Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 4 Aug 1982, p. 17

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J~~I~33U CAL L 668*6l1,l Emporlum Ads wlll only be accepted subjeci to "the following conditions.. ARTICLE S I ARTICLES FOR SAL E] J O SALE A 12 plus 50 gal. aquarium and ail accessorles $275. Wine squip- ment 875. Premier drumn $700. If lnterssted cail 723-9818. ALUMINUM com bination door, bon791x 31" x l V", frame and gilIclued. Excellent condition -brand new. AskIng $125 cash. Phone 576-1263. j ANTIQUE DESK, good condition, $125. Ladies' size 9110 brown suede coat, excellent condition, freshiy drycieaned, $100. Phone 666882772. BICYCLES, iadies' and men's,:In good condition, $85 each. Port- abie typewriter $35. Elsctric fan $17. Calil883-68638. DELUXE SameonIts card table set, new, $110. Binocuiers, 7 x 50, field 701, $35. Walnut end table $8. Phone 88-1328. DRUMS $270. Excellent condition. Ail reasonable offers consldersd. Please cali 578-1911 afler 5 p.m. CALL 668.6 11i to place your ad. KODAK CAROUSEL projector, modal no. 5200, Carousel stack loader, 3 suids trays and 3 color, suids films, $350. Mahogany-look 8 foot table with matai foldlng legs $100. Ton wooden stackIng chairs $100. Ray-O-Vac sportsmen ficurescent lanlemn $20. Caii6888. 8178. POOL TABLE, 4' x 8, complets, accessories and table, tennis top- per, $200. Phone 688-8118 afler 5 p.m., é,001 - 15 fi. xÎ3 f. Sand filter, siîmmer, repair kit, 2 lb. chiorIne, Iedder. Just neede watsrl Asking $120 or best offer. Phono Barry 668-8455. -TRUCK TIRE CHANGER, Bishman make, siectric over hydraulic, 17" rime and up, adapter avalabie for, jemalier rima, ussd oniy severai limes. List $5,895. Asking $2.800. Phone 55-4995. TWO Wilaon Jack Kramsr pro staff's tennis rackets with covers $; 100_ Raleigh Record 10 spsed bike, spyder blue, excellent condi- tion, $110. Calillftr 5 p.m. 668- 3447. WOOD LATHE $150. Cheet of drawers, brown, 4 driwers, good condition, $39. Boy's Junior len- epeed, goad condition, $60. Phono AUTOMOBILES 1980-CHEVETrE, 2 door, auto- matic, excellent condition. $4,000. Cail 723-87. 1078 PONTIAC PARISIENNE, power eteenlng, power brîkes, air condllonîng, velour Intenlor, epoke wheels, new radiai tire, low mîleage, asklng $5,500. Phone 668-7007. 1976 RABBIT, needa new carbure- tor and air pump and somne body work. Has excellent mator. 8500 as la. Phono 576-5465 oveninga and weekends oniy. 1975 CHRYSLER NEWPORT,- air conditioning. $800 or beet affer. Phone 571-0883. 1975 FIREBIRD FORMULA, power atserlng, power brakes, powor- windows, many new parts. Recent peint & body. 66,000 miles. Imme-, culate. $4,100 certified. Phono 571-1704. 1974 LINCOLN Town car, In gaod condition, neede minor body wark. Aeking 81,500 as la. Phono 855- 3006. 1973 FORD COURIER, 84,000 miles, has had reçenl valve job, good engins, needa body work. Asking $750. Phone 655-8062. 19ý73 LEMANS, lWo door, 400 cubic nch Ame'rican* <blue'block> mator, four epeed floor shift, mage, excellent mechanicîl con- dition, nseds bodywork. Aeking $995 or beat offer. Phono 883- 0927. 1972 BUICK SKYLARK, 2 doar, hardtop, 350, V8, autamaltic Irans- missian, power steorlng, AMIFM 8-track aterso, ail new tires, shacks, rear apringa and radiatar. Car> la ln excellent original condi- lion. $1,500 certifisd. Phono 668- 7187. 1060 METEOR MONTCALM, con- vertible, power stesring, power brakes and top, stored winters, aaklng $1,500. Phone 688-7007. When the advertised Item le deemed to have been soid a lllustrated below, regardisas If the Item le NOT SOLD, ord of 88.00 wlil apply payable ln piy If billed which muet be Pl the final commission due bul pre-paid; $7.50 bIlled. Maxîn clusive basis with the WHITI 5% of advertlesd price up to1 EXAMPLE: Sold Item mdve Private advertising onlyl Pli we may delete It from the fo11 and charged per week as reg clothing, reai estate, and Psi ciassified ada may appear ln1 AIL ADS WILL GO MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206 Whitby, LiN 551 THE DI FR1 DAY AUVMOTîYE R~EAfIPA1SIIPARITS BRAND NEW Firestons 721-P235 radiai for sais $80. Floor mat for Ford truck $10. Cal 888-2416. 455 CU. INCH motor & trans., rune weil, stili ln car, askIng $225. Four GM ralIy whesls, fils full size GM, Olds, etc., $150. Carburetor from '76 Duster, 20,000 miles, $20. Phone 685838. 1973 MERCURY MARQUIS sedan parts. Front end, grill, fenders $200. Air condItionling unit $85. Drums and rators, aimost nsw, $20 each. Differentiai 880. Wind- shielde 8100. Master cylinder and vacuum $25. AMIFM radio $90. DoorwýIndows and electrlc motors- $10. Phone 855-3008. 1973 TORINO 4 door parts. 302 engins 8200. Transmission $85. Air condltloning rad $50. Front end fenders and grill $200. Bump- ers 845 each. Phone 855.3008. CALL 668-6111 to place your ad. BAEY EEDS BABY CARRIAGE, In good condi- tion, newmattreas, $25. Phone 655-4858, ask for Maureen. - PLEASE READ - asold, disposed of, or unavailable for whatevor reasor ind a'commission will be charged based on THE ADVEI If price la stated with "lbest offer." disposed of, the ad will be run for 3 MONTHS and a MI nadvance of publication of the first ad. Olherwise a $7. paid upan recelpt of bill. The above minimum charges ltIn any-case the higher amount wIii be charged. MInir îum commission: $100.00. Ail advertisements muet be BY FREE PRESS and run alleast one month If not soid. e400.00* RATES (if article la sold): 2% of bali rerled for $120.00. Commission due $6.00 (minImum ci ase notify the WhItby Free PressImmediately whsn Ile IlowIng Issue. Ail ada not fitting the Emporium guidelir iular ciassified ada on a pre-paid basis such as:,servic reonai message type ade, or ada not quotIng price au< the Emporium section underapprapriate headings. 3IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UN LESS OTHERWISE SPEI If ln doubt caii: 668-6111 EADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS 15 THE PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. n, the Item wiii be "RTISED PRICE as INIMUM CHARGE .50 charge wIiap- i wIl be applied to num charge: 88.00 e piaced on an ex- lance over $400 large la$8.00). arn le sold 50 that nes will be treated Ices, heip wanted, rquantity. Private CIFIED. OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N. Whltby, Ont. SUPPLIES' OD CONVERTIBLE BOAT Wit 75 h.p. Chrysisr mator and traiter. Ex- cellent condition, low hours, original awner. Asklng i3,300 or beat affer. Phono 683-5503. 14' FIBERGLASS FISHING BOAT, 40 hars eiectric Msrcury, battery, tank, ights, central 'atesring, In- ciudes nsw boail triler. Asklng $1,850. Phone 688-7092. 16' MASON mîhoany boit wlth traiter, 40 h.p. Johnson eiectrlc atarI motor, $850. Phone 688-7235. rCAàPTAIN ,NEEDED 197 8 LARSON hard top deep V blus watsr express cruiser, 23" plus, aleepa four, teak cabin and swim piatfarm, stand up hoad and gaiiey, hydraullc trim laba, dspth saunder, etc. Lesa than 50 haurs running time. -MuaI be sen 10be appreclated. PrivaIs deai. 820,000. New prlcs naw over $35,000. Witt cansider run-about or hous triler as partial payment. Phone <416) 284-4692 or (418> 431-5631. ALUMîNUM boit, 12 foot, wlth 4V/2 h.p. mator, $600. Ouldoor gis lamp, 6 foot high, $30. Hand Iawn- mower $10. One mîg tire, sîze G60-14, $20. Phone 668-1083. ANTIQUE DINING ROOM SET, buffet and table, $250. Large stur- dy wark bench $40. Smali D uncan Fyfe table $55. Old wlcker chair $45. Smali air compressor $35. Woadsn telephone table $30. Old racking chair $3. Oid school dsk and chair $20. Truck and tralier mirrors $15. Boy's and girl's bicy- cls 35 sach. Camp slave $15. Phono 683-8838. APPLIANCES - Waaher, hsavy duty, Kenmore, white. Dryer, ingils, hsavy duty, white. Refrl- gerator, Inglie Normandy, white. Stavo, McLarey, seif-cieanlng aven, white. Ail appliances thros years o011. Aaking $300 oach. Phone 688-5016. BUILT-IN AMIFM radia - 8-track record player, excellent condition, $125. Cheat of draweirs $40. Drosser $50. Chesterfild and chair, ln excellent condition, $170. Cail anytlms 668-0778. CHANDELIER, candies, wraught Iran and wood, $15. Double bed, steel frame on casiers, $20. Old soiid waod bedroom set, single bsd, large cheat and night table, $75. Phone 868-8567. NO TIME ta hald a garage sale? Ssii unwantod articles oasiiy ln the Free ProssE mporium section. Cail 668-8111 t place your ad. GOOS 10 GOOS COUCH, pull-out, Seai' psdio mattrese with rai $45. Freezer, 22 cu. $250. Refrigerator,y wide *x 22" deep x 5' Stove, 24" wide, white,, wainut wood grain and ieh, 5' wide, $50. Two wainut melans finish x 6' high, $150 for both two snd tables, French1 dark wood finish, $100. inge 728-1746 or' days ask for Ken Ililder. DINING ROOM SET, Fi vincial fruitwood. Table Isaf extende 10 60', 4 s 2 plece china cabinet, 69" high. Aillin sxcsll tion. Asking $825. Phont B.PC. SOLIO oak dIning antique. Phono after.5 5908. G.E. AUTOMATIC WASI conditiorn, $125. Alsa,( sscrelary desk, very uni Phone 728-4849. FRIOGE AND STOVE, houe, 4 ysars oid, harve excellent condition, $50 Pins bar wilh serving ar caunter, Colonial desl Sofa and laveseat, goad $25 each. 39" single apring an d mattrese, $2 sais. Can, besen aIt9 Street North, Whitby ( Rassland Intersection>. CAL 66111 ta plact vertisement ln the Wl Press. KITCHEN TABLE, aval, with 111k leaf. Greeni vain arborite. In excelli lion. Asking $40 or nes Phone 668-858. MOVING - MUST SELI wood diningraom set, chairs and buffet, 1 year Maffat fridge, excellent $250. Four-poster watei collent condition, $800 668-9016. ONE.YEAR OLD apartry dryer $190. 24"1 air-tii slave $200. Free stand fireplace . $50. Gis d Commercial -refrigerati $400., Automatlc wai Phons 655-4238. ly Posture- Mtan frame, 1fi., white, white, 21" hlgh, $80. ,.100. Bar, Jblack fln- waii units,- , 3W" wids ICof tee & Provincial, Caeil even- 384-3234, rnhPro- e with one i ide chaire. ,45" wide, lent condi- s 68.4688. room set, p.M. 8eu- HER, good old butiers que, $550. Westing- est gold, ln 30 for both. nd working ign, $250.' condition, 9 Sbed, box j 20. Moving 1 924 Centre é ýBrock and eyour ad- hitby Free 47"' x 36" and yellow lent condi- reet offer. L -Tsak- ,table, 4 oid, $425. condition, )r bed, ex., Phone ment-sized S lght wood ing acorn c lryer $85. V ing unît a sher $35. t 7-PIECE solid pine bedroom suite' fram Pioner Inleriors. Perfect condition. Oueen size, Ilght stain. Asking $3,000. Phone 723-5749. 1976 HONDA 400 Tl. Aeklng $850. Phone 688-3415. 1978 HONDA XL 175. Asking $850. Excellent çondition, 5,000 kilo- mstres, hasn'l seen dirt, much. Cai after8 p.m. 668-839. 1976 HONDA GOLD WING, un- certif lsd, 27,000 miles, 82,000 fIrm. Phone 688-2977. 1975 650 YAMAHA, 14,000 original miles, windshieid, backrest and carrier, In storîge for the tast 2 ysars, excellent condition. Aaking $1,150. Phone 688-7167. 1974 T500 SUZUKI, oniy 6,000 orn- ginai miles, exceflent./condition. Aeklng $1,000. Phono 263-8025. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS GIJITAR, Yamana, mhodsi CJ818, aimoal new 4condition. Asking $150 with case., Phono 723-0931. aflere8p.m. DUNE BUGGY, off raad, shortened V.W. frime and drive train, header, exhaust system, '15 Inch iii Terrene tires and chrome whsels. T-bar Included. Runs wsll, muet be seen. Asklng $500. Phone 688- 1195. 'OR Si",AL 1973 FORD Window Van, pawer stsering, power brakes, 302, V8. standard, neede some body work. $800as le. Phone 668-8227. ONE %A TON TRUCK camplets wllh iawn spraying and- Irse and shrub spraying equipment. Every- thlng rsady ta go. AskIng $8,300. Phone 855-3932. C'LASSIF-IED ADS ________ CONTINUED FROM PAGE 16 ____ ___FRE_ AUTOMOBILES O AE IAUTOMOBILES PETS & ~ F E ~OFFICE FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE FOSULEPPLIES PG 1976 CHEVY VEGA, 4 cylinder, 1974 MONTE CARLO, power steer- AS S - 1969 PONTIAC LAUREN. BULL TERRIER (piggy dogal) FREE: Drop into the Diokeon Prin- T Ehatchback, radio, excellent econo- i ng, power brakes, power wiridows TIAN, 350, automatia, good un. PUPS. Excellent pets or show ting,& Office Suppiy store ln the O FC THE my car, f ully certifiled and ready ta' and air. Drive it away for onlIy ner. Licence EBJ 544. Little work. doge. Shots, registersd. Phone 1- Aax Plaza and pick Up a free copy O FC ALTERNATIVE go. .,olroNow $1,700. Licen- $2,095 csrtlfled. Licence SSN 729. to certify. $595.00. Hopkins Auto (416-852-5085. of their 1982 Metric Caiendar. ceOL34 okn uoSls okn uoSales, 148 Brock Sales, 146 Brock Street North, Printed ln two colours, it makes S PAC E 146 Brock Street North, Whitby, Street North, Whitby, 688-M89 and Whitby, 888-8889and 68&4111. for handy reference.883-11M8. R N M8-889 and 888"111. 8-ll ________________________ FOR R N 1975 DODGE CRESTWOOD 17 UC IIRtreoMRN o RECREATIONAL 'Three-room Whltby WAGON, amaîl 8 cylinder, auto- back modal, needs work on body SUPLE oie VEHICLES Ltsofc ut lhpi matlc, power steerlng, power and brakes to certify. Otherwise SPLE esofc ut ihpi brakes. Excellent for famlly travel. good running order. $195. Phone POSadsesrblt xetMTRHM o ae inDi run around vate washroomn. Has $1.695 reduced to $1,495 certif led. 66"-215. orhme19325f tiep Licence No. KEZ 347. Hopkns _____________ boat repaira. Discount fibergiasa oo oe 93 5fot lea tnaether. over 750 square feet Auto Sales, 146 Brock Street Nor- repaira. Oshawa Glass Fiber, 341 6, 25,000 miles, very good coni - _oul bra lore th, Whitby' 6684889 and 888.411. Durham Street, Oshawa. 579-1433. tion, new 15 foot awning. $8,000 ___________________firm. For qulck'sale. Phone 655- and, alr-condltioned HANDYMAN SPECIAL - 1975 ml1 aRlaaU71F Spaciousness. Main Mark Connors FORD GRANADA, 6 cylînder, auto- TRUCKSI VAS TRUCKS/VANS office about 32 feet matte, power steering, power FORSAL FOR SALE Says for a reasonably brakes, power windows. Licence S 1............ long. Could be'divld- prlced used car SYR 370. Only needa a Ilttle atten- S DCTOA dInosalrofc $1 ,295 and up cer- tion. $995.00. Hopkins Auto Sales, ' ,I ILSRCE'- ed tif led see 146 Brock Street North, Whtby, MUST SELL --- MAKE AN OFFERt MT] SERVIjCES es. For furtiier infor- _________________TYPEWRITER RENTAL, many ý'GRAMMAR for people who hate mation. cali Mr. Bur- HOPKINS 172____VA_____n______y hewek ramr"late dal oce 197 OD uTASSSUREEend, week or month. Discounts reference book for business peo- gess between 9 a.m. AUTO SAILES power steerIng, p0owerbrakes, air Automatic, power -steerîng, power aval>able. Dickson Printlng & Of- pie. $3.95 per copy and availabie and 5 p.m. ai: 146Brok t. ., certiied. SlpiceetSN,1089 rk5 rve euaî ntlrcnî. fice Supplies ln the Ajax Plaza. at Dickson Printing & Office Sup- WhtyHpisAt ae,146 Brock St. N.,k ucertified. LiecAk 0. bae.Drvnrglryutlrcnl. Calus for business machIne plies In the Ajax Plaza. Dealer an' 6.67 Stet ot, htb,684889and Needs LbodyI wor, ucri d skig repaire883-1968. quiries invlted 683f.1968.37 668.889Stret ort, Witb, ________________ ___________1___ 666841189 $100 or bestoffer. Appîy to: _______ ______________ 668-4111 WHIBY FREE PRESS 01111 131 BROCK STr. N., WHITBY CLASSIFIEDA ~ f@ rsut 5 r

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