PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 10,1982, WHITBY-FREE PRESS ______________________________ Blessed are you among women..." Luke 1: 42.ý Tbat's what Elizabeth had to say about ber.' Let's -u hlook at Mary's situation. She's young, she's unimar- irled, and shes pregnant. The society in whlcb 'she,- T he C urch lived was certalnly flot known. for its compassion toward unwved mothers. Put yourself in young Joseph's place. If you were engaged to be. married, how would you take the Sponsored by the you that, "Ithis was different; this was a miraculous WHITBY MINISTERIAL conception"? I'm sure that before the angel's,visit ASSOCIATION to hlm, Joseph was having as bard a time accepting __________________________ Mary's explanation as she was giving it. _________________________________ Wben you put yourself in ber place, it's really nio >wonder that Mary left Nazareth to go to Zecbariab Bthe REV. KEITH A. ELFORD and Elizabeth's home, for an extended visit. No By eMthds Cuc doubt she was conifused about wbat was happening., FreeMetodia ChrchPerbaps sbe was wondering ifshe had really seen an angel. It's unlikely that ber family and neigh- bors were very warm toward ber once they beard ber insist that she was going to be the mother of God's Son.< Thenthere was Elizabèth. She must have been a Godly person to sense without being told what God was doing in young Mary's life. In place of criticism, blessings spilled from ber ar rips ng. Wouofdn'tite wowneu itbere was a~ GUARNTEE SERICEwarm reception. Imagine what that did for Mary. GUARANTEED GMERTS Here was someone who understood and cared. -GUAR-ANTEED PRICE- in our world there are many people just like Mary. Some of ftbem are confused, others are FOR ,- P Oafraid, many of them feel rejected, and ail of them Spirit-filled Elizabeth for eacb of them? Look in tbe FA LL mirror, you may see someone's "Elizabeth". Then F ~ L Lturn around and you may see ydur "Mary". TUNEUPNo service Thursday jet à % a- %r There will be no postal service on Remem- brance Day, Thursday, November 11, 1982 . Letter carrier service will be cancelled. and the post office, will be closed. Service will resume on Friday, November 12. ~&I . 8YL. TRUCKS THE CORPORATION 0F 8CYL. < THE TOWN OF WHITBY PARTS EXTRA GM CRS VAS - IGH TRCKS THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF WHITBY REQUIRES TANDEM DUMP TRUCKS FOR SNOW REMO VAL NURSE DU RING THE 1982/83 WINTER SEASON CHEVowsINTERESTED PERSONS SHOULD 668-3304 A PPLY IN PERSON TO TH E OPERATIONS CENTRE Hwy. 2 and Thickson Rd. TAUNTON ROAD EAST, WHITBY EXPIRS 24/1182BY NOVEM BER 26,1982 ADVANCED COMPUTER SYSTEMS PRESENTS.... MICROCOMPUTER SOLUTIONS FOR THE ACCOUNTING PROFESSIONAL -CLIENT -CLIENT -CLIENT -CLIENT -CLIENT STRATEGISTN LEDGERS lu STRATEGIES «m PRINT TU R ECEI VAB LES SINGLE COMPANY ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE -PACKAGES.. - IMC CENERAL LEDGER PACKAGE - BPI GENERAL LEDGER - BPI ACCOUNTS RECEl VABLES - «ACCOUNTINO PLUS 50 RICHMOND STREET EAST, SUITE 35 OSHAWA, ONTARIO TELEPHONE (416) 433-8113 FOR A DEMONSTRATION. The women of St. Andrew's -Chuùrch ln Whitby have been busy maki ng han dc rafted glfts for the Christmas1 Bazaar to be held at the church-November 13 fromil a.m. to i p.:m. Above from Ieft to rlght, Marjorle Frost, Madge Wilson and Jean Campbell dispîay a »sample0of, the, goods made by women of the congregation. -Free Press Staff Photo PC'0 jo Five provincial rid- ing of' Progressiveý Conservtive,, Wmen's Associations joined to- gether to form a district association in Brookin'. The founding meeting formed the Soutb Cen- tral.,District Progres- sive Conservative Asso- ciation of Women, whicb is comprised of -tbe rid- ings of Durba M West, Durham East, Durbam- York, Oshawa, and Nor- tbumberland., Pré-sent to mark tbe founding 0of the associa- tion were Hon. Bud Gre- gory, MPP Mississauga East, Allan Lawrence, MP Durham'Nortbum- berland, and Ross Ste- venson, MPP for Duirbam-York. ,-' The' newly formed 1 association, held elec- tions and adopted a con- stitution 'to govern the' vatdsrict whicb runs from Scarborougb to Trenton and fromf Lake Ontario to Lake Simcoe. Newly elected presi- dent of the Soutb Cen- tral District ii Marianne Zakarow. ART DEPARTMENT ON. PREMISES SALE MONDAYS ½/2PRICE PERMS FOR ALLTHE FAMILY MONDAYS INTRODUCING SUSAN SEYMOUR OUR NEW HAI RSTYLIST 1/z PRICE ON EVERY HAIR SERVI 'CE AVAILABLE INCLU DING PERMS 119 GREEN ST., WHITBY