Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 27 Oct 1982, p. 22

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$I ARTICLES FOR SALE AIR CONDITIONIER for aidéelider window, 6,000 BéTU'a,:,bargôîai"e $180. Cali1 Oshawa 725-5336. BEAUMARK free'arm portable zig zag sewing machinelIn carry case. Asking $130. Caii 66&-3674 BLACK AND WHITE telovdIon $30. Sterling silver-ladies' watch $75. Counter-top- dlshiasher,: .~used twice, $25. Phone morninge' untîl 1 p.m. 668.579, afternoons and even nge 8424. BOYS SKATES - New, neyer uaed, C.C.M. Super Tacks, size 3114,375. Phone 655-4271. Used one season, C.C.M. Super Tecks, sîze 3 and 4k, $40 each. Phone 6554271. COMMODORE VIC-20 computer, oniy two monthe oid; aiso data. cassette recorder, machine code monitor, two memory expanders, three games, joystick and manuels. Cost over $1,000. Asklng $750. Phone 66e.8479. CROSS-COUNTRY SKIS, 190 cm. with poies end boots, size 5, $45. Cross-country boots, size 7, $12. Figure skates, sîze 5, $4. Figure skates, size 6, $8. Boys Couger boots, size 6, $6. Two schooi desks, blue and red, each $12. Hamster cage, round, sturdy, motel,Ilike new, $10. Phone 668- 9482 evenings. DRUMS $270. Excellent condition. Ail reasonebie offers consldered. Pleaeocal 576-191 1.efter 5 p.m. 5 PC. PATIO DOORS $150. Piano $550. Freezer, 16 cu. ft., $200. Bod chesterfield $75. Desk $80. Phone 683-7132. FOR SALE- Spin washer, goid color, only used two menthe, $200. High chair, in-excellent condition, $25. C.ill 68-1385. ONE PHONE CALL AND YOU AWAKE A SELLINO GIANT. Place your ad under the Whitby Free Press Emporium section end gt Immediae resuits. For further In- formation or to place your ad cel 68"111. LARGE STURDY WORKBENCH $40. Portable typewrlter, 1ke new, $45. Oid wardrobe, mIrrors and' draswera, $75. Antique table, mahoggny, $125. Phone 663-6638. MUSKRAT fur coati sizo 12-14, good condition, $250. Cali 668- 0127 afterB6 p.m. ONE ' oiectrIc baseboard heater with built-In thermostat, $40. Two sets bifoid cioset doors, $10 eech. Phone 668-4686. QARTICLES FOR SALE ONE ELECTROLUX shempooer/ floor polishor, uaod only once, Ilke now, throo yoars old, $250. One 26 nch girl's biko $25. Konmocre por- table aewing machino $150. Singer aoigmachine table $45., Phone ONE 'fako furoalszo 44, $100. One Sertà e bd chasterfioeid bod, nover ubod,. $250. One brown t+weed itr coat, sizo 16, $50. One Weathoraii rein coat, size 14, $10., Phono 668-1398. ONE PAIR Dominion men's rouler skates, sîzo 7, $20. Lango Ice skatos, size 7, $20. Usod one oa- son.' !Ladies' 3A longth Iitation fui,'dark color, $10. Cali 668-2695 anytimo. WHITBY FREE PRESS 688-6111 P.A.- SYSTEM, with roverb. Two 100-watt heeda and a six-channel mIxlng board. Two base cabinets and two twootor-horn cabinets. Also hes covors built for the road. Includos meny oxtres. Bought new $3,500: Wli sacrifice $1,300. Serlous Inquirles 'only. 728-7158 anytimo. 6 H.P. MERCURY outboard moto( $225 wlth tank. 25 h.p. Evînirudo motor $125. Rool-to-reel tape recordor $40. Phono 576-0769. THOMAS DELUXE European 1125 loctrIa orgen wth e double koy- board. Includes bench, light and shoot music., Liko new. Asklng $975. A nico Christmas glft. Phono 688-2725. TWO Wilson Jack Kremer pro eteff's tennis rackets wlth covors $100. Cail aftor 5 p.m. 668-3447. WATER PUMP, piston type, for shailow wols and lakes, suctlon 111, manufacturer "DURO", lnciud- lng motor, geugos, foot valve,'30 gais. gelv. tank, ail fttlig. Prîce $185. Phono 655-3004. 1977 AMERICAN MOTORS PAÇER, 60,000 milse, 2 door, blue. Aski ng $3,000. Phono 655-4352. 1976 HONDA CIVIC, hetchbeck, automnatie, one owner, body good, good running condition, neode tires to b. cortif lod, 57,000 original miles. 31,200 or beet offor. Phono 1974 CHEV NOVA, A-1 shape, $1,500 or beet offor, as'le. Phono 655-3027. When the advertised Item la soid,,disposed of, or unavailabie for whatever reason, the Item wIII be deemed to have been soid and a commission wiii be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as iiiustratod beiow, regardiesa If price la stated with 'lbesi offer." If the Item la NOT SOLO, or diaposeci of, the ad wiii b. run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUÎM C HARGE of $600 wiIi appiy payable In advance of publication of the firit ad. -Otherwiae a $7.50 charge wiil Sîp. piy If biiied whIch muest be paid upon receipt of bill. The above minimum charges wiIi be applJed'to the final commission due but In any case the higher amount wiIi b. charged. Minimum charge: $6.00 pre-paid; $7.50 bIiied. Maximum commission: $100.00. Alil advertisements must be piaced on an ex- clusive basis with the WHITOY FREE PRESS and run atieast one month If nbt soid. 5% of adierted price up tIo340.00 RATES (if article ia soid): 2% of balance over $40.00 EXAMPLE: "oId Item advertised for $120.00. Commission due 36.00 <minimum charge la $6.00). Private edvertlsing onlyl Pieese notlfy tho WhItby Free Prose lmmedisteiy when Item le sold 96 that vie mey delete Il' frorh 1h.e foilowIng Issue. Ail ada no t fttlng the Ernporium guidelines will bo treatod -and cherged per woek sas rgular clasalf led ado on a'pro-paid besis such as:, services, heip wanted, ciothinîg,'reel ostete, and porsonai message type ada, or ado not q!uotlng prico orf quantity. Prîve ciasslied ado may appeerln the Emporium section under eppropriate headings. ALL ADS WILL Go IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO:< FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206 WhItby, Li N 5S1 If 1n doubt cail: 668-6111l OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N. Whitby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FR1 DAY PFEVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON., * CASH FOR CHRISTMAS* *Turn unwanted'st'orag-es into cash quîickly and conveniently.* * Place your ad under the Emporium section and * stretch your Christmas shopping budget thi s year. * 668-6l11 TURN UNWANTED-ARTICLES INTO CASH. <FOR CHRISTMASSHOPPING Use this form ta mail ln your Emporium Ad i have read the Emporium guidelines and wish to have the foliowing advertise- ment pIaced under this section of the Whitby Free Press. A't forget to lnc.ude your phone number> E I enclose $6.00 to.caver the minimum charge E Charge $6.00 to my Visa account E Bill me $7.50 after f Irst publication of my ad Card No. Exp. Date Nam@ please print - firat and lest name) Street Addrmss City Postal Code MAIL TO: WHITBY FREE PRESS' P.O. BOX 206 131lBrock St. N. Whitby LIN 5S1 AUOOBILES1 1974 CHEVELLE, 4,door, 8 cylin- der, t:est offer. Minimum $500. >Phone 668-9944. 1973 ASTRA for perts. $100. Phonoe, 688-0573. - 1972 CHEV CAPRICE CLASSiC, 400 motor and t ransmision, now brakos ail the wey around. Asking $500 or boat roasonebie offor. Phono 668&9840. 1971 CHEVELLE, compietely re- stored and certIflod. Asklng $1.800. Phono 655-4517 or 655- 4989. CALL 6664111 bo place your ad In the Whitby Free Press. AUNOMT IVE PARTS FIVE Unlroyeî steel boitod radiais, LR1 78x15, chromo cae and rings, sparo brand new. $400 or beat of- fer. Phono 668-9228. ONE SPARE TIRE, H78114, white well on rlm, $10. Four hub caps, Plymouth, 31.50 each. Phonm 668- 5227. RADIAL TIRES with rime (white wails). Two HR78-15 steel boltod $130.- Two DR78-14 Goodyer cue- tom polysteel on. rim oniy) $100. Phono 668-9855. BAENENEDS DARK BROWN woodon crib, aak- lng $75. Phono 668-5016. HOHUSHOL CABINET STEREO, excellont con- dition, $350. Antique wood burn- lng cook stove $175. Wall. painting $10. .9-plece mahogany dinng room suite $1,200. Smali baby crib $40. Wiii tako boat offer on ail ar- ticles. Phono 571-0271 anytimo. COUCH, pull-oui, Sealy Posturo- podic mettrose with rattan freme, $485. Freezer, 22 cu. ft., white. $250. Refrîgeretor, white, 21" wIcqo x 22" deep x 5' hlgh, $80. Stove, 24" wide, white, $100. Bar, wainut wcod grain and black fin- ih, 5' wide, $50. Two wail unîta, weînut memino finish, 30" wlde x 6' hlgh, $150 for both. Coffoe & two end tables, French. Provincial, dark wcod finish, $100. Caii aven- Ings 728-1746 or days 364-3234, esk for Ken Hildor. HOUSEHOOWI 'CURVED SPACE furniture, threo, pleces; lnciuding spoon chair. Ex- cellent 'condition. AskIng $400. Phono 668-1664. ÇCALL M"6111 to place your ad. FULLY UINED-antique satin goid drapes, In good condition, to fit a wlndow 18" wide x 92' long and also 102"1 wide x 92" long, $125. Green uniined polyester, drapes, 150" x 95", $25. Phonoe668-3720 after 5 p.m. RAYWALL kitchen cabinets $400 or best offer. One semn door, brown,,$25. Fîve acrans, $5 eech, wili fit mothomes In West Lynde. Ares rug, 62"1 x 107", rose coiorod,' $20. Phone 68&2301. SINGLE BED with' mettroas, ln' good condition, $50.. Two plecos of >broadioom, blue, 12' x 18' $120, 12' x 8' $40. Phono 668-9605. SOLID WOOD c hesterfieid and two metchIng chairs, bIie etrIped cushione, $150. Phono 668-6144. WASHER and dryer for sale, good workIng order, $225 for pair. Bulit- ln dlshwaahier $225. Phono 839- 3213 after 5 p.m. WRINGER WASHER, excellent condition, $235. Phone 823-7522. ~1F~~RAL 14-FOOT HOUSE TRAILIER, Sham- rock, blue and whito, sloops 4, sInk, ico box, 3-stove, burner, toloet. Asklng $3,000. Phone 655- 4352. An id under the Whltby Freo Proes Emporium Section wIii soil almoot anything for you. Calii6W-61 11. ~~OLMBES ýNFOR-R1SALE 1975 TNT SKIDOO, 340, good run- ning shapo and excellent çondl- lion, noodaIlittie .work on fibre- gloa hood. AskIng $700. Phono 839-9725. OR SALE 1973 FORD WINDOW VAN, power steerlng, Power brakes, 302, VS, standard, noode some body work. $800 or beat offor as la. Phonoe668- 8227. lb... I h ____________________ _______________ _________________ __ jk Uv..- I __________________ MI I i. Somethina 1er Evervomne w- WHITIY FIEE PIEUS 668-6111-_ I I I %Uvi .Imm 0,

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