PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16, 1982, WHITBY FREE-PRSS- Council appoints Town to town boaürd Whltby Town Council has appointed'John P. Town to theBoard of Management of- the Whltby Central Busi- ness District Improve- ment Area (D.I.A.B.). Town,, of the' Town Funeral Home and Cha- pel,, wlll replace Ross communlty and, the photography, men., Frame who reslgned mayor's designate and chairman; Lynda Buf- from the board because serves a one-year terni fet, of Hairlines; Harry he no longer operates a that ends on November Cockburn, Bowman and business wlthln Its juris- 30. Gibson Insurance; Tony diction. The current members Martin,e Whltby Domi- The D.IA.B. Is coni- 0f the' board1 are: nion Hardware;, and,, posed of six representa- Michael Burgess, Edward Prybyski,ý tives of the business M.B.M. Publishing and, Royal Hotel. Representlng the mayor on the board is Centre War d Councillor Barry Evans. Representing the mayor on the board is Centre Ward Councillor Barry Evans.",' <The D.I.A.B. is responsible for 'the beautification 'and mamntenance of town- owned lands and build- ings witbin the dlown- town core. It also spon-. sors a few special even- ts throughout the year including a suznmer sidewalk, sale and pedestrian, mal. Board members, are not paid. Four' .receive degrees Four Whitby 1residents were awarded, degrees at ,convocation 'cere- monies held here at Wllfred Laurier'Umiver- sity on May 30., The four were among 800 students who receiv- ed graduate and under- graduate degrees. Mary' K. Hobbs and Debra A. Holding both received ,their general Bachelor of 'Arts (B.A.), degree. SJenny T. Naderer and Scott A. Yule received their individual honore Bachelor 0f Business Administration (B.Com- m.) degrees. Presiding 'at the con-, vocation was Ontario Lieutenant - Governor John Black Aird, chan- cellor of Wiifred Laurier University.:.> ' ., Corrid'or Capers, 'fA1J;m By MARY MCEACHERN Cati 725-897 wtth item. l or tht. column. CARDIAC REHABILITATION ORGANIZATION A reminder to ail the people of Durham Region - There is a medicaily supervised exercisè prograni for patients' with coronary insufficiency, pre- or post-operative bypass surgery, post-myocardiai in- farxtion, hypertension or angina. The program combines physical reconditioning by graduai exer- cises, a relaxation period at the end of each exercise session, and group discussions and informai lec- tures, as the need arises.- .Applications are only accepted on the referral of a family physician or speciaiist. The exercise classes are held at the Y.W.C.A.ý in Oshawa every Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 5 and 6 p.m. and 6 and 7p.m. If you know someone who has a heart problem, the Cardiac Rehabilitation Organization would be most pleased to try and get, them functioning at their own capacity. For more information please cali 725-8502. WHITBY COMMUNITY CARE The foiiowing is a letter received from Whitby Community Care to the members of the Corridor Area Ratepayers Association: Once again we are in your debt, and wish to ex- press our deep appreciation for your two generous donations. The money, of course, is very important and necessary, but the feeling of good-will and sup- port is s0 heart warming. The Board feels just that much stronger knowing we have neigbboursý out there 'Iwho care about our Services. Signed, Margaret Davis, Secretary. ORDER 0F THE EASTERN STAR - WHITBY CHAPTER The Whitby chapter of the 0.E.S. wWl hold their annual Strawberry Social on, Tuesday, June 29 at the Masonic- Temple, Cochrane Street in Whitby. The dinner features a delicious cold salad buffet topped with , a strawberry shortcake dessert. Tickets are $4 per person and may be obtained by cailing Bey Rogers at 725-5008. WHITBY WOMENÃ'S INSTI TUTE The Whitby Woe' nttute wilw*nd up their activities for, the'summer- and will. have -a social gather 'ing at Cullen Gardens'on, Wednesday, June 23.* At this time plans will be made for the newsea- son in September. HEappy holidays. ~Corneon Over to .our Hio use Pj 0e0. for Fine Furniture PIONEER à INTERIORS Maklng the egacyof our past part of your future.. (Hwy. WHITBY 507 Brock St..North 12) 2.3 k North of Hwy. 401 On Hwy. 12 668-4231 OAK VILLE 181 church St. 1 Block North of Hwy. 2 2'hz blocks West of Trafalgar1 842-2062 Houri: Mon.-Wod.. 10-6,. lhurs.-Fri. 10-9, Sot. 10-5:30 Rd. Wa(:14*U W~;I44~ m