Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 29 Sep 1982, p. 20

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PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 29, 1982, WIHTBY FREE PRESS Whltby's Most WIdeiyRead I i SIF J CALL A PIGFE3SIOIAL I HIGHEST CARPENTRY PRICES HOME REPAIRS Paid for GoId and Silver &MRVEET coins, old guns, dlocks, IPOEET jewelery, dishes, furni- METRO LIC. B-2554 ture, crocks, oil paint- Kitchens, Ceramic TiI- ings and sealers. ing, Drywali, Rec. FRIENDLY Rooms, Cedar Decks FLEA MARKET FREE ESTIMATES 23 KING ST. W., LOSHAWA -725-9783 CALL 668-4686 t132 BROCK ST. NORTH, WHITBY, ONT., LUN 4H4J *èKIr-NGS KOLOUR KORAL INC. 1 I* 135 BroCk Street South moWhitby 666-1231 * INVITES You To Benjamin* $5 00 : ~ SAVE PAINTS Off A Gallon 0f Benjamin Moore Paint 1, p Coupon Expires Sept. 30182 LIMITED OFFER CARPET STEAM CLEA NING ENIEHOUSE d 01 a~î0s.----------$125,00 SLiving room, dlnlng room, adjacent hall-$540 SBedrooms, each with $54.00 special-------..f10.00 NO GIMMICKS - NO EXTRA$ E ULLY INSURID - SATISFACTION GUARANTEED THE RUG BUG 831-2102 Pickerir COMPEIZED BOOKKEEPINGI * TO FIS * More Economicai, Pester, INeater, Accurate.I CALL SISANNE 571-2032 St Clair The point & piper people ,Sateway Plaza Mldlown Mal il50Simcoe N. 200 John St. Oshawa 576-9971 578-2431 FFOR CEDAR DECKS,' FNEADDITIONS, RENOVATIONS, ,NEW' .WINDOWS, ETC. CALLI IPETER SIMONSENI ,683740 AFE .M. PLUMBING REPAîRS and allers- lions. No jobs are 100 amali. Cal 839-6348. THE WORLD ISYOURS ... IF YOU KNOW THE RIGHT PEOPLE... wherever you move the weîcome Wagon hostess the rlght persan la heip you iind a placeln your new com. munliy. Coul 668-8943 BOOKKEEPING AND TYPINO In my home, reasonable rates, exper-' ienced, wlIi pick-up and deliver ln ,WhltbylOshswa ares. Phono 688- 4957. HELP la on the way for'firme whose printer ha8 recently gone out of business. Lou Diokeon has the cost cuttlng ideas you need at a lime Ilke this, 683-1968. WHITBY FABRICS Custom Sheors & Drapes EXPERT ALTERATIONS ALSO CLEARANCE (iF SUMMER FAIIRIGS 215 Dundas St. E., Whitby 668-4821 C~ONGRATULATONS on your for- lhcoming marriage. Please vlew our sampies af engraved weddlng Invitations ai your leisure In aur Ajax Plaza store. Dickson Prlnting &Off ice Supplies 683-1968, NURSING 1CARE We' specialî>ze in care of patients In their own homes.] Our carefuily screened, In-, sured and experiencedi nur- ses, companilons and home- makers are avaliabie for full- lime and part-lime nursing cars. Availabie 24 hours. COMMAE 571_-3501 MNOM Classes Begin Oct.ý 13 H&R Block wiII teach you to prepare Incarne Tax returns in a special 9 week tuition course. " Courses caver cur- rent tax Iaws " Enroment open ta ail ages " No previaus tralnlng or experlence requIred " Full or part-tlme emn- ploymnent with us avallable ta quallfled graduates For details and class schedules, please write or phone: H&R BLOCK 15 Bond St. E, Oshawa 723-2217 WHO COULO IRA SETER INCOME TAX TEACHEA? NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE 0F RICHARD CHARLES MATTHEWS ALL persons ,havipg dlaIms against the, ES- TATE 0 F RICHARD CHARLES MATTHEWS, late of the Town of Whlt- by, ln the Regional Muni- cipaIlty of'Durham, who died on or about the 2th day of October, 1981, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersignèdlôn or before the l3th day of October, 1982, a fter which date the Estate will be distrlbuted with regard oniy to the dlaims of which the un- der signed shahl thon have notice, and the under-.. signed will not be hiable to any person -of whose dlaim he shahl not then have notice. DATED at OakvilIe, this l3th day of September, 1982. WARREN DURHAM, 18 Knightsbridge Road, Suite 1504, Bramalea, Ontario, -Administrator, by his solicitor William B. Kerr, Barrister and Sol icitor 292 Lakeshore Road, East OakviiIe,,Ontarlo L6J 1J2 THE DURHAM BOARD 0F EDUCATION, SNOWPLOUGHING 1982183' Applications wiIi be re- ceived by the undersign- ed until Tuesday, October 12, -1982 forsnowplough- ing and sanding of drive- ways, parking areas and sidewalks. AppIy ln writing stating type of equipment and number of units availabie together with the namne of the schools you are capa- ble of servicing. Specifications and Ilsts of schooIs may be obtain- ed from Mr. A.H. Betts, Manager of Maintenance, The Durham Board of Education, 555 Rossland Road West, Oshawa, On- tario L1J 3H3. e AUCTIONS 0F ANTIQUES BY EARL DAVIS At the Brooklin Commu- nity Contre, Cassels Rd., Brookiin. A fund-raislng event ,sponsored *by WhItby Arts Incorporated October 1.- Prevlew 5-7 p.m. Auction 7-9:30 p.m. Refreshments. Chairs, chandeliers, paintings, Iamps, cupboards, tables, frames, rockers, beds, washstands, round oak pedestai table, 7-pc. Dun- can Fyfe style dining room suite, wali cdock, porcelaîn, glass, brass. The folIowing donations by merchants of Whitby wiil be auctioned: HaIr- lines, A Day of Beauty, facial, pedicure, manicure &. hairstyIe; WesIey's WorId of Travel and' The Constellation Hotel,- a de- luxe weekend at The Con- stellation Hotel, Toronto, dinner & show for 2, Con- tinental breakfast & brun- ch for -2; Dempster's But- cher Block, a moat bas- ket; Cedrick's, dinner for 2; Linda Pauiocik, direct- or of the Station Gallery, Kitchenmaid; Judy's FIowers, a drled arrange- ment; Cheyne's, a carved duck; Pioneer Interiors, an antique candIestick; The Kitchen Cupboard &' Flavoîurs, a'.cheèeebas- ket.ý Mayor Attersioy & the counciliorswill help Mr. Davis by auctioning do- nated baked goods. For more 1Information cali Maureen Remington at 666-3192. AUCTION SALE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1 AT 6:30 P.M. 3 miles east of Little Bni- tain, or 7 miles west 0f Lindsay, on the Lindsay- Little Britain Rd. The pro- perty of Mrs. Alian Rich of Oakwood, plus others. A French Provincial chest- erfield & chair, G.E. 2-d *r. ref rigerator, Westing- house upright f reezer, bed chesterfield, maple dînette suite, mantel dlock, Viking washer &, dryer, china' cabinet hanging Iamp, Victrola, 3/4 Iength mink coat, wicker rocker, Inglis 2-dr. refri- gerator, antique dressers, 3 new airtight stoves, Sia- teon bottom 4x8 pool table, 5 h.p. Lawnboy rid- lng lawn mower, 5 h.p. roto-tiller, 17 ft. Tandemn axle car or equipment trailer, 10 ft. single, axIe AUCTION SALE WED., OCTOBER 6 ATi11 A.M.' 278 PARK RD. SOUTH% OSHAWA Having recolved In- structions f rom. principal we are to supplemont & clear ail equipmont, tools, parts, etc. of COOKS TEXACO owner retlrlng from busin ess, incIuding: COATES 40-40A tire changer wlth inf later, RED STALLION hlgh pressure washer, AM- MCO model 4000 brake latho, NORTRON 7300 computer wheel balancer, ALLEN analyzer model 16-110 with infra-red, PRESTONE il flush & fMI machine, several air hoses, arc wolder & bat- tery charger, set of wold- Ing torches, 2 ceiling fans, bench grinder, Hein- werner 2 ton flbar jack, 11/2 ton flbar jack, VW engine stand, 6 tire'racks, headiight aimer, 3 vices, 8 sections of steel sheIv-, Ing, Kleenflo dlean mas- ter parts washer, battery tester, 3¾4Impact drill, spark plug cleaner, Valve grinder (SIOUX) coil sprIng comprossor, -hub puller, 6 car stands, nut& boit bins, Iland bell& 100 ft. hose, whei pull- ors, air tools, socket sets, largo ¾/" socket set,,Zlie- bart oquipment, pump, etc., Chrysler es>sential tools, 15 boards, & mIsc. shop tools, assortmont 0f parts & accessories, 8 parts cabine ts, TEC, MAi70 30 dept. 5 drawor cash register, Colin cof- fee machine, calculator, photo, copier, fIro oxtin- guis hors; 2- & 4 drawor' files, desk, timo dlock& cards, Commander board with -letters, VEHICLES 197 '4 TOYOTA 4 whoel drive with Myers plow low ileage, 1964 CHEV IM- PALA super sport 2 dr. hardtop original car,. 32,000. miles, liko now. NOTE TIME: 11,a.m. Thîs Is an, excellent sale 0f equipmont aIllin good working order. Owner re- tiring. f rom ýbusiness. Everything must- go.: VIEWING Tuesday f rom 2 p.m. ta .8 p.m. and morn- ing of sale. McLEAN AUCTION AND LIQUIDATION SERVICE Rose & Scott McLean Auctioneers 576-7550 or 686-3291 'WELP AUBREY CRÉATIONS, officiai jeweiers ta Miss U.S.A,.-and, Miss unîvorse, need mature sales- people seiiing lhrough the home party pion. Car essential. Coul coliect afler 6 p.m. 705-428-9949. EXECUTIVE seeko assistance froïm empioyed, but hungry, management type. 723-0471. ST. ANDREW'S PRESSYTERIAN CHURCH, Cochrane Street, Whit- by. require o caretaker. This lsaa part-lime position. Wouid suit a retlred persan who iives reason- abiy close to, 1h. church. Appiy: R.M. Bensan, 305 St. John Street East, Whitby, Li N 1 N2. 668-8704. EASTVIEW BOYS à GIRLS CLUB requires volunteer leaders, 17 years and up, to operale youth mini-ciubs ln Whilby, Oshawa and Bowmanviiie for lwo hours week- iy, October 10 April. No experlence necesary. Provides excellent ex- perience for those seeki ng, people- orienled careers. Training provid- ed. coul Extension Pragram Co- ordinator 728-5121. rCHILDREN .BACK TO SOHOOL?. Came ta aur off Ice 10 a.m. 10 2 p.m. Manday through- Friday. Earn $3.75 per hour plus bonus- es. 6 86-3052 Ask for Nora S~~ERVCE' WILL BABYSIT'Iný my hame, rea- sanabie, rates, east end, Whitby, da.4y.oqr nighl. Phono 888-4957..ý.. RESPONSIBLE MOTHER of> lwo wlii give iloving cars 10 chiidren ln my home, Monday ta FrIday. Nutl- lious lunches and pisa.y area. Cali Maureen aI 666-3480. AUCTION SALE, SAT., OCT. 2 -6 P.M. PEARCE AUCTION CEN- TRE on Shirle'y ,Rd.,. 4 miles soutll of Port Perry. With new ,doors, win- dows, arborîte with trim, 'palInt, *shîngüles, plastic pipe, -chiminey paris, shelving &,-other hard- ware, ,-Princeëss' wood stolvei,.,reversibie garden tractor ,with biade & tIller, pool table,ý electric iawn -mower, shop -vac, auto- matic, washer, dressers, exercise bike, chro me table' .& chairs, wash stand & a lot more. Terms of sale:. cash, Visa ýor good cheque. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES, 985-7492 A COMPLETE SERVICE ON TRANSMISSION, DIFFERENTIAL & DRIVE LINESý 1F PHONE 668-07371 1 ED CERANOWICZ- CLASSIFIED ADS CONTINUE ON PAGE 14- ng

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