WHTBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST il, 1982, PAGE 17 CALýL 668-6l111 Emporium Ads wli1 only be acceptedésubject to the foiiowing conditions. -PLEASEREAD - ARTICLES, ARTICLES Whefl the advértlsed Item la soid, dlspoaed of, or unavallable for whatever reason, the Item wlll be1OU EOI)H USH L FORSAL deemed to have been sold and a commission wilIIb. charged basedl on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as L J GOODS I ~ G G S FOR SALE FO SLEîîuatrated beIow, regardiesa If prie la stated with "boat offer." O S If the Ilem la NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad wIii b. run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE A 12 plus 50 gal. aquarium and ail WOOD LATHE $150. Cheat of of $600 wiii appIy payable ln advance of publication of the f fret ad. OtherwIse a $7.W0 charge wîîî ap- ANTIQUE DINING ROOM SET, 7.PIECE solidOpine bedroom suite accessories $275. WIne equIP- drawers, brown, 4 drawers, good piy If bIiiedwhich muet b. pald upon receipt of bill. The aboya minimum charges wiii be appiied to buffet and table, $250. Large stur- from Pioneer Interiors. Perfect ment $75. Premier drum $700. If condition, $39. Boy's junior tan- the final commission due but ln any case the higher amount wiI be charged. Minimum charge: $8.0 dy work bench $40. Smaii Duncan condition. Queen size, Iight stain. Interested oail 7239618. speed, good condition, $60. Phono pre-pald; $7.50 bIiied. Maximum commission: $100.00. Alil advertisements muet be piaced on an ex- Fyfe table $55. 010 wicker chair Asking $3,000. Phone 723-5749. 683-6638. clusive basis with the WHIT BY FREE PRESS and run atieast one month If not sold. $45. Smali air compressor $35., ______________ _____________________RATS___artclee___d) Wooden telephone table $30. 010 1LMNM cmiaindoRAE I ril aaî) rocking chair $33. 010 sohool desk _____________ brown, 79" x361x 1½W", frame and FOR SALE - One pair of rouler' 5% of advertia.d price upto $400.00 2% of balance over $400.00 and chair $20. Truck and traiter W M TRCYCLESI grill IncIuded. Excellent condition skates, good condition, $35 or EXAMPLE: Sold Item advertised for $120.00. Commission due $6.00 (minimum charge la $.00) minrora $15. Boy's and giri's bicy- V L@ SALESRENTALSU -brand nÃew. Aaking $125 cash. boat of fer. One pool cue, 20 oun- clos $35 each. Camp stove $15. Phono 576-1283. ce, 2 place, $20 or beat cffer. One. Privais sdvertising onlyl Please notify the Whltby Free Press Immediatoiy whon Item la soid 50 that Phono 683«638. 1978 HONDA 400 TI. AskIng $85. aiuminum tennis racket, ilightîy' we may delete It froffi the foliowlng Issue. Alilada not fiting the Emporium gulielînes wliiib. treated Phone______6&3415.___ ANTIQUE DESK, good condition, used, $20 or beat offer. Contact and charged per weeic as regular ciassified ada on a pre-paid basis such as: services, heip wanted, WPhoneFRE668ES3415.1 $125.* Ladies'-size 9110 brown Mike or Annette et 668-8404. ciothing, roai estate, and personai message type ada, or ada flot quoting prie or quantity. Private WIB REPES6eGl suede coat, excellent condition, classified ada may appear In the Emporlum pectIon under appropriate headings. 1978 HONDA XL 175. Aaking $é50. freahiy drycioaned, $100. Phono ONE WESTINGHOUSE built-In ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. *UL-NAIMrdi -rc xele n't nditin, 000kilo 066&2772. dishwasher, avocado green, three Ifecordut caloyOeDEIVERTO:l125.Choconfdrier o$40 Cali after 6 p.m. 668-8039. years old, excellent condition, MAIL ADS TO: Ifn_____oel:OR_________$15._____f___wre 40 BICYCLES, ladies' and men's, ln $200. One Electrolux shampooer/ FREE PRESS EMPORIUM 668-6111 131 Brock St. N. Dresser '$W. Chesterfield and 178HNAGL Iun good condition, $65 each. Poii- f loor polisher, uaed only once, 1ke P.O. Box 26Wib n. chair, anytîe668077.ecttifs,27,00 mles 32,0070rm able typewriter $35. Electria fan' new, three years old, $250. One 16 WhiIby, LIN 581 Cl nPhe6676 ono 666.,270mls7.,0 im $17. Cali 683-6638. Inch'chlid'a bîke $15. One 26 Inchi THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE Phone _____&2__77. ________________ gir's bike $25. One 20 Inch moto- FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. CHANDELIER, candies, wrought 197 5 60 YAMAHA, 14,000 original DEUX Smontecadtalese, cross bike $60. Phono 576-4993. Iron and wood, $15. Double bod, miles, wIndshild, backreat and ýneatee11framo onucaster7,x$50. fielcarrier, In storage for thefasat 2 n0, $11. Winul n ars bl 5,fel$6. sol0 wood bedroom set, aingie yea, excellent condition. Asklng, Phon $635. 28u ndbe$. bed, largo cheat and night table, $1,1150. Phono (6687167. ~~~AUTOMOBILS a A TM BLES ~ ~ O V BOATS& $75. Phone 668-567._________ Phono66S-2. Exellnt onitin. OR AL SUPILE COUCH, pul-out, Seaiy Posture- ginai miles, excellent condition. Alil reasonabie offera conaidered. - pedlic mattreas with rattan frome, Asking $1,000. Phone 263-8M2. Pleas cail 576-1911 afar 5 p.m. 11980 CHEVETTE, 2 door, auto- 1973(' LEMANS, two door, 400 1973 MERCURY MARQUIS sedan 141 FIBERGLASS FISHING BOAT, $485. Freezer, 22 cu. ft., white, matlc, excellent condition. $4000. cubic Inch ýmerIcan blue block) parts. Front end, grill, fenders 40 horse eioctric Mercury, battery, $250. Refrigeator, white, 21" KODAK CAROUSEL projector, Cali 723-6967. motor, four speed f loor shift,. $200. Air conditioning unit $65. tank, iights, central steering, In- wide x 22" deep x 5' high, $80. modal no. 5200, Crousel'stock _____________ mage, excellent mechanical con-- Drums and rotors, aimoet new, $20 ciudes new boat traiter. AskIng Stovo, 24" wide, white, $100. Bar, MUSICAL dition, neede body work. Asking each. Differentiai $80. Wind- $1,850. Phone 668-7092. wanAwo:rinadbakfn- IIUM T U E TSI loader, 3 alida traya and 3 color 1978 PON11AC PARISIENNE, $9 rba fe.Poo63 hada$0.Mse yidradih wat orine, and. w blackfunsTUM:ENT silde films, $350. Mahogany-Iook power teerIng, power braicea, air $095,o'7 ot. vr.Poe 8. acuum s$250. MFM r yidandi<. AO mhgn ba i h 'wi deam$eWfiish,3walda GUTA, amh, odl J 8 foot table with matai folding legs condîîîonîng, velour Interior, 027_acu_$5.____ado_9._6__________bot_________lmnefnih,311wde GUTRYmaamde J88 i100. Ton wooden alacklng choira apoke wheeia, new radial tira, 10w Door windows and eiectric motora traiter, 40 h.p. Johnson eioclric x 6' hlgh,.$150 for both. Coffeea & aimoat new -condition. Aakinig 4100. Ray-O-Vac epprtsmen mîleago, aaking $5,500. Phono 197à BUICK SKYLARK, 2 door, $10. Phone 655-3006. start motor, $850. Phone 668-7235.' two end tables, French Provincial, $150 with case. Phone 723-0931 floureacant lantern $20. Cali 688- 668-7007. -hardtop, 350, V8, automatho trans- ____________ dark wood finish, $1W0. Coli even- afler 6 p. m. 8178 ____________________ mission, power steerIng, AMIFM Inge 728-1746 or deys 364-3234, '8-tack tere, ai newtire, ak for Ken Hilder. POO 15ft x fi Snd illr, 1975 CHRYSLER NEWPORT, air 8-trck sereo, ou gs ndew itrsPTN N E E POOL- ear i,2 b horn, Phn 7106.Car la In excellent original condi- C P AN N E E G.E AUTOMATIC WASHER, good' ' v Isdder. Juet needa watarl Aaking ______1,5___________Pone__8-_____ EEI '197 LARSON hard top deep V condition, $125. Also, o10 butiors I F OR SALIRIN $120 or boat offer. Phono Barry 17 IEIDFRUA oe 7167. 2 ,, J biue water express cruiser, 23' secretary desk, very unique, $550. 1 668-845m95F.BRDFRUA oer ______________Plua, sieeps four, toak cabin and Phono 7284849. DUNE BUGGY, off rood, shortenso ____________________ eteering, power brakas, 'power 1 EE.O OTAMcn BABY CARRIAGE. In good condi- swim piatform, stand up hoad and ______________ ..faoaddietan edr RERIERTO, 0 u.fI, rii- windows, many new parts. Recent 10 EERMNCLcn tion, new mattrasa, $25. Phono gailey, hydroulil trim taba, dapth KICHNTALE va,47 x3" xast adetem r15inc heail REOIGRÀOi' é track. Fïll point & body. 66,000 miles. Imma- vertIbie, power ateerIng, power 655-4858, ask for Maureen. sounder, etc. Less thon 50 hours wITCHÉil TBLof. Green an 36"yaow Terrenete on 15hromecheaitl dlaime, $65. Two G6015 wide rak culata. $4,100 certifiad. Phono brakea and top, etorsd 'winters, ungtieMetbse ob wh11Wts.Grnadyll Trn iesndcomwee*. Dunlop tires wth iaily whaels, $80 571-1704. a»king $1,500. Phono 668-7007. running atim. Mute een to0,0b. vain arbonite. In excellant condi- T-ber IncIuded. Rune weli, muet be for pair. 6 h.p. Mercury outboard _______________apeitd rvt ei 2,0. thon. Aaking $40 or nearest offer. seen. -Aaking $500. Phonoe666- moo 25wt an.2 ..El-New pnice now over 335,000. Wili Phone 668-656. 1195. rude motor $175. Reel-to-reel tape 1974 LNCOLN Town cor, ln good CALL 868-111 to place your ad. considor run-about or house traiter ______________ _____________ krecordor $40. Phono 576-769. condition, needs minor body work. BOATS & as partiai Rayment. Phone (416) MVN UTSL ek __________________ Asking 31,500 os le. Phone 655- SUPPLIES92_or_(41__)_431-5831. _ wood diningroom sot, table, 4 TRUCK TIRE CHANGER, Bishrnan 3006. AUN""' M VIVE 1 20 SUPIP...........< chairs and buffet, 1 year o10, $425. ~ J f ' " make, electric ovor hydroulil, 17" ""'AT LUI Mbot 2 ot lt V H U E O Moffat fidge, excellent condition, M F OSA L rima and up, adapter avoulable for 1973 FORD COURIER, 64000 ALMNMbot-2fot lh 1 ,-H U E O D $250. Four-poster water bed, ex- amaliar rima, used oniy severai. miles, has had rocent valve job, h.p. motor, $600. Outdoor gos GOODS 1 collent condition, $800. Phono 1973 FORD Window Van, power times. List $5,695. Asking $2,800. good engins, nee da body work. BRAND NEW Fireetone 721-P235 lamp, 6 foot high, $30. Hand iown- 668-9016. steering, power brakes, 302, V8, Phono 655-4995. Asking $750. Phone 655-8062. radial for sale $80. Floon mat for mower $10. One mag tira, size A PPLIANCES - Washer, hoavy standard, needa somo body work. __________________ __________________ Ford truck $10. Cali 666-2416. G60-14, $20. Phone 668-1063. duty, Kenmoro, white. Oryer, ONE-YEAR OLD apartment-sized $800 as la. Phoneo 668-227. TWO Wilson Jack Kramer pro TIMELVI inglîs, heavy duty, white. Rofri- dryer $190. 2411 air-tight wood ______________ staff's tennis rackets with covers timelinossa sImportant when you 1973 TORINO 4 door parts. 302 CONVERTIBLE BOAT with 75 h.p. gerator, Ingiha Normandy, white. atovo $200. Freesatanding acom ONE TON TRUCK complote $100. Raleigh Record 10 speed are buying on seiiing. And a engins $200. Transmission $85. Chrysier motor and troiter. Ex- Stove, McLarey, seif-cieaning firepiace - 35. Gue dryer $85. with lawn spraying and tree and bika, spydar blue, excellant condl- CLASSIFIED AD la th. low-coat Air conditioning nad.$50. Front cellant condition, low hours, oven, white. Alit appliinces three Commercial rofrigorating unit shrub apraying equipment.,gvery- lion' $110. Cati after .5 p.m. 668- timoiy way to a quick solution. end fenders and grill $200. Bump- original owner. Asking 33,300 or years oid. Aaking $300 ach. $400. Automatho washor 335. thIng ready to go. Aeking $8,300. 344;. Cali Whtby Free Press 668-6111. ors $45 aach. Phono 655-3006. boat offer. Phono 683-5503. Phone 6685016. Phonoe 6554238.- Phono 655-3932. ~~RICL~1CM LA S SE1 TFUES! A VVAI'4 E - Estates, 5jj Rii F- r urgssbewenm. . ,at: dotachod and 3 room cottage on household Items, furni- 1975 DODGE CRESTWOOD M. ugesbewen9 3115d5lliae,000 chmo nd M5000l, tue ls, ol eu powe WAGONg, powner aati, S UPPLIES FREE: Drop into the Oickson Prin- 668-6372 11 % untIl May, 1984. 3 bedroom ment. The place to buy or $,0.Lic. KEZ 347. ting & Office Suppiy store ln the ________________________ double storey aemi-detached, seil. We wili pick up. Ajax Piaza and pick-up a f ree copy __________________________- EglintoniDuffnrin areo, 375,000. 66-71 68-8403 1974 OLDS CUTLASS, 2 door PROPS and akege rebulit. Expert of thoir 1962 Metric Calendar.. Witt consîoer accopfing Whhtby (EGS)6ope-V3a731an $ boat repaira. Discount fibergiasa Prtnted In two colours, it makes hue8 rd po on hn (DAYS) (M. coTV nd oeI1,0. repaira. Oshawa Giosa Fiber, 341 for handy reference. 683-1968.huea rdupodwnPoe Lie.___________58_Li . Durhom Street, Oshawa. 579-1433. ____________ FLORIDA TR ON (orn)78-09 ______________ 98 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN, VACATION PRZ Z ]T ARILS V8, automatho, power stenng,- APRM wu IETASPRV TES L à ý. RiLS pw bae.go unrCNO O IN Bluagrase, 3 bedroom, 2 storoy, CONDOS FOR RENT $W i.EJ54 7 TRENT RIVER famniiy ropm, fireplace, cathedra, FO RNT $90.Li. BJ54.PETS &81 "c eiling, greenhouse kitchon, two TYPWRIER ENTL, any Ailaboe crti le. .. SPPLES H IBY LOR DAWATERFRONT LOT skylighte, double garage. Exiating TYPWRfER ENTL, an Al abve ertfie. UPPIESWHIBY LORDA100 ft. on Huycke's Island, close monigage 0f135,000 at 144 % un- maks ad odeaby hawee- aii mre a hooe.Large one-bednoom oportment for Ciearwater - Take the familyl to Stevenaon'a Marina, three miles tii August'194. Aeking $112,000. end, week or month. Discounts FOR SALE Two Garman rn neolbidn ls 0 Trebdom w ahom b.low Metings. Hydro and build- Phono 579-5924. 146 Bock t. N Sheherd uppls, prabrd, 8downtown and public transit. country club homes, pools, igpri vlai.Fl rc __ __ avoulable. DIckson Pinting &O0f- 16_____-.N.----rdpuplsp---ed 8In-prmt -lale Fll__ic fice Supplies ln the Ajax Plaza. weeks 010. Three six Inch re. Avoulable Auguet 31. Firat and teat tennis, close to major attrac- $5 000 - ln monthiy Inatailmants______________ Cali us for business machine Whitby breaated piranhas. Phono 286- month requied. Cal 668-672 lions, photos, $200 U.S. wkly. 0f 350 - interest-free. Cali Gerry CALL 668-6111 repaireSW3-1968.668-6889 668-4111 12. . b.tween 9-30a.and 5pm.683-5503 416653-8739. I lA.VuAD