PAGE 14, WEVNESDAY OCTOBER 6,1982, WHITBY FREE-PRESS YOUR' DINING PLE ASURE Only the -name has changed at steak ho use When you've got a good tbing going, stick -wîth it. Especially when that good tbing is a success- fui business that has a ready-made image and a loyal dientele. Bull Hoffman, new owner of Hoffman's Sea- food and Steak House (formerly - Dines), decided not to rock the boat when he took over the restaurant on Aug- ust 23. He bas kept the same menu and made oftly slight -changes ,in preparation of the food. "The pat owner had a good clientele," Hoff- man said. "I thought if I could retain his custom- ers and build up some of my own, I'd be alright."ý Hoffman' worked in the restaurant for a monith to learn the busi- ness and meet custom- ers before taking over operations.1 "The, doors neyer closed, " he said. "It was a very- smooth transi- tion." -He said the name was changed to clearly sep- arate .bis' restaurant from Dines Drive Inn on' Gibbons Street., Hoffman, who calis himself an amateur cook at home, said open- ing a restaurant was "Isomething that I al-, ways wanted to do. " He and bis wîfe. Karen bave been residents of Finding good quality, rellable child care is as difficuit for "middle class" and "1profes- sional" parents as it is for low-income earners. With more and more families forced by infla- tion and higb interest rates to depend on the income of botb parents, this problemn is growing. Recognizing their common, concerns, a nuxuber of parents from a broad range of occu- pations. and income levels have joined with day nursery profession- the Wbitby area for about 10 years, and Hoffman was president of« the West Lynde Community Association at one time. Although be is new to the restaurant trade, Hoffman says if he can provide consistently ais and union repre- sentatives to organize a day-long conference on Durham Region's Most urgent cbild care issues. The "Day Nursery Forum" will be held Saturday, October 16 from 8;30 a-.m. to 3:30 p.m at Faitb .Place, 44 William Street West, Osbawa. For information and registration, eall Debbie Campeau at. 725-8455 between 9 a.m.ý and 5 p.m. Child care will be available. higb quality food and service, a nd a friendly atmosphere, he will sue- ceed. Features such as in- dividual portions of rack of Iamb' and Chateau Briande for two that is cooked to individual taste, are items Hoff- man says make bis restaurant different. "A lot of people won't order Cbateau Briande because one likes it well done and the other likes it rare. This way they can each have it the way tbey want it." Customers can put to- gether their own combi-, nations of shrimp, scal- lops, lobster tails and King crab on the surf and turf menu. Steak prices range from $9 to $14, and in- clude New York cuts and T-Bones. 419 BROCK STREET NORTH. WHlTBý Thanksgiving Specia. _ AI-you-can eat Ribs, Roasi Beef & Turkey 20 Itemf Salad Bar plus ta~x 173 Brock St. N. U Whltby 668-8822 ( Helen and Harold Tustin, of 1010 Dundas Street in Wbitby celebrated their 5th wedding anniversary September 27. The Tustins received congratu1atory certificates from Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau,. Premnier William >Davis aind Governor G-eneral Ed Shryer. Married in York Mills in 1932, the Tustins bave resided in Whitby for four years, and are planning to retire in Bowmanville. Nursery forum Durham Region Lung Association says it has received a good res- ponse to its planned workshop, "Health Hazards in the Arts." The workshop will take place at Durham, College in Oshawa on October 7 at 7:30 p.m. Guest speaker Dr. Michael McCann will discuss occupational healtb bazards common to those involved in printmaking, ceramics, crafts, sculpture, metal- work and photography. "There are many local"people involved in the arts, both as profes- sionals and hobbyists," says Angela Tibbles, director of the Durham Region Ltung Associa- tion. "Everyone we bave spoken to about the workshop is very pleas- ed to have this opportu- nity come to their own doorstep. " The evening workshop will be, of interest to professional artisans, teachers, students and bobbyists wbo are in-, volved in'the arts. Admission is $3.50 for adûlts and $1.50 for stu- dents. For more details and -pre-registration, caîl the Durbam Region Lung Association at 723- 3151.1 - Free Press Staff Photo THE GREAT WALL, 116 Dundas Street West, Whltby 668-7021. A favourite eating spot for Cbinese 'food loyers. A large selection of Canadian dhes als served. prices range from $2.70 and up for lunch, and $3.80 and Up for dinner. Open from 11l a.m. to i a.m. weekdays, ,Friday' and SaturdaY (oPen tili 2:30 We are now-fully licensed. J EXPLORER- RESTAURANT & TAVERN *Nightly Specials (Monday - Thursday) B.B.Qued Spare Rlbs Roast Prime Rib of Beef Jr. Filet Mignon New York-Sirloin (Ali above include salad, garlic bread, or dinner roll and potatoes.) Open Mon.-Sat. - 11:00-11:00 f900 Hopkins St., Whitby 8195 8«95 8«95 8.95 Sun. & Holidays 400-10:00 o Tlealth workshop g~""èa/ 66e-.9000 ~M~'""oronto 686-391 BY BERNARD SLADE Starring NUALA FITZGERALD and LARRY SOLWAY Featuring SYLVIA LENNICK Complete dinner & show f rom $19.95 MARI *. dOver25 Vears Estab/ished Oe2 er strak bouge tab.ern " Excellent quality fôood " Excellent. service " Relaxing atmosphere * Reasonable prices' Hove Mode US "TrHE BEST LITTLE STEAKHOUSE" IN TOWN Now Featurlng: ~q1. DINNER <C ýtm* -Ný SPECIALS ME j Every Tues., Wed., ThursiV\J *&Sun. Nlghts BUSINESS LUNCHEON SPECIALS (Reuanbiy red Tues. to Fr1. 11:30 a. m. ta 3 p. m. COCKTAIL HOUR> Tues to r1. Dmop in and inquirs Tue$.to FH about DINNER and LUNCHEON 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. SPECIALS P HON E: 668a2751 lMUYIATIMACCEED NOUR& Tue.-Tum l. c:30am.-lo p.m. 939 OIJNDAS $T. W.' Fd.Aà k$t. mwutof 4 Corn") 113am-l.mwy No, 2 4pimn-sp.m. WHITB-Y jjjr--