Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 25 Aug 1982, p. 9

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'3 WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1982, PAGE 9 MPP's were teld durlng a meeting wlth the Durham Reglon District, Health Coundil last, week. Bylin By ROXANNE REVELER Cali 655-4951 wlth Items fer this column. i there: This mornmng I was listenlng to a radio program where people eall in with their views on the 11topie of the day." .Today's topie was basicaily concerning nuclear armamenit, if the "powers" that be should eut back, speed up, or freeze the so-called "1arms race."p There were a great deal of comments made both pro'and con, and I couldn't help wonderlng what type of world it would be if every country izn the world had the same idea as the principality of Monaco. Monaco is the only country in the world whose or- chestra Is bîgger than its defense force. There are 85 niusicians in the national orchestra and 82 men in the mllitary. Now I think that's progress., COUNTRYFEST IS COMING The Brooklin and District Kinsmen Club is hoeting "Countryfest 82" at the Brooklin Memorial Arena, Saturday, September il from 4 p.m. to 1 a.m. Admission is $5 per person. Music wil be provided by "Durham County Line" and "Hickory Creek". There wiIl be door prizes and a country sixigers' talent eontest. Anyone wishing to enter the talent contest or any- one requiring tickets please cail 655-3454. »START SAVING THOSE PAPERS A little reminder in advance that the Brooklin and District Boy Scouts wiil resume their paper drive on Saturday, September -11. Details will follow in later columns, but start hoarding ail those newspapers now. The scouts appikeciate your assistance in this money-making proposition. HELP ILLITERATES There are close to 2 million people in Canada who are unable to read. Some of them live i Durham Reglon. These unfortunate people are unable to drive a car because they cannot obtain a licence. They can't read the lables in the supermarket. They can't do many of the simplest things we take for granted. They need yourhelp.. The Uiteracy Couneil of Durham Region is doing something about it. They have trained 39 tutors in the past two years and they can train you too. You will then be able to teach illiterates to read. The couneil will be holding a tutor training work- shop on October 1, 2 and 3 at Fairview Lodge, Whit- by. Would you like te be a tutor? Do you know any- one who needs tutoring? Cal 655-4581. Mfter ail, we need more readers for this column, don't we? EL CHEAPO STRIJCES AGAIN I remember quite a few years ago I was camping at a park which charged a quarter for five minutes of hot water in the shower. The cold water was free and was mighty cold. One morning, I was walking past the bathhouse, when a loud hlood-curdling scream 'came from within. I was rushing franticaily towards the en- trance when a woman stopped me. "Don't worry, dear," she soothed. "It's just my husband saving, another quarter. " See you neit week.. .Roxanne Reveler Bro.kllin Bolaryu dropn off Hospitals throughout Durham Reglon could run a collective deficit of $1.8 millon this year, two of Durham's four rently untuied second floor.ý Upon completion, the floor will be uaed as a 32-bed chronic cam unit, rélievlng beds at the Ajax-Plckering Gen-. eral Hospital for active medical and surgical cars. The establishment -of a chronle care unit bas been a top priority wlth the health coundil uince it issued is hospital roe Durham West MPP George Ashe and Oshawa MPP 'Mike Breaugh met wlth mem- bers of the health coun- d il's executive, commit- tee last week te discus mutual concerna. The health coundil ex- pressed is fears that if the provincial govern- ment cannot increase local hospital fundlng, the area residents willl have te expeet a de- crease in service. Also on the' agenda was the Ministry of Health's apparent lack of commitment to the expansion of the Ajax- Pickering General Hos- pital. -Health coundil members said that the, recommendation was forwarded to the ministry of health in January, 1981. Chairman Howard Hall told -Asbe and Breaugh that health *coundil members are upset over the fact that the mimistry bas al- ready approved, plans for the proposed Markham-York hospiP- tai, the construction of which, is still many years.away. However, no reply has been made in respect to the Ajax-Pickering ex- pansion proposai .des- pite the fact' that the work should begin in 1985. Ashe, who aiso serves as Ontario Minister of Revenue, said that he was in agreement with the council on this mat- ter and that he will take it up with- Health inis- ter Larry Grossman. Hall also expressed concern about the fact that the provincial gov- ernment did not provide the traditional' two- thirds of the cost of- ex- panding, the Dr. J.O. Ruddy Generai Hospital in Whltby. He pointed out that the traditionai level of funding for hoôs- pital improvements has been met i other parts of the province, but not inDurham. Eariier this year, the provincial government announced it would grant the Whitby hospi-7 tai $200,000 -towards the renovation of its cur- e s s - I - study last year. Hall told the M#PP's that the Ruddy Hospital has not made a decision on how to raise the balance of the *45,000 needed for the project and is currently enliat- lng the advlee of con- sultants te determine the feasibllity of going ahead wlth It based on the dollar, implications. Grease causes $500 oven fire Overheated grease is believed to be the cause of a fire that broke out in one of the ovens at the Swiss Chalet Restau- rant lâte Saturday even- ing. According to a spokes- man for the Whitby Fire Department, the fire at the Dundas Street East eatery broke out at about il p.m. The fire spread into the ventila- tion sys tem but was quickly contained by firefighters. The restaurant'sa sprinkler system came on in front of the oven but firefighters actually had to put out the blaze. The spokesman said that the restaurant closed briefly during the fire. Damage bas -been estimated at $500. Deputy Fire. Chief' Tony VanDoleweerd said that the fire was out when the department arrived at the scene at 2:30 p.m. last Friday. . He added that the department was toid on arrivai that it was now known wben the fire' broke out or how it bap- pened to be extinguish- ed., Damage was contain- ed to the front seat of the 1973 Chlysler Newport whicb VanDoleweerd said had been on the site for some time. Damage has been estimated at $1,000. The deputy chief added that "iarson is suspected.", -e I. ERIE< Water Softener Rentais 22,000 grain -fuliy automatlc OnIy $1295 per month Rentai stays thesame for as long as you rent the water softener. Cal I Gary You ng Plumbing 53 Baldwln St., Brookiin- 655.4936- BROOKLIN HOME-BAKERY &DELICATESSAN 61 BALDIWIN ST. BROOKLIN 655-4951 >SPECIAL TH IS WEEK ChoPuOY., 79 doz. Let us make up a meat platter for your next party.' See our unadvertised mn-sto're specials. Brooklin Flour Milis Flour & Baking Supplies 2Kg $1316. PDOU food)- 10 Kg~ Bite size (Dog food) (tu Inciud.d) 23 CASSELS ROAD EAST BROOKLIN'655-4851 IClassified adlvertising seLs Cali668-6111II CLEANERS St SAME DAY SERVICE ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS FIbers." can sometimes cause Mohair is one of the fabrios to shrink. 1*ý the most desirabie Do flot try to press 1 < MO MOHAIR fabrios because of Its these itemns at home B softness, beauty, because the steam V1 Wic ie red lbending properties, couid cause shine. e Whlh fberreaily coiorfastness, stre- The International !) accepts dyes and ngth and warmth. it Fabricare institut e, é. gives colors a clarlty,- combines with both the world wde tradef depth and brilliance natural and synthetic association of iaun )r unmatched by other f ibers and readiiy ac- derers and drycle. s>f bers? Which aiso .cepts dyes to make ers, and K & M Clonn. '~readiiy combines with 'beautIful fabrics. AiP ors suggest you bring * others - whether nat- though the fabrics are your mohair garments ural or synthetic? llghtweight, they are to a profession ai S. This versatile f iber 18 warmn and a favorite cleaner for safe dlean- * mohair! it comes for al seasons. ing and handiing. He 1 **from the Angora goat Mohair fabrios re- has the training to 0,0 and s sometimes quire speciai' hand- properiy handie this i caiied "The Fatry ling since excess iuxury fabric to give * V Godmother of moisture and heatyumaywans. ? Sr112-CO LBO RN E ST. W., W HîTBY 668-2831,!~ M The Whitby Fire Department is investi- gating the cause of a fire that broke. out in a vehi- cIe parked at Matthew's Sunoco, 509,, Dundas Street West. FLOWER SHOW The Brooklin Horti- cultural Society Will hold is regular montbly meeting and flower show on Wednesday, August 25 at the C.E. Building, Brooklln Umited Church. The theme .0f the flower show is "Harvest Moon." "Stirring It Up" with Bessie Pengelly and Mel Hundert, a demonstra- tion using fresh vege- tables, gourmet, style, will be the feature of the ,meeting. Everyone is welcome. For more information phone 655-406. Durham hospitals face $1.8millon deficit Arson susp ect e ca r fire L REGISTER NOW! 1450 Hopkins Street,Wib 1. 6a68-6941 Authorized Duncan Deaier 1 rilliain nntoL9É

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