The followving are the j'resuits of Brooklin- jWitby Minor Hockey Association representa- tive team play Novem- ber 8 to 14, 1982. Novice: Sponsored by the Warriers. Whitby 3 vs. Ajax 0. Whitby sprers were Brent Crawford (2) and Derek Dixon. Shut-out by Garrett Hansford and Jonas Derks. 1 Whitby 5 vs. Picker- ing 3. Gary Wright scored the three goals for Pickering. Whitby scores by Mike Brillen- ger,* Conal Tackney, Kiley Moulton, Clayton Stillar and Mike GaI- braith. Whitby 2 vs. Mark- ham. 4. Whitby scorer Mike Brillenger (2). Atom 2: Sponsored by Algoma Apple Market. Whitby 1 vs. Thornhill 5. Scores for Thornhill by Dino D'Aman s (3) and Sean Feenem (2). Whit- by scorer Jason Bradimore. Major Atom: Sponsor- ed by Peacock Sports. Whitby 2 vs. Belleville, 3 (exhibition). Scorers for Belleville, Chris Longo, Tony Dunham and Steve Dobiecli. Whitby scor- ers Grayson Hefford and Adrian'Deveau. Whitby 0 vs. Thornhill 8. Thornhill scorers, Joel Bishop (4), Jordan Wagman, Sean Win- trane, Chris Jeens and Brian Ducneck. Minor Peewee: Spon- sored by Scott's Chicken WHITBY EREE PRESS "WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 17, 1982, PAGE 27 )ESPOIRTS**...>MI1OR HOCKEY Villa. Whitby >4 at Thorn- hili 4. Scorers for Thor- nhill, Shane Cretny (3) and Cory Oliver. Whitby scores by Tim Weber, Chris Page, Todd Wil- son and Bryan Thomp- son.. Whitby 7 at Bowman- ville 2. Bowmanville scores by W. Dennis and D.. Lever. Whitby scorers Brian Mueggler (2), David Grant (2), Keith Primeau, Bryan Thompson and Adam Foote. Whitby 6 vs. Peter- borough à . Scores for Peterborough by, Jow Hawley (2), Boyd Btor- gan, Paul Shelton and Mike Koulin. Whitby scores by Keith Primeau (3), Bryan Thompson, Tim Weber and David Grant. Whitby 5 at Markhani 1. Brad May scored for Markhamn. - Whitby scores by Adam Foote, (2), Bilan Mueggler, Bryan Thompson and Keith Primeau. Major Peewe~: Spon - sored by Brooklin- Whitby Minor Hockey Association. Pickering 3 at Whitby 4. Whitby< scores by Justin Moore, Troy McKay, Mike Reier and Jaan Luik. Thornhill 2 at Whitby 4. Whitby scores by Troy McKay (2), Justin Moore and Jean Luik. Whitby 10 vs. New- market 5 (exhibition). Scores for Newmarket by Blair Smith (2), Rýich Bangîmnaier and Jon LILIAN NORTH People like LILIAN NORTH have heiped the CENTURY 21R' system become the Number 1 real estate sales organization in North America. In 1980 alone, the CEN- TURY 21 system heip. ed generate over $25 billion In real estate transactions. Whe- ther you're buying, selllng, moving or in- vesting, lt's People like LILIAN, NORTH who can help you with ail your real. estate needs. Cal us, today. Caeil us, today. 668--6221 824 IROC ST. N. "Rlght AcrosFrom The Curling Rlnk." !NDEPINDENTLY OWNID AND OPERATED. 198-) itCentury 21 Real Estate Corporation GlVEYOUf- 7/ FAMILY THE GIFT II OF MUSIC .... A NEW LOWREY ORGA NI There's a model just right for your family and budget. Come in and do your Christmas! Christmas lay away plan! Books - Lessons - Service NALL NeUSIC' MIDTOWN MAL OSHAWA 571-2100 Oshawa 2. Whitby scores by Scott Burnett (3), Tom Clark, (3), Chris Daley (3) and Bill Kellestine. Whitby 5 at Richmond 11h11 5. Whitby scores'by Doug McCorkell (2), Tom Clark, Chris Daley and Eric Lind.' Major Midget: Spon- sored by Vigil Systems Ine. Bowmanville 0 at Whitby 13. Whitby scores by Joe Niewen- dyk (4), Ian Parsons (2), Bob Anderson, (2), Gord' VanKessel (2), Dave Donaidson, Dave Sachko and Steve Guy. Juvenile: Sponsored by Brooklin-Whitby Sanderson. Whitby scores by Justin Moore (2), Steve Everaîl, Scott Luik, David, Clarke, Mike Reier, Jaan Luik, Derek Dalby, Troy McKay and John Wind- over. Peewee 2: Sponsored by Brooklin-Whitby Minor Hockey Associa- tion. Whitby 1 vs. Cobourg 3. Scores for Cobourg by Justin Hol- land, Pete Cameron and Rich Ferguson. Whitby score by Frank Corrick. Whitby 4 vs. Mark-' ham 2. Markham scores by Mike Huchan (2). Scores for -Whitby by Brian Munro (2), Brad Mvoore and Frank Cor- rick. Minor Bantam: Spon- sored by the Optimists. Whitby 12 vs. Kingston City 1. Whitby scores by Derek MacCarl (3), Dale Seto (2), Danny O'Connor (3), Todd Car- ter (2)', Stuart Holter and Derek Middleton. Whitby 0 vs. Kingston Township 7. Whitby 3 vs. Kingston Towns hip i. Whitby scores by Stuart Holter (2) and Derek Middle- ton. Bantam 2: Sponsored by Brooklin Concrete. Whitby 9 vs. Pickering 2. Pickering scores by T. Whitely and Paul Smith. Scores for Whit- by by Brad Horner (2), Steve Hawkins '(2), Albert, Curtis (3) and' Chris Curd (2). 1Major Bantam: Spon- sored by 'Brooklin- Whitby Minor Hockey Association. Pickering 6 at Whitby 8. Scores for Whitby by Greg Roberts (4), Gary Marks;' Blair\~ Haslam, Dale Johnson and Greg Dewitt. Minor Midget: Sponý- sored by Vigil Systemns Inc. Kingston 2 at Whit- by il. Scores for Whitby by Tom Clark (2), Chris Daley (2), Bull Kellestine (2), Brad Dalgarino (2),* Kevin Brownlee, Doug Mc- Corkell and Scott Bur-- nett. Minor Midget: Spon- sored by Vigil Systems Inc. Whitby 10 at CaiI UsNow Minor Hockey Associa- tion. Whitby 4 at Picker- ing 2. Whitby scores by Derek Kotyluk (2) and Jeff Hanley (2). Guitde THE GREAT WALL, 116 Dundas Street West, Whitby 668-7021. A favourite eatlng spot for Chinese food loyers. A large selection of Canadian dishes also served. Prices range from $3.00 and Up for lunch, and $4.20 and Up for dmnner. Open 'from 1l a.m. to 1 a.m. wreek- days, Friday and Satur- day open tfil 2:30 a.m. We. are now fullylicen- sed. Tuesday closed. 4 s Floatlng Hearts Bracelets 14 Kt. 3 Colour 6 Dlamond Italien Cluster Rings only 23.50 gram only $95-00 Largesi Selection Computsrlzed 0f GoId Charms Apprasals 1Discount At Both Flea Market Locations. 1) Whitby (Davis Marine>. Coupon Must Be Presented At Time 0f Purchase.50 expires Novenber 30,1982 I I LISTINGS 3/%Real Estate Fee. 2 or 3 bedroomn older homes in Whitby, Brooklln or Ashburn. PrIce Range - $49,000.-$64,00.00. Cail Now 668-0515 Ast on Brumnley Real Estate Mt. Whitby Aluminium It's time for REPLA CEM ENT WINDOWS 668-2252 68é-1 853 852-3318 283-2067 Uxbrldge Toronto INTERESTED?? In lots, acreage, es- tates, farms or variety of homes in the Ux- bridge, . Brock, Scugog area. Cail Douglas Joyce Real Estate Ltd. 852-3318 Meet Our Top.October Salesperson. 15%