Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 7 Jul 1982, p. 14

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PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY, JULY 7,1982, WHITBY FREE-PRESS Iegal dumping fines are too lenient Emm s ays BotI reglonai polîti- clans and staff agree that the fines for the 11e- gai dumping of chemi- cals into Durham 's scwcr- system are far too lenient. A Whitby firm was re- cently fined $12,000 by a provincial court. judge after it plcadcd guilty to 24 counts of violating the region's sewer use bylaw. Plastic Surface Fi- nishers was found guiity of discharging nickel, copper -and chromium into the systcm in cx- cess of wliat is allowed. The Burns Street firm was, dlirged after tests were conducted during a four-day period last March. This is flot thc first time the firm las been clarged and found guilty of these types of offences. In a report to Durham- Regional Council's works committee, Works Commissioner Bill Twelvetrees noted:, "Plastic Surface Finish- crs lias been found guilty of violating the sewer use- byiaw in tlrce previous court de- disions." Thc limit set by the region.is five mg/L for concentrations of indus- trial wastes sucli as nickel, copper and chro- mium. According to Twelve- tree's report, the firm dumnped between 19 mg/L and 63.6 mg/L of thc wastes during the test period. " When toxic indus- trial wastes are dis- zharged to the sanitary iewer system, they can ipset thec biological :reatment process at the vatcr pollution control )lant with the result bat improperly treated ;ewage is disclarged in- .o Lake Ontario," the commissioner said. "On occasion when toxic metal concentra- tions have been too higI, thc plant operations staff have had to make the difficuit decision to bypass the metal laden sewage into the lake in order to protect the treatment process in the, plant, '" le added. This also means that area farmers can flot make use of the resuit- ing sludge as fertilizer. Howcver, ,works committec chairman, Regional Councilor Gerry Emm said Mon- day there is littie the region c'an do to prevent furtlier dumping. "'If it' happens, ail we can do is lay charges and it's up to the judge to punish tliem," he said adding that in the latest Plastic Surface Finish- Lm- crs case,- the judgc made corrccting the problem part of the judgmcnt. "It is costîng every person whouses the sys- tem in thc region money every time we have an imbalance in the sys- tem," Emm points out. "No one wants thc lake to be poliuted any more than it already is. " Emm also said that By BLTII ('OLES the fines imposed on thc company were too lenient and that he would like to sec tliem made touglier. While he recognizes that ic firm provides jobs and takes part in the local economy, Emm said that is no ex- cuse to dump the wastes. "Wc know it's an in- dustry in the town and in the region but that's n0 excuse to abuse thc sys- tem,"1 Emmù said adding that after previous con- victions, the company told both Uic town and the region that it would correct the problem intcrnally. "We have been told thcy are taking action to correct it but nothing has lappencd, " licad- ded. *Whi*tby's informers These young people wýili be manning the newiy opencd Tourist Information Centre this summer. It wiil be their job to assist visitors to Whitby (and anyonc cisc) in finding their way to the points of intcrest in Uhe town. From ieft to rigît are: Kevin McQuay, Lucie Rondeau, Julie Emm and Joanne Southwchl. -Free Press Staff Photo Canada Day beach who already knew the safety rules. Tea is generally the order of thc day for anyone in trouble on or by the water; they ail ask for it or hope it will be forthcoming. Another day and another in- cident on a warm sunny aftcrnoon some time ago. A chap arrived at the door to say while sailing his wife lad suddenly become quite scasick and was resting way down the beach on thc sand. He wondercd if le could bring lier back and cail for a car. As we set out to get lier my very small grandb.on came rushing to the door calling, "'Grammy, Grammy tîcre is a dead woman on thc iawn, she just died." Wliule lis playmate yelled, "a lady just lad a baby on your grass."1 'This idea came to mind no doubt because of lis young age and an idea that women wlo were indisposcd were producing. Sure enougli there she was prostrate on the iawn, pale and sliaken and looking just like a person wlio was violently iil witl sea sickness. Witli some effort we brougît ber in and put 1cr on a bed. SIc bcgged her husband to let 1er rest and said slc'd be, fine soon. However, in a time le called their doctor and an ambulance. After a time, le called from the hospital to say they feit after thc tests lad been checked out that she must have lad five or six coronaries on lier waik back from the. beach to the iawn. After some time shc recovered but it was a iengtly time and as far as I know sle is find and in good lealtI. 1As soon as sIc was able 1er husband brouglit 1er down to visit. Her first words were, "You are wearing thc same outfit and I would like to feci it because I couldn't remember your face but I remember how soft your dress was."I I was ratIer taken aback for a minute but afté'r sIc felt the materiai sIc said, "yes, that is tIc dress and I remember thc co lors too. " There are countless stories to tel, gcnerally one or two a year, some rcmcmbcred vividly, others soon forgotten. TIe wisest thing to remember is that thc lake is no respecter of persons; the lake is thc master and a cruel one at tliat. Last week thc word morning found it's way to the coiumn for some strange reason. Thc word is mournng as in mourning dove and thc reason of course is tIc mournful sound thc bird makes. I have been up since 5 a.m. because of this sound made by tIc doves whicl starts just before tIc sun comes up. Again wc are liaving a sunny, clear day so0 î'm hap- py to be wide awakc so carly ini Uic moring. Hopefully thc next tlree months will bring blue skiés and warm sunny days with thc odd one of rain to keep the gardens fresh and green. The hopeful man secs success where others sec failure, sunshine where others sec shadows and storm. O.S. Marden. Canada Day and how beautiful il lias been! Sun- shine ail day, miracle of miracles, comforting and warm. Warmth for our bodies and souls and a promise of more to come. Clear blue skies as far as the cye could sec while the lake sparklcd and small waves rippled onto shore. Who could ask for anything more? The lake has been alive with boats, large and small. Colored sails so lovely against the blue horizon and happily becoming more popular ail the time.. Funny things and sometimes sad and frightening events happen on and by the lakte. Over the years, We have had our share and probably there will be many more. A few years ago a friend who had spent many happy hours'piaying on the beach and swimming as a chiid graduated to playing in a sailboat. It wasn't too long before he became quite proficient with, of course, a few lessons to iearn. Early in the season when the water was icy cold lie took two friends out for a sal. Fortunately for them they were flot too far from shore whell the sail- boat suddenly tipped and out they went. Thrcc star- tled men, especially our friend who naturally had taken for granted the fact that lis pals could swim. They couldn't and hadn't toid him! So just imagine thc panic they feit when they ht that coid water. The end resuit was three cold chaps, two of them blue and purpie, shaking and scared to death. Had this happened far from shore they likely wouid have died. A warm bath and hot tea soon revived themn and then thc truth really surfaced. They kept the truth from their friend because they knew they wouldn't be asked to sail if he lad realized thcy couldn't swim. A good lesson for chidren on the ELMER'S FURNITURE 253 Bloor St. E. (At Rltson> Oshawa Low prices on new chesterfields, Colonial dining room sets, bedroom sets, beds, etc. We deliver. 728-3473 Between You and Me AN*NOUNCEMENT EIsa's Childrens Things IS MOVING ta larger premises in the Safeway Plaza We invite you ta the Saturday, JULY lOth As always a f ine selection of children's clothing 0-14 NEW: IFN UNTR OPENING SPECIALS *PEREGO, full bye bye Stroller ln Beige, brushed, corduroy at the speclal price of (whIlO supplies last) *See the 30%OOOFF-rc fcide' ltig (while supplies last> Caffee for mam - balloons for children Be sure ta enter aur Draw. NEW ADDRESS: 360 Brock St. S. 'M Whitby 668-4133

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