Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 13 Oct 1982, p. 12

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PAGE 12., WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 13, 1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS Repertory .theatre to 'open -soon 1Whltby movie-goers who have mlssed ha"in a local theatre willbe glad to know the Whitby Cinema is reopeming this Friday. The new theatre will be operating as a reper- tory cinema, a concept that has caught on in cineplexes and small theatres across the pro- vince. The principle of 'a repertory cinema is to provide a wide variety of films at low prices,' somethlng newy owners Gerry Szczur and Tom Litvlnskas of Toronto hope wlll catch. on In Whltby.' The two men ,wil show second-run movies, forelgn films and artlstic films on a -nightly basis. Popular films may run as long as two or three days. "We. were afrald imi- iaily to do this in Whit- by," Szczur said in a recent« Interview. "The problem bere is that we work on the concept of volume, fililng- the theatre, and Whitby's population is only 37,000.yP" Sczcur and iàtviskas (o.medy BBERNARD SLADE Starring NUALA FITZGERALD and LARRY SOLWAY Featuring SYLVIA LENNICK Compiete dinner & show f rom $1995 419 BROOK STREET'NORTH. WHITBY operate five irepertory cinemas ln'Toronto and Oakvile,'where they haveé more people and a wlder varlety of tastes to draw from. '"We're hoping to get a lot of people from Oshawa ,and Pickering," Szczur said. "We normally Woldn't try this in'a community of less than 1Ã"0,000 peo- ple."Py Besicles such films as Rocky III, Friday the l3th, and, Chariots of Fire, the new owners hope to attract people who want tosee foreign sports Interests? Share your sports en- thusiasm with Young people as a volunteer in smail gym pro- grams throughout the Whitby, Oshawa, Ajax, Bowmanvllle areas. The Eastview Boys and Girls Club requires volunteers just two hours a week from October to April. It is an excel- lent experience, for those who are enter- ing people, oriented careers. No exper- ience necessary. Training provided. By sharing your en- thusiasm in sports the Eastview Boys and Girls' Club can provide an enriching experience for youth in your ares. Cail the Extension Program Co-Ordinator 728- and artistic films, that, aren't available in this, ares. They're charglng only 99.cents for members on top 0f a $5 annual mem- bership fee, and $1.99 for non-members. .- Szczur says the con- cept, "balances itself out" because the key is to f111 the thestre nightly by.offerlng new films at low prices.. Szczur admîits he's taking a bit of a chance, but he's banking on the fact that Whitby is ready for a ryepertory cinema. OSHAWA,. Green Gaess FR1. OCT. 15 $5000310, Prizes Of f ered Jackpot must Go! $1000. Jackpot In given numbers Red Barn' AUDITORIUM 172 Wayne St. North Oshawa 7:15 P.M. Uc. 385M9 -Corn"e to theCabaret!. Mayor Attersley receives season tickets to the Whitby Thea- tre Company from president Michael Rowntree. Looking on is Susan Craig, whopiays one of eight chorus girls ln the, com- pany's presentation of Cabare 1 . The show wiii run November 4 through 13 at the Centenniai Building ln Whitby. -Free Press Staff Photo Corridor C apers w- By MARY MCEACHERN ('ail 725-8967 with items for this ciumn. DR. ROBERT THORNTON SCHOOL Dr. Robert Thornton Sehool will not be collecting and savmng Campbell soup labels this year. Due to increasing costs, Campbell soups have discontinued the programf. .Thaiiks to ail who saved labels in the past. WHITBY COMMUNITY CARE Did you know that Whitby Community Care, a strictly. volunteer organization, providing our seniors with such services as drivers for medical and other appointments, light housekeeping, friend- Iy visiting, letter writing and much more needs your help. Again, volunteers are needed to assist in the office, in driving and helping seniors ini the Town of whitby. Please cail Marie, co-ordinator of Whitby Comi- munity Care, at 668-6223 and offer just an hour or two a week. Remember, volunteering is very rewardlng. Community Care thanks ail volunteers and especiaily the students who gave so willingly of their Urne during the summer months. IINVITATIONS 7 :OPTIMIST CLUB 0F WHITBY DANCE The Whitby Optimist Club wii hold a fail fund. raiser 50's and 60's dance on Friday, October 22 at Heydenshore Pavilion. Music by D.J. (ballroom and disco on request). The dance will feature a cash bar, cold buffet, door, spot and best greasers prizes. Price is $15 a couple. Support the Optimist Club in this fund-raising venture. Caîl Doug at 571-1844 or Harry at 571-2148 for tickets. 8TH WHITBY SCOUTS The Sth Whitby Scouts are in dire need of leaders. If you have any time, or know of anyone Who would be willing to help boys from this.area, cail 571-1844 and volunteer your services. CARDIAC-REHABILITATION ORGrANIZATIOW The Cardi.ac Rehabilitation Organization will hold a novelty and bake sale on October' 23 from, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Midtown Mail in Oshawa. Baked goods or novelty items may be taken to, the Midtown Mail on the morning of the sale before 9 a.m. or dropped off at the home of Ann Preston, 329 endalwood Road in Whitby the evening before the sale. AUl con- tributions will be gratefuily accepted. HOLY FAMILY PARISH CARD PARTY The Holy Family Parish second annual card par- ty wiil be held on October 18 at St. Mary of the People Parish Hall, Stevenson Road, Oshawa, at 8 p.m. Admission is $2.50 per person and you wll ha ve your choice of bridge or progressive euchre, or if you prefer your own table, carda of your choioe. There are -a limnited number of tickets available, so-reserve early to avoid disappointment., Prizes and lunch are included in this fun evening. For tickets cail Clare at 723-123 or Barb at 728-4863. CAPERS BALL The Fail Capers Bail wll be held at the Masonic Temple Hail, Cochrane Street, Whitby oný Saturday, November 20. Tickets are $10 a couple and may be purchased from any executive memnber or by cailig Sandra at 668-8949 or Bey at 725-5008. There wiil be prizes, lunch and a cashi bar. Music wil be supplied by a disc jockey. Support the Rate- payers Association within your area - cail and reserve your tickets esrly. WESTMINSTER UNITED CHURCHI On Sunday,' October 17', there wli be something new. A hymn sing wil take place from 10:45 to il a.m. This will become a monthly event. Many thanks to ail of you who have called with items for this column. Your inte'rest'is much appre- ciated.

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