PAGE 18, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS 45 mmarigold é,o ntes t Ther e are oyer 45 en- tries in Whitby's mari- gold contest accorcling to organizer Owen liachey. Approximately 90 per cent of these are in the residential category, the remainder being In the institutional and commercial category. The judging will take place on August 16 and 17 and will be done by four garden centre managers and three memnbers of the Brook- lin Horticultural Society. The winners wlll each receive a keeper trophy' and a plaque 'will be placedý either at the town hall or at the tour- ist. information centre on Brock Street South. The purpose of the contest is to promote the use of the' marigold Clock dre Pamnela Milner of 32 Almond Avenue, Whltby was the winner of the antique dlock in the Whitby HistoricalSo ciety's annual draw. The ticket, nuniber 0253, was drawn by Whitby Reglonal Coun- cillor Tom Edwards. Dorothy Swait also was given a prize for selling the most tickets, whlch was' chosen earlier ts year by Whltby Town Council as the town's official flower. The wînner will be announced at a dinner to be held'September 9 at Cullen Gardens anâd Miniature Village. Etw wmner almost 350. The draw was held at the Whitby Museum at 3 p.m. on August 2, the final day of the County Town Carnival. The draw is a major fund-raiser for the historical society and the proceeds will be used to support the Whitby Museumn and the Whitby Archives, A EPA. EG E (ONTARIO) LTD. * REALTOR r 601. DUNDAS STREET WEST, WHITBY 1WH iTBY: 666-1333 TORONTO: 686.19791 $89900. WHITBY - Absolutely spotless 4 bedrms, eat-ln kitchen overlooks sunken famlly rm. Close to ail amenities. Plus 101/4 fIlnanclng. CalilRs RoIph 666-1333 or668.1567.Rse Service Spot check Henry Jamsem of the Ontario Ministry of the Environment is seen here checking out the emission of a car that was spotchecked in Whitby last week. The purpose of the checks was to test exhaust emission from cars to ensure that they are emitting no more than the allowed amounts of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons into the air. Jamsem said that if a car doesn't pass the test, its driver is given four weeks to correct the problem. He added that normally about 60 cars will be checked a day and during the first day ini Whitby, eight violat ions had been found. The spot check was held between Tuesday and Friday. Jamsem- said that niost people are fairly co-operative when asked to submit to the test and bis crew ex- periences few problems. -Free Press Staff Photo 50 antique cars comiing. to gardens - -~ - w= = - - = ____ Over 50 vintage, an- tique and classic cars wil be shown at Cullen Gardens and Miniature Village this Saturday from 3to 8p.M. This unique exhibition will be part of a pro- gram sponsored by the Antique and Classic Car Club of Canada. Models 0f vehicles where ail but a few have disappeared from our highways. They have been restored to their origi- nal condition ancf in many cases they out- shine the assembly line due to the affection and restoring talents of their present owners. Just to talk to these people and to hear their stories is worth -all the effort necessary tg come out and enjoy this exhibi- tion. Included ini the price of admission will be al but the enjoyable fea- tures of the gardens, with flowers, beautifully displayed at their colourful best. The miniature village con- tinues to be the most popular attraction, with buildings, homes, chur- ches and business streets, as seen in juat about any Ontario commnunity. Further down in the valley, just over the covered bridge walkway the country fair featuring the new scale model of the CNE flyre, 30 feet by 9 feet of action as the, çarsfiilLpf people speed around the cipping tracks, this miniature towers over the sky-ride the meêrry- go-round, the monster and many other attrac- tions you will find any- where in Ontario as you enjoy the many country and fail fairs. The restaurant, snack bar, gift shop and new Emporium continue to be favorite meeting places at the Cullen Gardens, found juat a mile north of Whitby, on Taunton Road, a quar- ter mile west off Brock Street North. Js CUVSTlON Compete Engin-e Rebuilding Domestlc or Foreign Gas « Diesel.- Propane -High Performance Farm & Industrial R'emcondîtion «Cylinder Heads Pressure Test & Injector Tubes lnstalled Resurf ace Heads.- & Flywheels Blo'cks, Deck, Boring & Honing Rods & Crank Re-sized Harley-Davidson Engine & Transmission Rebuilding & Big Bore Kits Available "Drop ln or Give Us A Ca/I" Ask for Perkey, Chris or Denny 88E <VSTOE 579-9046 716 Wilson Rd. S. Unit 6 IC