Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 14 Jul 1982, p. 17

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 14o,1982, PAGE 17 CAL L.6.68-6l11 Emporlum.Ads wilI only b. accepted-subject to the following conditions. AID TO14M CLASý AI CONTINUIED FI UMIILEAN AUCTION SERVICE Househoid, Farmi, Equipment, Antique, Etates BusinoesCioseauts, Bankmupt Sales Conaignments o rauction < t your place. Matro Toronto Ucence Ross & Scott McLean Auctionoers Taunton Rd. W., Oshawa 576-7550-686-3291 GUN AUCTION FR1 DAY EVENING JULY 16 At D & M Sales Barn, R.R. 2, Lindsay (one mile west oif Lndsay on the Lttle Britain Rd.). Sale time 8 p.m. For those wishing to consign guns to thîs sale, we are registering Thurs. eve. and f rom Frldày noon. This is our flfth monthly sale. For more details caîl Lindsay 324- 9560 or Res. 324-2472. WR. (BUD) McKEE, AUCTIONEER AUCTION SALE SAT., JULY 17,1982 11IA.M. Contents of home of MR. & MRS. AMBROSE FER- REN, at Myrtle Station, 2nd house south of chur- ch. With Coldspot' refri- gerator, new Inglis dryer, Kenmore automatlc washer, 30" electrlc range, gold French Pro- vincial chesterfield suite, back to wall cupboard, 3- po. bedroomn suite, kit- chen suite with 6 chairs, beds, dressers, vanity, black & white TV, dehumi- dîfler, bed chesterfleld, carpet, spinning wheel, sewlng machine, railroad Iantern,. accordian, cop- per kettie, 2 gai. crock, cement lawn roller, 1/ r.p. table saw, extension iadder, picnic table, mllk bottles. tools. dishes. etc. [ILLIONS SIFIED :)s ROM PAGE 16 AUCTIOS AUCTION SALE SAT., JULY 17 - 6 P.M. At' PEARCE AUCTION CENTRE on Shirley Rd., 4- miles south of Port Perry. With 5-pc. cherry bed- roomn suite, mahogany hutch, beautifui waii mir- rors, woolen biankets, quIlt & dishes ieft fromn the last sale, brass Alad- din Iamp, McLarey Wood annex, bar cupboard, Fri- gidaire dryer, new port- able dishwasher, G.E. range with warming oven, wash stand, pine cup- boards, bathroom vanity stand, 5' step iadder, mapie bed trame, dough board, canners, small ap- pilances, baby's bike seat and some consigniments not brought ln yet. Terms cash, Visa or known cheque.. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 985-7492 ARTICLES FOFO RRENT] TYPEWRITER RENTAL, many makes and modela, by the weok- end, week or month. Discounts avallable. Dckson Printlng & Of- fice Supplies ln the Ajax Piaza. Coli us for buslnesa machine repaira 683-1968. FREE: Drap Inta the Dlckson Prin- ling & office Suppiy store ln the Ajax Plaza and pick up a free copy of thoîr 1982 Metrlc Calondar. Printod ln twa colours, il makeb for handy referenco. 683-1968. ARTLELS A 12 plus 50 gai, aquarium and ail accessories $275. Wlne equip- ment $75. Premier drum $700. If Interosted cali 723-9618. ALUMINUM combinstion' doar, brown, 79" x 36"1 x 1 %', frame and grill Included. Excellent condition - brand now. Asking $125 cash. Phono 576-1283. ANTIQUEj DESC, good condition, $125. Làdes' size 9110 brawn suede coat, excellent condition, froshly drycieaned, $100. Phone 666-2772. BICYCLE, 20" wheel, girl'. or bay's, green, ln gaad condition. Asking $25. Phone 655-3203. BICYCLES, ladies' and men's, ln good condition, $65 each. Port- able typawrlter $35. Electrlc fan $17. Cai 683-6638. D5LUXE Samsonlte card table set, new, $110. Binoculara, 7 x 50, fiold 704, $35. Walnut end table $6. Phono 668-1328. NO TIME ta hoid a garage sale? $011 unwantod articles oasily ln the Fro. Pross Emporium section. Cai 668-61 ta place yaur ad. POOL TABLE, 4' x 8', complote, accessarles and table, tennis top. per, $200. Phione 668-8116 after 5 p.m. RCA 20" COLOR TV. Excellent condition. Hardiy used. With acu- tint colar contrai. Aaklng £325. Phonoe668-5180. SKILL SAW $29. Sump pump $30. Study table $25. Sway bars and hitch head $50. Hand tools $10. Girls bîko $30. Ail In excellent condition. Cati 683-8638. TRUCK< TIRE CHANGER, Bishman make, eiectric over hydraulic, 17" rima and up, adapter availabie for amaller rima, used only several times. List $5,695. Asking $2,800. Phone 655-4995. 24" UNIVERSAL boy's 5-apeed bike, Ilke new, $75. Kodak Carousel projector, madel no. 5200, Carausei stack loader, 3 lide trays and 3 calar alide films, $350. Mahogany-iook 8 foot table with matai falding legs $100. Ton waaden stacking chairs $100. Ray- O-Vac sportsmen flourescent Ian- tomn $20. Cai 668-8178. WOODS TENT TRAîLER withaut canvas. Asking $150 ar b.at affer. .Phono 655-4271. Ei FLORIUA I _________ WUVACATION I AUTOMOBILESI RETL FOR SALE F LO I DA 1980 CHEVETTE, 2 doan, auto. f"" "'"'"" matlc, excellent condition. $4.000. Clearwator - Take the famliy, Cali 723-6967. thnee bodroam, two bathroom' (country club haomea, pools,' 19 ECR MAQI lions, cnlyo20.0Use weakly. cBROUGHAM, 302, air condition- lion, ony $20.0 U.S weely. ing, power steening, power brakes, '683.5503 sterea, tilt' wheel. 95,950 km. ye $5.500 contified. Phano 668-1275 1ofter 6p.m. Property sold. Lunch avallable. Terms cash or known cheque. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 985-7492 WANNAMAKER H L AUCTION H L SERVIrZESFG T 1614 Charles St., Whiltby I H WANTED, - Estates, household Items, furni- ture, glass, tools & equip-K D E ment. The place to buy orK. E seli. We will pick up. 66&3731 668-8403 D1 E S <DATyS) (EVGS.) I E S .PLEASE READ - When'the advertised Item la said, dispased af, ar unavaliabie for whatover reon deamod 10 have b.en aoid and a commission wIii b. charged based on THE ADVEA iliustrated beiaw, rogardiesa If pice la statod with 'lb.st affr' If the Item la NOT SOLD, or dIspased of, the ad wIll bo run for 3 MONTHS and a MI? of $0.00 wiii appiy payable ln advance of publication af the ftiret ad. Othorwlso à $7.1 piy If biiied whlch muet b. paid upon recoipt af bill. Tho above minimum chargesY the final commission due butiln any case the highor amount wIlli bdchargod. Mini pre-pald; $7.50 bliied. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ail advortisomonts muat be clualvo basis with the WHITBDY FREE PRESS and run atioasons month If not aald. RATES (ifarticle ila old): 5% of advertised prie. up ta $409J0ý 2% of bals EXAMPLE: Sold Item advertised for $12000. Commission due 58.00 (minimum ehi Private advertislng oniyi Ploase notify the Whltby Fre. Proas lmr.îediatsiy whonlite we may doiete il from the faiiowing Issue. Agi ada not fitting the Emporium guldolini and charged por weok as regular ciaasifiod ada on a pre-paid banis such as: servie clathIng, rosi ostato, and persanai message type ado, ar ade nat quotlng prîce or ciassifled ads may appoar ln the Emporlum section under appropriato hoadinga. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPEC MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 208 Whitby, LiN 581 If ln daubtcoali: 668-6111 AUTMOLES tV UTOMVE FOR SA.ELE I/AT 1978 PONTIAC PARIISIENNE, power steerIng, power brakes, air candilnlng, velaur Interlor, spake wheais, new radiai tire, 10w mîleage, asklng $5500. Phono 668-7007. 1976 PLYMOUTH, power stearing, pawer brakes, auto., 64,000 miles. $950 as la. Cati 668-0766 after 4 p.m. 1976 RABBIT, neoda new carbure- tar and air pump and some body wark. Has excellent motor. $500 as la. Phono 576-5465 oveninga and weekends oniy. 1975 CHRYS 'LER NEWPORT, air condltloning. $600or hast affer. Phono 571-0863. 1975 FIREBIRD FORMULA, power ateerin g, power brakes, power windows, many new parts. Rocont point & body. 66,000 miles. Immo- culate. $4,100 certi;:ad. Phone, 571-1704. 1974 LNCOLN Tawn cor, ln goad condition, needa mînor body work. Asking $1.500 os la. Phono 655- 3006. 1973 FORD COURIER, 64,000 miles, has had recont valve job, gaod engins, needa body work. Asklng $750. Phono 655-8062. 1973 LEMANS, two door, 400 oubic Inch American <blue block) motor, four apaed f loor shift, mags, excellent mechanicai can- ditian, neoda bady wark. Asking $1.195 ar b.st offer. Phono 683- 0927. 1972 BUICi< SKYLARK, 2 doar,- hardtop, 350, V8, automatic trans- mission, power steerlng, AMIFM -track storea, ail now tirep shacks, roar apringa and radioto,. Car ls ln excellent original candi ion. $1.500 certiled. Phone 668- 7117. CALL 66&-611il ta place yaur ad. 169 METEOR MONTCALM, can- ertIbie, power steaning, power irakes and top, stoned winters, asking $1,500. Phono 668-7007. BRAND NEW Firestane 71 radial for sale $80. Floor mat f Fard truck $10. Cati 666-2416. 455s CU. INCH matou & Irans., nur weiI, stili ln car, asking $225. Fci GM rolly wheeis, fils full size G? Oids, etc., $150. Carbureton fnci '76 Dusten, 20,000 mlles, $2 Phone 668-5638. 1973 MERCURY MARQUIS sedi parts. 'Front and, grill, fendi $200. Air condltioning unît $6 Drums and notons, aimoat new, $à esch. Difféentiai $80. Wlni ahlolds,$100. Master cylînder ai vÏacuum $25. AMIFM radio $9 Door windows and electrlc motci $10. Phono 655-3006. 1973 TORINO 4 doar parts. Y engins $200. Transmission $4 Air conditloning rad $50. Frci end fondora and grill $200. Burri ors $45 each. Phone 655-3006. 235 for Dur 20. fan ers 85. ;20 nd 90. ira 02' 85. Dnt lp. ALUMîNUM boat' 12 foot, with 4½ h.p. moton, $600. Outdaor gos amp, 6 foot high, $30. Hand lawn- mower $10. One mag tire, sizo G60-14, $20. Phono 668-1063. CONVERTIBLE BOAT wlth 75 h.p. Chrysier motor and traiter. Ex- cellent condition, iaw hours, original owner. Asklng $3.300 or beat offer. Phono 683-5503. CALL 668-111 now to place your Emporium ad. j CAPTAIN NEEDEDi 1978 LARSON hard top deep V blue woter express cruiser, 23' plus, aleopa faur, toak cabin and .-,r- ',.itform, stand up hoad and galley, hydrauiic trlm taba, depth sounder, etc. Lei;% thon 50 hours runnlng lime. Mtuit bo seen ta be appreciotod. Privais dool. $20.000. New prîce now over $35.000. Witt canaider run-abaut or house traiter as partial poyment. Phane (416) 264-4692 or (416) 431-5631. rGEYU ~MESSAGE ACROSS *Economically Cc eAccurately ~C1assifieds nveniently KITCHEN TA with i1 %" le vein arborite. tion.* Asking Phono 668-5 1.the Item wIli be RTISIED PRICE as MIMUM CHARGE .W charge wiiI ap. wiil be applled ta ý4 PIECE WALNUT bedroom suite,, um charge: $6.00 triple dresser,$500. Cai 723-5965. aplaced an an ex- MOVING - MUST ýSELL - Tesk- wood dlnlngraam set, table, 4 lnce over SM0.00 chairs and buffet, 1 year aid, $425.. hauge lsa$6x» Moffat frldge, excellent condition, $250. Four-poster wator bed, ex- em la sold s0 that collent condition, $800. Phone ies wiii b. treated 868.9016. ces, help wanted, _____________ quantity. Private ONE-YEAR OLD apartment-slzed CIFIED.dryer $190. 24"1 alr-tlght waad slave $200. -Freastanding-&corn OR DELIVER TO: fireplace $50. Gus dryer $85. 131 Brock St. N. Commercial mefrlgersting, unit Whitby, Ont. $400. Automnatic washer $35 Phono 655-4236. 7-PIECE saiid pin. badraamr suite fram Pioneer -Interlars. Perfect condition. Ousen size, light stain. BOATAsking $3,000. Phone 72315749. SUPPLrIIES.II 2-PIECE French Provincial chest- erfieid suite (green). $150 firm. - Phone 688-2725 or 668-3548. ILASS FISHING BOAT, ___________ Bctric Mercury, battery, ecentrai steering, ln- vboat tralier. Asking re 668-7092. W~~MGTRCYCLESI 1mahogany boat with V ~SALESIRENTALSI h.p. Johnson- electric $850 Phne 68-735. 1978 HONDA 100 Tl. Aakîng $850. Phone 668-3415. i 1978 HONDA XL 175. Asklng $850. ýHOUSEHOLD Excellent condition, 5,000 kilo- GOODS metres, hasn't sean diri much. atr6p.mn. 668-8039. DINING ýROO M SET, table, $250., Large stur-' 1976 HONDA GOLD WING, un- nch $40. Smaii Duncan certifled, 27,000 miles, $2,000 firm. $55. Old wlcker chair Phono 666-2977. Iair compressor $35. ______________ aphone table $30. Old r $33. Oid schooi desk 1975 850 YAMAHA, 14,000 original $20'. Truck and traiier miles, wlndshleld, backrest and îBoy's and giri's bicy- carrier, ln starage for the last 2 ach. Camp slave $15. yeara, excellent condition. Asking 338., $1150. Phone 668-7167, ES - Washsr, heavy 1974 T500 SUZUKI, aniy 6,000 ari- nore, white. Dryer, ginal miles, excellent condition. vy duty, white. Refui- Asklng $1,000. Phono 263-8025. Ills Normandy,-whlto. ______________ ,Larey, self-cieaning Ail appilances threo 1974 VAMAHA HDC500 street Asklng $300 each. bike. MInt condition. Loaded with Aie. extras. Only 10,000 miles. Aaklng $950. Cali 655-3840. ýMIFM radia . 8-track r, excellent condition, 1972 HONDA, 350 twln, ln oxceli- et of drawers $40. ont condition. Asklng $600. Phone 0. Chesterfleld and 666-1677. allent condition, $170. ______________ )688-0776. cogswell style easy l1y upholstered In gold ~ II MUSICAL illent condition. $95. UIIINSTRUMENTSI 13 after 5:30 p.m. or an ______________ GUITAR, Vamaha, modol CJ818, almost new condition. Asklng ER, candies, wrought $150 with case. Phone 723-0931 :od, $15. Double bed. after6p.m. on castors, $20. Oid bodroam set, single ,heet and nlght table, 66567. ýM SET, French Pro- - FOR SALE/RENTI ,'ood. Table wlth ono ta 60", 4 aide chairs. DUNE BUGGY, off road, shortoned na cabinet, 45" wide, V.W. frame and drive train, heador kil ln excellent candi. ehauat systom, 15 Inch ai $825. Phonoe68"4686. Terrons tires and chrome wheels. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRI DAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. 1 1 e 8,fi c F ti fi on 11-C

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