PAGE 24, WEDNESDAY, MAY 12e 1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS sa1le! Frozen Pink or Whlte Dominion Lemonade SPECIAL2 15./88 Thouaand Island or Italaen Kraft Dressings SPECIAL 250mLcont. m8 8 Cubits, Hot Dog, SS Com or Bick's Relishes SPECIAL Orlole Soi t -Margarine SPECIAL 907g tub Product of Canada, Canada No. 2 Oe4le Prince Edward Island, Russet 'York Baking Potatoes /2; Part Back Attached Chioken Legs 18 In Syrup Cnished,DeeedBte ciSliced DeilMonte Pineéappie SPECIAL 6 398mLi. n m6 Instant Richmeiio Coffee 283g jar 4 Nabis=co Shreddles SPECIAL 6 675 g pkg. Assorted Vareties Fruit Flavored Crystals Hawaiian Punch SPECIAL Yelow,AimondorWhiteFacelleRoyaie Paper Towels SPECIAL -4 pkg. of 2 Dominion Dry Dog food SPECIAL ' 9 4 kg bag 2 Cheeeand PepperoniorAil Dreaed usto Mini Pizzas SPECIAL 3 13 2 Rich Lite B read SPECIAL 2. 450Og oaI *8 Du Daym p ble Dominion Diapers SPECIAL 7 pkg. f 30 3 Q Tips SPECIAL 3 pk. Of 180 10 IL bag Limit 2 Ba ~Tide« Reconstituteà d 7 Martins^ Apple Juice Famluy PAck, LoiR PorkChops, SPECIL 1.96 lb. Meaty Whole or Shank Portioni Leg Roast-of Po'rk SPECIA L I38 lb. Cut from Canad Grade *A' Deef, Boneleaa Stewing Beef 41037 /o SPECIAL I .98 lb. Altch Bone Removed,*Butt Portion Leg PorkRoast 3B'26 /k SPEC'IAL'I1.48 lb. Fresh Dresed RainbowTrout 4B39k SPECIAL I .99 L Lazy 'Maple Boneiess, Fuiiy Cooked Dinner Hams 6.57/k SPECIAL 2m98IL Swift Premnium Wieners SPECIAL I118 454 g pkg. Swift Premium or Lazy Maple, Rind«s Breakifast Bacon SPE9I39 500 g ptcg. ý Mary Mile Mnced Ham orVirietyPack, SIiced Meats ECIAL, g pkg. 1.36 L tin YOU711 love our fresh -proue at Do non ' ýPduct fUSA Prduof.SA Product of Ontario Fresh M ushrooms I 12 oz. tray VIL.Thursday May l uIi lm $2 Product of British Columbia Canada Fancy Grade Spartan Apples .1 3 IL bag 8 8 - Canada No. 1 Grade Asparagus 42ol4kg. 1.a88 lb..1 a . M 27-Sunday May'30,1982 Automotive Building Exhibition Place 1Mieo am-1O:00 Pm Sunday 12:0048:00 pm !90 SeChId renuder C=nor 1 4 wth a"ut 1/0 FE -I I Canada No. i Grade Celery ,Hearts .98 alIaom «ion' Phmfns ig i May jExtravaganzaFR E 1 5 x 7 ENLARGEMENT 1 i Free 5x7 Enflargement with each' Kodak i 1 prit film left for developing. Ã*One coupon per film plcase.Coupon must accompany ordcr--cxpirc ~Mal 310, 1982. Offer available on roU film sizes 110, 126, and 13, M M 88 Mint Jel or Regular, Crest T oothipaste ýSPECIAL 150 ml tube 1 88 aM White, Pink, YeIIow or Almond, Facelle Royale Facial Tissue pkg. of 100 M8 Values effective f rom Wednes- day, May 12,1982, until close of business Tuesday, May 18, 1982, except Produce, Bakery and Fresh, Fish, effective until close of business Saturday, May 15,1982. Truly CAnadia E rnWE AISERVE THE AIGNT TO UUrT OUANTITNES - mmý ý là t ýý lit, MUUM - am 01