PAGE 30s WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 17, 1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS, Whltby's Most WideIy Read ýCLASS<IFIED ADýS Continued From Page 29 FORRSASALE Wide selectlonof reasonably prlced cars. 597 Slmcoe St. S., just North of 401 725 1-4011 iVtutom-ivE U REPIPARîRPARTS AUTrOMOBILES 10 FOR SALE I 1972 FORD LTD, power steering, power brakes, automatlc, good condition. $450 as is or can b. cer- tified. Phone 668-1210. 1948 M47 MERCURY ½h ton pick- up,, restored 'body, f lat bed, V8 aengine, many new parts. Asking $3,500. Phone 668-3863. AUVOOTIVE UREPAIRS/RPARTS NOWINOSAA DOe.- He HO DASpeis. s ARTI CLES FOR RENT TYPEWAITER RENTAL, many makes and modela, by the week- end, -week or month. Dscounts avallable. Dickson PrIntlng & 0f- lice Supplies ln the Ajax Plaza. Cail us for business machine repaire 683-1968. ~ONS CDz I1 FREE: Drop Imb the Dickson Print. ing & Office Suppiy store in the Ajax Plaza and pick Up a f ree copy of their 1982 Metrlc Caiendar. Prlnted In two cotours, it makes for handy reference. 683.198 ~0NS GUN ACIN FRIDAY EVENING - NOlV. 19 At D & M Sales Barn, R.R. 2, Lindsay (one mile west of Lindsay, on the Little Britain Road>. Sale time 7:00 p.m. For.those wIshing to consign guns to this sale, we are regIstering Thursday evening tili 10 p.m., and Friday from noon. (We are expect- Ing close to a hundred gun sale.) For more details cail Lindsay 324-9560 or Res. 324-2472. WR. (BUD) McKEE' AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, NOV. 20 >AT 1:00 P.M. Clearing auction 0f household contents, gar- den & carpeniters tools, mlsc., etc. for Mr. & Mrs. A. Timms, iocated on Hwy. 12, approx. 2½/ miles forth of Brooklin. Partial list'includes old pilne- chest, varlous chairs, bed set, appiianc- es, old kitchen table, side- board, 22 gun, CNR lam»p, large quantity of tools, Mastercraft. iawn mower, tiller, snow biower, trailer, wheelbarrow, iadders, Panzer il h.p. tractor wlattachments & other good misc. Items. Terms cash or cheque. No reser- ve. HENRY KAHN AUCTIONEER 985-8161 AUCTION SALE Brooklin Community Centre Cassols Rd. E., Brooklin SUN., NOV. 21 -1 P.M. For the estate 0f the late Peggy Lamb. Antique & modern furnishings, large amount of giassware & china, coilectabies & treasures. EARL DAVIS AUCTIONEER 728-4455 WANNAMAKER AUCTION SERVICES 1814 Charles St., Whitby EVERT MON. 4 THUMS. AT 6:30 P.M. Ail estates and consignments welcome. The place to boy or suN. We wiii pick Up. 666-3731 668-8403 <DAY5) (EVOS.) AUCTION SALE XMAS TOYS - GIFTS THURSDAY, INOV. 25 6 P.M. AT STOUFF VILLE SALES BARN Be sure to join us again this year for our l9th an- fluai Christmas Toy Sale. Doils, trucks, games, books, crayons, wrapping paper, cards, cand les, giftware, stocking stuff- ers, something for every-, one - Ho Ho Ho! SALES BARN STAFF - AUCTIONEERS, AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, NOV. 27 Auction Sale of new & re- buiit tools & equipment, the property 0f Brooklin Tooi Co. Ltd., Brooklin, Ont., 2½/ miles west of Brookiin, 12 miles east of Markham, on Hwy. 7. A real good selection of tools, compressors, lathes, drill presses, tooi chests, welders, sanders, hydraulic jalcks, saws, hoists, pullers, many Items of equipment. (See next week's paper for de- tails.> - Sale at 10:30 a.m. - NORM & PHIL FAULKNER AUCTIONEERS CALL M0811 1 1 ôPlace Your ad In the Whitby Free Press. ANNUAL SKI DOO AUCTION SATr., NOV. 27 - 1l A.M. At OR VAL McLEAN AUC- TION CENTER, LIND SA Y. WANTED - Snowmobiles, sporting goods, tools,, machlnery, tractors, vehi- dles, trailers, guns., Al consignments must be at barn by Nov. 20. To con- sign cail 324-2783 Llnd-, say. OR VAL McLEAN AUCTIONS (ZPMETS7T1 ONO FOR RENT FOR RENT - Apartment, Brookiin area. Walk-out, separate entrance, lower level, 1 bedroomn, 4-plece bath, very large ilvingroom wlth firepiace and large kitchen. Presently fumnished. Rent approxi. MatelY $250 par month. Would suit ei.deriy couple who wouid enjoy modern accommodation with very picturesque rural and garden en- vironmenî. Repiy toi Box 414, Brookiin, Ontarlo. TWO BEDROOM apartment "In quiet weii-maintained Whitby building availabie December 1. Fridge, stove, hydro and parking Included. Heated garages, laundry facilities and cable TV available. Only one b'ock'away f rom GO and local bus stops. Cali 66372 be- tween 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday 10 Friday. HZOES WHITBY - Private sale. 3 bedroom, 2 storey, detached, 1i' ½ batha, flnished rec room. ln Otter Creek. $68,800. Make an offer. Phone 1 0AUONOS CORNELS AUCTION BARN AUCTION SALE FR1., NOV. 19 -.6:30 P.M. 3 miles east of Little Bni- tain or 7 miles- west of Lindsay on the Lindsay/ Little Britain Rd. The property of *Mr. & Mrs. Sutton 0f Blackwater plus others. With a Findiay oval cookstove, 9-pc. walnut dining room suite, parlor chairs, portable color TV's, settee, 15 cu. ft. freezer, Gi'bson dish- washer, chesterflid & matching chair, chrome kitchen suite, 8-pc. diningroom suite, coffee & end tables, antique dressers, chests of draw- ers, hall table, refrigera- tors, qty. 0f table lamps, Quebec heater, vinyl ch.esterfieid, wardrobes, Savin model 200 photo- copier, 1978 Dodge van, certifled, 1976 Ford 1/ ton, 'cerltif led (28,000 mi.), q ty. - 0f picture f rames, tools, china & glass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R. 1, Little Britain- (705) 786-2183 AUCTION SALE SUN., NOV. 21 - 1 P.M. At PEARCE AUCTION CENTRE on Shirley Rd., 4 mi. South' 0f Port Perry. New toy. auction wvith brand'names Ilke Kenner, Ideai, lrwIn, Star Wars, Coleco, Buddy L,' and others plus dolîs, doil houses, Christmas trees. cards, trimm*Ings and much more. Plus some furniture and house.hold Items. For more informa- tion cali 985-7492.- PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 985-7492 - 1 . 1 The hlghest or any1 accepted. T..234 Ontario tender will -fot necessariiy'be Ministry of Gomerment Services FOR RENT FOR IRENT] OTTER CREEK E Store for rent in new neighborhood plaza in prime Whitby subdivision. - Air conditioned - Cali Mr. SearleI (416) 223-6550I 'I M I M I M SIS OCEANIC 7 day Winter Cru ses from Fort Lauderdale CaIIing at San Jùan, St. Thomas -St. Maarten From $885 U.S. Fo oeiformation contact Russell Travel "Vour travel is our business" AI passport Picture Complemeintary Marion with booking., 126 Brock St. S. Mon.-FrI. 9-6 Whltby 668-5000) Sturday 10-1 'I M" m - iii vontira OFFICE THREE.ROOM WHITBY OFFICE SUITE with private washroom. Has over 750 sq. fit. of fuiiy broadioom. ed and air-condltloned spaciaus- ness. Main office about 32 feet long. Couid be dlvided into smaii. er offices. For.further InformatIon cati Mr. Burgess between 9 ar. and 5 p.m. at 668"372. M" 1O r io Z d e n mie 11.T1e mndrT LEASE 0F FARM LAND Tenders are invlted for the lease of 37.2 hectares (91.9 acres)- farm land, situated in part of Lot 34, Concession 6, Town of Whitby, Regional Muni- cipality of Durham. One year lease term with an option for a four year renewaI wth a one-year can- cellation clause. RentaI to be established by the landlord. The property is situated 1.6 km (1 mile) east of Durham Road 23 on Hlghway 7. This property may be viewed by appointment onIy. Tender documents may be obtained f rom the rep- resentat Ive or f rom: Ministry 0f Government Services Public Tenders Office Room M1-43A, Macdonald Block Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario, MA7A 1 N3 Telephone (416) 965-1152 Seaied tenders wiil be received until 3:00 p.m., Friday, November 26, 1982, at which time they wili be opened In public. Tenders wiil be opened- in Toronto. Please quote File No. M807-23. NOTE: Fo r further information, please contact Martha McBurnie, Ministry of Government Ser- vices, Toronto, Ontario, Telephone (416)>965-2040. FOR SALEENT ~~L~7~E Tirdparty- named -m 'b, a%4 à m *J -A A professor from York lUniversity Pas been appointed to mediate the current contract dispute' be- tween Durham second- ary sehool teachers and the Durham-Board of Education. Graeme MeKeclinie, Chairman of York's Economies Depart- ment, was appointed by the Education Relations Committee, at the re- quest of the teachers. The teachers asked J or a mediator, after talks once again broke off November 1ilover the issue of saffing and pupil-teacher. ratio (PTR). The teachers have been without a contract since August of this year, and negotiations have been' underway sporadically since Mar- ch. Among other things, the governmnent's' in- coming restraint legis- lation bas slowed the negotiations. Following a "fact-finder's" report Congratulations .on your achievements and successful complietion in Respiratory Technology from the Toronto Insti- tute of Medical Techno- logy. ._uiPute into the dispute, it was recommended tha.t, ýno agreemnent ,ýtak ë Iplà ce until the legislitiÃin bas been'passed d à iinter-i preted. "I'm very, plef.edJ thà ýat a miediator b as been ppoini'ted," said Ba, Glass, chiefu<go tiator for the teèachers. Glass said she expeets MeKeclinie to eall a meeting of the two par- ties in the near future to!i resume negotiations. i "As I understan d it, the mediator's function is to bring the two sides together," Glass said. -"He may act as a messenger interpreting each side to' eacb other."' A mecliator differs froin an arbitrator in that his role is flot to make binding resolu- tions. "He will likely act as a catalyst to the agree- ment," Glass said. At press time, no meeting of the two par- ties had beeni scheduled. m LINDA MARGARET TOWN (NEE MOYLE) Grandmnother Gladys Williams, father Leo- nard Moyle, husband John and sons Eran and Michael are happy for you and wish you ail the, best in your new career.