PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8,1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS. Ceau à PIOFE33IOIAL A COMPLETE The SERVICE ON TRANSMISSION,l Ruq Bug DIFFERENTIAL & Professonal DRIVE IN ES Upholstery Cleanlng 25 years' experience ln cieaning fine fabrics ED CERANOWICZ 3 SEATER SOFA' 0 PHONE 668-0737 &CHI . 00 132 BROCK ST. N., Pîckerîng WHITBY, ONTARIO 8120 st clair NELYLERS Th pw ppe pope DELIVERED?I P , ~ We can deiver your flysrsl Saea laza Midtown Malil. qulckiy and economcally. CaI:U liSOSimoos N. 200 John St. mS Oshawa HTYFEPRS 576-9971 576-24311 668-6111l F. ALAN'LAWSON C.A.. TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY RECEl VER AND MANAGER Insoivency Consuîtlng services mncde: Reorganlzetion of Insoivent businesses Including, proposais. Assistance ta secured credîtors ln realization of coilaterai. Other receiverahlp and trustes servi.ces. ESTATES MANAGERS Ronald Pidduck Roma Dobby T. R'. Canden, C.A. - Trustee 221 Klng Street East Oshawa, Ontarlo LTaisphone (418)>433-2166 CARPENTRY HOME REPAIRS IM PRO VEM ENTS METRO LIC. B-2554 Kitchens, Ceramic Tii- ing, Drywaîî, Rec. Rooms, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES CALL 668-4686 435 George Street Noflh Peterborough, Ontario Talophone (705) 745-2741 HIGHEST PRICES Paid for GoId and Si lver coins, old guns, clocks, jewelery, dishes, furni- ture, crocks, oil paint- ings and sealers. FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET 23 KING ST. W.,9 OSHAWA 1725-9783 ýU MUM - m -ww-m mmm mmm mmm m - à KINGS KOLOUR KORAL îNC' * 135 Brock Street South. I 1 Whitby 666-1231 * INVITES You T I nmin *SV $5 00j *Moore//SAVE a 0 V uITS Off A Galion 0f Benjamin Moore Painit m p Coupon Expires Sept. 30/82 S E- lTwo men ... two trucksî wIll do ight moving j obs & ciean-ups I ~anytime ... anypacej 68-771] WHITBY FREE PRESS 665-611 HELP la on the way for firmai whose prInter has recently gone out of business. Lou DIckson has the cost cutting ideas you need ai a lime like this, 683-1968. "YOU CAN DO IT" Knitting, cracheting, macrame and batik. Daytime. Starta Sep- temnber 7. Cost $20 for 20 houra. Caeil668-8010. I I WI-ITBY FABRIOS Custom Sheers & Drapes EXPERT ALTERATIONS ALSO CLEARANCE OF SUMMER FABRICS 215 Dundas St. E., Whltby 668-4821 DO0N'TTHROW I'TOUT! Invisiblechina andý glass repaira dons with satisfaction. guaran. teed. Heat resistant glus used. Cali Lyn et 668-8010. TREE CUTTING I& REMOVALI ..A nytime ...I ..A nyplace ...I CONGRATULATIONS'on your for- thcoming marriage. Pisas vlsw Our samples of engraved wedding Invitations et your leisure ln our, Ajax Plaza store. Dlckaon Printlng & Office0 Supplies 683-1968, SERVIES '1GRAMMAR for people who hate grammar" la the Ideai pocket reference book for business Pao. pie. $3.95 par copy and available "ai Dickson PrInting & Office Sup- pilies ln the Ajax Plaza. Dealer en- quiries invited 683-1968. Wein, Mina Annie At the Oshawa General Hospital on Wednesday, September 1, 1982 ln her 84th year. She is prede- ceased by her husband Albert, 1947, her son John, 1965 and daughter, Mrs. Mary Rodgers ln 1971. She is survived by one son Abert of Kirkland Lake, Ontario, her daugh- ter, Wanda (Mrs. Gien Cox) of Whitby, her bro- ther Ira Andress and sis- ter Minnie Roberts, both 0f the United States. Also, 5. grandchildren, 7 great grandchlldren and 3 great, great grandchild-. ren., Wein rested at Syming. ton Funeral Home at Kirk- land Lake where services were held on September 4. Interment was at the family* plot ln Kirkland Lake Cemetary, off Iciated by Rev. Dan Stedman. AUCINS AUCTION SALE SATUIRDAY, SEPTr. il "AT 11:00 A.M. Clearing auction of an- tique & contemporary fur- nItUre, appîlances & other miso. Items, for the.Es- tate of' M.B. ("Tip") Vipond, at the home, 6 Cassel s Rd. West, Brook-~- lin. Partial Iist Includes: 7 po. mahog. dIning suite; mahog. china cabinet; heavliy carved 3 pc.,sofa set; 3 pc. walnut bed set; pine cupboards;, pine blanket box;. pin. drop leaf table; set of press- back chairs; set of Bow- manvilie style chairs; large antique wooden din- Ing tables; press &'plat- form rockers; washstand; parlour tables; dressers; old beds; copper bolier; oit lamps; table & stand- ing Iamps; glass & china; pictures & frames; biank- ,ets; bedding; propane stove; fridge; washer; dryer;. & other valued Items. Terms cash or cheque (with l.D.). No reserves. GAYLE & HENRY KAHN- AUCTIONEERS 985-8161 AUCTION SALES Check the Whitby Free Press each week for the best of the local auctions. CT0NS WAN NAMAKER AUCTION SERVICES 1614 Charles St., Whltby WANTED - Estates, household Items, furni- ture, glass, tools & equlp- ment. The place to buy or seli. We wlI11 pIck up. 666-3731 668-8403 (DAYS) (vG. Y~A.SALES XI ALPHA SIGMA GARAGE SALE - Saturday, September il et 10 e.m. 770 Fernhlil Blvd., Oshawa. Somethlng for everyone. Eight- table nearly new clothes. FORRAISALE 2" Storm Doors Triple Seaied s5coorsU 9. .4ast-ylea lnatalled inciudlng tex. Aiso eco- nomical and energy efficient storm or replacement thermal windows and patio doora. FREE ESTIMATES Durham Glass 666-3355 af ter hours 666-1847, AU3TINS POLICE AUCTION DURHAM REGIONAL POLICE FORCE 77 Centre Street N., Oshawa, Ontario Saturday, September 11,91982 Sale Starts 10:00 A.M. By P ubl.ic Auction Whereas no dlaims have been made by the owner of the property ln possession of the Durham Regionai Police Force, by reason of having been stolen f rom its owner, or by rea- son of having been found abandoned ln a public place and the Force Is unable to as- certain its rightful owner. Further that thèse articles have been heid more than the 3 months required. Articles forauction are as foîîows: bicycles and mIscellaneous items. Sale to be heid at the rear of 30 William Street, Oshawa, Ontario. TERMS: Cash Jon M. Jenkins Chief of Police ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFUED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisemeflt for errors on the f lrst day of publication. The Whitby Free Press wili not be hiable for fail- ure to pubîish an ad, or for typographic errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error up to a maximum cost of the first'insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or reject ai l advertisements. Ads must apoear'in the paper one day before they can b. changed or canceîled. RATES: $4.06 for 2 0 words If billed; 12o each additional word. Pre-paid Insertion of 20 words $3.50; additional words l;ç each. Vou may charge your Classifiled Ad to your Chargex or Visa Account and receive the discount on the price of your ad. Please have your Visa card ready when cailing. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irst 100 words; 12o each additional word'. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the first 50 words; 12c each additional word. AUCTION SALES - 32o per linie. (No word ads aiîowed.) BOX NUMBER S: Box numbers are available at an additionaî charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press will make every en- 1 Il HELP WANTED EARN EXTRA MONEY. Show our quaiity lins of carda and gifle to friands, neighbours, relatives. No experience necessary. Our ful coiour Christmas catalogue makes It easy and profitable. Write or phone today for Information and 'free catalogue. Monarch Greetings, Box 516, Hamilton, L8N' 3K3, (416) 527-3891. PROFESSIONAL JOB Full or partIlme dental hyglenist ls requlred lmmediatsiy for a pre- ventive dental practice ln Miii- brook area (near Peterborough, Ontarlo). Rspiy ln writlng to: Den- tai Hygieniat, P.O. Box 206, ýWhit- by Free Press. MATURE WOMAN requIred to babysit two chlldren at my hom!e In the Pringie Creek ares. Own transportation required. Phone 668-1550. WANTED - Studenta to earn extra cash by canvasslng for a major newspaper. 'Must be available two nlghts a wsek. Excellent commis- sions. Cali Mr. Gloster 666-2542 eveninga.' AVON Are you ready for Chistmas? We are. Avon la on the move. Joîn the number one beauty company. Earn extra Income, meet new ex- cltIng people, launch a new car- ser, work flexibls houra.,For mors Information pisas cail 668k5463. OUALIFIED BOOKKEEPER exper- ienced'in one-rlght system for aui business In Ajax. Able to tae trial balance, word proces lng and mlcro-computer exper- lance an asset. Girl Friday attitude a must. Send resume ta Box 428, Ajax, Ontario, Li S 3C5. FINANCIAL SALES This welI estabîished f irmn wlth off ices In Toronto and London requires profession'al sales repre- sentatives In select territorles throughout Canada and U.S. These positions are available due to rapid expan- sion ln our Marketing area. The Ideal candidate wlilI have proven skilîs ln marketing Investments, real estate, or other high ticket, high return items, ahd may wis'h to add our investment service to his/her produot mix. Please repîy ln confildence to: AMBERLEY INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT LIMITED 4 King St. W., Suite 1701 Toronto, Ontario M5H 18B6 (416)>862-1018 HELP WANTED - Licenced auto mechanic for very busy fiat-rate shop. Good working conditions, new premises. Appiy village Plymouth Chrysier, 683-5358. Ask for Rob Richardson. SO, p ARTICLES FOR SALE DRY FIREWOOD for sale. Cul, apilt and deiivered.* $150 full cord. Ail hardwood. Ceil (705> 324-0197. ELECTRIC FURNACES - Furnace conversions off ail up 10 $80 re- baie - on dispiay. Cati Jim et 668- 4278. VIsI'r our used furnitumre - house by appointment. Big savInga on deaka, chairs, fing cabinets, etc. Cail DIckson Print- Ing & Office Supplies to arrange an appointrment ta vlew. 683-1968. WANTED -'Old tools and Instru- menta, carpentry, any trade, Stan- i q1y Engliih, etc., surveying, scien- tic, etc. Phone 655-8049. PART-TIME DAYS OR EvENINGs. Lack of money got you down? Then join our terrlfic phono team. Diai your wage douearai Excellent bonus and houriy rate. 10 s.m. to 2 p.m. or 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Call today 686-3052. CHILD ARE SERVIES] DAY CARE evallabia ln my home. Company for my two-year-oid. Monday 10 Friday, hot lunches served, Thlckson Raad & 401 (Coventry Complex). Phono 576- 8394. MOTHER 0F ONE wili babysît'in own home, fultUme, any age wei- came. Bumns and- Blair ares. Phone 668-528. LOOKING FOR MORE ARTICLES FOR SALE, REAL ESTATE, ET.... CLASSIFIED ADS CONTINUE ON* PAGE 18 OF THISEDITION4. deavour to forward replies to box numbers, however, we ac- cept no iability regarding Ioss or damage aileged to arise throu'gh failure or deîay ln forwarding such replies. W. wilI not be responsible for box number replies not calied for within 30 days. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert or caricel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication to ln- sert orcancel Emporium Ads. CALL 668-6111 1% nouumammop '0811 ---à .ý - ý 1 L.,q l'r-À