewerbhed- roomTfdresser with mineor and mat- chIng douüble b.d with box sprIng. Excellent condition. $130 com- plots. Phonoe668-4276. include your phone number) Q> MAIL WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. BOX 206 131 BrOck St. N. Whitby LIN 5S1 ANTQUE ANTIQUE PINE - Nova Scof la ropo bod, 48" wido, asklng $250. Phono 655-4271. WHITBY FREE PRESS 8688-6111 ~GBULES F OR8SAEt 1977 AMERICAN MOTORS PACER, 60,000 miles, 2 door, blue. Asking $3,000. Phone 6554352. 1976 HONDA CIVIC, hatchback, automatic, one owner, body good, good running côndition,, needa tires f0 b. certif led, 57,000 original miles.. $1,200 or best offer. Phono 668-1564. 1974 CH1EVý NOVA, A-1 shape,, $1 ,50 or best offer, as- le. Phono 655-3027. 1974 CHEVELLE, 4 door, B8 cylin- der, best offet. Minimum $50. Phonoe68-994. 1972 CHEV CAPRICE CLASSIC, 400 motor and transmission, new brakes ail the way around. Asking $500 or besf reasonabie offer. Phono 668-9840. 1971 CHEVELLE, compieteiy re- etored and certified. Asking' $1,800. Phono 655-4517 or 655- 4989. 1971 VENTURA, 6 cylinder, rune good. Neede some body work. As la $300. Phoneo 6686297. ~~PARPARTS FIVE uniroyal steel beltod radiais, LR78x1S, chrome caps and rings, spare brand new. $400 or beat of- for. Phono 668-9228. ONE SPARE- TIRE, H78114, white wallon rim, $10. Four hub'caps, Plymouth, $1.50 each. Phono 668., 5227. tOUSEHDiD CABINE T STEREO, o xcelient con- dit ion, $350., Antique wood burn- ing c00k stovo $175. Wall painting $10. 9-pieco mahogany dining roomn suite $1,200. Smaii baby crib $40. Wlll take bost 0f fer on ail ar- ticles. Phono 571-0271 anytime. CURVED SPACE furnituro,. thre plaes, incIuding spoon chair. Ex- cellent 'condition. Asking $400. Phono 668-1564. DINING ROOM, 4 chairs, table, buffet, hutch, excellent condition, $250. Gir's white bedroom suite $100. Air conditionor $40. Glass covored rattan table $90. 008k and table $80. Wicker book sheif $25. come have s looki 668-937. I I i i i Save your feet for Christmas entertaining - let your fingers do the walking when you're Christmas shopping! Check the bargains you'Il find in the Free Press Emporium. These are only a few examples of *the Christmas gifts you can dlaim with POOL TABLE ONLY $350 just a phone cali. FISH TANK ONLY$250 yo'r itec Colctor 78 RECORDS ONLY,$35 SELL YOUR UNWANTED ARTICLES IN THE FREE PRESS EMPORIUM .0 0q 0 0s 0. FULLY LINED antique satin -gel drapes, ln good condition, te ftf' wîndow 168"1 wlde x 92" long an aise 102" wido x 92" long, $12, Green unlined polyester drapai 150" x 95", $25. Phono 668-372 etter 5 p.m. OLO wardrebe, mîrrors and dras ors,, $75. Antique fable, mahc gany, $125..,Phono 683-638. SEARS treet-freo refrîgeratc freezer wlth Ico maker. Fuli sizi Brown,>. Geod condition. Oni $150. Phono 725-7729 deye. SINGLE» BED wlf h mettrose,i good condition, $50. Two plae et breedloom, bluo, 12' x 18' $12 12' x 8' $40. Phono 668-960. SOLID WO-00D chestorfiold ar fwo mafchi ,ng chaIrs,'biuo stripe cushions, $150. Phono 668-6144. WASHER and dryer for sale, gea working ordor, $225 for pair. Bull In diehwesher $225. Phono 831 3213 effer 5 p.m. WILTON RUG (made by Harding 9x12, oembossod mushiroon b.lge, wif h underîay, $65.- Aium num etorm and, ecreen door wit grill, sire 33'/4"x80 %", $45. Bett room follet tank and sf001 se white, $20. 14" celer TV, bren now, Sears mako, $350. Phonoe6Mi 1345. WRINGER WASHER, exceller condition, $235. Phono 623-7522. te-LiRFORESALE I4,FOOIT HOUSE TRAILER, Shan rock, biuoeand white, eleope sink, ice box, 3:àfove burno teilof. Asking, $3,000. Phono 651 4352.ý SNMOBîOLE' FOORALELE 1975 TNT SKIDOO, 340, good- rur ning shape and excellent cond tion, neede iitf le werk on f lbri glass hood. Asking $700. Phon 839-9725. TRUCSIV ~~ ~FOR S.SALE 1970 Ã"MC Y4 Ton Truck, long box 10-1 pistons, eluminum Intako much more, $1.100 or bosf offsi must ssii. 1975 Honda 500 mofor cycle, needs tune up, In gooc shape, $500. Bof h for $1,400. Cal Wado 668-7520. ONLY $250 N.S.' ROPE BED ONLY$250 S»e &ds above 6686111 M CLASIFIED ADVERTISING BRINGS GREAT RESULTS WHITBY« FREE PRESS.00000

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