PAGE 18, WEDNESDAY,, MAY 12, 1982, WHITBY FREE- PRESS YOURDININGPLEASURE Rteveler says "use egsist eadhismecokn By ROXANNE REVELER Free Press Staff You have probabiy had it up to here with al the commercials on t.v. telling you to bave eggs instead, but hoid on a moment. The egg bas been around and enjoy- ed since the beginning of time and with good rea- son. It is quick to pre- pare, nutritious, deli- cious, and, one 0f the. most versatile co «m- modities .aroundý,. 'The fact that eggs are so cheap compared to most foods doesn't hurt either. An egg is a superb nutritional -pac kage, and makes a valuabie * MM * 12 GETREETW95B IEVE LobsTér Fés! i. *dn EastsCoalt It LOBcSR 12*a afri iin stylfred * 668-1121 contribution to the diet. Eggs may be used in place of nmeat, as they are an excellent source of high quality protein. Eggs also suppiy vita- mins A, D, E, thiamin, niacin and riboflavin Plus two other essential minerais, iron and phos- phorusý. Two eggs are' generally considered a serving and may be sub- stituted in place of a two or three ounce serving of meat. If you are counting ca lories you, wiil be pleased to know an egg only bas 80 calories, yet provides high quality- nutrition and can be prepared in a variety of ways. Everyone knows there are thrÃee basics in the composition of)the egg. The, sheil, the white and the yolk. 'The sheli color. may vary. fromn white to brown, depending on the breed 0f hen. It does not affpct the flavor, nutri- tiVe value, or cooking performance of the egg, nor is it reiated to the color of the yolk, in any way. Egg white, albu- men, consists of thin and thick layers, with the thick part clinging to the yolk and the thin part surrounding it. -The older the.egg, the thinn- er the white. Storing. eggs in a warm area wil also basten this process. Egg yolk'color is deter- mined by the diet of the hen and does ýnot affect the nutritive value or quality of the -egg. 'Hens eating a large propor- tion of wheat for exam- pie produce eggs with, pale yolks while a hen eating large amounts of corn will lay eggs with dark yellow yoiks. Eggs Cooked In The Sheli Eggs- cooked in the sheil are commoniy re- ferred to as "boiied", but should neyer be boiled at ail. Cooking at high temperatures or for too long a time causes hard cooked- eggs to become rubbery and, tough,% and also causes those. dark rings around the yolk. You can-further help topre- ,Vnt these'dar rings by plunging the bard cooked eggs intoý cold water immediately af- ter they bave finished cooking. Hard cooked eggs are 50 versatile., They -can be stored, either in the sheli or out, for up to a week in the refrigera- tor. -Keep an extra dozen on hand for quick mneals or snacks, salads, sand-- wiches, casseroles, for garnishes,. or pickle some in leftover pickle juice. * Bolled Eggs Place eggs in a sauce- pan and add enough water to cover at least one inch above the eggs. Cover and bring rapidly to the boil. Reduce the heat to simmer and let the eggs stand in the water until cooked as desired: 2-5 minutes for soft boiled and 15-20 minutes for hard boiled. Cool soft boiled eggs in coid water .for a minute to stop further* cooking.. Crab Devilled Eggs (12 appetizers) 6 hard cookedeggs; 2 tbs. soft bhutter; 2 tbs. mayonnaise; Y 4 ts>. dry mustard; 1/ tsp. lemon -juice; '/ý c. boned crab meat; 2 tbs. chopped celery; few drops of Lmiing Guide THE GREAT WALL, 116 Dundas Street West, Whitby 668-7021. A' favourite eating spot for Chinese food loyers. A large selec- tion of Canadian dishes also served. Prices range from $2.70 and Up for lunch, and $3.80 and Up for dinner. Open from il a.m. to 1 a.m. weekdays, Friday and Saturday open tilI 2:30 a.m. We are now fully licensed. tabasco sauce; dash of sait and pepper. 1 Cut eggs in haif lengthwise. Remove the yolks and mash in -a sinail bowl. Mix in-the remaiming ingredients. F111. egg halves with mixture, and garnish with parsley. Pickled Eggs 12bhard cooked eggs; 1½ c. vinegar; ½%c. water; i;2'tsp. mixed pickling spice. Peel.eggs and place in a large ý jar.- Place remaining ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and" simmer for 5' minutes., Pour through a strainer over the bard cooked eggs. Cover and refrigerate. Let stand, for at leà st two days before' using-to. set the flavor. Eggs Benediet (4 servings) ½/c. butter; 3 egg yolks; 1 tbs. lemon juice; dash of sait & cayenne; 8 eggs; 4 English muffins, split; 8 thin slices ham or peameal bacon. Prepare lHollandaise sauce as foilows. Meit butter until bubbly but not 'brown. Remove' from heat. Place egg yolks, sait, cayenne, and lemon juice in a blender. Start blending at "high", remove iid and add melted butter in- a slow steady stream, blending for another 30 seconds. Cover and set aside over hot 'Water to keep warm. Lightly fry ham or bacon. Poach eggs. While eggs are poaching, toast muffins. To serve, place English muffin halves on a warm plate. Top each .with ham or bacon anda poached egg. ,Spoon sauce over ail, dividing equaily. Serve at once for a special lunch, fi- ing breakfast, or niée light dinner. Egg And Cheese Puff (6 servings) 4 eggs; 4 tbsp. aIl-' purpose flour; 1ic. milk; 1 c. shredded Swiss or Parmesan cheese; 1 tbs. butter, melted; 2 tbs. chopped chives; saIt and pepper to taste. Hea t oven to 425 de- grees Fahrenheit. With CONT'D ON PG. 19 OMMHAaE DINING ROOM &TAVERN DI.NNER SPECIALS MON. - THURS. *.NEW YORK SIRLOIN STEAK ..$J()95 Onion rings & mushrooms.... o WHITBY CUT PLATTER Top Sirloin cut. Onion rings, 8 95 mushrooms & vegetables. *PEPPER STEAK PRESIDENT Ground peppercorns ln $S 9 Maderina wlne sauce ........ *COMBINATION SEA- FOOD PLATTER Breaded shrimps, scaiiops $-9l95 &fillet of soie...................Q AU Aidnners incidea trip te our s.iad bar, frosh roli & butter, and choice of potato. Luncheon Specials Availlable, Every Day. 106 & 110 DUN DAS ST. W., WH ITBY 668-4377, BL RAIR PARK FSH & CHIPS Blair Park Piaza, Lu pin Dr. Our Specialty Engiish Style Fish & Chips EVERYIWEDNESDAY Buy 1 order f ish & chips getI FREE We f ry halibut, cod, haddock, shrimp and scallops. Eat in or take out. BREAKFAST SPECIAL 3eggs, bacon, homefries, toast and coffee.S a% 668-8672 Mon. - Sat. 9 a.m. - 7 P.m