Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 1 Sep 1982, p. 24

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PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY'SEPTEÉMBER 1,1582, WHITBY FREE PRESS CL S IF E ý DCONTINUED FROMPAGE14.ip r io i ARTICLES FOR SALE DRY FIREWOOD for sais. cut, aplit and doiiverod. $150 full cord. Ail hardwood. Calil705) 324-0197. FREEZER, uprlght modal, $200. Coior TV $175. 8-foot wet bar $150. 8-treck recorder & FM car playor $150. Phono 66>1782. GUIDE UNîFORM, size 1411, In- ciudes skIîri, blouse, boit, money pouch, sash and neck ti., $25. Brownie unIforîn, mixe 10, Includea camp hat, brownio hat, droe, boli monoy pouch, $15. Phono 655- >3533. ELECTRîC FURNACES - Furnaco conversions off cil Up to $800 re- bats - on display. Cali Jlm et 668- 4278. WAN NAMAKER AUCTION SERVICES 1614 Charles St., Whltby WANTED - Esfates, household Items, furni- ture, glass, tools & equip- ment. The place to buy or sell. We will pick up. 666-3731 668-8403 (DAYS) (EVGS.) KITCHEN cuPBoARDS, 22 foot uppor cupboards, 9 ft. iowor, In- cluding countertop, double sink and taps, ln good condition, $400. Aiso 2 bar stools, $25 each, In new condition. One 8' eiectric base- board heater with' bulIt-In thermo-ý stat, $40. variety of used iouversd and bifoid cioset doors, varlous sizes, $10-$25. Phono 668-4686. DRY FîRE WOOD. Bosch, maple, white birch., 1à" sticks. Dliver anywhere. $45 per single cord. Phono (705) 454-8260. VISIT our used furniture ware- house by appointment. ýBig savings on desica, chairs, fiing cabinets, etc. Cali Dickson PrInt- ing & Office Suppiies 10o arrangé an appointmont to view. 6831968. WANTED -Oid tools and instru- ments, carpsntry. any trado, Stan- ley, Engiih, etc., surveying, scion- tif ic, etc. Phono 655.8049. UTO~OBILES FRSALE 1976 VOLARE, 2 door, 6 cyiinder, aiant 6, 68,000 miles, red, new (power) brakes, intorlor ln good condition, Concorde radio, Pion- eer speakers. Phono 668-0711. 1964 METEOR, V8, 352, power .stosring, power wincdows, power brakes, for parts. Bost offer. Phono 668-7667. SARIFICE SALFIE 1975 OLOS CUTLASS SU- PREME, power steering, power brakes, air conditionod, $1,700. Lic. SSN 108. MARINE SUPPLIES PROPS and sega rebulit. Expert boat repairs. Discount fibergias repaire. Oshawa Glusa Fiber. 341 Durham Street, Oshawa. 579.1433. _____________________________________________________________________________________ I PPRDICEDUCE HOME GARDENER hes very iimit- sd suppiy of Iroos, plants and vogs for saes et very roasonebie prîces. TREES: dwerf appie, pear, mapie, epruce, coder,, esh. PLANTS: Iris, peonies, Ilec, raspborry canes, rhuberb. VEINS: potatos, cucum- bars, dill, boots, carrots, squash, beens, broccoii, ceuliflowsr, cab- baga. Ceii 655-4525 for furthsr In- formation. MOTRCYCLE'1 1M8 C.X. 500 CUSTOM, 2,000 km., mInt' condition, voter. Fairing, Kreussr baga end oxtras. $3,100. Call 683-6791. ~~LES FFO RE 'IIENT makes and modeis, by the week- end, week or month. Discounts avallebie. Dickson Printlng & 0f- f ico Supplies In' the Ajax Piaza. Cali us for business machine repaira 683-1968. OZFEE FREE: Drop Into the Dickson Prin- tIngý &office Suppiy store ln the Ajax Plaza and pick Up a free copy of their 1982 Metric Caiendar. Prinled ln two colours, It makes for handy reference. 683-1968.1 HOUSES, FOR RENT, APARTMENTS for rent. Phono 668-6372 for more Information. F~LODA VACATION RENTrAIS Clearweter - Teke the familyl IThree bedroom,ltwo bathrooml cutyclub homes, pools, tens.close t10 major ellrec- 683-5503 - WHITBY - OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Thrse-room office suite, private weshroom, over 7W0 sq. ft., broad- ioomod, air condi tloned. Main of- fice about 32' long, couid be dIvIded. Cail Mr. Burgess between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. aIt668-8372. BROOKLIN AREA, needed imme- diatly. Two 10 lhree bedroom apartment or house. Phono 655- 3126. HOUSES FOR RENT room, brick house located at 977 Susan Drive, Squlres Beach, Pickering, Ontario. Proceed south on Brook Road from Highway 401 East. Turn ea st at second,,stop light to McKay Road and follow road to Intersection of McKay Road and Montgomery Park Road. Turn 'rlght at this Intersection to Susan Drive, and- proceed south to third house on east side of the street. The property is accessible to the Pickering "GO" Train, and servIced by Dial-A-Bus and a school bus. This property may be viewed f rom 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., Thursday, September 9th, 1982, when a rep- resentative of the Ministry of Government Ser- vices wilI be ln attendance. OPEN HOUSE SIGNS WILL BE POSTED. Tender documents may be'obtained'f rom the rep- resentative on this date, or f rom: Min istry 0f Government Services Publ ic Tenders Off ice Room M1-43A, Macdonald Block Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario, M7A i N3 Telephone (416) 965-1152 A certIi ed cheque or money order for the f irst month's rent must be submitted with the tender documents, and will be promptly returned to un- successful bidders. Sealed tenders will be received until 3:00 p.m., Frlday, September l7th, 1982, at which time they will be opened ln public., Tenders will be opened ln Toronto. NOTE: For further Information, please contact Martha McBurnie, Ministry of Government Services, Toronto, Ontario, Telephone (416)9p65-2040. Please quote File No.: M767-31. The highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. T.O. 181 « Ministry of 4, G verment Ontario APATMNT/sPark By The Hon. George Ashe, MFP (PC - Durham West) Ontario Minister of Revenue One of the responsibiities of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications is to identify ail transportation needs of Ontarians and 'satisfy these needs according to prevailing institutional social and economic policies of the provincial governient. The municipal transportation division of the ministry, which includeathe municipal road 's of- fice and the municipal transit office, emphasizes the important role which municipal transportation services play in Ontario's total transportation system. The Municipal Roads Office develops the ministry's program policies to assist municipalities in creating -and maintaining'an effective municipal road system within the frarnework of the province 's. highway network. This office, in conjunction with the regional and district offices of the' minîstry, directs provincial funds to. municipalities- to assist them in providing a safe and efficient road systern wbich will meet the needs of the travelling public., The Municipal Transit Office promotes the development of municipal tranisit services and ad- ministers' the ministry's financial assistance programn to assist in developing and maintaining an adequate level of municipal transit service. 1The Air 'Office of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications is the focus of the ministry"s aviation activities and- is responsible for prograrn development and management. This office deveiops provincial air poiicies and, in co-operation with the federai, government, prornotes the develop- ment of an adequate Ontario region air service, The airoffice also manages the ministry's municipal airport construction'and maintenance programs and provides technicai support to the Ministry of Northern Affairs regarding remote airport and Nor- Ontair air services programs. The Marine and Pipeline Office co-ordinates and develops, as part of the total provincial transporta- tion system, the, extensive marine traffic, port facilities and shipbuiiding centres in the Great Lakes. With the Great Lakes/Seaway Task Force as a basis, the office. interacts with the federal gover- nment-and the marine interesta in the province and, as appropriate, maintains',a. liaison with. the American authorities, This office is also responsi- bie for'governmènt matters which affect pipeline systems within the province. The Rail Office of the ministry ensures that On- tarian's interests -are fully repr.esented in rail- related activities by promoting the development of a suitable rail passenger and freight system in the province. The rail office also works closely with the federal governmfent and represents the province at Cana- dian Transport Commission hearings and attempts to influence both the national government and the railways to implement policies and programs to meet Ontario's needs. Two additional offices which I would like to men- tionare the Bus Transportation Office and the Truck Transportation Office which serve as the con- tact in the ministry for municipalities, orgamiza- tions, private companies and individuals who have an' interest or concern involving these, particular transportation modes. The major responsibility of these offices is to identify public interest in each area and determine appropriate courses of action which will accomplish provincial transportation goals. In addition, the ministry has regulatory con- trol over these two transportation modes. In order to develop the excellent transportation system which we presently enjoy in this province, the Ministry of Transportation and Communica- tions has relied on co-operation and dedication by concerned Ontarians. For this reason, the ministry encourages public participation in their planning process. w would like to take this opportunity to remind you that a meeting bas been scheduled by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications in Durham Region to discuss proposais for the noise barrier to be constructed on the north side of Highway 401 from Lynde Creek easterly for 0.95' kiiometers. The meeting will be held at the Whitby Municipal Build- ing, 575 Rossland Road East, on Wednesday, Sep- tember 8 from 6 to 9 p.m. I wouid encourage inter- ested citizens Ito drop in and comment on the ministry's design proposais for this projeet. Bogus bids offe red: Oshawa resident An Oshawa - resident complained ,"of phoney bidding,« at Egan 's motorcycle auction in Brooklin. MIt Terry claimed that bogus bids were of- Manager fered foxi .. motorcycle on whiclih h was bid- ding, to raise the price. James Sinclair, the auctioneer, was arrested. arrested after milk store thefts LA CONTESSAma HAI R SSALE MON DAYS ½/2PRICE PERMS FOR ALLTHE FAMILY IONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS I NTRODUCING SUSAN BOLDUC OUR NEW HAIRSTYLIST ½/2PRICE ON EVERY HAIR SERVICE AVAl LABLE INCLUDING. PERMS 119 GREEN ST.., WHITBY 668-9262 A man has' been arrested:* after a large quantity of cash and merchanclise was stolen from the Beckers outiet, on Garrard Road. According to a- spokes- man for the Durham Regional Police Force, the merchandise and cash was stolen over a two-month period during July and August.- 1 The spokesmnan said that $3,858.36 in mer- chandise and $479.77, in cash was stolen. Gaetan joseph La- voie, 40, of 75 Resolute Crescent, Whitby bas been charged with theft over $200. He will ap- pear in Whitby provin- cial court on September 3. At the time of bis ar- rest last, Wednesday morning, Lavoie was employed as the mana- ger of the Beckers out- let. ~A~I 7 DURHAM REGUON 1$FAMULY Y.,M.'C.A. FALL BROCHURES* NOW AVAl LABLE Cali 668-6868 *OPEN HOUSE* Henry St. High Sohool Cafetorium Whitby Monday, Sept. 13, 7 to 8:30 p. m. *REGISTRATION* Extended hours, Tues., Sept. 14 to Fr1., Sept. 17,9 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Sat., Sept. 18,9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 416 Centre St. S., Whitby NEW SATURDAY HOURS Starting Sat., Sept. il , 'Y' office open 9:30 a.m. to 12:39 p.mý.

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