PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS LACONTESSA "Executive Suite was meetig theme By BETTY DUBOWSKI Whitby Toastmistress Whitby Toastmistress Club held its regular meeting on Tuesday, May 4, when the theme for the evening was "On the way to the Execu- tive Suite." Members and guests were greeted by host- esses Marguerite Kulik, and Nancy Spencer. The Whitby Fire Department has intensi- fied its home inspection program. Under this entirely voluntary program, Whitby residents may have their homes in- spected by firefighters who wi.I-check for such fire hazards as over- fusing, the excessive use of multi-headed plugs and dangerously Grace and toast was given by Pauline Torre- san, then dinner was served. President Althea Dar- wen extended a warm welcome to several new and returning guests, then she introduced Mary Aspinal, first vice- president, Council 2, of International Toastmis- tress Clubs, who pre- sented a workshop on stored garbage. According to the fire department, the resi- dent does not have to allow the inspection to take place. However, the depart- ment believes that it is in the resident's best in- terest to determine what fire hazards - if any - are in their home.' "Effective Listening". Topicmistress Audrey Beard then requested 3- minute impromptu speeches from teains of two members, allowing each member 1½ minutes speaking time. The trophy wvas~award- ed to the winning team of Jeannette Etter and Nancy Spencer. Next on the agenday was an in- duction ceremony for two new members, During the program, which runs until the fall, the department will con- tinue its usual practise of inspecting public, commercial and indus- trial buildings. Residents wanting. to know more about the program are asked to call the department at 668-3312. Helen Hines and Tearie Howie, by membership chairman-Shirley Mac- Donald. It was a plea- sure indeed to welcome these two new mem- bers. The business was then dispensed with and a 10-minute recess was called. After recess, Toast- mistress Barbara Blair introduced Myrna Picotte, who was the only speaker for this meeting. Evaluating the speaker was Fay Winters. An education entitled 'Taking Signi- ficant Steps" was given by Shirley MacDonald, and this lesson present- ed pointers on nominat- ing and electing an exe- cutive board. Gramm- ariai Lee Irwin also gave a lesson in lexi- cology and explained the meaning and origin of the word "inelec- table' and ways in which it could be used. Timer for the evening was Betty Dubowski, and general evaluator was Muriel Cafik, mem- ber of the First Oshawa Toastmistress Club. The closing thought was given by newly-inducted member Helen Hines. The next meeting of this club will be held on Tuesday, May 18, at the Earl of Durham Restau- rant, 227 Brock Street South, Whitby, com- mencing with fellowship at 6 p.m., dinner at 6:30 p.m. On the agenda will be nominations for the 1982-83 executive. All meetings are open to the public and the costis$7. For further informa- tion, please call Shirley MacDonald at 668-4817 or Betty Dubowski at 668-8564. Kinsmen 1982 exec Seen here are some of the members of the 1982 executive committee of the Whitby Kinsmen Club. From left to right are: Chuck Hughes, director; Dave Smith, second vice-president; George Hewson, secretary; Ross Fitchett, president; Peter Wilson, director; and, Roger Paton, past president. Missing from the photograph are: first vice-president Colin Pring, tréasurer Dave Glover, registrar Garth Edwards and director Charlie Roland. -Free Press Staff Photo Residents Save onphone N4ow you can cut the cost of phone cails to Toronto with Bell Canada's Optional Calling Plan. Here's how it works. If you pay $5.60 per month, you can get up to $9.35 worth ·N~ of Whitby to Toronto cals for your $5.60. Business customers pay $13.75, and get up to $22.95 worth of calling. If you cail Toronto frequently, this plan can save you money WFD iilinspect your home