Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 14 Apr 1982, p. 17

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14, 1i982, PAGE 17 ~JLP~Y33UEIJ CAL L>668*61 Il- Emporium AdswiII only be accepted subject to the. following conditions. e. e....Se.s...... e..@eees TUE FINGERTIP LWORLD CLASSIFIED>ý U tS a paradise marketplace of buyî eand selliflg locally. Where else can y :find or seil an item, a business, a car o h ouse from -the comfort of your o'% ehome. Employment, business opp, etunities, apartments.,home sales aý rentais services, swap meets, cats reptiles ancd announcements to pers( ais are at your doorstep in "'The Fing tip World of Classifieds." WH ITBY. FREE PRESS .66 .8M6111 e.... e s e e e e e e e s e s e e e e e e e s e 4,' a s e e e e e e e e e s, e e e s e e e e e e e e 'e e e e e e ~0 O e e e e e e e e s e e e e e e e e e e e e e e' e e ing e e rou e e n'a e e. wn e e or- e înd * e* .1 E~fl- e e er- e e, e. e e *1 O' e. e S e e. e' e' 'c I..... PLEASE READ Whon thoe dvertised Item sa soid, dIsposod of, or unavatiablo for whatover reasont, thé Item wlil be doemod 10 have been aoid and a commission wiil b. chorged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as Illustratod bolow, regordiesa If prIce la statod wilh "boat offer." If the Item les NOT SOLD, or dispoaed of, the ad wtll bo ion for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $6.00 wiii oppiy payable I advonce of publication of the fIrst od. Otherwise e $7,50 charge wil ap- pty If billedwhich muet lbe paid upon receipt of, bil. The abovo minimum charges wIl bo applIed.ta the final commission duo butiln any case the higher amount witI bo chargod. Minimum chargle: $8.00 pro.paid, $7.50 billed. Maximum commission: $100.00.-Att advertisemontsmost bo placod on an ex- clusIve basis with the WHiTrBY FREE PRESS and ion alleast one month If not sold. RATES OIf article la aoid): 5% of adwertised price Up t10 $400 2% of balance over $40000 EXAMPLE:- Sold Item adverlIaed for $12000. Com mission due $600 (minimum charge la $6.00) Privais advortlsing onlyt Ploaso notlfy the Whitby Free Prese lmmedtatoty when Item ta soid.so that we may dolieti from the followIng Issue. Ait ada not fitlng thoe Emporium guldolinos wi Ibo troated and chargod par weok as rogular classtfîoad o on a pro-pald basis such as:, services, hotp wantod, clothlng, reai saIsIe, and porsonal message type ode, or ado not quoting pri e or quanlity. PrIvato classlIIed ado may jappear In the Emporium section undor appropriate hoadinge., ALL ADS WILLGO(N CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Boit 206' WhItby, LlN 551 If ln doubt caîl:ý OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N. Whltby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS I$ THE- IFRI DAY PREVIOUS TO PUB LICATION AT N OON. R, ART TEN-SPEED BICYC 191b" f rame, Dia brakos, Sun Tour bral condition. $75. Phor FRANKLIN FIREF clearance, brasa ki acreen & accossori good condition. Ai beat offer. Phone 668 FOR SALE - Ice ci Asking $250. Phone E MN DUPLICATING 'au >tomatio with star nearesi offer. PhonE 666-9691. NORESCO RECEIN 2360;* 40 watts, AMIF? &tape outlets. Tai Both piocea lIke ne% package or soparale. offer. Phone 668&286( FOR SALE - Retrig fIres, and 30" stove. condition. $525 for pi separately. Phone 62 REFRIGERAýTOR, wh f ree, $75. Cati 576-791 SEWING MACHINIE stooi inctudod. Cos for $150 ait Inclusive. 4840. SINGER STYLISH cabinet. Excellent ce in bution hoier. vari Compiete lune-up 1iclntprhsa 686-0579 allter 6 p.m. STEREO, Maranîz SR: stereo receiver with I: rechnics lurnitabie QE speaKers. Asking offer. Phono 668-7331 RCA 20" COLOR T condition. Hardiy usE tint color control. A Phono 668-5180. LARGE NAVY melal once. Asklng $100. 3118 afler 6 p.m. ONE UNDERWOODi wirter $75. One A typewrit.er $150.1 Oshawa Symphony C 579-711 for appoinîn START YOUR SPRINC now and beat the rus vertise your gooda fc Free Prss Emporiumr diato resulîs. Phone 6 CLE, Apollo, Compe duat tkes, excellent ne 668-3418. Apr.7,82<P) LACE, zero nobs, grato, os. Usod, ln sktng $80 or 8-0914. Jan.27,82(K) ,reàm cootor. 655-3814. *Mar.3,82(V) MACHINE - nd. $240, or e 688-171 8 or Mar.1i7,82(W) VER, Model ýM plus phono iya turntabte. W. Soit as a .$180 or besl 10. Jan.20,82(J# lerator, fr081 .In excellent )air or wiii soit 3-1534. Fob.24,82(S) ite, nol frost t 87. Mar.3,82(V) ln console, 1 I$800 - soIt >Phono 668- 1 Mar.17,82(M>' 1514 wiih C indilion. Bul ted stilches. E year ago. An al $200. Oeil Mar.24,82(W) q200, AMIFM builtt ln tuner. 1 wîth tnltnity r j $700 or beel Mar.1 7,82(S) 'V. Excellent ,ed. Wilh acu- Asking $325. Apr.14,82(H) 1lrunk, used Phono 725- Feb.17,82(0) manoal type- ,der eloclrtc For sale at )fftco. Phono Jan.20,82(O> 0 CLEANING sh. Thon ad- 1 )r sale ln tho . Get Immo- 56111. Fi 57 EL t'l $2 Sil ln Ph 31 wi Tc ne eh PC Mi Po .Ne co fie do Tw N'i fi Ic Pif do 101 c ne, tal a c A-RTICLES FOR SALE 1 ILE UEEN vacuum cloanor, Ik now, $450 or bost offer. Cati i76-2844 afler 5 p.m. Fob.24,82(M) rLEGANTE WEDDING GOWN In- ludos floor longth veil plus head- leco. Borderod indoiicalo chan- ly lace. Sîze 10. Ait inclusive, 230. Phono 668-3064. Feb.10,82(C) iIMPL ICITY WRINGERIWASHER, 1 good condition. Asktng $60. lhono 668-388.5 evenlngs. Jan.20,82(M) UTOMOBILES' ~FRFOR SLE 1975 DUSTER, Spocial Coupe, new 08, overhauled 727 transmission 'lth modified valve body. new .orque convortor, new 'V' joints, iew brakes, new alernalor, new ad, new rad hosos, new fan boite, ýhromo rocker-covors, block heat. rs, sport mîrrors, ight package, ýower steoring, power dise ýrakes, tintod glass, leather Inter- r wilh console, rear doîrostor, lolorola AM/FM cassette, Cragar i.T. ,gold mags wilh Firestone ;S60 sertes radiaIs. Body good, smo excoeloent. Asklng $3,800 or eal offer. Cati 655-3266. Mar.24,82<A) D74 SATELLITE, powor steertng, owor brakes, radio, new muffler. leeds body work. Uncorttfted. 150. Phono 668-8455. Mar.3,82(T) D73 DODGE POIJARA, reasonabie ondltton, nooda work. Uncorti- cd. $200 or bout offer. Cati 668- 218. Jan.20,82<M) 972 METEOR FORD car, two oor. AskIng $200 for the car but ithoot Mchelin lires. Soid as sa. ichetîn tires sotd soparatoty. wo summer - 1;000 mites on 15"~ ms. Bolh for $260. For more ln- )rmatton cati 668-6059. Mar.10,82(M) IEW AMIFM MULTIPLEX fereolradio for lato modet hrystor product $125. Two new Inroyat M.S. radial tires, 120575R15, $140. One 360 cobte ich Dodgeý 4-barrot motor, com- loto, 57,000 miles, $400. Four îodge Ralty whoots, complote, 4" by 6", $150. One 67169 Coda orskln, now, $45. Two now rear 0", brako drums for OodgoflPy- touth "A"'body cars $50.' One cw Edolbrock SP2P aiumtnom In- ko manifold wlth Installation ackage for smaii block Chovy 225. Four Omni/Horizon 13:' tock Rally whoois $80. Four Mit- ubishi 14" Rally wheels, fit Ialongor, Sapporo or Colt; $100. cil 655-3266. Mar.24,82(A) HOUSEHOLO' REDECORATING- MUST SELLI Cdionial, stylo Lazy-Boy Roclînor, orange tweed ophotstoery, mople showwood, 'excel lent condition, $89. Vibrator Rocilnor, green tweed'uphoîstory, tiko new, $89.' Colonial> Stylo Wtng Chair, dark pine showwood, goid'and russet floral uphotstery, excellent'condi- tion, $75. Bedroomn Suite - double bod wtth bookcaso headboard, 1 dou ble drisor with large mlîîor, 1 'chost 0f (5) drawors, modern stylo, medium brown mohogany vonoor, $200. Antique Radio, - gramo- phone '"ACA VI trola" ' woîka but not perfoctly, ln nico floor modol cabinet, $85. 10Ã" f1. coilof black plastic 1½" pipe $20. White alum. door, R-H. hingo, 34 x 8?, $25. Wall Unit, neods refinishtng, $45. Phono 668-7404. Mar.24,82(T) AVOMOTIVE MUICAL RPAR/PARTS INUM ENtS FIVE Dodge custom raiiy whoois wlh Goodyear potygases ratsod whtte iottoring tires, 5E70-14. Price $250 for ail. REALISTIC Nivaho CB Radio, TRC48, 23 channel, upper and towor side band. Was $499. Wlth pro-amp table, miko and 518 wave antenna $250 takes att. Phono 666-1195. Mar.10,82(G) BAjY NEDS FORD TOT-GUARD car safety seat $25. Hiah chair $15. Umbrolter strotier $15. FoldIng wooden play pen $2Q. Oeil 655-4164. 1Mar.17,82<B) FLUTE, Gemelnhardt, ctosod holed, c-foot, Iliver hoad, mint condition. $450 firm. Phono 668- 8762 aller 5 p.m. Feb.3,82<N) 1981 SONEX Detuxe Gibson 160 electrIe goitar wilh case and cord, Like now, $500. Phono 655-3006. Mar.3,82(R> HAMMOND ORGAN, Romance 123, double koyboard & many features. $1,695 or boat offer. Caîl, aller 4 p.m. 688-5272. Feb.17,82(L) HAMMOND ORGAW (Pip'er) wlth tape dock.. Liko new. Asking $950. (Bonch mnci.) Phono 6687258. Feb.10182<H) SUPPIE G ALE , MENTA 1973 18' CRESTLINER, hall & dock oniy, dock noeds repaire. Asking $350. 1973 75 H.P. JOHNSON MOTOR, complote wlth power tilt, lever control & tilt swttch. Asking $1,150. BOAT ACCESSORIES: Steepr assats $125; tachomeler $25; spoodomoter $15; stern iight $15; accessory terminai box $45; 18 Qal. gos tank with fuel gouge, tank vents & dock plate fittInga $110. Or witt soil complote for $1,500. Cati 728-6700. Feb. 17,82(S) 1974 75 c VAMAHA. Good concit- tion. $300. Phono 723-3290. Apr.7,82(K) jECRATIONAL Sole VECLESJ GO-K ART, good condition, has Honda G200 engîno (5 hp). Engine runs excellent. $350. Phone 6W8- 3931. Mar.31 ,82(B) ~~GOODS S SALES/EMTALSl WATER lED, soltdE excellent condition, i ed. Asking $1,050. 9016 anytime. 48" BED, wlth mattre sprtng, noarly now, $2( Wall unit, 5 shoîf, 1 cL 12' x,72". $60. Ovai green, 5' x 9', $45.5 now, $30. Phonoe6W8 CHANDELIERS, one smail for sale. $150a Phono 668-9947. CONTEMPORARY Lt Skier, beige & brown1 fabrie, cushions reqotr Excellent condition.1 GENERAL ELECTRI( foot refrigoralor. very lion. $125. Genorai El ch self-cieaning rani condition, $175. Ad washer. good condlltc 655-4164. NEED EXTRA MONE) onwantod articles1 Press. Cal6ffl 111ni Scotch pine, hoater Includ- Phono 688- Feb.1 7,82(M) ose and box ?00 complote. opboard, 4' x rug, bralded, Slow cooker, 8593. Jan.20,82(M) c large, one or beal offor. Apr.7,82(B) )VESEAT by fiowor nylon re now foam. $150., Phono -Apr.7,82(D> IC 7.5 cubie (good condi- loctrie 30 ln- ge. excellent ,dirai dtsh- on. $150. Cai Mar.17,82(B) M? Soit your ln the Free 10oW. 1971 MOTO-SKI SNOWMOBILE ln good condition.' Asking $325. Phono 985-9368. Mar.3,82(C) T HE WORLD IS YOURS ... IF YOU KNOW THE RIGHT PEOPLE... -Wherewer you move the Welcome Wagon hosteaui la the right person 10 help you find a place in your new com- muntty. Culit 6661523or 5797521 ma W ý

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