Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 2 Jun 1982, p. 17

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-,.WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE' 2,1982, PAGE 17_ CALL -668 61 l Emporium Ads will only be accepted subject to the following conditions. AID TO MILLIONS CLASSIFIED ADS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 16 AUOMLESTENDEJ TENDES 1976 bLUE VW RABBIT, 4 door, autamnatlc, nawiy painted, excell- ent condition. Asklng $3,599. Phone 668-9604. 1976 0MEV MONTE CARLO, 350, autamnatic, power eteerlng, power brakes. 11,995 certîfied. Licence No. KPO 064. Hopkins Auto Sales, 146 Brock Street North, Whitby, 668-M89 and 668-4111. 19l75 0MEV NOVA, power eering, power brakes, vaiy gaad condi- tlion. Sterea reel-to-reel tape deck, TEAO .12-30, brand new. Phone 668-7039. 1975 DODGE CRESTWOOD WAGON, email 8 cylinder, auio- metIce, power stearing, power brakes. Excellent for famiiy travel. $1,695certflfed. Licence No. KEZ 347. Hopkins Auto Sales, 146 Brack Street North, Whitby, 668- 6889 and 668-4111. 1973 M ONTE CARLO, excellent condition, $1,475 certIfied. Phone 668-1509. 1972 PLYMOUTH DUSTER, 6 cylîn- der, automellio. Body neede a Ilttie attention, but car rune weli. $795 as 1s :ýLicence No. AFU> 079. Hop- kins Auto Sales, 146 Brock Street North, Whitby, 668-M89 and 668. 4111. AUCINS AUCTION SALE FRI., JUNE 4 -5 P.M. For Mrs. Rufus Lambert, 1064 Ravine Dr., Oshawa (one block, west of Sim- coe, south off Went- Worth), niow ln a nursing home. Compete con- tents including dining- room suite, iivingroom suite,' bedroom suite, color TV, curio cabinet, a large selection of coîleot- able glassware and china. DAVIS AUCTION SERVICES 728-4455 WANNAMAKER AUCTION SERVICES 1614 Charles St., Whîtby WANTED. Estates, househoîd Items, furni- ture, glas, tools & equip- ment. The place to buy or seil. We wiII pick Up. 666-3731 668-8403 (DAYS) (EVGS.) AUCTION SALE WED., JUNE 9 -6 P.M. Brooklin CommunIty Hall For the estate of Mrs. P. Emandola. Househoîd contents incîuding an- tique and modern furnish- ings, glassware, china and lamps. DAVIS AUCTION SERVICES 728-4455 CALL 668-6111 TO PLACE YOUR AD. Ontario [verndhmen TkIeder ROOFING CONTRACTORS 1. Tenders are invlted to Remove and Replace exlstin'g Roof and Insulation and to Modify exlsting Sheet MetaflWork -O.P.P. Detach- ment Building, Whitby. 15-ECR (65237) Sealed Tenders will be received until 3:00 P.M., Local time on Tuesday, June 8,1982. Tender Documents may be obtained f rom the On-' tarlo Ministry of Govenment Services, Regional Manager's Office,ý 178 Queen's Quay East, Toron- to, Ontarlo, M5A 1 B4. > NOTE: For further Information regarding the Ten- der, please caîl Mr. G. LePard at'the above ad- dress, Telephone No. (416) 965-6034. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accept- ed. ® MkHstry of Services Tenders are invted for the daily operation, plann- ed preventive maintenance, repairs and emer- gency service for the entire mechanicai, eleotrical, protection, safety systems and equlpment at the Ontario Government- Building, King Street, Oshawa, Ontario. This contract Is for a,5 year, period. Tender documents may be obtained f rom: Ministry of Governrnent Services Public Tenders Off ice Room M1-43A, Macdonald Block Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario M7A 1 N3 Telephone (416) 965-1152 A $36,000 Bld Bond and 100% Performance Bond are required. Sealed tenders will be received until 3:00 p.m., Tuesday, June 22, 1982, at which time they wiil be opened ln public. Tenders will be opened in Toronto. NOTE: For further Information please contact Mrs. L. Sidney, Public Tenders Office, Toronto. Please quote ProJect No. B21098. The Iowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. T.O. 094 ~) inistry of Soericet oerent O ntario -I c J ii ai ln st V al PC $S P. cc Pl 1979 MERCURY MARQUIS BROUGHAM, 302, air condition- ng, power eteering, power brakes, 3terea, tilt wheel. 95,950 km. ;5,500 certifiod. Phone 668-1275 after 6p.m. 176 PLYMOUTH, power staaring, aowar brakes, auto., 84,000 miles. ;50 as la.COei 668-0786 sitar 4 ).M. 175 CHRYSLER NEWPORT, air ,onditianing. $60 or beet offer. 3hne571-083. 1975 DUSTER, Speciai Coupe, naw 318, oDverhauied 727 transmission with maditied valve body, new Torque convartor, new "Ui' Joints, new biakes, new aiternator, new rad, new rad hases, new fan boite, :hroma rocker cavera, block heat- re, spart minrore, iight package, power steeîing, power dIec brakes, tintad glass, leathar inter- lor wi th console, roar dafrostar, Motorola AMIFM cassétte, Oregar D.T. goid mage wlth Fiiestane ~SW series radiais. Body gaod, frame excellant. Asking $3,800 or t>est offer. Oeil 655-3266. FIVE Dodge custom raiiy wheels wtth Goadysar palygiase raised white Iettering tiras, 5E70-14. Price $250 for ail. Reaiistic Nivaho OS Radio, TR048, 23 channel, up- par and iawer aide band. Was $499. With pie-amp table, mike and 518 wave antenne. $250 takes ail. Phone 666-1195. CALL 668-8111 ta place your Em- porium Ad. NEW AMIFM MULTIPLEX stereoi radia for lete model Chrysier pro- duci $125. Twa new UnIrayal MS. radiai tires, P20575R15, $140. One 360,. cubic Inch- Dodge 4-barrai matai, complets, 57,000 miles, $400. Four Dodge Raiiy whaais, complote, 14" x 6", $150. One 67169 Ouda doorakin, new, $45. Two new rear 10" brake drums for DadgelPlymouth "A" body cars $50. One new Edeibrack SP2P atumInum intake manifold with In- stallation package for email block Ohevy $225. Four Omni/Haorizon 13" stock Raiiy wheeis $80. Four Mitsubishi 14" RaiIy wheeis, fit Challenger, Sapporo or Colt, $100. Caeil 655-3266. 1 HOUSEHOL 1981 SONEX Deluxa Gibean 18o ~'GOODSI alactîic guitarwilh case and cord. Lik new. $500. Phone 655-3006. CHAIR - Oogswali- style easy chair, recentiy upholsterewdIn goid tebrlc, exdéllent condition. $95. Oeil 668-3683 alter 5:30 p.m. or on weokends. CHANDELIERS,, one large, ana email for sala. $150 or beet offar. Phono 668-9947. CHANDELIER, candies, wrought Iran and wood, $15. Double bed, steel trame on casters, $20. Oid soiid wood bedroom set, single bed, large cheet and night table, $75. Phone 668-657. CONTEMPORARY LOVESEAT by Skier, beige & bîawn f Iawer nylon tabric, cuehions require new taam. Excellent condition. $150. Phone 668-9805. FOR SALE - One built-in Kitchen- aid dishwasher $175. One stava, piug ln, 2 burnoîs, with aven, ideai for cottage. $80. Phono 668-9548 atter 5 p.m. jRRETIONA L VEHICLESE ESTATE SALE - Apache camper ln goad condition. AskIng $395 or beat offer. Phone 668-3741. GO-KART, gaad condition, has Honda G200 angine (5 hp). Engina runs excellent. $35. Phone 668- 3931.- SOFT TOP CAMPER trailer and a dining tant. Asklng $475. Oeil 668- SMOBlOLE1 T~A.SLEVISSRENTALS 1971 MOTO-SKI SNOWMOBILE In good condition. Aaking $325. Phone 985-9368. CLASSIFIEDAD e.. for resuits %W FUSL1 PLEASE READ When the advertlsed Item le said, dlspaeed of, or unavailabie for whateveî reason, the Item wli be deemed ta have been eoid and a commission wiil be chargedbased on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as Iiiustrated beiow, regardies If price laestated with 'best affer."1 If the Item la NOT SOLD, or dispased of, the ad wIli be run for 3 MONTHS and e MINIMUM HARGE of $6.00 will appiy payable ln advance of publication of the f iret ad. Otherwise a $7.50 charge wili Sp. ply If biiled whIch muet be peid upon îeceipt of blil. The above minimum charges wiii be applied ta the final commission due but ln any case the higher amount wiii be charged. Min imum charge: $8.00 pre-pald, $750 biied. Maximum commiselon: $100.00. Aladvertisemente muet be paced.on an ex- clusive basis wlth the WHITBY FREE PRESS and nun atieaet one month If nat eoid. RATES OIf article le soid): 5% of advertisd price'up to $400.00 2% oftublance over $40.00' EXAM PLE: Sôld Item advertiied for 8120.00. Commission due 16.00 (minimum charge la $0,00) Private advertising onlyl Please notlf the Whitby Free Press lmmediately when Item le said so that ,we may delete it from the faiiowing Issue. Alil ada not fitting the Emporlum'guldelines wiil be treated and charged per week as regular classified ada on a pre-paid basieseuch as: services, help wantéd, ciothing, reai estate, and persanal message type'ada', or ada-not quotlng prIce or quantity. Private* claseified ade ay eppear ln the Emporium section under appraprIate heedInge. ALL AD5 WILL GO IN OLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPEOIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: If in'doubt cail: OR DELIVER TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM 668-6111 131 Brock St. N." P.O. Box 206 Whltby, Ont. Whltby, Li N 551 THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE' FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION ATr NOON. ARATICLES AUTO MOBILES AVUTOMVE, FORRSAIELE]FOR SALE RPARPAT CEDAR 4 x 4's, 8 feet long. 70 et '1975 FIREBIRD FORMULA, power 455 CU. INCH motar & trans., runs $5 ech. Phone 655-4200. steering, power brakes, power weii, stili In car, aeking $225. Four windows, many new parts. Recent GM raily wheeis, flits full size GM, paint & body. 66,000 miles. Imma- Olda, etc., $150. Carburetor from FOR SALE - Ice cream cooler. culate. $4,100 certified. Phone '76 Duster, 20,000 miles, $20. Asking $250. Phono 655-3814. 571-1704. Phone 668-5638. GALVANIZED ROOF METAL Ap- 1974 VEGA, automnatlc, $250 or proxlmateiy 1,000 square feet. beet offer. In runnIng condition. Sheets average 10 x 3 fit. $2 each As le.COeil 668-3209. or $50 the lot. Phone 655-4345. __________________ 1973 MONTE CARLO, power eteer- ~ ! E D INK DUPLICATING MACHINE - Ing, power brakes, radio, newt automatlc with stand. $240 or brakes, Interlor and mechaniceiiy FORD TOT-GUARD car eafety seat E neareet offer. Phone 6881718 or goad, needs some body woaIl. $25. High chair $15. Limbroiler 668-9691. $500 uncertified. Cali 668-7904. strolier $15. Folding wooden play 1 pen $20. Oelil 655-4164. MOFFAT STOV E, harveet gold, 1972 BIJICK SKYLARK, 2 doar, excellent condition, $220.'Phone hardtap, 350, V8, automatic trans. GENDRON CARRIAGE, conve ris 688-1041-. mission, power steering, AM/FM ta travel bed or etrolier. Good _____________________ 8-track starea, ail new tires, condition. Asking $40. Phone RCA 011COLR T. Ecelent shocks, rear epringa and radiator. 655-3006. condition. Hardiy used. With sou- Cln 1,00celnrtifinalPhond66- tint calai contrai. Asking $325. 7in 1,50etfe7 hnfl Phone 668-5180.71. sEIGMAHN- cnoe 1972 METEOR FORD car, twa O T stoi Inciuded. Ooet $60 - sel doar. Asking $200 for the car but ~'F SUPPLIES I for $150 aIl Inclusive. Phone 668- withaut Michelin tires. Soid as le. 4840. Mchelin tires soid separateiy. Two summer - 1,000 miles on 15" t rime. Bath for $280. For mare ln- CAPTAIN RND SKILL SAW $29. Sump pump $30. formation cail 668-6059. Study table $25. Sway bais and 1978 LARSON hard top deep V hitch head $50. Hand toals $10. 1970 MONTE CARLO, 350, 4 blue water express cruiser, 23- Girls bike $30. Alil n excellent bre.Akn 1f rbs fe ls lesfuta ai n coniton Cli 83668.or wiii trade.: Phone 668-5589. ewim platform, stand up head and _______________________ galaey, hydraulle tîim tabe, depth STEREO, Marantz SF12000, AMIFM isaunder, etc. Les than 50 houre sterea receiver with built ln tuner. running tIme. Muet ba sean ta be E Technics tuintabie wlth înfînîty appreciated. Private deai. $20,000. 1 QE speakers. Aeking $700 or besi ~UTOMOTIVEI New price now ovai $35,000. WliiI oller. Phono 668-7336. RPI/AT consider run-about or hause tralier _______________________as partial peyment. Phone (416) 264-4692 or (416> 431-5631. FIRESTONE 721-P235 radiai for si saie $80. Floar mat for Ford truck A5~ UTOMOBDILE I $10. COeil666-2416. DININO ROOM SET, French Pro- vincial frultwood. Table with one leat extenda ta 60". 4 aide chairs. 2 place china cabinet, 45' wlde, 69" hlgh. Ali ln excellent candi. tian. Asking $825. Phone 668-68. NO TIME ta haid a garage sale? Seli unwanted articles easiiy ln the Free Preas Emporium section. Caif 668-6111 ta place yaur ad. 4 PIECE WALNUT bedraom suite, triple dresser, $50. Oeil 723-5965. G.E. AUTOMATIC WASHER, gaad condition, $125. Aiea, aid butiers eecretary desk, very unique, $550. Phone 728.4849. IGENERAL ELECTRIC 7.5 cubic foot refrigeratar, very gaod candi- tion, $125. Genera EiectrIc 30 In- ch ef-cieanIng range, excellent condition, $175. Admirai dish- waeher, good condition, $150. Oeil 655-4164. REDECORATING - MUST SELLI 100 ft. co11 af black plastic lh pipe, $20. White aium. doar, R.H. hInge, 34 x 82, $25. Wall unit, neede refinishing, $45. Phone 668- 7404. REFRIGERATOR, white, nat frost f ree, $75. Oeil 576-7987. HAS SPRINO CLEANINO left you' with unwanted articles? AdvertIse them for sale ln the Free Prese Emporium - get Immediate re- suite. Phane6684ll. MOTCRCLE1 1975 O50 YAMAHA, 14,000 original miles, windshieid, backrest and carrier, In storage for the lest 2 yeare, excellent condyl on. Asking $1,150. Phone 668-7167. 1974 75 cc YAMAHA. Gaod condi- tion. $30. Phone 723-3290. 1974 YAMAHA HDC500 street bike. MInt condition. Loaded with extrea. Oniy 10,000 miles. AskIng $950. Oeil1655-3840. 1972 HONDA, 350 twin, In excell- ent condition. Asklng $«0. Phone 6M-.1677. Q~RUMMENTS

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