Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 10 Nov 1982, p. 21

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 10, 1982, PAGE 21 Whitby's Most WIdeIy Read CLSSIFD ,CONTINUED FROM PAGE 20 ADS 3UCTGNS AUCTION SALE SAT., NOV. 13 -1 P.M. At PEARCE AUCTION CENTRE on Sh.irley Rd., 4 miles South 0f Port Perry. Conslgnment sale with 5 h.p.- snow pusher, Ing!ls gas dryor, 2 Quebecheat- ors, kitchen cabinet, 50 amp arc wolder, hido-a- bed sofa, cream can, kt.' chon suite, Gendron baby carniage, 14 padded office chairs, single Colonial ,bed, antique radio, lawn «mowers, exclusive carved wooden decoys, emali trunk, oil lamps, good chairs, rocker, qulit tops, chain,.x saw, b&w TV, stereo, dîshes, booster *cables, mail box & much more. Terms: cash, Visa or known cheque. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 985-7492 ESTATE SALE Of Mr. &Mrs. Herbert Edinger to beheld at 1614 Charles St., Whltby, >SAT., NOV. 13 - il A.M. .Consistlng of antiques, colectables, 9-pc. fruit- wood dinlngroom suite, beautiful l.r. suite, Provin- cial coffee & end tables, lazy-boy chair, odd chairs &tables,'ol1 paintings, book case, beautîful lam- ps, mantie dôck, sterling sillver< tea set, stove, frldge, washer, dryer, nice ktchen suite, bdrm. suite, custom made disc jockey double turntabie & speaker set, freezer, odd sofas & sîde chairs, book shelves, nice selection good glass, china, iawn & gardon tools & furniture, hand tools, power mower., A real good sale of top quallty merchandise. BILL WANNAMAKER AUCTIONEER 666-3731 AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, NOV. 20 AT 1:00 P.M. ClearIng auction of household contents, gar- don & carpenters tools, mlsc., etc. for Mr. & Mrs. A. Timrns, located on Hwy. 12, approx. 21/2 miles north of Brooklln. Partial ist Includes old pine. chest, varlous chairs, bed set, appilanc- os, old kitchen table, side- board, 22 gun, CNR lamp, large quantity of tools, Mastercraft lawn mower, tiller, snow blower, tralier, wheelbarrow, ladders, i AUONONS AUCTION SALE- SUN., NOV. 21-1 P.M. At PEARCE AUCTION' CENTRE on'Shirley Rd., 4 Mi. south of Port Porry. New toy auction wth brand namosIlike Kennor, Ideal, lrwin, Star Wars, Coleco, Buddy L,, and others plus. dolîs, doli housos, Chrstmas treos,, carde, trImmlngs, and much more. Plus some furnituro and housohold Items. For more Informa- tion cali 985-7492. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 985-7492 ANNUAL SKIDOO AUCTION BAT., NOV. 27 -11 A.M. At ORVAL McLEAN AUC. TION CENTER, LINDSAY. WANTED - Snowmoblles, sportIng goods, tools, machlnery, tractors, vehi- clos, trailers, guns. Ail consigniments must be at barn by Nov. 20. To con- sign cail 324-2783 Lind- say. ORVAL MoLEAN AUCTIONS * RTICLES FOROSASALE A" Vers Products Includngnrew nutritionai dîeî program guarantoed tc is Iweight or mcney beck gueren te htyphono 668-3950 or 579-M. Ohawaphono 576- 0707, 723-7552, 579-3670 or 579. 6951. Port Perry.phono 985- DRY FIRE WOOD. Beach, maplo, white birch. 16", sticks. Deiver anywhere. $45 pur single cord. Phone 705> 4548260. FIREWOiOD for sale. Dry maplo, oak, birch. $35 face cord.- $100 bush cord. After 5 and woekends - Dagmer Ski Rosort, Durham Rd. 23,649-2002. ARTICLES FOR SALE ELECTRIC STOVE, apartment slzed. Wall burner with ail attsch- monts. Gardon tracter with ail et- tachments. Water pumps, jet pumpa and piston pumpa. Phono 655-800. Going out of, business. Save f rom 10% to 30% on your Chrstmas shopping from our large glft lino. FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET * 23 King Street West Oshawa HONEY -BULK, $1.00 lb. plus deposit. 33 lb. ccn- tainera. WiII deilvor. Whitby. Phono 668-6093. LOOS,. WOOD. U cut, wo cut. 705- 3744623. Little Britain Roed, 5 miles north cf Oakwccd. TIRES - Alil winter radiais, P205- 70R1 4, one yearcold, excellentccn- dition. Oeil fter 6 p.m. 668-1576. 2" Stormn Doors Triple Seaîed coor 9.04 styles Instailed inciuding tex. Aise soc- nomicai and energy efficient storm or 'replacement thermal windows and patio doors. FREE ESTIMATES Durham Glass 666-3355 WALNUT FINISH 6 drawer bed- room dirosserwith mirror and met- ching double bed wI4h box spring. Excellent condition. $130 com- plote. Phono 668-4276. Accesories Orlon Ceps L.amp Shetsl Oshaa Lquiatins IMc.LohlnSuare, Oabw Visa - Mstercharge VISIT aur used fumniture ware- houso by eppointmont. Big savinga on-duaku, chairs, fMing cabinets, etc. Oeil DIckson PrInt- Ing & Office Supplies to arrange an appointment te view. 683-1968. 100% HARDWOOD, DRY SPLIT, PELIVERED 1 - 1691x 4'x 8'$ 57 3 - 169x 4'x 8' $160 LOGS 4'x 4'x8' $110 553924 6534 AUVOTVE I àuV mýivU Uz EPlIPARlfIPARTSREAFPfT NOW IN OSHAWA! DOCTOR 6"H"9 HONDA Specialists operated by former City Centre Auto Service Manager Joseph Wooîley Ail Former Customers Weîcome 40 Russett Avenue, Unit No. 2 Oshawa, Ontario 728-7268 ARTICLES FORRAI.SALE i Il D 0L L ARI CLEARANCE SALE 0F' CERAMCS No reasonable offer ref used Gordon Fraser GREETING CARDS 1/2P RIC E WHITBY FREE PRESS 131 Brook St. N. Whitby NTQUES ANTID>UE PINE - Nove Scotia rope b.d, 48" wide, asklng $250. Phono 655-4271. CLAM8FIEDADVERTISING DRINGS GREAT RESULTS eAUTOMOBILES 1FRSALE 1970 BRONCO, excellent shape, 58,000 kilomnetres, custom wheuls, sterso, Captain chairs and lots more. Asklng $6500. WIii canal- dur trede. Oeil 7252272. 1972 FORD LTD, power steerlng, power brakes, automeatia, good condition. $450 as la or cen bu cor- tlfied. Phone 66k1210. IICLASSIFIEDREAL ESTATE I LEASE 0F RESIDENCE Tenders are invited for the lease of a one bedroomn trame home, iocated at 933 Jodrel Road, Squires Beach, Pickering, Ontario. Immediate Occupancy. Proceed south on Brook Road f rom Highway 401 east. ýTurn east at second stop light to McKay- Road and follow road to Intersection of McKay Road and Montgomery Park Road. The Property ls accessible to the Pickering "GO" Train, and servIced by Dial-A-Bus and a school bus. This property may be viewed f rom 4:0 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., Wednosday, November 17, 1982, when a re- presentatIveo0f the Mlnistry of Government Ser- vices will be ln attendance. "Open House' signs Will be posted. Tender documents may be obtained from the re- presentative on this date or f rom: Ministry of Government Services Public Tenders Off ice Room MV11-43A, Macdonald Block Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario, MiA 1 N3 Telephone: (416) 965-1152 A certified cheque or money order for the first month's rent must be submitted with the tender documents, and wiii be promptiy returned to un- successfui bidders. Sealed tenders wiil be received until 3:00 p.m., Friday, Novomber 26, 1982, at which time they will be opened ln public. Tenders will be opened ln Toronto. NOTE: For further Information, please contact Martha McBurnie, Ministry of Government Ser- vices, Toronto, Ontario, Telephone (416) 965-2040. Please quote File No. M767-9. accepted. T.O. 228 AUTOMOLES FORRA SALE 1971 VOLKSWAGEN' $200f irm, uncoitified, ln running condition. Oelil 655-407 affer 5 p.m. Wide selection of reasonably prlced cars. 597 Simcoe St. S., Just North of 401' L 725-4011 ~~IP ISPPLIES LITTLE KITTEN for gcod' home. Oeil 655-4067 after 5 p.m. ARTL LS, FOR RENT, TYERTR RENTAL, meny makes and modoe, by the week. end, week or month. Discounts eveilabie. Dlckson Printing & 0f.ý fice Suppilus in thu Alex' Piea. Oeil us for business machine repaire 683.1968. GIve. THE HEART FUND FREt. Drop Into the Dickson Print- Ing & Office SuPPIY store In the Ajax Pieze end pick up a f rue copy Of thuir '1962 -Mutric Celendar. PrInted In two colours, it mekes for handy reference. 683-1968. iCLASSIFIED REAL ESTATE STORES SJORES ~FOR RENT] m FRRENT OTTER CREEK Store for rent in new neighborhood plaza in prime Whitby subdivision. -Air eonditioned -> Cali Mr. Searle (416)223-6550 OFFICEOFFICE YSPACE ~SPACEJ r'OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT>> Three-roomn Whitby office suite wlth private wash(oom. Has over 750 square feet.0f fuily broadloomed and air-condît ioned spaclous- ness. Main office about 32 feet long. Could be divided into srnaller offices. For further Information caîl Mr. Burgess between 9 a.m. and 5p.m. at: 1. 668-6372 THE KEY TO BUYING OR SELLING YOUR HOUSE..*a any tender wIli not nocessarily be FOR RE~ENTI HOUSE for ront, contrai Whitby area. Phoneo 068-278. Ministry of Government Services REASEATE FORRS SLEIM'rET ONE ACRE LOT, lest one, $8500, fuîly approved. Phono OannIngton (705)432-2025: ..ANADINTHE WHITBY FREE PRESS. Jiass(/idA44ds M ovtF ous CALL 668-6111 TO PLACE YOIJR ADR - I fwmp ç>3~ w m

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