Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 10 Nov 1982, p. 22

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PAGE,22, WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 10, 1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS AIR CONDITIONER for aide elider window, 6,000 BTU's, bargain at. $160. Cmli Oshawa 725-533. BEAUMARK free arm portable zig zag sewing machine ln carry case. Aeklng $130. Cail 666-3674. BLACK AND WAITE televieion $30. Sterlinge iver ladies, watch $75. Countar-tap dlshwasher, usad twlce, $25. Phone mominge untli 1 p.M. 668-3579, affarnoons and eveninge 668-6424. BOYS SKATES - New, neyer usad, C.C.M. Super Tecks, sire 31, $75. Phone 055-4271. LJed one semeori, C.O.M. Super Tacke, sire 3 and 41k, $40 each. Phîone 655-4271' CROSS-COUNTRY SKIS, 190 cm. with pales and boots, siza 5, $45. Cross-country boots, eiza 7, $12. Figyie ekates, size 5, $4. Figure ekates, siza 6, $8. Baye Cougar boots, sire 6, $6. Two echool deeke, blue ýand red, aach $12. Hemtar cage, round, turdy, matai, like new, $10. Phono 668- 9482 eveninge. DRESSER, ful sIre with mirror, brawn, $65. Three oak chaire $15 aach.' Brase lampe $30 pair. Rocking chair $30. Large ful-size mirror $20. Car jack with stands, heavy duty, $60. Phono 683-6838. FOR SALE - Spin weshar, gold color, oniy usad two monthe, $200. High chair, ln excellant condition, $25.- Caii 668-1385. FOR SALE - 2 pair bayes Bauar skates, sire 5 & 5W, $10 oach. Mens Tornna skis wif h paies & boots $4. Antique buffet wth mirrar $100. Bookcase, 3,shaivas with 2 doorseat the bottom, $75. Atari vide a ge, 6 cartridgee, $25. Singer treddiaee»wing machine $25. Color TV eet, RCA, 26"'floor model, $50. Cheeterfield & chair, gold, $100. Picic tabla $20. Mens 10 eed bike, light- waight, naw ftiree & tubes, $75. Aesortmant of books & records $10. Tyco racing car set, command cent roi, $25. Phono 579-3353. LARGE STURDY WORKBENCH $40. Partable fypewriter,Ilika now, $45. Oid werdrobe, mirrors and drawers, $75. Antique tabla, mahogany, $125. Phone 683-8838. SOMETIIING FOR EVERYONE. Whitby Free Pross 668-111 LARGE train set, N-Gouge, 124. cars, 16 angines, 27 eiectric swit- chas, building and transformers. Asking $1,495. Ceil after 6 p.m. 579-3408. >>ARTICLES FOR SALE MUSKRAT fur coat, size 12-14,* good' condit ion, $250. Cli 661> 0127 affer 6 p.m. ONE 81 elacfrlc baseboard heatr' with bu)It-In thermostat, $40. Two ets blfold closat doars, $10 each. Phone 668-488. ONE ELECTROLUX shampoor,' floor polisher, used anly once, Ilke new, three yaare aid, $250. One 26' Inch gIrl's bike $25. Kenmora por- table sewing machina $150. Singer. sawing machina, tabla $45. Phone 578-4993., ONE faka fur coat, sire 44, $100. One Serte b.d chasterfiald b.d. nover used, $250. One brown tweed wlnter coat, size 16, $50. One Waatherali rain coat, siza 14, 10. Phone 668-1398. ONE PAIR DomI nion men's rouler' skates, size 7, $20. ýLange lca skates, siza 7, $20. Used ona cea- son. Ladies' 3/4langth Imitation f ui, dark coior, $10. Cal 6682695 onytime. P.A. SYSTEM wlth reverb. Two 100-watt heade and a six-channal mixing board. Twa. base cabinets and two twefer-horn cabinets. Aisea has covers built for t ha road. Includas many extras. Baught new $3,500. Will sacrifice $1.300. Serlous Inquiries only. 728-7158 anytime. POOL TABLE, solld oak rails, fait cloth, rubber cuehions, balle, cues and rack Includad, Ilke naw, $350. Schoal daek, soiid oak, $45. An- tique TV., 7" Admirai, wood cabinet, firet modal Admirai T.V. manufactured ln Canada, working lika aid, $425. Solld walnut trestia table $300. Kitty bed, eolld birch, disposablae anltary mattrese, $59. Phono 668-4098. 6 H.P. MERCURY ouIboard motor $225 wlth, tank. 25 h.p. Evinrude motor $125. Reel-to-reel tapa recorder $40. Phone 576-0769. THOMAS DELUXE Eurapean 1125 electric organ wth a doubla kay- board. Includes bench, Iight and eheat music. Lika naw. Asking $975. A nica Christmas gift. Phono 668-2725. WATER PIJMP, piston type, for shaiiow weiis and lakes, suction 1"', manufacturer "DURO", incfud- Ing motar, gauges, foot valve, 30 gale. galv. tank, ail fttings. rice $185. Phone 655-3004. WOOD 24' extension iadders $30.. Snaw ekimmer, ail steel, $50. Phone 668-1987. Whan the advertised Item lea old, disposed of, or unavailable for whafever reason, the Item wIIl be deemned to have been soid and a commission wiII b. charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as ilutrated beiow, regardiese If price laestafed with "beat offar." If the Item la MOT SOLO, or disposed of, the ad wiII be run for 3 MONTHS and-a MINIMUM CHARGE of $6.00 will appiy payable In advance of publication of the irat ad. Otherwlae a $750 charge wiiI ap. ply If billad whlch muet b. pald upon raceIpt of bill. The above minimum charges wIliib. appljed to the final commission due but In any case the higher amount will be charged. Minimum charge: $600 pre-paid; $7.50 bilied. Maximum commission: $10000. Alil advertlsements muet be piaced on an ex- clusive basis wif h the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atleast one montIl If nat eold. 5% of advsrtined pice up to $400 RATES (if article la sold): 2% of balance over $40000 EXAMPLE: SoId Item advertisad for $12000. Commission due $600 (minimum charge la $6.00).» Privata advertising onlyl P'Masa notify the Whitby Free Proàse mmodieteiy whan Ifem ar l d sa that wo may deleto it froff the folowing Issue. Ail ode nof fitting the Emporium guideiinee wlilI bo treatad and chargad per waak as ragular ciaselfiod ade on o pra-paid basis such as: services, help wenfed, ciafhing, reol estata, and personai message type ode, or ode not quoting price or quantity. Privais ciassîf lad ode rnay appeer In the Ernporium section undar appropriete heedinge. ALL AOSWILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLE$S OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206 -Whltiby, LiN 551, If ln doubt oeil: 668-6111 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brook St. N. Whitby, Ont. TURN UNWANTED ARTICLES INTO CASH FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING Use thls f orni to Mali l nyour Emporium Ad 1 have read the Emporium guidelines and wish to have the following advertlse- ment placed under this section of the Whltby Free Press. ______________________(don't forget to1 E 1 enclose $6.00 to cover the minimum charge E Charge $6.00 to my Visa account E Bill me $7.50 atter f Irst publication of my ad Card No. Exp. Date Nome (please print - f Iret and test namne) Street Addroe clty Postai Code include your phone number) ~ M AIL TO: WHITBY, FREE PRESS P.O. BOX 206 131 Brock st. N. ,Whitby LIN 5S1 ARTICLES- FOR SALE WALNUT buffet with glass doors, excellent condition, $150. Otslde walI chImney unît for wood stove, $200or' best offer. Phone' 66&- 0495. An md under the Whltby Free Proes *Emporium Section'wlll ssii almost anythinq foryou,. Cmii 668-6111. AGUOOIES FOR SALE' 1977 AMERICAN MOTORS PACER, 60,000 miles, 2 door, blue. Asklng $3,000. Phone 655-4352. 1976 HONDA CIVIC, hatchback, automatic, one oWner, body good, good running condition, needs tires ta be certf Ied, 57,000 original miles. $1,200 or best 0f fer. Phone 668-1564. 1975 GREMLIN, 6 cylinder, as ls. $500 flrm. Phone 668-2298. 1974 CHEV NOVA, A-i shape, 31,500 or beet offer, as sa. Phone 655-3027. 1974 CHEVELLE, 4 door, 8 cylin- der, beet offer. 'Minimum $500. Phone 688-9944. 1973 ASTRA for parts.'$100. Phone 688-0573. 1972 CHEV CAPRICE CLASSIC, 400 motor and transmiýssion, new brakes ailtftha way around. Asking $500 or best-remeonabla offer. Phone 668-9840. 1971 CHEVELLE,, compietely re- sîored and certif led.- Asking $1,800. Phone 655-4517 or '655- 4989. 1971 VENTURA, 6 cylinder, ,runs goad. Naods'some body ,vork. As le $300. PhonoPb68-6297. AUVOTIVE1 FIVE UnIroyal steel belted radiais, LR78x.15, chrome caps and rings, spore brand new. $400 or basf of: fer. Phone 668-9228. ONE SPARE TIRE, H78111, w1ite wail on rlm, $10. Four hub caps, Plymoufth, $1.50 each. Phone 668- 5227. RADIAL TIRES with rime (white waiis). Two HR78-15 steel belfed $130. Two DR78-14 Goodyear cus- tom polysfeei (ona rim only) $100. Phone 668-9855. ~GGSOSi CABINET STEâEO, excellent con- dition, $35. Antique wood bum- lng cook stove $175. Wall painting $10 . 9-place'mahogany dining reom suite $1,200. Smail baby crib $40. WiIi take beet offer on'ail ar- ticles. Phone 571-0271 anytime. CURVED SPACE fumi ture, three places, lncludi 'ng spoon chair. Ex- cellent condition. AskIng $400. PhoneO6681564. DININO ROOMI 4 chairs, table, buffet, hutch, excellent condition, ,$2W0. Glr's white biedroom suite $100. Air condition«r $40. Glass covered rattan table $90. Desk and table $80. Wicker book'sheif $25. Corne have a lookl 668-937. FULLY LINEDi antique satin goid drapes, ln good condition, to f it a wlndow 168"1 wlde x 92" long and also 1021"wide x 92" long,'$125. Green unlined polyester drapes,' 150 x 95", $25. Phone 668-3720 affter 5 p.m. RAYWALL kitche n cabinets $400 or best offer., One acreendor browr,, $25. Five amrens, $5 each, will fit most homes In West Lynde. Aresarug, 62" x 1Ù7", rase colored, $20. Fýhone 668-21301 SINGÉiE BED wftil mattress, ln' good condition, t50. Two pleces Of broediobm, blue, 12',x 18', $120, 12'x8'i$46. Phone6&g5., SOLID WOOD chesterfleld, and two matchlng chairs, blua stripad cushions,*$150. Phone 668-6144, WASHER and dryer for sale,' good working order, $225 for pair. Bulît- ln dishwasher $22ý. Phone 839.- 3213 aftpr 5p.m. WRINGER WASHER, excelle nt condition, $235. Phone 623-7522.' FOROSAiEALEý 14-FOO THOIJSE TMýILER, Sham-. rock, blue and' white, sieeps 4, slnk, 'ce box, 3-81ove burriar, follet. Asklng $3,009. Phone 655. 4352. SOMOBIE 'S FOR SALE 1975 TNT SKIDOO, 3#t0, good run- 1ning shape and excellent condi- glass hood. Asklng $700. Phone 839-9725,

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