Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 14 Jul 1982, p. 8

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PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY, JULY 14,1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS Between' You and Me f zmpm By RUTII COLES Tom Giibney Notling cau take the place of practical exper- leuce out iu thc world: A.B. Taveru. If you ever sec a tail, decply tanned, liandsomc man waling about lu Wliitby, taking great strîdes as lie goes on lis way, it no doubt will be Tom Gil- uey, auchorman for C.F.T.O. news. I Tom, known as Gary by family and friends, carne to Wliitby from the west. Botli Gary and lis wife were born aud raised lu Alberta but came to Ontario j CLOCA na ture This s the SALE you've been waltlng for. Ail of our lovely sumàmer fashions are ½PRICE during this week only. Also clearn ng - Can Can Pantyhose - 50 % off OPEN UNTIL 9 P.M. SATU RDAYS 723-1771 WH ITBY MALL 1.0MMER1119L PRInTin[î some time ago and to Whltby qulte by chance. The whole family, includlng four offspring, are great supporters.0f thie Town of Whltby. The child- ,ren ail settled in, likcd and did wdil at sehool, en- Joyed and took pgirt in ail aspects of recreational ac- týivities of the town. As time goes on more opportu- mities for young people are springing up every- where, swimming, tennis. and many more too ,numerous to mention., A radio man years ago, Tom stil lihas a love for this aspect of tlie communications field. As a news- caster lie is respectcd and well'thought of, We have a fun story aboutý Tom and a Germnan woman who was visiting here with a friend'0f mine' tlirough June of this year. A well travelled person and one who lias seen a great deal even to nursing lu Russia during the last war was simply smitten witli Tom. Early in the visit she was, lntroduced to C.F.T.O. news. This*becanie a nighly occurrence. I tliink the appeal was in his direct gaze; "lis laugli- iug blue eyes, " she always said,, 11 just love tliat man. " So Hanna, aged 70, wanted to see hlm report- ing.the news even wlien they were out visiting!1 Next year, wlien she comes again we'll get them together over a cup 0f tea. Sle'il no doubt be smit- ten more than ever wlien she meets hlm in person as he radiates fricndliness and goodwill. I feel a direct approach is a must and sadly lack- ing ini some newscasts. No bias, just a good wel rcad report is a must.with us. I agree with Hanna that "'those happy blue eyes" are a great asset. In these days and we could say ycars uow of doom and gloom wliicli can be very self fulfilling as wc are seeiug now, lis approach pleases us. I was amused to bear hlm say the Iearning process goes on and on, "the more you learn, the more you find tliere is to learu. " I hear my liusbaud say thls ail the time and lie adds, " once your. formal education is over that is when you reaily begin to. learn and the learning process begins lu earnest. " I shouldthink being a news r eader would be vcry demauding, especiaily on television. Immaculate and well groomed always beéause the camera neyer misses a hair out of place or a tie sliglitly askew. Good diction and an appealing voice are prerequisites. My 17-ycar-old graudson wloio 1 with us at this point in tixne wanted me to-ask hlm wliat lie wore bclow the beit while before the cameras!1 We often laught about this because on tlie odd occasion we see the camera swing lu on the lower part of tlie auatomy by mistake, undoubtediy a begiuner beliind the lens. It is 80o funny to see a womau beautifully dressed from the-waist up aud jeans below or a man s0 wcll groomcd and again tlie jeans! So Tom admitted with a wide.grin that, "yes, sometimes on the weekends I do wear jeans." I laughed too because it's rcaily- funny to visualize. Above thc anclior desk a vision riglit out of Pierre Cardin, below a tomboy in jeans orwhatever.. My impression of tlie C.T.V. newsroom is tliat al the "gang" are compatible and it seems I'm right. Tliey enjoy working together and I think it shows. We discussed ail manner of thlngs from tlie viewer's viewpoint to the position of tlie sponsors in thc sdhcme of things. My first calI to any station was made a few years ago when I saw a coffin "-dumped" on the ground- and Icard the boues "thump" as it lit the ground. This happeued on a clip from Quebec sent up here after a terrible fire in that province wlidh cost a few lives. I fclt sickeued by the whole thlng and felt compeiled to eaU liopiug they would delete this por- tion of tlie film.Tlieir reply was that they liad reccived quite a few Phone cails witli the same "complaint. But to no avail, it was still on thc later uewscast. Bad uews, horrible uews is welcomed by some anid botli newspapers aud the rest of thc media reap- the benefit. Duil news doesn't bring in aIl thc readers or viewers. Front pages and lieadlines are made to grab tlie eye;- thls I'm sad to say seils news- print, flot always Uie content. I asked- Tom i ie eLt doom and- g-loomadnsit walks Tlie Central Lake Ont- ario Conservation Autliority's summer program , continues, through to the Labour Day weckend and thec next two weck's activi- ties have been aunoune- cd. Guided walks, wil meet at the authority of- fice (16W0 Dunidas'Street East, Whltby, Chcrney's building), Thursday eveuings at 6:30 p.m. and' on Sunday aftcr- noons at 1 p.m. Binocu- lars, field guides and cameras may increasc your enjoyment of the walk, but are not essen- tial. At Uic Heber Down Conservation Arca ca'mpsite, evening pro- grams consisting of slide talks and filmswiil be hcld ou Tuesday and Saturday nigbts at 9 p.m. A nature walk will leave Uiecàcmpsite prior to Uic program at 7 p.m. A selection of films will be shown at the camp- site on Thursday, even- ings at 9:30 p.m. Directions to camp- site: foilowing Highway 12 (Brock Street, Whit- by) nortli to Higliway 7; turn west for 3 kilo- metres (13/ miles) to Coronation Road, south 1 kilometre ('% mile) to Uic entrance, watch'for sigus-. iaturday, July 17 - evening program, "Nor- th to tlieYukon". Sunday, July 18 - "Na- turc's Medicines" - a walk at Stephcn's Gulch C.A. to view some of Uic local licrbs used in the past and present as medicines. Tuesday, July 20- evcniug program, "Wet- lands Alcrt". Tlitirsday- July 22 - "'Fly By Niglit" - a walk at Lynde Shores C.A. to sec some of Uic noctur- ual creatures and per- liaps some stargazing, weaUier permitting. This walk leaves at 8 p.m. and there 18 no movie showing at Heber Down C.A. campsite on Uis night. Saturday, July 24 - evcnmng program. "Bir- ds and Us". For more informa- tion, or if you wish to meet us at thc conserva- tion area instead of Uic office for a guided walk, please contact the Cen- tral Lake Ontario Con- servation Autliority at 579-0411. 218 HARý",'OOD AVE S- AJAX SHOPPINP PLAZA 1 . TELEPHONE 683 1968

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