Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 30 Jun 1982, p. 17

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WHITBY FREEPRS WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 1982, PAGE 17 CAL L 668*6 11 Emporium Ads wilI only be'accepted subject to the f ollowing conditions. -PLEASE READ - a- AID TO MILLION~ CLASSIFIE[D CONTINUED FROM PA )ADSý MEI When the advertlsed Item la sold, diaposed of, or unavallable for wh deemed to have been sotd and a commission wItl ba chargedbasedc Illtustrated betow, regardiesa If price la stated wlth "haest offer."1 If the Item la NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad wli b. run for 3 MON' gf 86.00 witi appiy payable In advance of publication of ths first ad. 0C pty If bIllted whlch muet be pald upon recelpi of bill. The above mInin the final comm 'issIon due but ln any case the higher amfount wiI be c pre-paid; 87.50 bllled. Maximum commission: $100.00, Ail advertieif clusive basîs wlth the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run atteast one mont 5% ai adverlsed prfce up ta 840.00 VACATION AUCTION SALE I BILL WANNAMAKER, PICK VOUR OWN L RD AUCTIONEER STRAWBERRIE Clearwater - Take tefriy THURSDAY, Jj hlrn loe.E thv-ee bedroom, two bathroomn 6:30 P.M. Shirley Rod utconr club homes, pools, 161 Chrlo S., hity of Oahawa Road, Port Pery tennis, close to major attrac-ý 1614g hamen t. om Ba-L l....... ions, onty $20000 U.S. weelrly. Partial estate plus con- 9853008 683-5503 vilîle. 9-Dc. wainut dinnr Victorian parlour suite, Victorlan sofa, blanket, boxes. wash stand.nrlrl ut àAA&IV L tables, odd chairs, press ___________ back rocker, mantel -i TENDERS ITENDERS dlocks, crocks, o11 lamps, sewing machine, Housieur cupboards,' large assort- DR. JOSEPH O. RUDDY GENERAL HOSPITAL ment 'of oil paintîngs,L water colors, prints, CONTRACT books, large assortment of antique glass, china, CONSTRUCTION 0F A WATERMAIN crystal, silverpiate, tea FRA'LENT AE UPL sets, washers, Westing-. O NATRAEW TRSPL house dryer, nice port- IN THE able dishwasher, chester- TOWN 0F WHITBY field suite, hand tools, garden tools, color TV Sealed Tenders, on forms supplied, and in enve- and much, much more. A topes cîearîy marked as t'O contents will be receiv- real good'sale. Conslgn ed, by Mr. J. Kun'etsky, Administrator, Doctor early for next sale. Joseph 0. Ruddy General Hospital, Gordon Street, 666-3731 668-8403 Wh itby, Ontari o until 3:00 p.m. on: (DAYS) (EVOS.) AUCTION SALE THURSDAY, JULY 15TH-, 1982 SAT., JULY 3 -6 P.M. For the compiete construction of a watermain as PEARCE AUCTION dsrbdblw CENTRE dsrbdblw On Shirley Rd., 4 m'liles The work to be done under this contract consists south of Port Perry. Wlth ofspligtencsayabumerlad Winchester sîde action 0fspyngtencsaylbumeraad rifle, 22 boit action re- equipment to construct approximately 362 lineal peatr, Toja 10-al. metres of 200 mm diameter watermain including speaer Tr4a 10-gai. To5-the connection to existing services, and ail related h.p. shreddor, 2 wheel appurtenances as. specifiled in the cont ract docu- gardon tractor Wlth at- mns tachments, V2 h.p. table Cmpoetnedou nsmabeband saw, Toro reel .power Cmlt edrdcmnsmyb banl mowor, 8-man dinghy f rom Totten Sims Hubicki Associates, 1500 with paddles, hedge trim- Hopkins Street, Whitby, Ontario, Li N 203 -on pay- merbaterychager f sh- ment of a deposit of $20.00 per contract set, Each merbattry hargr, fsh- deposit shahl be In the form 0f one cheque payable ingh seqpmnt, baoor to the Doctor Joseph O. Ruddy Generail Hospital. wth stained gasst Upon roturn to the.Engineer, within, three weeks toery, opeod grasse after the closing date for tenders, of complote shear, god Hosler sets of tender documents In good condition, the cupboard, - tea wagon, 'choque wili bo returned, good iove soats, ., ide chair, good wooden' Tender documents may be studied, without pay- chais, heserfild ot, ment at, but may not be removed from, the follow- Hurricane Iamp, maple Ing promises: table & chairs, lampe, dîshes, gIasi$waro, car- The Consulting Engineers Off ice (address pots and more. Terms below) cash, Visa or kn own cheAu CE Oshawa &District Construction Exchange, AUT ERCES 627A Wentworth-Street East, Oshawa, Ontario 955.7492Ontario Sewer & Watermain Contractors Asso- ciation, 6299 Airport Road, Suite 702, Mississ- WANNAMAKER uaOnri AUCTION SERVICES 1614 Charles St., Whtb A certif led cheque for an amount as set out in the WANTED. Estates, Speciflcation Documents must accompany each household Items, furn -: bld and the successful bidder wili be required ,to ture, glass, toàîs & oquîp- provide a '100% Performance and Maintenance ment. The place to buy or Bond ulpon execution of the Contract Agreement. seil. We wiil pIck Up. 666-3731 668l43 'Tenders are subject. to a formai contract being <DAYs) <EVGS.) propared and executed. The Ownier reserves the right to reject any or ail tenders and the Iowest or any tender wiil flot necessarily be accepted. Totten Sims Hubicki Dr. Joseph O. Ruddy SUPLIE I Associates General Hospital Consulting Engineers Gordon Street le, MASON Mahogany boat wlth 1500 Hopkins Street Whitby, Ontario raier, 40 h.p. Johnson electric Whitby, Ontario 3iant motor, $85. Phione 668-7235. Li N 2C3' RATES Of artIcle la sold): EXAMPLE: Sold Item adv.rtlaed for 8120.00. Commission due 86.0X Privats, advertling onlyt Please notlfy the Whltby Free Press lmmedi we msy dalt it from the fotlowIng Issus. Alit ads not flttttng the Empi and charged par wsak as regutar classlfled ads on a pra-patd basîs a clothtng, reat asiate, and personal message type ads, or ads not qui classlied ada may appear in the Emporium section underapproprîsta ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHI MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O-.Box 206 WhIiby, LiN S1i If ln doubi cati: 668-611,1 THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADW FRIDAY PREVIOUSTO PUBLICATION J h~ ~ J I ARTICLES AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE FOR SALE -J A 12 plus 50 gai, aquarium and aIt accessorles $275. -WIne equlp- ment $75. Premier drum $700. If lnterested cati 723-9618. ALUMINUM combinaton door, brown, 79" x36" x 1 lh , f rame and grill Includad. Excellant condition - brand new. Asklng $125 cash. Phone 576-1263. BICYCLE, 20" wheei, girls or boys, green, in good condition. Asking $25. Phone 655-3203.' BICYCLES, ladies' and"mens, ln good condition, $65 aach. Port- able .iypewriler $35. Electric fan $17. Cati1683-6638. POOL TABLE, 4' x 8', complets, accessorles and table, tennis top- par. $200. Phone 668-8116 afler 5 p.m. RCA 20" COLOR TV. Excellent condition. Hardty used. Wlth acu- tint colon conirol' . Asktng $325. Phone 668-5180. SKILL SAW $29. Sump pump $30. Study table $25. Sway bars and hltch head $50. Hand toots $10. Girls bike $30. Att ln excellant condition. Cati 683-6638. TRUCK TIRE CHANGER, Btshman maka, etectv-ic over hydraulic, 17'" rima and up, adapter available for amattar rims, used only sevarai timas. Liai $5,695. Asking $2,800. Phone 655-4995. 24" UNIVERSAL boy'a -5-speed bise, lîke new, $75. Kodak Carouset projacior, modal no. 5200, Carousi stacli- toader, 3 alida trays and 3 color slde films,- $35. Mahogany-looic 8 foot tabla with matai fotding legs $100. Tan woodan atacking chairs $100. Ray- 0-Vac sportsman flourascent fan- tam $20. Cali 668-8178. 'l FUR SLE3I1 1978, PONTIAC PARISIENNE, power ataering, power brakes, air condiloning, valour Intarior, spoke wheais, new radiai tira, 10w mileaga, asking $5,500. Phone 668-7007. 1976 PLYMOUTH, power steering, power brakes, auto., 64,000 miles. $950 as ta. Cali 668-0786 alter 4 p.m. 1975 CHRYSLER NEWPOR T, air conditioning. $60 or hast ofiar. Phone 571-0863. 1975 FIREBIRD FORMULA, power staering, power brakes, power windows, many naw parts. Racant paint & body. 66,000 mitas. Imma- cutata. 84,100 cartified. Phone 571-1704. 1973' FORD COURIER, 64,000 miles, has had receni valve job, good engins, needs body work. Asklng $750. Phone 655-8062. 1973 LEMANS, iwo door,* 400 cubic Inch AmarIcan (blue block)' motor, four speed floor shift, maàa, excellent mechanîcai con- dItion, needs body work. Asklng $1,195 or hast 0f fer. Phone 683- 0927. 1972 BUICK SKYLARK, 2- door, hardtop, 350, V8, automnatic trans- nission, piower siaerIng, AMIFM -track sterso, al naw tiras, îhocks, rear apringa and radiator. Car sa ln excellent original condi- ion. $1,500 certlfiad. Phone 6S8 1l67. 1970 MONTE CARLO, 350, '4 Parral. Asking $1,500 or besi offer r wiIi trade. Phone 668-5589.' MS METEOR MONTCALM, con- ertihie, power eteering, power nues and, top, utored winters, sking 81,500. Phono 687007. IRESTONE 721-P235 radial for aie $80. Floor mat for Ford truck 0. Cal68-2416. 55 CU. INCH motor & trans., vuns aill, stili ln car, asklng $225. Four. M raIly whaals, f its full size GM, Ids, etc., $150. Carburetor from 6Ouater, 20,000 miles, $20. one 668-5638. b 0o il 198 CH EVETTE, 2 »door, auto- madec, excellant condition. 84,000. Cali 723-6967. 1979 MERCURY MARQUIS BROUGHAM, 302, air condition- ing, power- staerlng, powser brakes. aiarao, tilt whet. 95,950 km. $5,500 cartiiad. Plions 668-1275 afier 6 p.m. Fil 45! w' GI '76 ci Ir( Sc $7 help vhatever reason, the Item will be on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as ITHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE Otherwlse a 37.50 charge wll ap. imum charges wlil be applled to charged. Minimum charge: 8.00 liants mduel be placed on an ex- ith If not soIdý 2% of balance ovar 840.00 00 <minimum charge la 86.00). Jiately whén Item la soid 50 that iorium guidelines wil be treated such as: services, heip wanted, oting pries or quantity. Private headinga. ERWISE SPECIFIED. OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N. Whitby, Ont. lIS THE ATNOON. SUPIES ALUMINUM boat, 12 foot, with 4V h.p. .rnotor, $60. Outdoor gag iamp, 6 feet high, $30.* Hand iawn mower $10. One mag tire, sliz G60-14,$820. Phone 668-1063. CONVERTIBLE BOAT with 75 h.p Chryster' motor and traiter. Ex ceilent condition, low hours original owner. Asking $3,300 ou best offer. PhoneM63.5503. 141 FIBEAGLASS; FISHING BOAT, 40 horse electric Mercury, battery, tank, tights, central steering, In- cludes new, boat traiter. Asking' $1,850. Phone 668-7092. rCAPTAIN NEEE 1978 LARSON hard top'deep V btue water express cruiser, .231 plus, steeps four, teak cabin and 8s'wtm ptatform, stand up head and gaitey, hydrautic trtm tabs, depth sounder, etc. Less than 50 hours running time. Muet be sean to, be appreciated. Privais dirai. $20,000. New price now over $35,000. WIilI consider run-about or house traiter as partial payment. Phone <416) 264-4692 or (416) 431-5631. ANTIQUE DININO ROOM SET, buffet and table,8250. Large stur- dy work bench $40. Smalt Duncan Fyfe table $55. Old wlcker chair 945. Small air compressor M3. Wooden telephone table $30. Oldý rcki 'ng chali$33. Oid achool desk 3nd Chair $2. -Truck and traller mlrrors $15. Boy'a and gIrl', btcy- tes 835 each. Camp stove, $15. 3hone 883638l. SUILT-IN AMIFM radio - 8-track icord player, excellent condition, 025. Chest of drawers M4. )rsser $50. Chesterfield and ,alr, ln excellent condition, $170. a1l anytIme 668-776. 'HAIR -Cogswel styte easy îalr, recently uphotstered ln goid brlc, excetlent condition. $95. >1l 668-3683,»%fter 5:30 p.m. or on HeeANDELEcade, ru your Or' Heart Fund HOUSEHOLO <CHANDELIERS, one large, one small for sale. $150 or best of fer, Phone 668-9947. CONTEMPORARyLOVESEAT -by Skiar, beige& brown ftower nylon fabric, cushions require new foam. Excellent condition. $150. Phone DINING ROOM SET, French Pro- vincial frultwood. Table with one leaf extends to 90"1, 4 aide chairs. 2 plece china cabinet, 4511 wide, 69" htgh. AlilIn excellent condI- lion. Asktng $825. Phone 668-4686. 4 PIECE WALNUT bedroom suite, triple dresser, 8500. Cati 723-5965. G.E. AUTOMATIC WASHER, good condition, $125. Also, old butters secretary desk, very unique, $550. Phone 728-4849. KITCHEN TABLE, ovai, 47" x-361" with 11'A" teaf. Green and yetlow vein arborîte. In excellent condi- tion. Asktng $40 or nearest offer. Phone 686563. MOVING - MUST SELL - Teak- wood dtningroom set, table, 4 chairs and buffet, 1 year old, $425. Mof fat frtdge, excellent condition, $250. Four-poster water bed, ex- cellent condition, SM0. Phone 668-9016., ONE.YEAR OLD &aartment.slzed dryer $190. 24" alr-tight wood stove M20. Free standing acorn fîreplace 8$0.-Gas dryer $85. Commercial refrlgeratlng unî 1t S400,Automatlc ,waaher 8S5. Phone 65%-4238. 7-PIECE solld pine'bedroom suite from Pioneer interiors. Perfect condition. ýQueen siza, llght stain, Asklng $3,000. Phone 723-5749.ý MORCYCLE1 1978 HONDA 400 Tl. Asktng $850. Phone 688-3415. 1978 HONDA XL 175. Asklng $850. Excellant condition, 5,000 kilo- maires, hasn't sean div-t much. Cati after 6 p.m. 668-8039. 1978 HONDA GOLD WING, un. carttfied, 27,000 mites, $2,00firm. Phone 666-2977. 1975 650 YAMAHA, 14,000 original miles, wlndshleld, backrost and carrier, ln storaga for the'iast 2 years, excellent condition. Asking $1,150. Phone 66&.7167. 1974 TM0 SUZUKI, only 6,000 ori- ginal miles, excellent 'condition. Aaklng $1,000. Phono 283-802. 1974 75 ce VAMAHA, Good condi- tion. .$30. Phone 72339. 1974 VAMAHA HDC500 street bike. Mini condition. Loaded with extras. Only 10.000 miles. Asluing $950. Cali 655-3840. 1972 HONDA, 350 twin, In excell- ent condition. Asking 8600. Phone 666-1677. GUITAR, Vamaha, modal CJ818, almoat new condition. Asklng $150 with case. Phone 723-0931 -VEIIC EHICLES GO-KART, good condition, has Honda G200 angine (5 hp). Engins runs excellent. $35. Phone 668-- 3931. I. VYMIIAU» WUIKI A -MMUMad I m il hi m 8. SI Ci tfi 71

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