Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 16 Jun 1982, p. 21

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~3E~ I 1CALL6686111l Emporium Ads wiIl only be accepted subject to the following conditions. £SS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE- 16, 1982, PAGE 21 AID TO MILLIONS CLASSIFIED ADS CONTUNUED FROM PAGE 20 oAits & TENDERSTERS .0.SUPIES 1 ai c A 'F ti 'di il Ni th, 14' FIBERGLASS BOAT with 40 h.p. motor. Ski accessories In- cIuded. $900 or closeet offer. Phono 668-9824. MOOCCE 1976 HONDA GOLD WING, un- certIfled, 27,000 mles, 82,000 tirm. Phone 666-2977. rYPEWRITER RENTAL, msny nakes and madela, by the week- and, week or month. Dscounts avalabie. Dickeon Prlntlng & 0f- fice Supplies ln the Ajax Plaza. >11i us for business machine repaire 683-1968. RErDrap into *h. Dickson 'rinting & Office SuppIy store In heo Ajax Plaza and pick up s free apy of their 1982 Matric Calen- lar. PrIntod ln twa colours, it nakes for handy roferonco. 683- 968. EXT TO FREE - Place your ad ln e Free Press. Phone 668-61 11.- < PAMEENSI CODSFRRN ,PARTMENT FOR RIENT - One edroom. Caîl 668-4278. AI be VACATION 'W RET ALS Ciearwater - Take the fsmîly, I,threebedrom, twa bathrooml itcountry club homes, poos, Itennis, close to major attrac-9I losnlUS.00US.eekly. 683-5503 SILJENTi SPACIOUS 3 bedroom semi,. south-eas Oshawa, close ta 401. $575 plus utilîties. October 1 oc- cupancy. Phono 579-5976. >iMODA14MMDONI VILLAGE HOME haa roomn available. 10 miles narth of Whit- by. Large gardon etream, bosutiful trees. $210 manthly. Cail 655- 4035. Onmtar[io Govrnment Tende111 r WUMDOW (ALUMIMUM) CONTRACTORS 1. Tenders are invited to Install new double hung alumninum storm windows complete with ln- sect screen, cottages No. 1, 2, 3 and 4 at the Durham Centre, Whitby. 20-ECR (64873) GENERAL CONTRACTORS 2. 'Tenders are invited to convert existlng Iocker- storage room No. 140 into new conference roomn on the lst f loor at the Durham Centre, Whiltby. 21-ECR (82103) SEPARATE INDIVIDUAL SEALED TENDERS will be received until 3:00 P.M., Local timfe on Monday, J une 28, 1982. COMBINED TENDERS wili not be accep'ted. Tende r Documents may be obtained f rom the Ont- ario Mlnistry of Government Services, Regional Manager's Office, 178 Queen's Quay East, Toron: to, Ontario, M5A 1 B4. NOTE: For further information regarding the Ten- der/Tenders, please cali Mr. G. LePard/Mrs. A. Rossetto at the above address, Telephone No. (416) 965-6034. (~)Mnistry of Services, Ontario ALU brou grill - bri Phoi BIC' g004 able $17. INi< auto neai 668-1 MOI e xcs 66&1 Pool acce, per, p.m. RCA conc tint( Phar SKIL Stud! hltch Girls cond STEIq store, Tochi 0E ,e ~offer. matic Cal 7 1979 BROU Ing, ç storec $5,5« after 1978 cyiind 68,OOC 1041. 1978 power condit spako mileai 66&.70 windoi paintà cuhato. 571-171 PLEASE READ *Whenthe advertised Item le soid, diepoeed pf, or unavailable for whi dsemed to have been eoid and a commission wiii be charged based o Iliuetrated beiow, rogardiose If prico le etated with 'beet offer." If the Item le MOT SOLD, or dlspased of, the ad wiil lie run for 3 MONI of $6.00 wiii appiy payable ln advance of pubication of the f Iret ad. Ot piy If biiied whlch must bo paid upon roceipt of bill. The abave mll the final commission duo but In any case the higher amount wiil be ci pre-pald, $7.50 biiled. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ail advortiserr clueive basie with the WHITpY FREE PRESS and run atiest ans monit RATES Oif article la sold). 5% of advertIsed price up te $"W.00 EXAMPLE: Soid Item advertlisd for $120.00. Commission due 8.( Private advertisIng onlyl Pisse notIfy the Whltby Free Prose Immedi we may doiete it tram the toliowing Issue. Ail ade not fitting the Emp and charged per week as rogular ciassified ade on a pro-paid basis su ciothing, rosi osiato, and porsonai message type ade, or ada net quc classIfied ads may appear In the Emporium section undor appropriato ALL AOS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHE MAIL ADSTO: if In doubt call: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM 668-6111 P.O. Box 206 Whitby, Li N 581 THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION A IMINUM combination door, own, 79" x3611x 11("1, rams anj llncluded. Excellent condition 'snd new. Aaking $125 cash. ne 576-1283. t'CLES, ladies' snd men's, in W condition, $65 each. Part- etypewrIter $35. Electria fan Cali 683-6638. DUPLICATINO MACHINE - ormathc wilh stand. $240 or irat offer. Plions 668-1718 or FFAT STOVE, harveet goid, elient condition, $220. Phono -1041. L TABLE, 4' x 8', complote, assories and table, hennis top- $200. Phone 668-8116 aller 5 20" COLOR TV. Excellent litian. Hardly used. Wlth acu- color contrai. Aaking $325. uo66W8-5180. .L SAW $29. Sump pump$30. dy table $25. Sway bars and i hoad $50. Hand tools $10. abike $30. AIl in excellont lition. Cai 683-6638. IEO, Marantz SF12000, AM/FM ao roceiver w hth bulit In tuner. nice turntable with Infinity speakers. Aaking $700 or beet r. Phono 668-7336. AUTOBILES 1CHEVETTE, 2 door, auto- cexcellent condition. $4,000. 723-6967. MERCURY MARQUIS JGHAM, 302, air condition- power steering, power brakes, 3o, tilt whooh. 95,950 km. )0 certif led. Phono 668-1275 ,6p.m. AMC CONCORD Wagon, 6 der, air, excellent condition, )0 miles. $4,100. Phono 668- PONTIAC PARISIENNE, ir eteerIng, pawer brakes, air loning, velaur Intert or, awheeis, now radial tire, low ie, asking $5,500. Phono '07. PLYMOUTH, power steerhng, ibrakos, auto., 64,000 mlles. as la. Cali 668-0786 sfter 4 FIREBIRD FORMULA. power rîg, power brakes, power >wa, many new parla. Aecent & body. 68,000 miles. Imma- 9. $4,100 cortîflod. Phono 704. AUTOMOBILES CD IORSALEJ 1975 DUSTER, Specli Coupe, now 318, ovorhauhed 727 transmission with modifiod valve body, now Torque convertor, now "U" joints, now brakes, new altornator, now rad, new rad hases, now fan boîta, chromo rocker covors, block heat- ors, sport mirrors, ight package, power steerIng, power disc brakos, tinted glass, loathor Inter- lor with console, roar defroster, Motorola AMIFM cassette, Cragar Q.T. gald mage with Fîrostono SS60 sore radiale. Body good, trams excellent. Asking $3,800 or beet offer. Cal 855-3266. 1975 CHRYSLER NEWPORT, air condttoning. 860 or beet offor. Phone 571-0863. 1974 VEGA, automatlc, $250 or beet offer. In running condition. As ls. Caîl 668-3209. 1972 BUICK SKYLARIC, 2 door, hardtop, 350, V8, automatic trans- mission, power seorIng, AMIFM 8-lrsck stereo, ail new tires, ehocks, roar epringe and radiator. Car la in excellent original candi- tion. $1,500 certifhed. Phono 668- 7167. 1970 MONTE CARLO, 3W0, 4 barrol. Asking $1,500 or beet offor or wili trade. Phone 668-5589. 1969 METEOR MONTCALM, con- vertibled power steering, 'power brakes and top, etored winters, skIng $1,500. Phoneo 668-707. HAS SPRING CLEANINO loft you wlth unwsnlod articles? Advertae thomn for sale ln tho Free Prose Ernlporium - gel immediate re- suite. Phono 6684l111. U~EARPARîPARTS FIRESTONE 721-P235 radiai for sale $80. Floor mat for Ford truck $10. Cali 666-2416. 455 CU. INCH motor & trans., rn weli, s1111 ln car, asking $225. Four GM raiiy wheeis, fils tull size GM, Olde, etc., $150. Carburetar tram '76 Duster, 20,000 miles, $20. Phono 668-5638. NEW AMIFM MULTIPLEX atoreo radio for alo model Chrysher pro- ducl $125. Two new unIroyal M.S. radiai tires, P20575R15, $140. One 360 cubic Inch Dodge 4-barrel mator, complete, 57,000 miles, $400. Four Dodge Raliy wheehs, complote, 14" x 6", $150. One 67/69 Cuda doarekin, now, $45. Two now rear 10" brako drums for DodgefPhymoulh '"A" body cars $50. One new Edlbrock SP2P2 aiuminum Intake manifold with In- stallation package for email block Ct(évy $225. Four OmnllHorlzon 13" stock Raliy wheeis $80. Four Mitsubishi 14" Raliy wheîa, fit Challenger, Sapporo or Colt, $100. Cal 655-3266. HELP FIGHT KIDNEY DISEASE RESTAURANT BUSINESS FOR SALE Le Chalet Restaurant, 110 - 1.14 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario Proposais are invited by June 30, 1982, by DUN- WOODY LIMITED, Receiver and Manager, for the purchase of this first ciass, well established, lic- ensed Restaurant, strategically located in down- town Whitby, near Highways No. 2 and No. 12. The assets of this Restaurant, with banquet facitities, include land and buildings, a complete com- plement of kitchen and cooking equlpment, rest- aurant furniture and fixtures, cutlery, glasswares, and bar with stand up.facility. The building with a total ground f loor area of approximately 6,000 square feet Is situated on two lots measuring in total about 10,000 square feet. Part financlng at better than current market terms may be available for quallfied buyers. For further details and in- spection of the assets, please contact the under- signed. DUNWOODY LI MITED, Receiver and Manager 57 Simncoe Street South P.O. Box 516 Oshawa, Ontario Li H 7L9 Attention: K. Sharma or J. Yanch (416) 576-3430 or (416) 686-1221 (Toronto Line) D VI lE 2 6i ti T7 ý 1 ý< *, hstovor reason, the Item wiii bo on THE ADVERTISED PRICE s ITHS and s MINIMUM CHARGE )thorwie a 87.50 charge wIll Sp. muum charges wiii bo appIied ta harged. Minimum charge: $6.00 mente muet bo piacod on an ex- h If not ecid. 2% of balance over "00.00: 0 (mini mum chargeIla$80.00> latoly whon Item le soid 50 that orium guidolinos wiii bo troalod, uch as: services, hoip wanted, atlng prico or qusntity. Privato ShoadInga. ýERWISE SPECIFIED. OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock 8t.N. Whltby, Ont. SISTHE, AT NOON. SNEDS' FORD TOT-GUARD car ssfety seat $25. High chair $15. umbrollor etroloer $15. Foiding waodon play pon $20. Cail 655-4164. SUPPIES ALUMINUM boat, 12 foot, wlth 41h h.p. motor, $600. Outdoor gas lamp, 6 foot high, $30. Hsnd iawn- mowor $10. Ones mag tire, size G60-14,$20. Phono668-1063. 14' FIBERGLASS FISHINO BOAT, 40 horse oiectric Morcury, battery, tank, iights, contrai stoorIng, In- cludos new boat traiter. Asking 811,850.Phono 5687092. < C aPTAIN NEED 1978 LARSON hsrd top deep V blue water express cruiser, 23' plus, eleope four, loak cabin and ewim piatform, stand up head and gaiIey, hydrauîic trIm tabe, depth sounder, etc. Lees than W0 haurs runnIng time. Muet be seen to bo spproclated. Privato doal. $20,000. Nowprice now over $35,000. WII consider run-about or houee traiter as partli.apyment. Phono <416) 264-4892 or 416) 431-5631. CHAIR- Cogswoll stylo easy chair, recentIy upholsterod in gold fabric, excellent condition. $95. Csil.668- 3683 atter 5:30 p.m. or on weekends. CHANDELIER, candios, wrought Iraon and wood, $15. Double bod, steel trame on castors, $20. Oid soaud woad bedroom sot, single bed, largo cileet and night table, $75. Phono 668-657. CHANDELIERS, one largo, one emali for sale. $150 or beat of fer. Phono 668-9947. R SHEOLD ,:oDODs 4 PIECE WALNUT bedroomn suite, triple dresser, $500. Cali 723-5965. FREEZER, 29 cu. ft., $150 f Irm. Singer fiatbed sewing machine, $50 fIrn. Both ln excellent candi. lion. Phione 655O.805 C.E. AUTOMATIC WA SHER, good condition, $125. Alee. aid butiers secretary desk, vory unique, $550. Phone 728-4849. GENERAL ELECTRIC 7.5 cubIc foot refrIgerator, very good candi. tlion, $125. Generai Eiectric 30 In- ch seif-cieaning range, excellent condition, $175. Admirai dieh- washer, good condition, $150. Cai 6554164. ICITCHEN TABLE, aval, 47'1 x 36"9 wi1th 11%" icaf. Green and yeiiow vain arborite. ln excellent candi. tion. AskIng $40 or nearest offer. Phone6663M. MOVING - MUST SELL - Tesk- wood diningroomn set, table, 4 chaire and buffet, 1 year aid, $425. Moffat frIdge, excellent condition, $2W0. Four-poster water bed, ex. cellent condition, $800. Phone 68-9016. ONEYEAR OLD apartment-elzed dryer $190. 24"1 air.tight wood stove $M0. Fra standing acomn tîrepiace $50. Gas dryer $85. Commercial refrigeratIng unit $400.' Automnatlc washer $M5. Phone 655-4238. RED)ECORATING - MU8ST SELLI 100 ft. coli cf black plastic 1W' pipe, $20. White 'aium. door, R.H. hînge, 34 x L, $25. Wall unit, needa refinishing, $45. Phone 668- 7404. 7.PIECE soiid pins bodroomn suite from Pioneer Interlors. Perfect condition. Qusen size, light stain. Asking $3,000. Phono 723-5749. 19756850 VAMAHA, 14,000 original miles, wIndshild, backrest and carrier, ln storage for the 1»at 2 years, excellent condition. Aslcing $1,150. Phone668.7167. 1974YTOO SUZUKI, only 6,000 ori- ginal miles, excellent condition. Asklng $1,000. Phone 263-802. 1974 75 cc YAMAHA. Good cond- tion. $300. Phone 723-3290. 19174 YAMAHA HDC500 street bike. MInt condition. Loaded wlth extras. Only 10,000 miles. AakIng $950. Cali 655-3840. 1972 HONDA, 3W0 t win, In excell- ent condition. Aeking $80. Phono 666-1677. USICL ~RUMENTS GUITAR, Vamaha, model CJ818, aimost new condition. Asking

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