Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 5 May 1982, p. 27

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t French imersion wiff. give balanced education Students graduatlng Jfrom the Durham Board of Education's French immersion progranis wlll bave a perfectly balanced education- Iingulstically speaking. Last week, trustees approved its program policies for, French im- mersion courses includ- lng the Urne spent in English, and French from grades 5to 8. According te program and curriculum com- mittee chairman Heather Beveridger, students will spend their mornlngs in French and their afternoons in English. Despite the fact that this means 53 per cent of their time will be spent i French and 47 per cent in English, 'the trustee claimed this was a 50-50 balance. Beveridge also claim- ed that this program wil improve students' competence in both. of Canada's officiai Iang- uages. The prograni currently provides for cbildren te ho educated totally in French Speakinge to Yo'u é: By SCOTT FENNELL, M.P. f >MM (PC - Ontario) Last week Ottawa Liberals celebrated, the l4th anmiversary of Pierre Trudeau's rise to the office of Prime Minister. I was in mourning., Af ter sitting on the sidelines from 1968 to 1979 and complaining about the way, his government was slowly socializing Canada, I finally got off my butt and'tried to do something about it. I sougbt and won the.' Progressive Conservative nomination in On- tae'0o Ridinig and became an MP in 1979.-, In 1980'1 had to face re-election because my party wanted to, impose an 18 cent a gallori-Xas. tax. 1t is now -ý1982., andlI sit in the opposition watcliing Pierre Trudeau's government collecting more than 70 cen- ts a gallon. TJemedia bas commemorated Mr. Trudeau's anmiversary by, as usual, concentrating on his style and by igno6ring his, trac k record. I prefer to look at the record and bere it is: In 1968 the unemployment rate was 4.5 per cent. It is now mine per cent. That's an extra 718,000 unem- ployed Canadian citizens.. The youth unemploy- ment rate bas gone froni 7.4 pe r cent in.1968 to 15.8 per cent today. In 1968 a conventional mortgage rate was.9.25 per cent. Today it is 18.5 per cent. The price of an average bouse bas increased by 266 per cent over the last l4years - a figuïe far above that for the rise in the cost of living. In 1968 the inflation rate was 4.2 per cent. Today it is 11.6 per cent. That's a cost of living increase for Canadian citizens of 186 per cent. However, government bas been doing, much, much better than its citizens. In 1968 government spending was $12 billion. The 1982 "estimate" is more than $75 billion - a 512 per cent increase. Inflation, we are repeatedly- told, is caused by Canadians living beyond their means and by greedy où companies. Despite 14 years of contrary éviden- ce, the Prime Minister continues te, assure us tbat government debt bas notbing te do with inflation., In 1968 the government deficit was $492 million. Today it is $10.5 billion - a 2,00 per cent increase. Annual interest on the government's accumnulated debt (which goes mainly to New York banks) bas increased from $1.5 billion in 1968 to $16.8 billion today. But don't worry, says the Prime Minister: Canadians are getting value for tbeir tax dollars. The cost of 'a first class postage stamp bas in- creased by 400 per cent, the size of the federal civil service bas increased by more than 35 per cent, and govertnment spending on advertising to tell us about this wonderful "value" has increased by 753 Per cent. Happy anniversary, Mr. Trudeau. 21 aI.O V JXSOPN L Z TE s. * e.- 91; through te the grade 4 level where 90 minutes of English instruction a day is introduced. Currently, six of the board's schools offer the program, however, it only extends te grade 4. In the next academlc year, it wlllbeoffered in grade 5-at two Oshawa achools. -There are 628 students in the program at pre- sent, however, 931 are expected to enrol for the- 1982-83 program. The board. also-believes that over 2,000 students will be in the programn in 1985. Board staff bhas been instructed te take this increased enroment in- te consideration in the long-terni accommoda- tion program. French immersion teachers have also been instructed not to teach Englisb to their own classes, if possible. Not only wiil the pro- gram be continued in scbools offering the regular school program but tbe entire curricu- lum outline will soon be available in French. CiLrcus cornes to town, .M ay 17 Kids of ahl ages love the circus. Witby resi- dents will be able to take in the fun and excite- ment when the circus comes to town on May 17. The Witby Jaycees will sponsor two per- formances of the 1962 edition of the Martin and Downs Circus at 6 and 8:15 p.m. at the Iro- quois Park Complex. . The show wil feature 15 trained animais and a variety M acta that should thrill young and old. The public wil also ho allowed te watcb the raising of the big-top and the feeding of the animais. Before and after the show, the grounds at Iroquois Park will feature a children's pet- WHITBY WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The Whitby Women's Institute extend a Warin welcome to visitors to attend their, May meeting to be held at the home of Kay Hepburn, 1010 Dundas Street West, No. 48, on May,26 at 17:30 p.m. The April meeting was held at the home of -Mrs. Grace Carr, 309 Dunlop Street East, on April 28. It was the an- fluai meeting with reports and election of officers. The officers for branchiexecutive are as follows: past presidefit, Aleta Camlpbell; president, Dorothy Gregor; lst vice, Kay Hepburn; 2nd vice, Grace Carr; secretary-treasurer, Josephine, Smith; district dùircor, Aleta Campbell; alternate, Grace Carr; press, Kay Hepburn; public, relations officer, Josephine Smith. Convenors are as follows: agricultural and Cana- dian industries, Greta Caverly. Citizenship" and world affairs, Grace Carr. Family and consumers affairs, Laura MacCarl. Resolutions, Aleta Camp- bell. Curator, Kay Hepburn. The meeting closed and a social hour followed. Lunch was served by.hostesses Laura MacCarl and Greta Caverly. WESTMINSTER UNITED CHURCH Outreach Committee - Visitation to newcomers in the area contin ues with a planned blitz of the Nichol Avenue area during May and Jun e. Volunteers for this project are urgently required. Any interested persons are asked to speak with Dr. Banks or Gail Brimbecom regarding details. LA ON PHTESSA HAIR SALON SSALE MONDAYS ½ 2PRICE PERMS FOR ALL THE FAM 1LY TUIESDAYS & WEDNESDAYS INTRODUCING SUSAN BOLDUC OUR NEW HAIRSTYLIST ½ Y"PRICE ON EVERY HAIR SERVICE AVAILABLE INCLUDING PERMS 119 GREEN ST., WHITBY 668«9262 Get upto a By mai WHEN YOU TRY~ concentrafed pool chîorinating Tablets, Glant Tabiefs or Cartrldge Un one of thelollowing mies. " Get $6.0Q when you buy 9 kg Tabets, 7.9 kg or 15.9 kg Giant Tabets. " Get $3.00 when you buy 1.8 kg Tabets, 1.6 kg Giant Tablets, or 1.8 kg Cartridge. Poce<- is o r egistered trodemork of Olin Corporation. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, 1982e,,PAGE il Mo thers Day - Infant Baptism., Specilmusie bY 7the Junior and senior choilra. Muisic - Music - Do you like music and enjoy slng- ing? Join Westminster choir. It is not necessary to ho able to read music. AUl volces welcome, especialiy alto, tenor and bass. Corridor Capers. CASH REBATE F' CHECK OUR STORE DISPLAY FOR DETAILS Offer ends on June 14, 1982 and certificote must be postmarked by thot date. LE!WARD POOLS &,EQUUPMENTf LTDO THE TOTAL SERVICE COMPANY 184 BOND STREET WEST, OSHAWA 433-0055 By MARY MCEACHERN Cai 72"%7? wlth items for liais colulun., (ROI PAPER DRIVES This Saturday there *wllbe three paper drives. The areas are south of Dundas Street, north of Dun- das be tween Thickson and the Oshawa-Wbitby city limits 'and the Otter Creek area'. Please have papers bundled and by the road by 9 a.m. The cubs and scouts of their respective groups wiil collect in your ares. ANNUAL MEETING The Corridor Ares Ratepayers Association will bold their annual meeting and election of officers on Wednesday, May 12 at Dr. Robert Thornton Public School at 7:45 p.m. Sidewalks on Kendalwood and Bell Canada reduced dialing are but two of the agenda items to be discussed. Plan te attend.- GET WELL WISHES, To Laurie Rogers, who is progressing micely after undergoing emergency surgery at the Oshaw General Hospital. Get well soon Laurie. CONGRATULATIONS Anniversary greetings té, Lynn and Lou Majoros, who celebrated their 26th wedding anniversary receii.ly. DENTURE THERAPY CLINUC 214 Dundas St. E,, Whitb'y 668-7797 Hou rs: Mon. - Sat. & Evenings By Appointment OnIy >(across f rom Beer Store)- Tf~THE CORPORATION OF $ (~'~THE TOWN0F WHITBY IN THE MATTER 0F THE ONTARIO SH ERITAG EACT, R.S.O., 1980, S CHAPT ER 337 AND IN THE MATTER 0F THE LANDS AND PREMISES AT THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS IN THE PROVINCE 0OF,ONTARIO.' NOTICE'0F PASSUNG 0F BY-LAW TAKE NOTICE that the Counl o f the Corporation of the TOWN of WHITBY has passed By-Iaw 1360- 82 to designate the following property as being of architectural andior historicai value or interest under Part IV of The Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O., 1980, Chapter 337: <a) Ringwood 1601 Hopkins Street Whitby, Ontario, The composite style of, Ringwood reflects trends In Canadian Architecture 0f the l9th Century resulting In a fine blend of Regency, Italianate and, Second Empire styllngs. The house also dlspîays woodwork which ref lects local stylings of that era. <b) Ringwood was built by Barnabas Gibson, a prominent railroad contractor. Gîbson built the Port Whitby - Lindsay lune, the third Union Station In Toronto, as weIl as miles of raiiway track throughout Ontario and Quebec. DATED AT THE TOWN 0F WH ITBY THIS Sth DAY 0F MAY, 1982.

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