Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 15 Sep 1982, p. 26

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PAGE 18, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEM13ER 1$, 1982, WHITIIY FREE PRESS I M P - -- ' - 1cuo e -- Ioe e ist eem abeI ny nlem sl-4 in t-rglrp.c.Y s copnIo eeral wIt n tecuo Ife.Rdembe a WIty ary Qen Iny ai et 15212 eton m. ukbw.r ain ...wiIg Dv.p lAmo nnd us w wlou y Canadian wilderneuss 'ïexhibitthem'e For Diane Pugen, the phrase "pull Up a rock" has some significarit meaning. SThe 39-year-old Toronto artist wlll often spend days sittlng on a rock alIone in the Cana- dianwilderness captur- ing its beauty on paper. ý Throughout the mhonth. of September her works willlbe on dlsplay at the Whltby Arts Station Gallery. The show focuses on' charcoal drawlngs - and etchings that deal with., the Canadian land- scape. S-Pugen described this selëc-tion of her work as "a journeêy into ,my.own mind" a nd is directed at hier, explorta tion 'of, the relationship between land and life forms. 1Wile 'she,:.said lhe r work, is ."informative" and gives the -viewer "a feeling--of space" she' also described it as. having abstractional elemexits. In other. wor- dsof, she does not give every detail of a scene but provides sufficient informnation to impress ber audience. Pigen' received her art education at the 'Art Institute of Chicago, University of Chicago and 'Fenn iCollege 'in Cleveland, Ohio. While ber first love, is the creation of art,. to put breadand butter on the table Pugen turns to teaching. Sespecializes in teaching drawing, ana- tomy and print making and has taught at the University o-f Toronto, York 'University ,the Banff School of Fine Ar- ta and 'for, the Scar- borough Board of Edu- cation. Pugen is also a found- ing member of Arta' Sake, an art' school' founded by -a group. of estabUlihed Caniadian artit who were dis- satlsfled -wlth the Toron- to Threé Schools.> She wll conduct a workshop in landscape drawlng, for the IWhitby gallery on Septemnber 25 ,and 26 from .10a.m. to 4, p.m. WhMile the work- shop ta free, pre-regis- tration is required and participants will have to provide, ,their .own msterlals and lunc.h. ~For more informai cail the gallery at 4i85. Puýgen's work will shown until Octobe and can best be desc ed by comments made in the Art Gai] ofOntario's 'mi-ho publication of the wii of 1980-8. "My main concei the exploration of relationship of life/l, forms, -abstractions, variations involved N their spontaneous in mixing."y The gallery ta loce at the, corner of-He and Victoria Streets'. Diane Pugen's (above) recentwork portraying the Canadian wilderness will be featured throughou the month of September at the Whitby Ar>s Station'Gallery. The exhibit contains a Wide selection of charcoai drawings and etchings. Pugen focuses on"th relationship between lUfe and land forms throughout these works. ThisShow is part of the "Artists with their Work"I program organized by the Art Gallery fOtrIo and will beopen until October 3., -Free Press Staff Phot( Police reco ver $4,ý600 hi -Police officers have recovered $4,600 worth of jewelry, thaàt, was taken from a1 Lupin Drive home sometime on September 4. An investigation, by- Detective Doug 'King and P.C. BilI Temple of the "Durham Regional IITBY DAIRY QUEEN 103'Dundas St. E., Whltby BUY ONE GET ONE For5 4 Buy a 1/3 L *Ail Beef Double Burger, regular, wlth lettuce & tomato, at regular prîce and get the second one for 50s. Redeemable at Whitby Dairy Queen onîy. Vald Sept. 15-29/82. D~OUBLE 50O FCHIOKEN DELIGHT' IFF.SANDWICH Iu I I I I I I I I I I I I I A Try a k* -chicken sandwichI and save .50s OFF the regularI price. Our chicken sandwch s made f rom tender chicken breasts, and contaîns, only white meat., Redeemnable at Whltby. Dairy Queenonly .ValId Sept. 15-29182.I Police ]Force 18 Division (Whitby) also leId to the arrest of. a local man in connection with not ônly, this break-in ýbut another 'at a downtown apartment building. >A- spokesman for the' force said that between $600 and $700 Worth of household items were stolen between August 13 and 19'from aBrock Street South home while, the residenta were away on vacation. Police, added that about. $200 damage was also done and that none of the items have -yet gerns been recovered. Dale William DE man, 21j. 0f'913-Li] Terrace, Whitby' I been charged, with t counta' of break,, eni and theft. He. will' pear in Whitby prov cial court on Septemt 17. CLE S. C~OU CLEANERS 1 SAME DAY SERVICE-E ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS e.Fi bers." can sometimes cause Mohair is cone of the fabrîca sto shrtnk. the most desirable fa. Do flot try to press. brlcs because- of Its these Items at.home * 00 MOHAIR softness, beauty, because. the steamn bîending properties, couîd cause shine. 00 Which f iber readiîy colorfastness, stre- The International O)accepts dyesâ and ngth and warmth. It, Fabricare Institute, g Ives colors à cîarity, combines with both the world wide trade is depth and brilliance natural and synthetic association of Iaund- unmatched by other fibers and readiîyac- erers and dryclean- f ibers? Which also cepts dyes to mnake ers, and K & M Clean. readily combines with beautîful fabrics. A-. ers suggest you. brlng s,0 others - whether nat-. though the fabrlcs are your mohair garments, 9ural- or synthetic? lghtweight, they are to a' professional T his versatile f iber is warm and a favorite cleaner for safe dlan- &~ mohair! It cornes for al s'easons. ing and, handîing. He 1( fromn the Angora goat Mohair fabrlcs re- has the- training to * Seand is sometîmes quire speclal han- properîy handîe this caîîed " .The, Faîry diling sînce excess lIuxury fabrlc, .to g ive *,0 Godmother of moisture and heat you many wearlngs. "c4 et L & :S-%7i£o tzÉ tit 9 d m St 112 COLB ORNE ST. ýW., WH ITBY 668-2831 0 77 Further Information pertaining to the application is aval labie by contactlng the" Planning Department, Level 7, In the Whltby Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Road East, ýWhltby, Ontario. (416> 668-5803. Persons wishlng tô express their comments may do so by writing to the Direc- tor of Planning at the address noted above.. Submlssions to the Town of Whlt- by must be received no later than Friday, September 24, 1982.

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