PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 17.19U2 WHITBY FREE PRESS SPORTS WEEK w. BrooklinmWhitby Min or Hockey Association Hlouse League Resuits: Nov. 8-14, 1982 JUVENILE Il Canada........ .......i1 Gus Brown PontiacBuick ...3 eg Gibson Ron Noble Brad Sleter Daryl Papoushek ooklin Esso ...............O0 Whitby Dmno Hardware ... 3 Chris Williams 2 Dan Garrard Shut-oÛt:. Mike Muir MIDGE Kinsmen....................4 Renay Coflins 2 Mike Doherty Glen Cottau Sun Gold...................o0 ROY's Enterprises ...........i Glen Gagnon Danforth Typewriters........ 4 Tom Kiinaftakis 2 Bob Chow Scott Thomson Norton Insurance ........... 6 Richard Neely 3 Jamie Prost Nicholas Oram Michael Turner Checker's Varlety ........... 6 Blair Haslarn 4 Kiwanis ...................5 RobertDelong 2 Gord Muschett 2 Ray Ryan Dom's Auto Parts ........... 4 Mike Clarke 2 Scott Webber Steve Guy, ýANTAM White Rose Nurseries.........i David Bolton LASCO Steel Red.............i Andrew Kurlich LASCO Steel Black............ 4 Chris Loughlean 3 Neil Muschett Whitby Welding ............ i.1I Trevor Taylor Richa'rd Dymont Steve Dymont MAJOR ?PEEWEE Pizza Tree ................. 4 Scott Maclntosh 2 Robert Kirk Dwýighit'Claxton F.K.L. Mfg...................4 Brian Smith 3 Mike Butler MAJOR ATOM Midas Muffler ..........5 Jamie'Brousseau 2 Chad Harvey Rob McLean Don Belanger Kamelia Footwear .......... 4 Scott Spencer -2 Scott MacPhail Adam Drew MINI ITT Cannon ................i Greg Newland Shut-out: Chris Ayres Square Boy Pizza ........... 3 Ron Kapuscinski Erie Warner 2 Shut-out: Mike Koutris Duff's Towing ...............O0 Ng Brookiin Leglon ..............i1 Chris Powell Dom's Auto Bod y David Campbell Jamie Olenick .2 cD~i1IePmdîî& U.A.W.......... Jamie Brown Nicholas TurJ ey Ian Williams Mercantile Dept. Store. ..2 Paul Noble 2 Victoria & Grey .............i Brent Knowles Totten Siins Hubleki ......... 2 Darryl Wade Steven Green iOR ATOM Duff's Towing .............o Whitby Klnsmen.............O0 Exclusive Hlair Design ........ 2 Dylan Boles Paul Cassidy Shut-out: Shawn Dawson OVICE Brooklin Kinsmen ........... 4 Geoff aden 3 Derek Schram MeTeague Electrie.......... 5 Scott Jensen 3 David Marshall Gordon Plummer I NDOOR SOCCER The Whitby Iroquois' Soccer Club indoor soc- cer got off the 'gr'ound for the 1982-83 'season November 5 wlth' 13 exhibition games at An- derson C.V.I. and at Whitby Seior High;> John Reddon, who was responsible for starting indoor socceir in Wtbythree years ago, sepddown from position and Mike Noble bas been take over for the next 12 montbs. At, the end of the-1981- 82 season Mr. Reddon figured that there will be an inrease of 25 per cent this year, as the registration ,deadhine came to an end for the. coming season, 220 bos adgirls, registered Witb the club, an ini- cresse of 33 per cent over last year. Both Reddon- and Noble agree that the ganie of indoor soccer is growing - o' fast in 'the town of Whitby that next year we rnigbt have to scbedule some 0of the games during the week if gym Urne will ,be available. 'At the pre- sent time ail games are played on Saturday. Noble, the indoor soc- cer convenor for the club, wishes to thank the Free Press for the ex- cellent coverage thiey gave-,last year, WINTER IZE. SPECIALS for GM Car & Truck ..,owners.,, EN G 1UNE $3495 4-CyI. FRONT END ALIGNMENT Windshield Washer Antif reeze $100' UARANTEED GMPRTS rUN E-UP 6,Cyl. 8CyI. Parts Extra OIL CHANGE FILTER LUBRICATION FULL MAINTENANCE INSPECTION' $1%99 Speciuls expire December 29, 1982. FREE PICK UP &DEL.IVERY GM AUTHORIZEE SER VICE, CHEV OLDS T'S THE ONL Y WHITSY 4 WA YTOGO Hwy. 2 & Thickson Rd. l n foraci poup Be] Grt Brc e.. We can't help without your. help BIYFN )