PAGE 14, WEDNESD.Y, MAY, 12, 1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS Wh itby OPeste 32 maired dr ivelrs ni 1981 In 1981, the Whitby detachment of the 'On- tario Provincial Police processed 362 suspected impaired drivers. The year before, 479 were processed, while in 1979 359 were tested. The apprehension, testing and charging of impaired drivers is only one job undertaken 'by the local departmnent. According to Consta- ble Don MacKay, the 29 officers and eight civi- fans working at the Henry Street station are totally concerned. with traffic duties. They. patrol Highway 401 from eastern limits of Toronto to the eastern limits of Oshawa as well as Highway 12 north of Rossland Road to High- way 47, Highway 7A and Highway 47 to the boun- dary of York Region. To patrol this rather large area, the detach- ment has four motor- cycles and nine cruisers, two, of whîch are unmarked. Another job that they TYPE WR ITE RS ADDING MACHINES e CALCULATORS SALES eSERVICE, e RENTALS- 'It's a poor day when.wc M haven't heiped a customer"* =THE CORPORATION 0F % THETOWN OFWHITBY .....- .. NOTICE 0F INTENTION NOTICE Is hereby'glven that the Council of the Corporation of th e Town of Whltby Intends,to pass a by-law to stop Up, close, and seili'an unopened walkway in the Prîngle Creek Phase 1 Subdivision descrIbed as follows: That unopened walkway, -as shown below, bounded on the east by Ander- son Street and on the west by Rlb- blesdale Drive and belng more parti- cularly described as Block 'G', Registered Plan M-1 110. A NI NNC il INf w os M iP 1Uoo 11nv The Tow n of Whitby orilnally.acquir- ed these walkway lands to provide pedestrian accesa between the An- derson Street sidewalk system and the lands iocated at the southeas't corner of Manning Road and Ribbies- date Drive. However, recently approv- ed development proposais for proper- tles located north of the unopened walkway make provision for pedes- trian movement similar to that whlch was to be provided by the walkway. In vîew of this, the subjeot walkway lands are no longer requlred by the municipality. AND FUATHER TAKE NOTICE that the Operatlons Committee of the Council of the Town of Whitby will, at the hour of 7:30 p.m. on the 7th-day of J une, 1982, in Commlttee Room 2* of the Whitby Munici- pal Building, 575 Rossland Road East, Whltby, On- tario, hear in person or by his counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who dlaims hîs land will be pre- judicially affected by such a by-law and who ap- -plies to be heard. DATED at Whitby, Ontario, this l2th day of May, A, D., 1982. Donald G. McKay, B.A., A.M.C.T. Town Clerk The Corporation of the Town of Whitby 575 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontarlo LIN 2M8 Phone: 668-5803 do is the fingerprinting of guards for ail local security firms. - -The detachment also- has 31 - auxiliary offi- cers., Prior to the establish- ment of the Durham Regional Police Force alinost ten years ago, the detachment had over 70 men. Before regionalization, the de- tachment was responsi- ble for -the policing of the region in the out- lyîngnorthern areas.* MacKay also said that the detachment has one other emergency fun- ction. It would serve as the control centre in the event of.a nuclear emer- gency at the Pickering Generating Station. The detachment has a complete set of plans that would be set in motion in case of such an emergency. The detachment is holding an open house throughout this week in celebration of "Police Week" The officers will wel- corne any individual or small group into thé sta- tion -and give them a tour of the facilities. However, they would like to be notified beforehand if a group is comzing.- They will also have their traditional display jSTRIPPING FUI 5 CUSTOM UPH( I MCNEL'SFU <668-548 at the Oshawa Shopping Centre -in conjunction with the Durham force, the' RCMP and the Canadian National Rail- ways Police. 1It seems that most of the time ,Wiiitby i.i dents are exposed to the good job being done by the local division of the Durham Regional Po- lice Force. and forget that the townalso has a second forçe trying to keen, the highwavs saf.e... A familiar Scenes like this are more than familiar to motorists travelling along Highway 401 and other throughfares throughout the province.1 Here, Constable Don MacKay of the Whitby detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police has cut off traf- fic.from a lane on a local road to divert traffic from the scene of the accident. This is "Police Week" in Ontario and the Henry Street station will be an open house throughout this week. -Free Press Staff Photo Freedom from 'mkn :)LSTERY 'lI Carbon monoxide rather than nicotine is more likely to ca use heart disease in cigar- USING GENUINE FIBEAGLAS MATERIAL FINE CUSTOM MADE ALUMIN.UM PRODUOTS -REPLACEMENT & -STORM WINDOWS DOORS, AWNINGS, PORCH ENCLOSURES FROM ette smokers, according to a rep"ort .in_- the authoritative British rnedical magazine, The Lancet., The report was corn- piled by researchers, fromn the Imperial Can- cer Research Fund,,who had set out to discover why pipe smokers have no more heart disease than non-smokers, while cigarette smokers face a much greater risk of dying from it. .The researchers com- pared the amounts of nicotine and carbon monoxide in blood sam- pIes' from pipe, cigar and cigarette smokers. They found that while pipe smokers had the highest nicotine levels, cigarette,- smokers had more than twice as m uch carbon monoxide' in their blood as pipe smokers. . The report said the likely explanation was- that pipe smokers inhaled lessdeeply and took in less carbon, monoxide but absorbed more -nicotine through the lining of the mouth. .Your Lung Associa- tion bas ýa'new self-help smoking «cessation pro- gram called "Freedom From Smoking." You can quit the', smoking habit in 20 days and then maintain the no- smoking habit for life. ,For more information caîl Durham 1 Region Lung Association (the "Christmas Seal" peo- ple) at 723-3151. EUCHRE A- euchre night is held every Friday at 8 p.m. at the I.O.O.F. and Rebekah Hall, 211 Brock Street South, Whitby. PERMS ½ /2PRI'CE T LORAINE FOSTER Tony's Hairstyling wouid like to inforrn the clients of Loraine Poster (formeriy of Scissors> that she 'has joined our stafftas of March 30. Mon. -Wed.9- 6, Thurs. & Fri. 9- 8 Saturday 8:30;- 5 668-5441 106 Lupin Drive 668-ffli Blair Park Plaza Whitby IRNITUREI 1' ------------ ---------------------