Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 26 May 1982, p. 17

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 1982, PAGE 17 AID TO MILLIONS CLASSIFIED-ADS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 16 Bd AUCINS AUCTION SALE THURSDAY, JUNE 3 SALE TIME 5:30 P.M. Machlnory Llvostocl Furnîture Farm auction the prope'i ty of Mr. & Mrs. Gib Gra bowski of -Port Perry Farm located 11/4 mlle- east of regional Rd. 2 o the Oshawa Rd. or Regional Rd. 19 or th( Shirley Rd. Also 4 mile. west of Regional Rd. 5, on the Shirley Rc MACHINERY: Massey 5( Diesel tractor with loader Three f urrow 3 pt. Masse) plow. 10 ft. hydraulic dlsc, 10 ft. spring tootf cultivator, manurE spreader, 3 furrow Hyc. range plow, wagon and rack, hammer milI, sel sleighs, MacLaughlin cut. ter, rubber tired buggy, set tractor chains, tlarrows, potato, planter, tracto0r, cab, cement mixer, 10 H.P. Wisconsin motor, pipe vise, pipe threader, 3/" to 2 Inch portable pump, electric fencer & posts, wheelbar- row, water troughs, set heavy harness, sîngle har- ness, driving harness, hal- ters, collars, western sad- die, buffalo robe, cow chains, roto tiller, horse scuffler, electric pump, pine beam 12" x 12" x 20', 4 cord mixed wood, quan- tity of lumber and rails, tarp, 75 Ford ¾/ ton super cab with stock racks as is & much more, LIVE- STOCK: 16 crossbred ewes, 7 stili to lamb, 10 suffolk ewes, 4 ewe lam- bs, 1 dorset ram, 1'suffolk ram, 1 brood mare with month-old colt, 1 yearling palomino stud colt, 1-2 yr. old black gelding. FURNI- TURE: Chrome set, wrInger washer, one an- nex, wood stove oil stove, o11 furnace, 5 oak barrels, captains bed. Property for sale. Owners moving. No reserve - lunch available. JACKSON AUCTIONEERS 1-416-985-2459 AUCTION SALES Every week the Whitby Free Press brings you up tQ date on upcomlng auc- tion sales ln your area. Check the ads here - then take t-he whole family to an auction sale for a f ew iours. Pick up some bar- jains... and have fun tool Daîl to advertise your r>ext sale ln these pages. WH&ITBYv a g S, Id Id Br Br J ~ONS COiO AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE TH URS., MAY 27 -6 P.M. SAT., MAY 29 -11 A.M.« Brooklin Communlty Hwy. 2 & Halls Rd. Hall West of Whitby. For Mr Hwy. 7 and 12. For the C. PasCoe. Featuriný r- estate of the late A.R. 1926 Model T Ford, partE a-Nicholson of Oshawa. for old cars & traCtors y. Household contents In- McLaughlin cutter, olc s ciuding Braemore tapes- buggy, harness jig, old Dr try chesterfleld & chair, horse collars, coppei n diningroom suite, 2-pc. bathtub, old bottle collec. e Colonial chesterfielid tion, f irehose cart withf6 S suite, mahogany bar, metai wheeis,, copper 7 drop-leaf table & chairs, boilers, milk cans, oxen d. mahogany bedroomn yoke, power mower, table o suite, maple bedroom saw, outboard ffiotors, r. Suite, settee, rocking snowmobiies, biack- ly chair, sterling f latware, boards f rom Almonds Ic dishes, glassware, china, school, wood turning h includlng Nippon, Coal- lathe, '69 P lymoutt ,e port, Royal Nippon, R.S. wagon, '73 Dodge van, '75 j. Germany, small appli- Dodge 1/4 ton pick-up, box d ances, linens, 22 calibre for '54 Ford 1/ ton, an- t rifle with scope, plus tique furnishings plus t. tools from a clean, well hundreds of collectabke !~maintained home, items. A collector's f ie.lc DAVIS AUCTION day. SERVICES DAVIS AUCTION it ,728-4455 SERVICES n __________ 728-4455 e AUCTION SALE h SAT., MAY 29 -10 A.M. WANNAMAKER c 324 Thlckson Rd. S. AUCTION SERVICES Whitby tSelling, "To the Wals," 1614 Charles St.,Whitby -everything pertainind to houseold itemsfurn -the business of Gray's tushlitmfr- -Engine Repair Co. Ltd. tre, glass, tools & equip- SUsed îawnmowers, tiller, ment. The place to buy or 9 chainsaws, mini-milî, sel. We will pick Up. snowblowers & a large 666-3731 668-8403 quantity of used parts. (AS EG. -Lawnboy, M.T.D., Briggs & Stratton, Tecumseh, rKohler, Pioneer, etc., new IBEST DEAL1 parts. Business ma- IN TO WN chines, books, special IThe Whitby FreePross wlltî tools, display racks and I deliver your message ta overi sheiving. Some house- 7,0reaers ove1 woej reesonablyt Cali: *hold effects. 668-6111 Backhoe- trucks -Construction & Landicaplng LIQUIDATION AUCTION Guardian Building Maintenance Co. PICKERING, Ont. SATURDAY, MAY 29, 10 ar. Allons Rd. (2 mles north of Hwy. 2 and Ioliow signe) VEHICLES: 77«8 CHEV & DODGE Vans; 75 FORD 900 Dump (cert>; 75 DODGE FUNCRAFT RV: 72 RIVERIA; 1-t Garb Packer; etc. 78-FORD 1100 Diesel Beckhoe & Loader EQUIP: marIer & camnent mixers; Power Trowel; Compactor; Asphaît Rouler; Air Camp; _Gonerator; Gravei Spreeder; Pavement Line Pint Unit; Equip TraItera; Chain Saws; Hyd Lift Treaier; Sews; Drilla; Shop Tools; Cut-Of f Bendsew; etc. etc. SU RVEY EQUIP: 90" Redion Towor; PYE Walkie-Taikies; Two- Way Radios; Telurameter CD6; etc. etc. etc. 31'OWEN FLAGSHIP YACHT c/w Twin CHEV 283 Motors PARTIAL LIST ONLY LUNCH ON PREMISES Viewlng: FrIday, May 28182 (1-3 pm> TERMS: $100 cash or cert cheque deposit on major Items M. R. JUTZI & CO. mnc. Whon the advortisod Item la soîd, disposod of, or unavailablo for W doomed to hava been aoid and e commission wiIi be charged basod Ilutated below, regerdiesa If prico la statod with "beet offor," If the Item la NOT SOLD, or disposod of, the ad wIli bo run for 3 MONI 'of 86.00 wiiI appiy payable In advenceo f publication of tho firat ad. 0 piy If bIloed which muet bo paid upon rocoipt of bill. Thoe bovo mminI tho final commission duo but ln enycaso the highor emounit wiii be C pre-peid, 87.50 bIiiod. Maximum commission: $100.W0. Ail advortiaoî clusive basis with tho WHITBY FREE PRESS and run tioasat one mont RATES (If article la soid): 5% of adverlised prie up 108$400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold Item advertlsed for $120.00. Commission due $6.13 Private advertisIng onlyl Pi-n le notify the Whitby Free Prose Immodl wo maydoloto It from the Issue. Ail ada not fittIng the Empt and chargod per wook as roguier ciaasifiod ada on e pro-peid beais ai ciothlng, reai oatate, and porsonal message type ada, or ada not qui claasifiod ada may appear ln tho Emporium section undor appropriate ALL ADS WîLL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHI MAIL ADS TO: If ln doubt cail: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM 668-6111 P.O. Box 206 WhItby, LiN 551 THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM AD'% FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION J LARTC"AUTOMOBILES FORRSASELE] FOR SALE 1979 MERCURY MARQUIS BROUGHAM, 302, air condition- ing, power steering, power brakos, stereo, 'tilt wheol. 95,950 km. $5,500 cortÏied. Phono 668-1275 aller 6p.m. . 1976 PLYMOUTH, power ateering, power brakes, auto'., 64,000 miles. $950 as la. Cati 668-0786 aller 4 p.m. 1975 CHRYSLER NEWPORT, air conditian1ig. 8600 or beat 0f fer. Phono 571-083. 1975 DUSTER, Special Coupe, new 318, overheuied 727 transmission with madiflod valve body, new Torque'convertor, new I"U" lJointe, new brekes, new elternator, new rad, new rad hases, new fan beits, chrome rocker cavera, block hoat- ers, sport mirrors, tight package, power steering, power disc brakes, tinted glass, leather Inter- or with console, rear defroster, Motorola AM/FM cassette, Cragar Q.T. gald mage with. Firestone SS80 sore radiais. Body goad, frame excelent. Asking $3,800 or beet aller. CalII655-3266. 1975 FIREBIRD FORMULA, power steorlng, power brakea, power windows, many new parts. Recent peint & body. 66,000 miles. Imma- culate. $4.100 certified. Phono 571-1704. 1974 VEGA, autometic, $250 or beat offor. In running condition. As te. Cati 668-3209. 1973 MONTE CARLO, power saber- ing, power brakes, radio, new brakos, Interior and mechanicaliy goad, needa somne body work. $500 uncertified. CaI 668-7904. 1972 BUIiK SKYLARK, 2 doar, hardtop, 350, V8, automatic trans- mission, power steering, AM/FM 8-lreck sterea, ali new tires, shocks, reer apringa and radiatar. Car ls in excellent original condi- tion. $1,500 certified. Phono 668- 7167. 1970 MONTE CARLO, 350, 4 barrot. Asking $1,500 or beat offer or wilt trade. Phono 668-5589. 1972 METEOR FORD car, two door. Asking $200 for the car but without Michelin tires. Sold as la. Michelin tires sold separately. Two summer - .000 miles an 15" rime. Bath for $260. For more in- formation cai 66846059. CEDAR 4 x 4t, 8 foot long._ 70 at $5 each. Phono 655-4200. FOR SALE - Ie creamn cooler. Asking $250. Phono 655-3814. INK DUPLICATING MACHINE - automatic with stand. $240 or nearoat offer. Phono 668-1718 or 668-9691. RCA 20" COLOR TV. Excellent condition. Hardiy used. With acu- tint cotor contraI. Asking $325.ý Phono 668-5180. SEWING MACHINE In console, stool included. Coat $600 - soit for $150 al Inclusive. Phono 668- 4840., SINGER STYLISH 514 wlth cabi- net. Excellent condition. Buit ln button haler, variod stitches. Complote lune-up 1 year ago. An excellent purchase et $200. Cali 686-0579 alter 6 p.m. SKILL SAW $29. Sump pump $30. Study table $25. Sway bars and hitch head $50. Hand bools $10, Girls bike $30. Ai ln excellent condition. Cati 683-6638. STEREO, Marenîz 5R2000, AM/FM stereo roceivor with bulitltn tuner. Technics turntable wlth lnfinity 1 0E speakers. Asking $700 or best aller. Phono 668-7336. MOFFAT STOVE, harveat gold. excellent condition, $220. Phone 668-1041. NO TIME ta hold a garage sale? Soul unwanted articles easlly ln the Free Press Emporium section. Cati 66861110 place your ad. THE WORLD ISYOURS.IF YOU KNOW THE RIGHT PEOPLE... Wherever you move the Weicome Wagon hosteaus s the Lrght person to help you fînd s place In your new com- munIty. Calil666-1523 or 579-7521 CAPTAIN NEEDED 1978 LARSON hard top deep V blue water express cruiser, 23' plus, ateepa four, teek cabin and swim platforrb, stand up hoad and gailey, hydraulic trim taba, depth sounder, etc. Lese then 50 hours running time. Muet bo seen ta be epproclatod. Privae deal. $20,000. New price now over $35,000. WIi cansider run-abaut or hause traloer as partial payment. Phono (416) 264-4692 or (416) 431-5631. HOUSEHOL1 hatever reason, the Item wIl be on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as ITHS and s MINIMUM CHARGE therwlae a $7.50 charge wiII ap. Imum chargea wiIi be applled ta harged. Minimum charge:, 36.00 mente muai be piacod on an ex- ih If flot aatd. 2% of balance over $M0.00, >00(minimum charge lu 86.00) liatoiy whon Item la eold s0 that Slr guldelines wiil be treated iuch as: services, help wantod, joing prico or quantity. Prîvate headInga. IERWISE SPECIFIED. OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N. Whltby, Ont. SISTHE PTNOON. AUVOTIVE. U) REPAIR AIAT <FIVE Dodgo customn raliy whoels with Goodyear poiygiaaa raîsed white letterîng tires, 5E70-14. Price $250 for ail. Roaiistic Nivaho GB Radio, TRC48, 23 channel, Up. per and Iowor aide band. ' Waa $499. WIth pre.amp table, mike and 518 wave antenne. $250 takea ali. Phono 666-1195. NEW AMIFM MULTIPLEX stereol radio for late modal Chrysier pro. duct $125. Two new UnIroyal M.S. radial tires, P20575R15, $140. One 360 cubic Inch Dodge 4-barroi motor, complote, 57,000 mlles, $400. Four Dodgo Raily whoola, comploto, 14" x 6", $150. Ono 67169 Cuda doorakin, now, $45. Two now roar 10" brako drums for DodgoflPymouth "A" body cars $50. Ono new Edolbrock SP2P aluminum intake manifold with In- staliation package for amali block Chovy $225. Four Omni/Horizon 13" stock Raiiy wheis $80. Four Mitsubishi 14" Raity wheois, fit Challonger, Sapporo or Colt, $100. Cati 655-3266. FIRESTONE 721-P235 radial for sale $80. Fioor mat for Ford trùck $10. Cali1666-2416. UMjY NEDS FORD TOT-GUARD car safoty seat $25. High chair $15. Umbroller, atroiior $15. Folding woodon play pan $20. Cai 655-4164. GENDRON CARRIAGE, converta 10 travel bed or stroiier. Good condition. Asking $40. Phono 655-3006. For RECEATONA ESTATE SALE - Apache camper ln good condition. Asklng $395 or beet aller. Phono 668-3741. GO-KART, good condition, has Honda G200 angine (5 hp). Engîne runs excellent. $350. Phono 668. 3931. ke GO DS 1SMOWMOBILES 55 dU. INCH motor & trans., runs M" SALESRENTALSI ivell, atilI in car, asklng $225. Four CHAIR - Cogswell style easy Oids, etc., $150. Carburetor fromn '76 Ouater, -20,000 miles, $20. Phono 668-5638. chair, recently upnousteroa ln gold fabric, excellent condition, $95. Cali 688-3683 aller 5.,30 p.m. or on weekends. 1971 MOTO-SKI SNOWMOBILE In good condition. Asking $325. Phono 985-9368. WAN TADN HOUSEHOLO CHANDELIERS, one large, one amaîl for saie. $150 or bost offer. Phono 668-9947.1r CHANDELIER, candies, wrought Iron and wood, $15. Double bed, steel trame on castors, $20. OId aolid wood bedroom sot, single bed, large cheat and night table, $75. Phono 668-6567. CONTEMPORARY LOVESEAT by Skier, beige & brown fiower nylon fabrlc, cushions require new foem. Excellent condition. $150. Phono 668-9805. FOR SALE - One bulIt.iln Kitchen- aid dishwashor $175. One stovo, plug ln, 2 burnera, with oven, ideal for cottage, 880. Phono 668.9548 afier 5 p.m. DINING ROOM SET, French Pro. vincial fruitwood. Table wlth'one loaf oxtenda to 60", 4 aide chaire. 2 place china cabinet, 45" wide,. 69" high. Aillln excellent condi- lon. Asking $825. Phono 668-4686. 4 PIECE WALNUT bodroom suite, triple drosser, $500. Cali 723-5965. G.E. AUTOMATIC WASHER, good condition, $125. Aiso, old butiora aecretary desk, very unique, $550. Phono 728-4849. GENERAL ELECTRIC 7.5 cubic foot refrIgerator, very good condi- lon, $125. General EIoctric 30 ln- ch aelf-cieanIng range, excellant condition, $175. Admirai dlsh- waaher, good condition, $150. Cai 655-4164. REDECORATING - MUST SELLI 100 ft. coil of black plastic 1½h" pipe, $20. White alum. door, R.H. hingo, 34 x 82, $25. Wall unit, needa reflnishing, $45. Phono 668. 7404. REFRIGERATOR, white, not f roat free, $75. Cali 576-7987. 1974 75 cc VAMAHA. Good condi- tion. $300. Phone 723-3290. 1974 YAMAHA HDC500 stroot bike. Mint condition. Loeded with extras. Only 10,000 miles. Asking $950. Cal 655-3840. 1972 HOND *A, 350 twin, ln excell- ont condition. Asking $60. Phono 666-16,77. MUSIAfL INSTUMETS 1981 SONEX Deluxe Gibson 180 electric guiter with case and cord. Like new, $500. Phono 655-3006. M4 Md s e d ir 3 AUTOMOTIVES CiREPAIR/PARTS mi 1 4 1 4! W, G

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