Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 1 Sep 1982, p. 23

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CAL L 668*61 Il __________Emporium Ads wiII only be accepted su bjeot to the following conditions. -PLEASE READ - ARTICLES ARTICLES When the advertlsed ite m la sold, dloposed of, or unavaltable for whatever reason, the Item wlI be :. HOUSEHOLD ~ C C E ' m 5 e ' O -. deomed te have been sold and a commission will be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as L . W O D I feo.A E/lN A S W FOR SALEq FOR SALE llluatratod below, regardiess If prie la atated wiih '"besi offer." O DlmS EW NTL If the Item la NOT SOLD, or dlaposed of, the ad wiIi be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE A 12 plus 50 gal. aquarium and ail ONE -WESTINGHOUSE built-in <0f $6.00 will apply payable in.advance of publication of the fîrat ad. Otherwise a $7.50 charge wîîî ap- ANTIQUE DINING ROOM SET, FOR SALE - 1980 Honda 400 C.c. accessorios $275. Vine equip- diahwasher, avocado green,,three piy If biiiod which muet be pald upon recelpi of blih. The aboya minimum chargea wili be appiied to buffet and table, $250. Large stur- Hawk. Excellent condition. 17,000 ment $75.* Premier drumn $700. If yeareolod, excellent condition, the final commission due but ln any case the highor amount wiil be charged. Minimum charge: $800' dy work bench $40. Smaii Duncan km. Asklng $1,200. Phone 668- lnteresied cail 723-9618. $200. One Electrolux shampooeri pre-pald; $7.50 bllled. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ail advertlsements must be piaced on an ex- Fyfe table $55. Old wicker chair 1481. floor poilsher, used oniy once, like clusîve basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atiest one month If not soid. $45. Smaii air compres sor $35. ______________ ALUMINUM çomoination door, new, treyasod 2.Oe1 RATES (If article le bld>: rockin clhair bl $33.: old 1978 HONDA 400 Tl. Asklng $850. brown79, x ell79" % fxm 36"Ichcx 1½",ie 15 frameInh % andvetinch chiid' $40.0 2 o bbanekeer$$15.ocinOneir$326Od cinchee grill lndiuded. Excellent condition glri'o bike $25. One 20 Inch moto- ~ oavriepIepo400 %o aac vr400 and chair $20. Truck and traiter Phone 668-3415. brand new.* Asking $125 cash. cross bike $60. Phone 576-4993. EXAMPLE: Sold Item advertlsed for $120.00. Commission due $6.00 (minimum charge la $6.00>. mIrroro $15. Boys and glrl's bicy- Phone____57___-1__83._ clos $35 each. Camp stove $15. 1978 HONDA XL 175. Asing $850. Phoe 76123.Privais advertlsing onlyl Pisas notify the Whitby Free Press Immedlaieiy when Item ls soid se that Phons 683-6638. Excellent condition, 5,000 kilo- POOL - 15 ft. x 3 ft. Sand filter, wo may doisîs itfri the foiiowing Issus. Ail ado not fitting the Emporium guldelines wili be ireated ______________ motres, hasn't sen diii much. ANTIQUE DESK, good condition, okimmer, repair kit, 2 lb. chiorins, and chargod per week as regular ciassified adoe on a prs-paid basis such as: services, holp wanted <, APINE ahr ev aiafr6pm 6.0 $125. *Ladies' size 9110 brown iadder. Juot needa wateri Asking cîothîng, rosi estate, and peroonal message type adia, or ado not quotlng prie or quantity. Private duty, Knmoe, Wahte. rhayrlllr6p.68-09 oueds coat, excellent 'condition, $120 or best offor. Phono Barry ciasslf led ado may appoar ln the Emporium section under appropriais headingo.inîoav duty, noe whit.DRyeri. 17 OD GL I n fro66 dyc-n27$107Poo2.85. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSI FIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. gerator, Inglis Normandy, white. certifled, 27,000 miles, $2,000 flrm. PROPNE EGUATO, trée AILADSTO:If n dubt ati ORDELVERTO: Stove, McLarey, self-cloaning Phono 666-2977. B(YLS ais nm n 10PROn kAN nREGAORthee MAILREE ARSS T O: RifUn dubtali:OELi.NTO: ovon, whlte. Ail appliancoo three _____________ BIYCES ldis ad ensI 10.oud aksan gs tve al RE RES MPRIM668-6111 3 BokSi . years otd. Aoklng $300 each. 17 5 AAA 400oiia good condition, $65 oach. Port- for $250. Commercial regra-l P.O. Box 206 Whltby, Ont. Phone 668-5016. 17 5 AAA 400oiia able typewrter $35. Eloctria fan tion unit, 1 ½I h.p. Copoland com- Whiby, Li N 581caie, inestor , age fr test 2n $17. Calil683-6638. pressor and clrculatlng fan, $390. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE BiiTi MF ai -r c yarsie, ecen tondi orton.tAsktn2 _____________ Bunk bedo $100. Phono 7289743. FRIDAY PREVIQUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON.- record ployer, excellent condition, $81,150. Phono 666.7167. DELUXE Samoonlie card table sot, $125. Chest of drawero $40. ______________ new, $110. Binocularo, 7 xW, field TIRES - Two G60-15 wldo track chr ee ll50 etrnditind0 94T0 UUCot ,0 n 701, $35. Walnui end table $6. Dunlop tires with raiiy wheeis, $80 gcnairmiles excellent condition. 10 94TWSZUI ny600ci Phono 668-1328. for pair. 6 h.p. Morcury ouiboard ______________ Calil anytîme 668-0776. iamlexclntodto. motor $225_____tank._2_________n-Aoklng $1 ,000. Phone 263-8025. ____________rude_ motr $1th k 2 5 h.-t-relp. vn UO Ie S AUTOMOTIVE ________________pull.' DRUMS $270. 'Excellent condition, rucde mtr $15. Ro-reelape"O6SAL.REPAIR/PARTS IB B N E S CUH ulouf, Sealy Posture- Ail roasonabie offers conoidsred. rcre 4.Poe5606. W m.f....... B 1 . . . . ~ .....I...IU..U..J podlc mattroos with rattan.framo, Pieasoail 576-1911 after 5p.m. $94CE OA - hp, RDA IE ih ia(ht AYCRIGl odcni 485. Freezer, 22 cu. fi., white, TRUCK TIRE CHANGER, Blshman $1974 orHEV NoVAfe, a-l. Poae, RADIAL TIo RS -5Itherls wlte'BABY, Cw AtRIEs , hoodcni- $250. Rofrigorator, white, 21" MUSICAL 5 P. ATO OOS $50 Pan ,mko otcticovr ydrulc,17 8150 orbet ffrao a.Phno wa17" To w7-1 seexbete2ton"nwdmetep, 25xPhne wîo 2" sopx ' $8g0.80 $50. PFreezeOr, 6o. t,$0. Piaod ims and up, adapter avoulable for 655-3027. $130. Two DR78-14 Goodyear Oua- 655-4658, ask for Maureen. Stovo, 24' wvide, whie, $100. Bar, u m INSTRUMENTS* $5.Fezra6e.f. 20 e mailer rima, used onîy soverai tom polysisol (ons rlm oniy> $100. wainut wood grain and black f in-- chatrfe71 $5.32k.60 Pon fmes. List $5,695. Asking 82,800. 1974 LINCOLN Town car, ln good Poo6895.iah, 5' wide, $50. Two wail units, GUITA 'R, Yamaha, model CJ818, 6-73.Phono 655-4995. condition, needa miner body work. walnut molamîne finish, 30" wido almosi new -condition. Asking ___________________$1,500as le. Phono 655- TWO SNOW TIRES, used one sa- x 6'high, $150 for both. Ceffes & $150 with case. Phono 723-0931 FOR SALE -One pair of roue W Wlo c rer pro 6Askon, H78 1, w aii o rîe, 2.acplOs Atwo end tables, French Provincial, eafterO6p.m. skates, good condition, $35 or taff' lo nisJack etswtmera __pro___________ wohite 4 ga a bri et, 2plus , h. nSUPPLIES dark wood finish, $100. Cali oven -_____________ beat offor. One pool cue, 20 oun- $100. Cali after 5p.m. 668-34.47. 1973 ASTRA for parts. $100. Phcne spare tire, H78114, white wsîî on ~, j inga 728-1746 or days 364-3234, ce, plce,$gOor est ffe. Oe 68-073.rlm,10.Phoe 68-527.ask for Ken Hildor. ceiu 2 eni pc,$2orabktafe.On 68053 rm,$0.Pon 68527 ALUMINUM boat, 12 foot, wih 41hz ______________ alumium tnnis acke, sihtlyhp. motor, $600. Outdoor gasRY used, $20 or best offer. Contact WOOD LATHE $150. Chest of _~RAERN Mike orAnneittat 668-8404. draworo, brown, 4 .drawors, goad 1973 FORD COURIER, 64.000 1976,GREMLIN, 6 cylinder, stand- lamp. 6 foot hlgh, $30. Hand iawn- CALL 666-6111 ta Place your ad. OFO AE ET condition, $39. Boy's junior ion- miles, has had recent valve job, ard, 3 speed, good runnlng motor. mower $10. One mag tire, size, IBM LECRIC TYPWRIER, speed, good condition, $60. Phone good angine, noods body work. As la, $150 or bot offor. Phono G60-14, $20. Phono 668-1063.KTCETALva,4" 3, DUNE BUGGY, off rosd, ohortenod aemdl, orks gaod, $80. 6838638. Asking $750. Phono 655-8062. 668-8785. - _____TBL,_____7"x_61________andivtai; eae ole oe-wrk o 8.-wih 11W' 1"0sef. Green and yeîîow V.. fas m d5dIvetanchoaer O'xl2carpe$W. Pone662952.CONVERTIBLE BOAT with 75 h.p. voin arborite. In excellent condi- Texhaus irestade rm e 1 Inh l. __________________________1973 LEMANS, two door, 400 WHITBY FREE PRESS 668-6111l Chrysior motor and trailor. Ex- tion. Aoking $40 or neareot offer. Trostrsadcrm heo cubic Inch Amorican (blue block) _______________ collent condition, low hours, Phono 668-663. T-bar lnciudod. Runs weii, must be KODAK< CAROUSEL projector, motor, four spesd f loor shifi, 17 ECR AQI oa original owner. Asking $3,300 or ______________ sean. Asking $500. Phono 666- modol no. 5200, Carousol stackAUO BIE maga, excellent mochanicai con- F93M ront onMARQIenr besi offar. Phono 683-5503. M1195M.TSL ea _______________ loader, 3 lido trsys and 3 cotorAU O BIE dition, needa body work. Asking parts.Frnedgil nes- MOIG MUTSL -Tak $100927.e tcin his 198 PNIC AIINE each. Differenil $80. Wind- pay good monay for thinga you'vo Motta. trlo excellent condition, $100. Ta wodo ackstchsm 1976w PONTeeiAC pARISIENNEe , rshielda $100. Master cytindor and tirod 0f. Place your ad ln the $250. Four-poster waier bed, ex- RCSVN $100.recn ay.O-V$0 aciportsme n dipowenteng, vpowr nerlke, ar 1971 CHEVELLE, complteoy re- vacuum $25. AMIFM radio $90. Whitby Free Press Emporium Sec- collant condition, $800. Phonoe '~ FOR SALE f8ur17n8. nen 20 al 68 ponditîoni n elorditior, storod and cortitiod.' Asking Door windows and electric motors tion. As fast as a phone cati, 668.9016, 8178. spke whoea, new rdiai tie, 10w $1,800. Phono 655-4517 or 655- $10. Phono 655-3006. rasuits happonl Cali 668-6111.173FR WndwVpwr mleage, asking $5,500. Phone 4989. ______FORD_______ Van,_power CALL668611 teplae yar a. 68-707.TURN YOUR ARTICLES Into cash. steerlng, power brakes, 302, V8, _______________1973 TORINO 4 door parts. 302 14' FIBERQLASS FISHING BOAT, Anad undor theoWhitby FreeoPress standard, naeds somo body Qork. q .ONE PHONE CALL AND YOU 1969 METEOR MONTCALM, con- engins $200. Transmission $85. 40 horse eiectric Mercury, battory, Emporium Section wiii oeil almosi $80sols. Phono 668-8227. ONE PAIR Dominion mens rouler AWAKE A SELLINO GIANT. Place vertible, power oteering, power Air condiiioning rad $50. Front tank, ighis, centrai steoning, ln- anything for you. Cati 688-6111. skates, size 7, $20. Lange Ie your ad under the Whitby Free brakes and top, stored winters, end fendors and grill $200. Bump- cludes' new boat trailor. Asking ONE M TON TRUCK< compieto' skates, aize 7, $20. Used onoesa- Press Emporium section and get asking $1,500. Phone 668-7007. ens $45 oach., Phono 655-3006. $1.850. Phono 668-7092. 7-PIECE soiid pins bodroom suite with iawn spraying and ires and son.. Ladies' V4 tength Imitation immediate resuits. For turther ln- from Pioneer Inieriors. Perfect shrub spraying oquipment. Every- fur, dark colonr, $10. Cali 668-2695 formation or to place your ad cati condition. Qusen sizo, ight stain. thing ready ta go. Aoking 86,300. anytime. 668-6111.- WANT ADS WOR K WON DERS- AskIng $3,00D. Phono 723-5749. Phoneo655-3932. SYOU THOUGH.TWE WERE "J UST" YOUR LOCAL 'NEWSPAPER. . . . . . . . . é.. *.*.*.î.*I**.*. *. . . . . . . . . . .P.qI,. Bring your films in for QUALITY PHOTOFINISHINO You can count on us for ail your-photofinishing needs. FfIIATMI Our newest service INSTANT PHOTOCOPYIMO .at low, low rates ... ... whi le you wai.t... We're open to serve you whecn you neeci us. WE CAN HELP EASE THE PRESSURES 0F YOUR UPCOMING WEDDING TOO. Corne in and browse through our catalogue containiflg hundreds of samples of invitations, announcements, reception and response cards, thank you cards, noveîty and place cards plus a variety of special accessories to help you plan your perfect wedding. ç~ M..M.PUBLISHINO/WHITBY FREE PRESS' 131-BROCK STREET NORTH, WHITBY - 668-6111 OPEN MON DAY TO FRI DAY 9:00OA.M. T05:00 P.M. j s ".ini»ýn niàlrlcitie iiynl-%,Kti"tiT% à--,r 1 n0m in A nr 1 C

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