Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 3 Nov 1982, p. 10

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PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 3, 1982, WHITBYFREE PRESS Y ho1d spia day Durham Region Fam- ily YMCA wil b hat ing a November 17 P.A. Day Special. There will be a tour at Todmorden Mils, Toronto, 0f period, bouses and a train sta- tion, as well as partici-, Patlon ln, butter-churn- ing baklng over an open fire, and candle- mlaking. Participants wil -bring homne what they inake. Parents are welcomne, and the, cost is $12'for everyone. Do not forget to bring your lunch. Registration deadline ifs November 15. For more .information, phone- the Durham Region Family YMCA Lit 668-M.868. *K&M * CLEANERS SAME DAY SERVICE ALTrERATIO'NS AND REPAIRS RUGS Il - CHOOSE A CLEANER CieanIng a carpet the wrong way makes It dirtier. The most Important step In car- pet-cieanin'g Is remov- ing al the soap, as, weil as the ýdirt, f rom the-carpet. étny soap residue ieft ln'the car- pet wiii attract dirt, and make the carpet look worse than bef are. Most carpet-, cieanlng methods begin with hlgh- power vacuumIng, or beatlng, to remove dust. Then the rug Is treated in one of severai ways to loosen soli: shampoo- ing by rotary machine; f oamn ab- sorption; or soli ex- traction, often cailed "lsteam-cieaning." In the latter method, jet streams of water are forced into the plile, and the same ma- chine then vacuums Up the dirty water. Carpets can be dry- cieaned by brushing special, powdered soivents Into the pile. The soivents abso-rb soli, and then the dir- ty powder is vacuum- ed away., it la Important with rugs to also -wash their undersides. Oth- erWise, the diri wash- ed down from the plie wiii embed tseif on the rug back. Rugs shouid be wrung, then hung to dry ln warm, miid, air cur- rents. When a stain oc- ours on carpeting, Immediateiy blot Up as much as possible. 011 and grease stains should be wiped with a very smaii amount of non-flammable soi- vent. K & M Cleaners suggests using a mix- ture of miid detergent and a teaspoon of vinegar ln a quart of warm water on Most SpIS. Biot up mixture quickiy, and place a towei over the area to further absorb it as the rug dries. c'~~~~~~Etz 62ai9SuuL/or£~c'U amLy" 'l12,COLBORNE ST. W., WHITBY 668-2831 TheChurch Speaks Sponsored by the £ " WHITBY MIN ISTERIAL E ASSOCIATION By THE REV. GERALD A. HUNT Whltby Baptist Church -« 110wsorry we are for those whom thie recession has put out of work!1 We are also sorry for those wbo can think of nothing else. Life has other vital dimensions we can miss if we're holding our breath until the economy changes. Mind you, recession is not aIl bad. It has sbown us how avidly we have btxilt up security hedges and comforts unknown in many other parts of the world. On the other hahd it bas shown how far on the road to collapse this most fortunate 0f countries bas corne. It bas changed the issues from human self- improvement to sheer survival. The economic situation bas become the test of our spiritual and moral resources, and we're low on marks!1 As a gas bar attendant said, " I see you're a clergyman. 50 you're not reaily lost like mnost 0f us." Truth is that we are ail in this loat and broken situation together. A few of us have discovered a window of, hope and the ladder of honesty by which we can climb down from our crumbling security. The recession simply shows us how flimsy life is when money, business and material goods are the goda we trust for spiritual well-being and salvation.- The good news is that in our world there is a cross- current called renewal. While there are those like the gas bar attendant who feel their lostness, others are experiencing a fresh outpouring of life in God's love, power and joy. It may not put money in the bank or food on the plate, but it cornes free and it lif- Put on the new self - God, its Creator, bis own image!1 ELECT KENNETH C. as TR USTEE he has the TIME & COMMITMENT to UPGRADE STANDARDS & HOLD DOWN COSTS FOR THOSE WHO SEEK VALUE. I the new being whicb is constantly renewing in - St. Paul, in Col. 3:10o-11 Silent EAST END QUALITY MEATS & DELICATESSEN Servlng Durham Regl.on for over 15 years. With the finest & freshest meat, cheese & party platters. CoId cuts & salte d herring. Home cooked spiced beef2pork. Rare roast beef & meat loaves. Personalized*Serv*ice Conveniently Iocated in the Blair Park Plaza 104 Lupin Dr. Whitby 668-4782 j For EAST WA R DCouncillo'r. nbdW On Remnembrance Day, November il, the .good folk'of Whitby wil againor, itwo Min- Utes 'of silence, tbe fallen and disabled veterans of bygone con- flicta for Our freedom. We wear the tradition- aI sYmb olic poppy at this time. We wear it, not only as a visual em- blem 0of our respect, our humility and our grati- tude to loat sons- and daugbters, but also be- cause, through our donations to the Poppy Campaign, we belp-pro- vide funds to aid and bring a little sunshîne into the lives 0f needy veterans and, depend- ents, the hospitalized and the disabled, and those who suffered s'O much in action as to be deprived 0f the opportu- nity to be 100 per cent >competitive in a chang- ing world. This year under the chairmanship 0f Carel Van Hoof, veteran 0f the Dutch Resistance and the Royal Netherlands Navy, Whitby Branch,. Royal Canadian Legion will offer poppies during the *week preceding Remnembrance Day at locations ail over towns - banks, stores and by personal J.egionnaire representation in mails and on sidewalks. Care1's aiming for the Most succesaful ýPoppy Campaign ever, 50 please, Whitby, donate wbat you can afford and wear the poppy. vote DEN NIS FOX on Nov. 8 *ts persons above anxlous fears and selfish cares. ,While church la the natural place to experlence a spiritual renewal, it, can happen anywhere. 1 experi- enced it most vivldly ln penltentiary ln a Christian, weekend encounter. Among forty of the prisoners I discovered a full flood of Joy as they shared in the- free gifts of God - redemption, reconcllatlon, reniission of the old ingralned habita and attitudes , 'and a full range of spiritual'qualIties and energy. Renewal 15 happening in churches of various denominations. It is flot a t'atter 0f balanced books or even full pew and up-beat music. ti oehn tangible in the heart where God la at work, resulting ,.An a changed lifestyle that*lifts people above reces- sion, junibled values and emptiness. The joyf is real!1 -Some churches have gone at renewal through re- treata and group experiences like the "ceursillos". Others have planned special meetings with evange- lists and musicians (and dancers and actors, as in the Toronto "JVoy in the City" experience). In my church, Whitby Baptist, we have accepted the offer of an agency that sends a few members 0f a churcb as a team to spend a week wilth another church, visiting, consulting and holding mee .tings. Our team is coming from Hereford, Texas, from November 7 to 14. Some ch'urches may have their doors, closed to -reneWal. Even there miracles can happen. People Who think the church is in recession or dead or full of hypocrites rnay have forgotten about the Bible -and prayer. Bible reading alone has brought con- version and renewal to scores of people. Wben we discover we can do notbing personally to end reces- sioni or restore jobs and confidence, we can still pray and freely bring our needs and womres to the ultimate court of appeal, the resource centre of God. We see God focussed in Jesus Christ. We see him, ,being born in lives he la changing and turning around. We can see spiritual renewal enabling people to cope with the effecta of economic reces- sion and anything that threatens the life and happi-

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