Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 21 Jul 1982, p. 25

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 21, 1982. PAGE 13 CALL 668*6111ý- EmporiumAds wiii only be accepted subject to thé foliowing conditions. estoWlahed over 50 years, ta 1l22 Athoi StreetWe requra 2 Ifull-tlme nd 2 prt.tIme pr- sosfor stoes and service. Phono 668-1502d SERVICE ADVISOR for Chrysler, new car dernier ln Ajax. Good work- lng condition, new promisses. Muet relate 10 people very weli. Apply Village Pymouth Chrysier, 683- 5358. Ask for Rob Richardson or Ted WIliamason. 'I THE WORLD IS YOURS.,IF YOU KNOW THE RIGHT PEOPLE... Whoever you move the Welcome Wagon hosteau aa he right porion 10 holp you. lind à place ln your new com- munity. Coli 666-1523 or 668-8943 WANTED - Experiencod, mature, rellable p.rson 10 ait 10-monlh-old boy ln our home. Teenn ed not appiy. Cati oftor 6 p.m. 668-868. OFFICE CLERK -, FiIing, new promises, good working condi- tions. Appiy Village Plymouth Chrysler, 683-5358. Ask for Barb Mowgate. LICENCED AUTO MECHANIC for vory buay fiat rate ahop. Good worlting conditions, new pro- mises. Appiy Village Pymouth Chrysier, 683-5358. Aek for Rob Richardson. EMPLMEN1 SIT OWNtakea load off yOur ferelax ... lt me diean your hous. Fat, fficentservice reaonalerats.Cati LI McLEAN AUCTION SERVICE ('iousehod, Farm, Equlpment, Antque, butest Business Closouts, Bankrupl Sales Consignmenla or uuction aI your place. Metro Tor-oteoUcmi Rose & SCOtt MCLsan -Auctioneers Taunton Rd. W., Oshawa j 576-7550-68&.3291 AUCTINS AUCTION SALE THURSDAY, JULY 22 AT 6:30 P.M. 1614 Charles St., Whltby A local Estate. Qduantity of odd tables & chairs, beautiful maple dining room. suite Including round table & china cabi- net,. beautiful oak bed- room ý suite, chesterfield suite & loveseat, kitchen suite & rugs, coffee & end tables, antique sewing machines, pair of sterling silver candelabras f rom Birks Jewelers, antique oak rocker, antique pine dresser, many fine an- tiques and coilectabies Including good glass, china, oid oil paintings, water colors, brass, chest of drawers, biankets, tapestries, appliances, etc. A real good sale. Plan to attend. BILL WANNAMAKER AUCTIONIEER <666.3731 WANNAMAKER AUCTION SERVICES 1614 Charles St., Whitby WANTED - Estates, household Items, furni- ture, glass, tools & equip- ment. The place to buy or seli. We will pick up. 666-3731 668-8403 (DAYS) (EVGS.) CALL 668111 to place your ad- vertisement In the Whitby Free Press. NOTICE 0F BANKRUPTCY IN THE MATrER 0F THE BANKRUPTCY 0F RUDEMCO LTD., a body corporale with Head Of- fice ln the Town of Whitby, Region of Dur- ham, Province of Ontario, carrying on business un- der the name and style THE LIGHTHOUSE. NOTICE IS HEREBY given that Rudemco Ltd., bankrupt, a body corporate with Head Office ln the Town of Whitby, Rogion of Dur- ham, Provtnce of Ontario, carrying on business under the namo and style THE LIGHTH-OUSE, f lied an asaignmonî In bankruptcy on the 121h day of Juiy, 1982, and that the tiret meeting of croditora wiii b. heid on: THURSDAY, the 29th day of July 1982, et the hour of 2:00 o'ciock In the aiter- noon, et the office of the officiai roceiver, 7th f toor, 25 St. Clair Ave. E., lk the City of Toronto, Province of Ontario. DATED AT OSHAWA this lGth day of July, 1982. DUNWOODY UMITED Trustes Kunjar M. Sharma, M.B.A. -PLEASE HEAD - When the advertised Itom la sold, dioposod of, or unavaliable for whatovor roason, the Itom wili bo deomod 10 have been soid and a commission wiiI b. charged basodon THE ADVERTISED PRICE as Iiiustratod beiow, rogardiese Il prIco la ststod with "boat offer." If the Item la NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the adwlil b. mun for 3 MONTHB and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $6.00 wiil appiy payable ln advance of publication of the firet ad. Othorwise a $7.50 charge wili Sp. ply If bilied which muet b. patd upon rocelpt of bill. The above minimum charges will be applied ta the final commission due but ln any case the hlghor amount wlii be charged. Minimum charge: $6.00 pro-paid; 87.50 bliied. Maximum commieeion:*$100.00. Alil advorisemente muet bo placed on an ex. clusIve baste with the WHITBDY FREE PRESS and run alleaut one month If not eold. RATES(if article lo sold): 5% of adv.rtis.d price Up to.M40.00 EXAMPLE: Sold Item advsrtised for 8120.00. Commission due 86.00 (minImum'charge la 86.00). Privale advertIsing onlyt Ploase nollfy the Whitby Free Press imýnedlatoly when Iem le eoid 50 that wo may delele It from the foilowIng Issue. Ail ada not fittIng the Emporium guideltnes wiil be lreated and charged por weok as rogular ciaesifted ode on a pre-paid basis auch sa: services, heip wanted, ciothing, roai eetate, and personial mossage type ade, or ade not quoting prie or quantity. Privato clasaifled ada may appear in the Emporium section under appropriaIs headinga. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. If In doubt caI: OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. 'N. Whltby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS I8 THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. ARTICLES FOR SALE. A 12 plus 50 gel. aquarium and ail accossories $275. Wino equip- mont $75. ýPremier drum $700. If Interestod cati 723-9618. ALUMINUM combination door, brown, 79" x 36" x 1 ½i", frame and grill inciuded. Excellent condition - brand new. Asking $125 cash. Phono 576-1283. ANTIQUE DESK, good condition, $125. Ladies' size 9110 brown suodo coat, excellent condition, freshiy drycieaned, $100. Phono 666-2772. BICYCLES, ladies' and men's, ln good condition, $65 each. Port. able typewriter $35. Eiectric fan $17. Cati 683-6638. DELUXE Samsonite card table set, now, $110. BInoculars,ý 7 x 50, field 70', $35. Wainut end table $6. Phono 668-1328. KODAK CAROUSEL' projector, modet no. 5200, Carousot stock- loader, 3 sulds truye and 3 color suids films, $350. Mahogany-iook 8 foot table wlh metl fotdlng legs $100. Ten woodon slucklng chairs $100. Ray-O-Vac sportsmnen flourescent tantern $20. Cati 688- 8178. POOL TABLE, 4' x 8', complote, accossorios and table, tennis top- por, $200. Phono 688-8116 aller 5 p.m. SKILL SAW $29. Sump pump $30. Sludy table $25. Swuy bore and hitch head $50. Hand tools $10. Giris bike $30. Ail In excollent condition. Culit 683-.668 TRUCK TIRE CHANGER, Bishman make, oloclric over hydrautic, 17" rima and up, adapter availabte for eMaller rima, usod only severai limes. List $5,695. Asking $2,800. Phono 655-4995. WOOD LATHE'8150. Cheet of drawers, brown, 4 drawors, good condition, $39. Boy'a Junior ton- apeod, good condition, 860. Phono 683638l. FOR'SLE 1980 CHEVETTE, 2 door, auto. matic, excellent condition. 84,000. Cati 723-6967. 1979 MERCURY MARQUIS BROUGHAM, 302, air condition- Ing, power ateertng, power brakes, stereo, tilt whoot. 95,950 km. $5,500 cortIfied. Phone 668-1275 ater 6 p.m. 1978 PONT1AC PARISIENNE, power etesring, power brakes, air condltIonlng, vetour Interlor, spoke wheels, new radIai tire, low mîteogo, asking $5,500., Phono 668-7007. 1970 PLYMOUTH, powor stegrîng, power brakes, auto., 64,000 mites. $950 os le. Cal 668-0786 aflor 4 p.m. 1975 CHRYSLER NEWPORT, air condltlonlng. $60 or beet offer. Phone 571-066. 1976 RAUBIT, noeds new carbure- tor and air pump and some body work. Has excellent motor. $500 as le. Phono 576-5465 ovenings and weeiconds oniy. 1975' FIREBIRD FORMULA, p ower steoring, power brakes, power windows, many new parts. Rocent paint & body. 86,000 mites. Imma- cutate. $4,100 certified. Phono 571-1704.t 1974 LINCOLN Town car, ln good condition, nooda minor body work. Asking $1,500 as ls. Phono 655- 3006. 1973 FORD COURIER, 64,000 mites, has had rocent valve Job, good engine, noeds body work. Asking $750. Phono 655-8062. 1973 LEMANS, two door, 400 cubtc Inch Amoricun (blue block) molor,' four spood floor shift, mage, excellent mechanicai con- dition, needs body work. Asking 81,195 or beel of for. Phone 683- 0927. 1972 ÈUICK 8KYLARK, 2 door, ,hardlop, 350, V8, autdrmatic Irans- mission, powor steoring, AMIFM 6-track storeo, atl- new tires, shocks, rear eprInga and radiator. Car ta In excellent original condi- tion. 81,500 certif led. Phono 668- 7167. 1M6 METEOR MONTCALM, con- vertible, power steering, power brakes and top, stored winters, "sking 81,500. Phonoe668-7007. AV OTlMVE U~EARPAI~R/pARTS BRAND NEW Firestone 721-P235 radial for sale $80. Fioor mat for Ford truck $10. Cati 666-2416. 455 CU. INCH motor & Irans., runs weii, stillIin cor, asktng $225. Four GM rally wheis, fils fuit size GM, Olda, otc., $150. Carburetor from '76 Duster, 20,000 miMas, $20. Phono 668-5638. 1973 MERCURY MARQUIS sedan ports. Front end, griti, tenders 8200. Air condltionlng unit $65. Drums and rotors, almnosl new, $20 oach. Difforontial $80. Wtnd- shiolde $100. Mastor cytinder and vacuum 8$25. AMIFM radio $90. Door windows and eiectric motors $10. Phono 655-3006. 1 1973 TORINO 4 door parte. 302 engine $200. Transmission $85. Air conditioning rad 8150. Front end tenders and grill $200. Bump- ers $45 oach. Phone 655-3006. S SPPESJ ALUMINUM bout, 12 foot, with 4% h.p. motor, $60. Outdoor gas lamp, 6 foot high, $30. Hand iawn- mowor $10. One mag tire, size G60-14, $20. Phono 668.1063. 181 MASON rnahogany boat with traiter, 40 h.p.- Johnson electrlc stait motor, $850. Phone 68&7235. SUPPLIES CONVERTIBLE BOAT wlth 75 h.p.' Chrysior motor and traiter. Ex- collent condttion, low hours, ori ginal ownor. Asking $3,300 or beat offor. Phono 883-5503. 14' FIBERGLASS FISHING BOAT, 40 horse eiectrIc Morcury, ballery, tank, iights, central slooring, In- cludes new boat traiter. Asking $1,850. Phono 668-7092. CAPTAIN NEDD 1978 LARSON hard top deep V blue water express cruiser, 23'. plus, sioeps four, teak cubin and swlm piatform, stand up head and gailey, hydraullo lrim lobs, dopth sounder, etc. Leas thon 50 hours runntng lime. Muet be seon to be appreciated. PrivaIs deal. 820,000. New price now -over $35,000. Wil. coneider run-about or house traiter as partial payment. Phono (416) 264-4092 or (416) 431-5631. Financlal Officor: $259400 -t $2997W0 The MINISTRY 0F REVENUE, management sys- terms branch, seeks an IndivIduai to participate ln the deveiopment and maintenance of . annuai branch' estimates, suppiementary estimates, muiti-year plan, MBR and budget; provide an on- going analysis, control and statistical ýreport- generating function re the expenditure of, funds and achievement of-objectives; maintain a client biiiing system ýand financial reporting system. Location: Currentiy Toronto; however, this position wili only be availabie to those candidates who are willing to work ln Oshawa when the ministry relocates later this year. Qualifications: Thorough knowledge of account- Ing systema, practices and procedures normaliy acq uired through severai years formai business studios or experience ln a related fieid; demon. strated ability to-carry out financiai analysis and prepare budgetary estimates; effective communi- Please submIt application quotIng, file RE-97 by Aug. 9, 1982, to: Ministry of Revenue, Personnel Services Branch, 77 Bloor Street West, 2th Floor, Toronto, Ontario, M7A 1 X8. Equaiity of Opportunity for Employment ®O ntario Public Service AID TO MILLIONS CLASSIFIE'D'ADS CONTINUED FROM PAGE'12 MUSCAL IMNSTUETS GUITAR, Yamaha, modol CJ818, aimost now condition. A8king $150 wtth case., Phone723-0931 alter 6 p.m. ~~~RENT DUNE BUGGY, off road. shortened V.w. frame and drive train, heuder exhaust system, 15 Inch ait Terrons tires and chrome wheels. T-bar Inciuded. Rune well, muet be seen. Aaklng $500. Phone 666- ONE 44 TON TRUCK comploe with lawn apraying and tres and shnjb spraylng equipm.nt. Ev.ry- thIng ready ta go. Asktng $6,300. Phono 655-3932 FRIDGE AND STOVE, 'Westing- house, 4 yoare otd, harvest, gold, ln excellent condition, $500 for both. Pins bar with sorving and working counter, Colonial deaîgn, $250. Sofa and loveseat, good condition, $25 oach. 391 single bed, box spring and mattreas, $20,, Movlng sale. Can be seon at,924 Centre Street North, WhItby (Brock and Roaaland Intersection). 4 PIECE WALNUT bedroom asuite, triple dresser, M50. Cal! 723-5965. KîTCHEN TABLE, ovat, 47" x 361, with 111W' leaf. Green and yeilow vein arborit.In excellent"condi- lion. Asking $40 or neurest offer, Phone 668456. MOVING - MUST SELLý - Teik- wood dInfingroom éet, table, 4 chairs and buffet, 1 year oid, $425. Moffat fridge, excellentf condition, $250. Four-poster wator bad, ex. celient condition, $800, Phono 688-9016. ONE-YEAR OLD upartment-alzed dryer $190. 24" uir-tlght wood stove $20. Free standing acomn firepluce 50. Gaos dryer $85.' Commercial refrigeruting unit $400. Automatto washer $35. Phono 855-4238. 7-PIECE solii pins bodroomn suite from Pionoor Interiors. Perfect condition. Quoen size, Iight stain. Asking 83,000. Phono 723-5749. B3ABY CARRIAGE, ln good condi- tion, now mattreas, $425.- Phono 655-4658, ask for Maureon. OTORYCYCES' 1978 HONDA 400 Tl. Asking $850. Phone 668-3415. 1978 HONDA XL 175. Asklng 885. Excellent condition, 5,000 kilo- moires, hasn't seon diri much. Cail aller68 p.m. 668-839. 1970 HONDA GOLO WING, un- certifled, 27,000 miles, 82,000 fîrm. Phono 6661-2977. 1976 M5 YAMAHA, 14,000 original miles, windshleld, backreat and carrier, In storuge for the fast 2 yeara, excellent condition. Asking 81,150. Phone 668-7167. 1974 TOCS SUZUKI, only 6,000 ori- ginal miles, excellent condition. Asking 81,000. Phone 2634025. 1974 YAMAHA HDC500 atreet bike. Mint condition. Loadod with oxtras. Only 10,000 miles. Asking $950. Cal 655-3840. 1972 MONDA, 350 twin, ln excell- ent condition. Asking $600. Phone 666-1677. RNELPZ3TE MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206 Whitby, Il N 581 ANTIQUE DINING ROOM SET, buffet and table, $250. Large elur- dy work b.nch $40. Smull Duncan Fyfa tablo $55. Oid wlcker chair $45. Smali air compreseor 835. Wooden tetephone table $30. OId rocking chair $33. Oid echool dosk and chair $20. Truck and traiter mirrors $15. Boyes and girl'a bicy- cles $35 each. Camp stove $15. Phone 683-663. APPLIANCES - Washer, hoavy duty, Kenmore, white. Dryer, Inglis, hoavy duty, white. Refrl- gorator, Inglis N ormandy, white. Stove, McLarey, self-cieaning aven, white. Ail appliances three years oid. Asking $300 each. Phone 668-5016. BUILT-IN AM/FM radio - 8-track record player, excellent condition, $125. Cheet 0f drawera $40. Dresser $50. Chesterfid and chair, ln excellent condition, $170. Cati anylime 668-776. CHAIR - Cogsweiltstylo easy chair, rocently uphoistered In gold fabric, excellent condition. $95. Cati 668-3683 after 5:30 p.m. or on weokends. CHANDELIER, candios, wrought iron and wood, $15. Double b.d, steel trame on castors, $20. Old soiid wood bedroom sot, aingle bed, large cheet and nlght table, $75. Phone 668-657. DINING ROOM SET, French Pro- vincial fruitwood. Table wilh one leaf extenda to 60", 4 aide chairs. 2 place china cabinet, 45" wlde, 69" hlgh. Al In excellent condi- tion. Asklng $825. Phone 668-468. DISHWASHER for sale. Viking, white, top loadlng, works weii. 850 or béat offer. Phone 668-7269 after 6 P.M. G.E AUTOMATIC WASHER, good condition, $125. Aiso, old buttera aocretary doak, very unique, $1. Phono 728-4849. _________ I I I I I ____ I 2% of balance over$«.Ool 1

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