Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 14 Jul 1982, p. 16

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PAE16, WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 1982, WHITBY FREEPRESS X~ CAIL A PI0SIOIAL' CARPENTrRY IMPROVEMENTS METRO LIC. B-2554 Kltohons, Coramic TII- I ng, Drywaî , Rec. PORT RAIT -WEDDING Rooms', Cedar Decks PH-OTOGRAPHY and Patio Doors.- CUSTOM PICTURE FREE ESTIMATÇ_ýç FRAMING CAL 6-66668-7100 ALL6 8-4 86- 103 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY St Clair GUTR LESSOS ALL LEVELSI Tb# point a piper peple JAZZ ROCK POP* Safeway Plaza Mldtown Mail CoIege-Trained Gutarst 1150 Simcoe N. 200 John St. IWith Road Experlence.l Oshawa 7801 576-9971 576-2431 WHITBY Fe ALAN LAWSON C.A. truste@ lin bankruptcy 221 King St. E., 435 George St. N., Oshawa, Ontario. Peterborough, Ontario. Teisphone (416)>&433-2166 Telephone 705) 745-2741 ESTATES MANAGERS Ronald Pldduck Roma Dobby >1T.R. Canden C.A. - Trustee SERVICES INCLU DE: Trustes'> n Bankruptcy Rsorgan1zàtIon of Insoivent busInesses Inciudlng proposais. Assistance to sscured creditors In reailzation of coilaterai. Othor receivershIp and trustes services. I KNGS KOLOUR KORAL îNC. * - 135 BroCk Street South *Whltby 666-1231 1 .PAIN FS jWALLCOVERINGS I à Inspirational Cards and.Gifts. c S, coins, old g uns, dlocks, Jewelery, dishes, furni- ture, crocks, oîl paInt- lngs and sealers. FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET ~ 725-9783- 0011E23 KING ST.W., OSHAWA THE WORLD SALSAE IS YQURS ... IF S A LP C YOU KNOW THE RIGHT PEOPLE... with classifled ada Wherever you move the ln the.. Weicom., Wagon hostos. i. Whitby Free. Press th. right person Io h.ip ) ou A ammli ad that viii get bg reïuit&, flnd à place ln your new com* ran or shine, beeaume the whole muniy. lova reada the eimsifled pagms Caiti WHITBY FREE PRESS 666-1523 or 668-8943 6681-6111 ................. ... ý9UATRIES MAYNARD, P.rcy Rosa At the Oshawa General Hospital on Thursday, Juiy 1, 1982 In his 56th -yoar. Beîoved husbandjof Gertrude and brother of Mrs. Charlos (Joan) Johnston. Dear soni of the late Elva and Percy Maynard and stop-son of Nora. Maynard was born September 3, 1926 and for 38 years operated May- nard's Garage, Brooklln. Ho was aiso a volunteer member 0of the Whltby Flie Department for 14 years. Ho Is survIved by nieces Mrs. Rick Gardner (Nancy) of Brooklin; Judy Johnston of Whltby; Mrs. Mark Mc Ke(Debbie) and Mrs. RobJonos (JIII) of Whltby; and Mrs. Lynn Russell (Elizabeth) of Welland.. Ho is aiso sur- vIved by one nephew, Bill Bell of Oshawa. Ho was prodecêased by two brothers - Jack and Bill. Maynard rested at the Town Funeral Homo and' Chapel, where services were held on July 5. Inter- ment Grovesîde Cerne. tory. The Rev. Boyce M. Eilliott off lclated. SERVICES 14GRAMMAR for people Çwho hat grammar" la the Ideal pocitet reference bock for business peo- pie. $3.95 per copy and availabis at Dlckson Printlng & Office S up- pliles In the AjaxPlaza. Deatreirn- quiries Invted 683-1968. SEVES CONGRATULATIONS on your for- thcomlng marriage. Please view our sampies cf engraved wedding Invitations et ycur teisure ln aur Ajax Plaza store, Diciteon Printlng & Office Supplies 683-1968. HELP le on the way for firme whose printer has recentiy gone out cf business. Lou Diciteon has the coat cutting Ideas you need et a time Ilke this, 683-1968. DEKOKER MEAT PACKERS LTD. SI DES 0F BEEF &HIND QUARTERS 725-4245 14(705)-277-2324 -W. Accept VISA ARTICLES FOR SALE ONE Coleman camp stove, good condition, asking $10. One box of fishing lue $10. Two tarpe $10. On. fan, newii, $20., Phone 668- DRAPES, 70 x 90, ecru, nearly-nw One desit lump $7.50. Kitchen utenelsa, etc.- Leaving country. Phons 6687719. SINGEA sewing machine wlttr- cabinet, heavy duty, very good condition. for more Information phone 668.4840. 2" Storm Doors Triple Seaied 5Scoloris $1 89.a54 styles' lnstalied lncluding tex. Also eco- nomicai and energy efficiente storm or replacement thermal windows andpatlp doors. FREE ESTIMATES Durham Glass 666-3355 after hours 666-1847 FNih7ýoods ITJwOpeI 106 Byron St., Whitby Also Home Paries 668-1723 1LADIES Need to eam somne extra cash? Why not become a representa- tîve for Night Moode esiling lingerie. Set your own hours. For more Information cali Nlght Moode. VISIT our used furniture ware- houes by appointment. Big savinge on deeke, chaire, fiiing cabinets; etc. Cati i Ociton Print- ing & Office Supplies to arrange an appoiniment to view. 883-1968. WANNAMAKER AUCTION SERVICES 1614 Charles St., Whitby WANTED - Estates, housèhold Items, furni- ture, glass, tools & equip- ment., The place to buy or seli. We wiîi pick up. 666-3731 668-8403 (DAYS> (EVGS.) 1978 DODGE VOLARE, 2 door, 6 cylîndor,- automatic, power steer- ing, good condition. $3,000 certi- fisd, Phone 668-.304 1976' CHEVY VEGA;, 4 cylinder, hatchback, radio, excellent econo- ,my car, fuiiy certif led and ready to go. U.,GGtOW $1,700. Licen- ce OEL 364. Hopktins Auto Sales, 146 Brock Street, North, Whltby, 668M688 and 668.4 11. 'THE ALTERNATIVE Mark Conilors- Says fo r a reasonably priced used car $1,295 and up cor- tif led see .HOPKINS, AUTO SALES 146 Brock St. N., Whltby 668'6889 aor 668-4111 SOMILES TO TIHE GALLON - 1970 RENAULT, 4 cylinder, ail original car, fuiiy certIfled, $Jj@,8NOW $1.700. HopkIins Auto Sales, 146 Brocok Street North, Whitby, 668& 8W9and 668-4111. ~VMTIVE .A>EP I TA 01-/PRT "SPF2(:LIZÎN(; IN" SAFETY INSPECTIONS sCOMPLETE AUTO REPAIR sSERVICE TO ALL MAKES CLASS "A" MECI-ANICS 40OYRS EXPERIENCE ALL WORK GUARANTEED CHARGEX 666-1021 107 WARREN <AT H-OPKINS) HOPKINS AUTO SALES &SERVICE OM ýTIIE BONMAR MOTORS Automotive Machine Shop * Complete engine rebuilds & installation *Valve jobs foeg *Cars. trucks, oeg III'Ail engine work 0 * Very competitive rate *Ali work - full guarantee parts &labour 1750 Plumnier St. Unit 18 South Jickering 831-2341 HELP WANTEP JOIN YOUR FRIENDS IN' DELI VERING- THE WHITBY FREE PRESS.. Delvering papers can befni It takes'onîy a couple of hours each week - yet your plggy bank savings grow quickly. We noed rellable girls and boys to.deilver in the foîîowing areas: BROOKL.IN. AND .. MANY PARTS'OFCail now for further details. There's stîlI tirne to save enough money to treat yourself to some 0fthe oxclting, summertîme events ln yourarea. CIRCULATION 668-611 H ELP WANTED jPart-tlme or Full-time SAppîy ln person.to. 22 AthoiStrett IFRSAL E 19e0 CITATION, 2 door, hatch- baik, 4 cylinder, 4 spesd, manuel transmission, power' braites, power stesrIng, air, AMIFM radio, many extras. Phone 86682559. 1976 DODGE CRESTWOOD WAGON, afnll 8 cylinder, auto- matIc, powsr steering, power braites. Excellent for famiiy travel. $1,695 rsducsd to, $1.495 csrtIfied. Licence No. KEZ 347. Hopktins Auto Sales, 146 Brocit Street Nor- th, Whitby, 66889 and 668-4111. 1970 FORD PICK-UP, automnatic, power eteerIng, power brakes, air conditioning, radio. $2,495. Lic. JM9117. Midway Dateun Limited, 1300 Dundas Street East, Whitby, 668-6828. IYSUPPLIES SAILBOAT- Dinghy, fibergiase, excellent salior, $475. Neede wood work on gunwhaie. Phono 655-3809. DAY CARE REGUIRED. Mature responslie person requlred to cars for three smal chiidren In my home. Muet lke doge. Phono 579 1932 after 6 p.m. or weekends. fee, elx .. etme dlean your hos.Fsefficient servi ce - esnberates.Oeil L]nda SUPPLIES 14' FIBERGLASS, 50 Mercury motor. $1,200;' Phone 66"070. OAMOTOR AND TRAILER. 161 Peterbioroughi Bowrider, 85 h. p. tilt and trim. $5,900 ýor beet offer. Phono 668&2517. PROPS and ekege rebult. Experi boat repaire. Discount fibergiase repaire. Oshawa Gise Fiber, 341 Durham Street, Oshawa, 579-1433. MOTORCLE'1 HONDA MR5O, mInt conditiort. For mors information cail 668-068. CLASSIFIED ADS CONTINUE ON PAGE 17 0F THIS EDITION. ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advortlsement for errors on the f 1lrst day of pubjcatlon. The Whitby Free Press wilII fot be fiable for fallure to publlsh an ad, Or for typographic errors ln publica- tion' beyond the cost of the space occulpled by.the error up to a maximum cost of the f frst Insertion. The Whltby Free Press reserves the-rlght to clas 'sify or reJect ail advertlsements. Ads must appear ln the paper onre day bof ore they cen be changed or cancelled. RATE& $4.06 for 20 words If bilIed; 12* each addional word. Pre-pald insertion of 20 words $3.50; additional words 1 ls each. You may charge your Ciassiled Ad to your Chargex or Visa Account and recelve the discount on, the prîce of your ad. Please have your Visa card ready when calîlng. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irst 100 words; 12C each addltional word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS OF THANKS - 38.00 for the first 50 words; 12o each additional word. AUCTION SALES - 32* per lino. (no word ads allowed.> BOX NUMBERS: Box -numbers'are avallable et an additlonal charge* of 32.00. The Whltby. Free Press will make every on- deavour to forward replie s to box numbers, however, we ac- cept no Iiability rogarding loss or damage aîîeged to arise through failure or delay in forwardîng sucb replies. We wîîî not be responsible for box number replies not calîed for withln 30 days. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert (cr cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication to In- sert or cancel Emporium Ads. CALL 668-6111 L f I f HOPKINS AUTO SERVICE --i F

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