ARTICLES FORSALE AIR CONOITIONER for aide siider window, ,000 BTU' bargain at $160. cmlliOshawa725.6 ANTIQUE DESK, good condition, $125. Ladies' size 9/10 brown suodo coat, excellent condition, freshiy drycieaned, $100. Phone 666-2772. BOYS SKATES - New,' nover used, C.C.M. Super Tcka, sIzo 3%, $75. Phono 655-4271. Used one season, C.C.M. Super Tacks, size 3'and 4%,ff0each. Ptiono655-4271. CHEST OF DRAWERS, brown, 4 drawors, good condition, $39. Boys juniortenspeod, good qon- dItlon, $60. Phono 683-6638. COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION UNIT, 1 ½i h.p. Copolmnd compres- soraend circuiating fan, $390. Bunk bede $100. Phono 728-9743. DELUXE Sameonite card table set, new, $110. Binoculars, 7 x 50, fieid 701, $35. Walnut end table $6. Phone 668&1328. DRUNMS $270. Excellent condition. Alil reasonable'offors considorod. Please cairS78-191 1 aftor 5 p.m. 5 PC. PATIO DOORS $150. Piano $55. Freezer, 16 cu. fIt, $20. Bed chestorfioid 875.,Desk $60. Phono 683-7132. FOR SALE -'One pool cue, 20 ounce, 2 poce, $20 or boat'offor. Contact Mîko or Annetto at 666- 8484. LARGE STURDY WORKBENCH $40. Portable typ.wrIter, Ilke new, $45. Old wrdrobo, mirrors and drmwrs, $75. Antique table, mahogmny, $125. Phono 683638l. Timoinoss la Important whon you are buying or selling. And a CLASSIFIED AD la the 10w-cost Imoly wmy tb a quick solution. Cmii WhItby Fro. Prose 66846111. immu 'Mpm WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 6, 1982, PAGE 17 ~rnms' Emporium Ads wiII only be accepted subject to thé following conditions.j FOR SAL]E ONE ELECTROLUX shampooerl floor polisher, used only once, Ilke new, three years oid, $250. One 16 Inch child's bike $15. One 26 Inch giri's bike $25. One 20 Inch moto. cross bilce $60. Kenmore sewing machine $125. Singer aewing machine console $45. Phono 576- 4993. ONE PAIR Dominion men's roller skates, aize 7, $20. Lange Ice skates, size 7, $2. Used one ses- son. Ladies' %. length Imitation fui, dark color, $10. Calii 68-2695 anytimo. P.A SYSTEN with reverb. Two '100-watt hemdis and a ix-channel mixing board. Two bass cabinets and two tweeter-horn cabinets Also has covers built for the road. inciudos many extras. Bought new $3,500. Wili sacrifice $1,300. Serious Inquiries oniy. 7287158 anytime. WHITBY FREE PRESS 68"111 POOL - 15 ft. x 3 ftL Sand filter, ekimmor, repair kit, 2 lb. chiorine, ladder. Juet neede watert Asking $120 or beet offer. Phono Barry 668-8455. 8 H.P. MERCURY outboard motor $225 1with tank. 25 h.p. Evinrude motor $125. Reel-to-reel tape' recorder $40. Phone 576-769. SOLÂR BLANI<ET, above ground, new,1 24 ft. dimmeter, 850. Pool caver for 18 ft. x' 32 fi. above groulpd, uaed, $50. Phono 668- 44031 TWO Wilson Jack Kramer pro stmff's tennis rackets with covers $100. Cmii afterS p.m. 666-347. WATER PUMPI piston type, for saii ow welis and'lakos, suction 111, manufacturer 'DURO", Inciud- ing motor, gaugos, foot valve, 30 gais. gaiv. tank, ail fittInga. Prico $185. Phono 655-3004. WOOD STOVE, box type, Ilke now, soul for $95. Phono 655-4995.' -PLEASE READ - When the advertiaed Item la eoid, disposed 0f, or unavailabie for whatever reason, the Item wiil be deemed to, have been eold and a commission wIliib. chargod based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as iiiustrated below, regardiese If price laestatod with "beat offer." If the Item la NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad wiii b. run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $6.00 wiii aplypayable ln advancs of publication of the'first ad. Otherwise a $70 charge wili ap- piy If blled whlch muet be paid upon recelpt of bill. The aboya minimum chargea wlii b. appijed to the final commission due butiln any case the higher amount wiii be charged. Minlfimum charge: $600 pre-pai1d; $750 blled. Maximum commission: 8100.00. Ail advertisemente muet'b. piaced on an ex- clusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atiemet one month If not soid. *RATES Oif article ia soil«. 5% of advertised pre up to $400 2% of balance over $«0. 00 EXAMPLE: Soid Item adverised for $120.0W. Commission due 88.00 (minimum charg e la 8.00) Private advertieing onlyl Pieas notify the Whitby Free Prose Immediately when Item le sold so that we may delete It fromf the followIng issue.'Ail ada not fitting" the Emporium guidelines wiii be treated and chargod par week as rogular ciassified ada on a prr.paid beels such ms: services, help wanted, clothlng, ramisate, and personai message type ado, or adae not quotlng price or quantity. PrIvate classified &de may appear ln the Emporium section under appropriate headInga. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE sPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.0. Box 206 Whitby, LI N 581 If 16 doubt cail: OR DELîVER TO: 131 Drock St. N. Whltby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS US THE FR1 DAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. ,AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1977 AMERICAN MOTRS PACER, 60,000 milas, 2 door, blue. Asking $3,000. Phone 655-4352. 1974 CHEV NOVA, A-i Shape, $1,500 oç beet offer, as le. Phono 655-3021. 1974 CHEVELLE, 4 door, 8 cylin- der, bost offor. Minimum $50. Phone 668-9944. 1974 LINCOLN Town car, In good condition, noods minor body work. Aeking 81,500 as 18. Phone 655- 3006. 1973 ASTRA for perla. $100. Phone 668-0573. An md under the Whitby Free Prose Emporium Section wiii sell aimost anything for you. Cmii 68-61 11. 1971 CHEVELLE, comploteiy re- stored and. certif led. Asking $1800W. Phone 655-4517 or 655- 4W89. Due ta, the TrHANKSÃ"IVING HOLIDAY the Whitby Free Press oflpces wiII be CLOSED MONDAY OCT. 11/182. Classlfled an d Emporiu m ads for the October 13 edition must be recel ved by FRIDAY ATNOON ta guarantee tr pubication. AUVOMOTVE U REPAIRS/RPARTS FIVE Uniroyal steel beited radiale, LR78x15, chrome caps and rings, spare brmnd new. $«0 or best of- for. Phono 668-9226. ONE SPARE TIRE, 1-78114' white waIi on rim, $10. 'Fou'r hub wcaps, Plymouth, 81.50 each. Phono 668- 5227. CALL 668-6111 10, place your ad ln the Whitb'y Free Press. RADIAL TIRES with rime (white waiIa). Two HR78-15 steel beited $130. Two'0R78-14 Goodyear cus- tom polysteel (one rim oniy) $100. Phone 668-9855. 1973 MERCURY MARQUIS sedan parts. Front end, grill, fendors $200. Air. conditioning unit $65. Drums and rotors, almost new, $20 each. Difforentiai $80. Wind- shiolde $100. Master cylindor and vacuum $25. -.AM/FM radio $90. Door windows and olectric motors $10. Phono 655-3006. 'AVlNOîVE U REPIAPATSIR/pARTS 1973 TORINO 4 door parte.'302 engins $200. Transmission $85. Ahr conditioning rad <$50. Front end fenders and grlii $200. Bump- ors $45 each. Phono 655-300. BABY NEDS B3ABY'CARfRiAGE, ln 'goodconi- tion, new mattrose, $25. Phone 655-465, ask for Maureon. HOUSEHOiD GWOOD, BEAUTIFUL custom bulit.bir, bar frIdge and two new etoole, $450. Antique- wood burningcookatove $250. Wall pinting $20. 9-pc. mahogany dining romom. suite $1,400. Small baby crib $45. WiII taka boit offor on ail articles. Phono 571-0271 anytime. COUCH, pull-out, Seaiy Posture- podic mattress with rattan frame, $485. Freezer, 22 cu. fit., white, $250. Rafrigorator, white, 21" wida .x 22t' deep x 5' high, $80. Stove, 24" wide, whi$e, $100. Bar, wminut wood grain and black fin- ish, 5' wida, $50. Two, wali unite, wainut malamine finish, 30" wida x 6' high, $150 for both. Coffee & two end tables, French Provincial, dark wood finish, $100. Cmli aven- Ings 728-1746 or days 364-3234, ask for Ken Hilder., DARIC BROWN wooden crib, $75. Pair of gold drapes for living room, $40. Phono 668-5016. FULLY LINED antique satin gold drapes, ln good condition, to fit a window 166" wlde x 92" long and also 102", wido x 92"1 long, $125. Green uniinod polyesterý drapes, 150" x 95", $25. Phono 668-3720 mftor 5 p.m. SINGLE BED with mattrese, In good condition, $50. Two places of bromdloom, blue, 12' x 18' $120, 12' x 8'$40. Phono 688-9605. 'HOOUSEOL5' KITCHEN CUPSOARDS, 22 foot upper cupboards, 9 fI. lowor, ln- cluding countortopý, double sink and tape, ln good condition, $40. Also 2 bar stools, $25 each, In new condition. One 8' oioctric bas. board heator with built-In thormo- atat, $40. Vario'ty of used iouverod and bifoid closot doore, varlous sizes, $10-$25. Phono 668.4M8. THERE ARE PEOPLE wÃŽllling to pay good money *for thInga you've tired of. ,Piaco your md In the Free Pro8s- as fait as a phono cmii, resuits happeni Cmlfli 8-11. SOLID WOOD cheeterfioid and two matchIng, chairs, blue strIpod cushione, $150. Phone 668144. TWO RUGS FOR SALE. One shmded blue, 8'10" x 7'10", $70. One ruet, 8'xll', $70. Phono 668- 0094. WASHER and dryer for sale, good working ordor, $225 for pair. Buiit- ln diehwasher $225. Phone 839- 3213 aftor 5 p.m. FOR ALEENT * 14-FOOT HOUSE TRAILER, Shmm- rock, biue and white, eleep8e 4, eInk, le box, 3-stovo bumor, toliot. Asking $3,000. Phono 655-- 4352. M!SALE 1973 FORD Window Van, powor steoring, Power brakos, 302, V8, standard, noods somo body work. $800 as le. Phono 6688227. ONE %. TON TRUCK complets with lawn sprmying and trse and shrub spraying oqulpment. Every- thing roady 10 go. Asking $6,300. Phono 655-3932. CON FUSED? Many.peopie put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium simpiy because they find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't you miss out on our 10w adver- tising rates just because you have questions. .I-ýqpefully, the explanation beio'w can clear upmany of your questions -- if not, cali-668-6111 and we'l be pieased to ex,- plain the-Emporiumn Section to you personalîy. Don't hold onto unwanted articles any longer. Use the form beîow to make money from things you no longer have a use for. After ail -- the.-Free Press the mosi read newspaper Un Whltby! IO ,I If you: " are a privà te advertiser; " have an article to seil; and, " have a specifled asking prIce for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more detalis). Vour ad wili run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three months>. A minimum charge applies to eaCh Emporium ad: $600 If paid before the firstIinsertion of your ad; $750 If you are bllied after your ad has appeared once. If your article does NOT seil within three months,I you pay only the minimum charge. t is unfortu. nate that no newspaper can guarantee your article <~ will seUl, but, where eise couid you get three mon- ths advertising for oniy $6.00?I When your article sels, a commission la charged,i based on the advertised prîce. Commission le: 5% up to $400; 2% ofte balance over $40; LESS the minimum charge described above.t [ave read the Emporium guldelines above and wlsh to have the follow-1 lng advertisement placed u-nder this scin fteWhitby Free Press. __________________________________(ont forget to Include your phono numbor) El 1 enclose $6.00 to cover the minimum charge. CI Charge $6.00 to my Visa account. El BiII me for $7.50 after flrst publication of My ad. Card No. Exp. Date Nme<pioeaseprInt> Address City Postal Cd MAIL TO: C WHITBY FREE PRESS 131 Broc kSt. N. W-hltby LiN 5S1,, Below are some examples of what you wouid be charged If your article soid withIn three months. Commissions shown Include the mInImum charge and are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE. Advortised Total Amount, Price E be ý IUp to $120 k 2 00- $ 600 $ 400- $ 00 $900 $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 j$5,000and up $ 6.00 7.50 10.00 15.00 20.00 22.00 24.09 32.00 52.00 72.00 92.00 100.00 a 77- a --.quw- -qý- -qw- -qý- ý -