Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 25 Aug 1982, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1982, WI-ITBY FREE PRESS Government asked to inspeet shelter The Ontario Ministry 0f Agriculture and Food has been asked to in- spect the Tbickson Road North animal shelter. That request was made by Ontario Humane Society execu- tive vice-president Tom Hughes who said that maintenance on the shelter should be im- proved. When the towns of Whitby, Ajax and Pick- ering entered into a new contract with the society earlier this year they jointly purchased the shelter. However, it is used by the hurnane society as the operation- ai centre for animal control .services throughout the munici- palities. This is the latest development in an on- going confrontation be- tween the society and the Pickeringi Ajax, Whitby animal control committee (P.A.W. eommittee). Previous- ly, the eommittee had claimed that the society was not living up to the terms of the contract especially in the staffing area. A ministry spokes- man said eariier this week that ail municipal shelters are inspected -, i n i n lu -i t-~ regularly by their staff. Often, three inspections are made each year, more If repairs or reno- vations had been order- ed. Hughes claimed that the soclety'--sold the' building ln an effort to, avoid incurring main- tenance costs.' He further elaimed that during his last meeting with the P.A.W. committee he attempt- ed to' pursuade coun- cillors Ross Batten (Whitby), Norah Stoner (Pickering) and Steve Parish (Ajax) to make improvements to the building. However, P.A.W. eommittee chairman- Steve Parish told the -Whitby Free Press last week that $6,000 has already been spent making eleetrical 'and plumbing improve- ments to, the shelter. He also pointed out that the, municipalities purchased the shelter on an "4as is", basis. "We got it -as they gave it to us," Parish said adding, "He's (Hughes) only con- demning the society in respect to that one" referring to, the shape of the building. The P.A.W; commit- tee will hold its 'next meeting with the soeiety on September 22. At that time, some decisions are hoped to, be made eoncerning what other improvements have to be made. Parish pointed out that these' decisionis must be made quickly because the municipali- ties wilI start to, prepare their 1983 budgets in the near future. The humane society,- has been asked to sub- mit a report outlining what it believes should be done- to bring the building up to par. Shredder -catches fn'e The Consolidated Bathurst plant on Water Street was shut down for just under an hour Mon- day mornlng after a fire broke out in its paper shredder and eonveyor. Accordlng to a spokes- man for the Whitby Fire Department, 'the fire broke out just after, 8 a.m. and was eonfined to the machine. He ad-, T]ruck iblaze» *The -Whitby Fire De-, partment is stiil trying to determine the amount of damage done during a fire in a trans- port truck last Thursday morning. A spokesman for the department 'said that the truck,ý owned by Kingsway Transport of Caught An Oshawa youth lias been eharged after two members of the Durham Regional Police Force saw some- one kieking at the mari- golds at Rotary Centen- niai Park on. Brock Street South. A spokesmnan for the force said that P.C.'s Jim Brown and Mike Ewles saw a man run- ning through the park at about 1:30 s.m.- last Suhday. Charged wîth mis- chief under $50 is Michael Carr, 17, of 25 Vancouver Court, Osha- wa. He wiil appear in Whitby provincial court on September 3. Cavalier CL 4.door Sedan Corne to Oshawa for the large selection of 1982 mnodels. Chevettes, Cavaliers, Citations, Monte Carlos, Malibus, Firenzas, Omega & Cutlass Models. Over 100 new cars to choose f rom at clearance prices! ONTARIO MOTOR SALES.LTD. CH EV, OLDS, CADI LLAC & CH EVY TRUCKS INa ST. W. Ma a M OMS la B ONDST.W. Toronto lUne 686-1311 ded that the machine it- self probably caused the fire *as shredded mater- il is sometimes caught inside. The materil wil heat up and ignite. The department esti- mateed the damage at The spokesman. said that the plant was 'shut down: but work recom- menced within the hour. » ,on 401 <Kingston, Ontario, was travelling eastbound on Highway, 401 when the driver'noticed the fire. It pulled over just east of Thickson Rpadwhere, firefighters quiekly brought it under control. The spokesman said thàt the trailer was carriflg 3s, different consignments including school materials and electronie components for computers. There were no injur- ies and damage to the vehicle .was minor. However, there was "4considerable" damage to the contents. The spokesman said' that no definite cause has been determined. Arrested Patrolling police offi- cers apprehended a man in the rear of a Brock Street South apartment building late last Friday evening af- ter he appeared to be hiding something. A spokesman for the Durham Regional Po- lice Force said that the two officers seized a elear plastic bag believ- eci to- contain THO, an illegal narcotic at about 9:15 p.m. Philip Perry Como, 25, of Garden Street has been charged with pos- session of a narcotic for the purpose of traffick- ing., He was released on bail and will appear in Ajax provincial court on August 26. Ted ARI LOAM SUPI <BROCK-RD. N., I (1 Va miles north of TOP %C Sand Limestone Stone Pinemulch Curbs Firewood INTERLOCKING PA' (DELIVERED & OR 1 683-01 kh Blaciek and Wite By MICHAEL KNELL. Free Press Staff I've been sitting behind this same typewriter for some three years now and with a great deal of relue- tance have decided to impart upon our poor, unsus-; pecting readers- some of my personal views on Whitby, other things and life in general. By now, most people in this fair, if sometimes sleepy, littie.community have become acquainted with iy namfe (admittediy against their wil and better judgment) and if they haven't, it is boldly en- scsribed at the top of this column. 1Why then have I taken three years to get around to boring the vast majority of people with My views? Well, Up until now, I don't know if I've had any- thing worthwhile to say (1 stili don't) bu t writing stuff like this fis space and, who knows, maybe someone will read it. Sometimes-being a reporter in Whitby is a littie like being an astronaut aboard' the spaceshuttie Columbia. You are surrounded by a vacuum and it's totally dark out there. Ail kidding aside, Whitby is a pretty nice place and has managed to become the most progressive community in our beloved (if resented) regional municipality. Ail of this while flot losing that small, home town touch. .After three years of observing life in Whitby, I've pretty niuch corne tothe conclusion that nothing funny ever happens here, uniess, of course, you take in occasional attempts at wit by the members of Whitby Town Council as they attempt to impress the audience, aimost always made up totaily of myself and a few of my colleagues, with their mastery of the Engllsh language and their political sophistica- tion. Frankly, (sorry, boys) they don't quite make it. The frustrations of being a small town reporter are many. Hardly a week goes by when I don't receive a eall fromn one of our readers asking why we haven't covered something that little Johnny or Susie took part in. My usual response 18: "I'm. sorry, maam/sir, I didn't know about it and if I did I probably didn't have timne to be there." How 1 ever found the time to write this, ll neyer know. Often, our readers believe that we are a commu- nity information service and cali us (usually me) to complain about the faet that the potholes on their street haven't been fixed yet or that they're having trouble receiving some benefit they're entitled to. Therefore, I have to quickiyand gently send these people on to the right agency to get their problems resolved. . Another thing that happens from time to time is that people believe ,we are a department or ageney of the Town of Whitby. To set the record straight, we aren't although we receive a fair penny publish- ing their advertisemenits which usuaily contain lit- tie or nothing worth reading- anyways. Every once in a while, somebody says something nice about this newspaper and it fis our hearts with joy. At least we did something right for a change. It makes our lives worthwhile. See you next week, I hope. NTS Our ad PLY LTD. PICKERING ýf Hlghway 2)>i h SOIL e Treated Timber h Patio Siabs r c ViN.G STONES INSTALLED> Dear Sir: 881 Thanks toyour ad a woman at 92 Ste- venson, Oshawa (opposite 'liquor store) returned my gold' medical alert bracelet valued- at $525 - and would flot accept a re- ward. This certainly re- stores my faith in mankind (or should 1 say "woman- kind"). 1 don't even know her name but 1 sure say a big thank, you. Penny Hrycyshyn, Powell Rd., Whitby. OPENING~ September ti Go Natu rai Boutique ~ 121 Brock St. N. Whitby 668-2661 OPENING SPECIAL Chldren's Vitamins 1395 Peanut Butter (500 g) $1.45 Leotards - Trunks - Tlghts Legwarmers EMastic - catsuits & tlghts Gymnastlc Sllppers Ballet Sllppes - black - white - pIrdk Blrkenstock - exercise shoes Fltness Equlpment - Rebounders (Mini-tramp), welghtllfter & cycllst gloves Als'o A compiete Une of vitamins - minerais & protein drinks. Scn~ DubaMRqiitfmevr 55 ffwrÎs 140 Bond St. W. Oshawa and 725-7501 IL- m Lý mum f OMMP

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