Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 28 Apr 1982, p. 17

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WHTBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY APRIL 28, 1982, PAGE 17 CALL 6,68,*61-1Il Emporiumn Ads wiII only be accepted subject to'the following conditions. OWUCIEMRS JACKSON AUCTION EERS Estates.- Ferma Househoid - Antiques Murray Jackson 985-2459 Robert Jackson 655-4878 AU3TINSI BAILIFF SALE By Public Auction Under Landlords Distress continuing sale of 'assets. By virtue of the Landiord & Tenant Act, R.S.O. 1970 and on Instructions from the landiord I have"seized & destrained the goods & chattels of Highland Creek' Furniture Ltd. & Highland Creek Pine Ltd., operating as Cîassic Pine, 1650 Bayly St., Pickering, Ont. WiII seil by public auction- the. following. Diningroom table, beds, Colonial, Boston & Chicken Coop rockers & chairs, coffee & end tables, waIl mirrors, love- seat, cedar chest, chest of drawers, bedside & night tables, waII dlocks, Captains chairs & bar stools, spice racks, pine sheîving, planters & lam '- ps. New finlshed & un- finished matchless pine furniture. Also assets of debtors: Mark 0 Sonic Organ Mark Il, GSW Fed- ders a ir condîtioner, serial no. 29358. WANNAMAKER AUCTION HALL 1614 Charles St., Whitby THURSDAY, APRIL 29, 1962 AT 6:30 P.M. Dated this 2lst day of April, 1982. S.A. Cziranka Bailif f 247 King St. W. Oshawa, Ont. 723-0018 AUCTION SALE SAT., MAY 1 - 11 A.M. At Don Beer Arena ln Pickering. Take Brock Rd. south of 401 to DIII- lngham Rd. Turn right to Don Beer Arena. Local an- tique store going out 0f business. Sale wil In- clude: 9-pc. Mission wal- nut dlnfing suite, 9-pc. walnut dining suite, two 3-pc. walnut bedroom suites, oak round table, 6 pressback chairs, rocking chair, Gingerbread dlock, 2 pîneapple poster beds (single & double), 2 VIc- torian sonfs (need uphol.-1 Spinette desk, mahogan- y sideboard, walnut Dun- can Fyfe drop-leaf table, china cabinet, leather top tables, dlock,- tea wagon, o11 lamp, beaver sealer, decoys, set 0f 5, copper coal h ods, Nippon cocoa set, Mary Gregory vase,' Inari bowl, Carnival glass, Royal Douton mugs, oid telephone, brass & cop- per ships' lamps, De- pression glass, ýcopper kettîe & bolIer, Ennis upright piano. (made ln Oshawa>, plus numerous other articles. Terms cash. JOHN ANNIS AUCTIONEER 655-4663, AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, MAY I SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Feed lot buildings, silos and equipment. Auction, sale the property 0f Wind- crest Farms Iocated 2 miles south 0f Port Perry and west 2 miles. Wind- crest is reducing their. feedlot capacities which makes for a large sale of their buildings. 2 silos, 3 tractors, .spreaders, feeders and many small, Items. Lunch available. JACKSON AUCTIONEERS 1-416-985-2459 <AUCTION SALE SAT., MAY 1 - 11 A.M. 1485 Evangeline Dr. Oshawa For Mr. Richard Hackney (moving to Alberta). Household contents from this >dcean, weli main- tained home. Many items only 6 months old. EARL DAVIS AUCTIONEER 728-4455 WANNAMAKER AUCTI ON SERVICES 1614 Charles St., Whitby WANTED. Estates, household Items, furni- ture, glass, tools & equip- ment. The place to buy or seli, We will pick Up, 666-3731 668-8403 (DAYS) (EVGS.) A UCTION SALES Every week the' Whitby Free Press brings you Up to. date on coming auc- ti , sales ln your area. Check the ads here - then take the whole family to an.auction sale for a few hours. Pick Up some bar- gains ... and have fun f00! Cali to advertise your next sale ln these pages. WHITBY FREE PRESS 668-6111/, PLEASE REAO 'When the advertIsed Item la sold, dIsposed of, or unavaliabie for whatever reason, the Item will be deemed to have been sold and a commission wili be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as Iiiustrated below, regardiesa If price la stated with "boat of fer." If the Item la NOT SOLO, or disposed of, the ad wlii be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM' CHARGE of $6.00 will appiy payable In advanceo0f publication of the tiret ad. OtherwIse a $7.50 charge wiIi ap- ply If biiied which muet be paid upon receipt of bill. Te aboya minimum chargea will be applied to the final commission due but ln any case the higher amount wll be chargsd. Minimum charge: $8.00 pre-paid, $7.50 bIiied. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ail acivertisements muet be piaced on an ex- clusive basis with the WHITOY FREE PRESS and run atieast one month If not soid. RATES (if aricle ls soid): 5% of advsrtised price Up 108400.00 2% of balance over 84000 EXAMPLE: Sold Item advertIsed for $120.00. Commission due 86.00 (minimum charge le 86.00) Priyate advsrtising onlyl Please notify the Whitby Free Press Immediateiy when Item la soid 80 that we may doltil from the foiiowing Issue. Ail ada not fitting the Emporium guidelnes wi'11libe treated and charged per week as regular classif ied ada on apre-paid basis such as: services, heip wanted, clothing, reai estate, and personai message type ada, or ada not quoting price or quantity. Private classIfied adae may appear In the Emporium section under appropriaie headInga. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIOIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: If ln doubt cali: OR DELIVER TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM 668-611il 13 1 Broclk St. N. P.O. Box 206 WhItby, Ont. Wlhltby, LIN 5S1 THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS 18 THE FqIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. FURRA SALE FOR SALE - Ice creamcoer Asking $250. Phono 655-3814. 4Mar.3,82(V) iNK DUPLICATING MACHINE - automatlc with stand. $240 or neareat offer. Phono 668-1718 or 668-9691. Mar.1 7,82(W) FOR SALE - Refrîgerator, frost free, and 30" stove. In excellent condition. $525 for pair or will seil separately. Phone 623-1534. Feb.24,82(S> REFRIGERATOR, white, not froat free, $75. Cali 576-7987. Mar.3,82(V) SK-ILL SAW 829.'Sump pump $30. Study table $25, Sway bars and hitch héad $50. Hand tools $10. Girls bike $3P. Al n excellent condition. Cali 683-6638. Apr.21 .82(S) SEWING MACHINE ln console, stool Inciuded. Cost $8600 sii for $150 aIl Inclusive. Phone 668- 4840. Mar.17,82(M) SINGER STYLISH 514 wlth cabinet. Excellent condition. Built n buiton holer, varied stitches. Complete tune-up 1 year ago. An excellent purchase et $200. Cali 686-0579 after 6 p.m. Mar.24.82(W> STEREO, Marantz SR2000, AMIFM sterso receiver with bulIt ln tuner.* Tschnics turntabie with Infinlty 0E speakers. Aaking $760 or best offer. Phono 668-7336. Mar.17,82(S) RCA 20" COLO'R TV. Excellent condition. Hardiy used. With acu- tint color control. Asking $325". Phono 668-5180. Apr.14,82(H) THE WORLD IS YOURS ..IF YOU KNOW TH-E RIGHT PEOPLE... Wherewsr you move the Welcome Wagon hosteau la the dogt poeson to heip you fUnd a placehIn Your new ceai- munity. ARTICLES FORRS. SAELE1, LARGE NAVV metal trunk, used once. Aaking $100. Phono 725- 3ll8after6 p.m. Fob.1 7,82(D) FILTER OUEEN vacuum cleanor, tike new, 8450 or best offer. Cali 576-2844 ai ter 5 p.m. Feb.24,82(M), JQiOMOBIES FOR SALEj 1975 DUSTER, Specli Coupe, new 318, overhauled 727 transmission, with modified valve body, nsw Torque convertor, new "U"' joints, new brakea, new atternator, new rad, new rad hosea, now fan botts, chrome rocker covors, block heat- ors, sport mîrrors, Iight package, power stooring, power disc brakes, tInted glass, leather Inter- lor with console, rear defroater, Motorola AMIFM cassette, Cragar OQT. goid mage with. Firestone SS60 sertes radiais. Body good, frame excellent. Asking $3,800) or beat offer. Cali 655-3266. Mar.24,82(A) 1974 SATELLITE, power stoerIng, power brakes, radio, new muffier. Noeds body work.ý UncertIfIed. $150. Phone 668-8455. . Mar.3,82Mr 1972' METEOR FORD car, two door. Asking $200 for the car but without Michelin tires. Sotd as te. Michelin tirea soid.separateiy. Two aummer - 1,000 miles on 15" rime. Both for $260. For more In- formation cali 668-6059. Mar.10,82<M) 1970 MONTE CARLO 350, 4 barrel. Aaking $1,500 or beat offer or wiIi trade. Phone 666-5589. Mar.31 ,82<5) AVOMOTIVE U1PARPASIR/PARTS NEW AMIFM MULTIPLEX stereo/radio for late model Chrysier product $125. Two new UnIroyal M.S. radiai tires, P20575R1 5, $140. One 360 cublc Inch Dodge 4-barrel motor, com- piste, 57,000 miles, $400. Four Dodge Ratiy wheels, comploe, 14" by 6". $150. One 67169 Cuda doorakin, new, $45. Two new rear 10"~ breke drums for DodgelPly- mouth "A" body cars $5W. One new Edeibrock SP2P aiuminum ln- tae manifold with Installation package for amali block Chevy $225. Four Omni/Horîzon 13", stock Raliy wheets $80. Four Mit- subishi 14" RaIIy whesls, fit Challenger, Sapporo or Colt, $100. Calti 655-3266. Mar.24,82(A> YOU dAN SELL ALMOST AMY- THING ln the Whitby Pros Prose Emporium. From cars to horses, stersos, skates, fumniture, anythlng Including the kitchon sinki Calti 868-6111 now to place yourad. AUVMOTIVE U~EARPASIR/PARTS FIVE Dodge custom ratiy wheeis with Goodyear polyglesa raissd white iettering tires, 5E70-14. Price $250^ for ail. REALISTIC, Nivaho CB Radio, TRC48, 23 channel, upper and iower aide band. Waa 8499. With pro-amp table, mike and 58 weve antenne 8250 takesalal. Phono 666-1195. Mar.10,82(G> OBENENEDS FORD TOT-GiJARD car safety séat $25. High chair $15. Umbrolier str -oller $15. Foidlng wooden play Pen $20. Cail 655-.4164. Mar.1 7,82(B) 1973 18' CRESTLîNER, hall & dock oniy, dock neoda repaire. Asking $350., 1973 75 H.P. JOHNSON MOTOR, complete with power tilt,, lover control & tilt switch. Asking $1,150. BOAT ACCESSOAIES: Sleeper ass8125; tachomoter' $25v spoodometer $15; stern light $15; accossory terminal box 845; 18 gai. gas tank wtth fuel gaugo, tank vents & dock plate fIttinga $110. Or will soul complote for $1,500. Cail 728-6700. Feb. 1 7,82(S) HOHUSEiHiï1 WATER UEO, soiid Scotch pins, excellent condition, hoater Inctud- ad. Aaking $1,050. Phonoe6W8- 9016 anytime. Feb. 17,82(M) 4 PIECE WALNUT bedroom suite, triple dresser, 8500. Cali 723-5965. Apr.28,82(L) CHAIR- Cogaweli style easy chair, recently upholatered ln gotd fabric, excellent condition. $95. Cali 668-3683 afller 5:30 p.m. or on weekends. Apr.21 ,82(M) CHANDELIERS, one large, one amail for sale. 8150 or beat offer. Phono 668-9947. Apr.7,82(B) CONTEMPORARY LOVESEAT by Skier, beigo & brown f lower nylon fabric, cushions require now foam. Excellent condition. $1W0. Phono 668-9805. Apr.7,82(D) GENERAL ELECTRîC 7.5 cubic foot refrigerator, very good condi- tion. 8125. General Electric 30 In- ch ssif-cieaning'range, excellent condition, $175. Admirai dish- 'washor. good condition. $1W. Cali 655-4164. Mar.1 782<Bj I I i AID TO MILLIONS CLASS.IFIEDADS CONTINUED'FROM PAGE 16, HQUSEiNEOLD GOOS FOR SALE - One bulit-in Kitchen- aid diahwasher, $175. One atove, piug In, 2 burners, wlth oven, Ideai for cottage, $80. Phone 668-9548 after 5p.m.. Apr.28,82(K) REDEORATNG -MUST SELLI Colonial style Lazy-Boy Radilner,, orange tweed upholstery, mapie showwood, excellent condition, $89. Vibrator Recliner, green tweed upholatery,. like new, $89. Colonial Style Wing Chair, dark pins showwood, goid and russet floral uphoistery, excellent condi- tion, $75.- Bedroom Suite - double bed with bookcase headboard, 1 double dresser with large mirror, 1 chest of (5) drawers, modemn style, medium brown mahogany veneer, $200. Antique Radio - grama- phone "RCA Vtrola" works but flot perfectly, ln nice floor model cabinet, $85. 100 fit, coll of black plastic 1 1k",pipe $20. White alum. door, R.H. hinge, 34 x 82,$25. Wall Unit, needa refinishing, $45. Phone 668-7404. Mar.24,82(T MOTCRYCW1 SAE RETL 1974 75 cc VAMAHA. Good condi- tion. 8300.'Phono 723-3290. .1 Apr.7.82(K) 1974. YAMAHA HDC500 street bike. Mint condition. Loaded wilth extras.ý Oniy 10,000 miles. Aaking 95.Cati 655-3840. Apr.28,82<H) START VOUA SPRING CLEANING now and beat the rush. Then ad- vertise your goods for sale ln the Free Press Emporium. Get imme- diate resuits. Phone 668-6111. INSTRUMNTS FLUTE, Gemneinhar'dt, ciosed hoied, c-foot, silver head, mint condition. 8450 firm. Phone68.- 8762 after 5 p.m. Feb.3,82(N) 1981 SONEX Deluxe Gibson 180 electric guitar with case and cord. Like new, $500. Phone 655-3006. Mar.3,82(R) HAMMONO ORGAN, Romance 123, double -koyboard & many features. $1,695 or beat offer. Cati after 4 p.m. 668-5272. Feb. 1 7,82(L) HAMMOND ORGAN (Piper) with tape dock. Like new. Asking 895. (Bench mnci.) Phone 16687258. Feb. 10,82(H) TrURN YOUA ARTICLES INTO CASH. Vour advertisement ln the Whitby Free Proe Emporium Sec- lion will Iliiaimost anything for you ... akidoos, boats, TV's, furni- ture, pianos and pets ... the liat ta endiesa. Cati 668-11il now for further details. POLICE AUCTION DURHAM REGIONAL POLICE FORCE 77 Contre St. North, Oshawa, Ontario SATURDAY, May lst, 1982 Sale Starts 10:00 A.M. By Public Auction Whereas no claims have been made by the owners of the property in possession of the Durham Regional Police Force by reason of having been stolen f rom its owner or by reason 0f having been found abandoned In a public place and the Force is unable to ascertain. Its rightful owner. Further that these articles have been held more than the 3 months required. Articles for sale are as follows: miscellane- ous items' bicycles. Sale to be held- at the rear of 30 William Street, West, Oshawa, Ontario. TERMS: Cash Jon M. Jenkins Chief of Police

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