Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 19 May 1982, p. 14

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PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS ENTR TA INMENT wo1g PmeI iving concert for chilIdren at Eastdale On Saturday, May 29, Oshawa will be treated to two exciting perform- ances .by the Canadian professional recording artist, Suzanne Pinel. .Accompanied by ber frolicking troupe of four, plus several life- sized puppets, Suzanne will play, ber guitar, sing, and dance her way into the bearts of cbild- ren and adulisof al ages in the Eastdale Collegiate auditorium witb two shows'at 1 and 3:30 p.m. *CINEMASHOWC4SE STARRING - TOM SKERRITT STARTS FRIDAY STARRING - LEE GRANT & WILLIAM SHATNER* f .q..........- ,-, LSatjSun. -2:00,4:0, 7: & 9:059 it!ITj NOt t.blef o Chden The career of Suzanne Pinel, artist, composer, writer, educator, mother, is a story of ber love for, cbildren and music. Since she gra- duated in 1967 from tbe University of Ottawa witb a Bacbelor's Degree in psycbology, Pinel has led a startling- ly varied and energetic life, teaching and lectur- ing at tbe university, setting up drama and >musice programs for children, teacbing pre- scbool educational techniques at Algonquin College, writing books and music, recording childrens' albums, ad- dressing educational conventions and confer- ences, designing and making puppets and costumes, entertaining Canada's children o n a tour of the nation,, and, in ber spare time, raising ber children and busband Louis. Fortunately, her famnily is an integral part of Pinel's presenta- tions and concerts, and as a result, enjoys ber career as mucb as sbe does! Pinel and ber bus- band,' a professor of psychology, 0f ten com- bine their talents and, knowledge in study sess- ions, demonstrating to teachers , and parents bow cbildren's imagina- tions can be sparked tbrougb music and drama. Their ability to 'make learning fun bas made tbem extremely popular witb Canadian parents' associations, school boards, educa- tional colleges -and pro-' ducers of Canadian cbildren's television programs. In botb 1980 and 1981, Susanne bigbligbted tbe Canadian 'Parents for .French Conferences, giving lectures, touring local schools and deligbting cbildren, their parents and teach- ers. Since 1977, sbe bas appeared on more tban eight television pro- grams and contributed to several others. Suzanne's tbree cbild- ren's albums, "Un cadeau pour toi" (1979), "Une girafe a l'ecole" (1980), and "Je m'ap- Pelle Marie-Soleil Bonjour". (1982), beauti* fully demonstrate ber musical versatility and ber wide tbematic range. The songs - some tender, some serious, many amusing, -ail sing- able, ail fresb and original ,-. -guarantee cbildren's active parti- cipation and enjoyment. She is a sparkling per- formner, - a joy for al wbo are stiil cbildren at beart. Tickets, costing $2.50 per person, are avail- able in Wbitby, 4t tbe Reader's Cboice, 134, Brqck Street Soutb., Gallery presents 'art of. quilting By BERNICE BRADT An exciting exbibition wbicb combines tbe tra- ditional witb the con- temporary, "Tbe Art of Quilting: Past and Pre- sent" opened yesterday at tbeRobert McLaugb- lin Gallery, Oshawa. Visitors to tbe gallery will see bistorical quilts, contemporary quilts, and community quilts in tbis celebration of quilt- ing as an art form. Tbe quilts date from 1800 to tbe present, and come from the collections of THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN OF WH ITBY PROCLAMATION Whitby Minor Basebali Association TAKE NOTICE that May 15 to May 2lst, 1982, is hereby proclaimed as "Minor Basebaîl Week" in and for the Town of Whitby. Citizens,0f Whîtby are asked to support the Whit-' by Mînor Basebail Association which provides a sports programme for the youth of the Town of Whitby.11 DATED at Whitby, Ontario, 1982. this l9th day of May,ý R.A. Attersley Mayor, Town of Whitby I I b"s LOUNGE YNOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Specialty of the House HORS DWOEUVRES LIVE ENTERTAINMENT MO0N DAY TO SATU RDAY The place to meet, the is Mr. G's. place to be The longest and most exclusive casual stand-up bar ln Oshawa Major Credit Cards Accepted. 922 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa 579-2369 'I Kim Ondaatje, wbo organized tbe exbibition aswell as from private collections. Included are Ondaatje's "Jet Quilt," an example of contemporary design based on the Toronto Airport, Sandy. Small's "King Tut Quilt," in- spired by the Treasures of Tutankbamun exbibi- tion, and a spectacular example of the "Crazy Quilt" wbicb is dated 1880 from tbe collection of Jane Dixon. Entries in tbe Quilt Block Design Competi- tion recently sponsored- by the gallery will also be'on display. Entries were received from Ont- ario, Quebec and the United * States, and pro- vided a challenge to judges Kim Ondaatje and Sandy Small, botb of Toronto. Tbe selec- tion was based on design, color, and tech- nique. Several events are scheduled to comple- ýment the exhibit. In tbe south gallery, members of tbe Osbawa Senior Citizens Centre will begin a.quilt on Wednes- day, May 19, to be com-_ pleted during tbe sbow. Tuesday, June 1 is quilters' film night. Two films, "Quilts in Women's Lives"' and "Patterns of Love" will be shown at 8 p.m. Ad- mission is free an~d everyone is welcome. Two worksbops are available to- a liimited number of registrants - Sunday, May- 30 from, 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Bet- ty Ives from Windsor' will conduct a "Quilt in a Day Worksbop"l. Jane Dixon will present "Be- yond the Quilt," a quilt- ing and stitcbery _work- EIoný, J PERMS 1½2PRICE overy TUESDAY &THURSDAY of every week. LORAINE FOSTER Tony s Hairstyîîng would like to inform the clients of Loraine Foster (formerly of Scissors) that she has joined our staff as of March 30. Mon. -Wed. 9- 6 Thurs. & Fri. 9.8 Saturday 8:30- 5 668-5441 106 Lupin-Drive Blair Park Plaza Whitby Port Perry Kinsmen presents SPRINGFEST "82"5 First ever 3 day event with SOMETHING BLUE Thur. Fr1. Sat. May 279,28, 29 at PotPerry Arena 8 p.m. - 1 a.m. Admission $4.OOper person. Thurs. Night, Ladies ½/2Price sbop June 5 and 6 from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Cal Marg Jackson'at 576- 3000 for more informa- tion or to register for eitber worksbop. Tbe volunteer commi- ttee of tbe gallery will hold a tea in tbe gallery on May 19, 20 and 21 from 2 to 4 p. m. eacb day. A nominal fee will be cbarged. Tbis spendid exbibi- tion of domestic excell- ence will continue to June 13, and will be of interest to artists, qui*lt- ers and anyone who bas an interest in tbe art of quiltîng. The show also fea- tures quilts e nt'te "'Anne of Green Gables" and "Little Women" owned by Hilda Dunbar of Wbitby. Other local entries are included in tbe exhibit. Gallery bours are weekdays 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Tuesday'evenings 7 to 9 p.m.; Saturdays noon to 5 p.m.; and, Sun- days 2 to 5 p.m. Admiss- ion is free. 1 EDITOR'S NOTE: Miss Bradt ls the gallery's public relations officer. Food Local producers of fruits, vegetables, meat and dairy products who would like to be listed in "Food First Durbamn"s directory of primaàry food sources for 1982 should cal Mary Shep- herd at 668-3547 or Jean Waldron at 668-6788 by May 21. Dm ingf Guide THE GREAT WALL, 116 Dundas Street West, Whitby 668-7021. A favourite eating spot for Cbinese food loyers. A large selec- tion of Canadian dishes also served. Prices range from $2.70 and up for luînch, and $3.80 and Up for dinner. Open from il a.m. to 1 a.m. weekdays, Friday and Saturday open tilI 2:30 a.m. We are now fully ficensed. DAN CE RICK JOHNSON & TO COUNTYBAND Sponsorsd by Durham Reglon Luno Association COMING BILL JOHNSON'S SWEET COUNTRY LICENSED UNDER AUSPICES 0F SPECIAL OCCASION PERMIT For furthsr Information phone Oshawa 576-4096 a mflA0n --------------------- ------- 1 ----------------------------------- - 1 1

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