Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 7 Apr 1982, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7,1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS LETTERSTOTHE EDITOR Measure Canadian wants freedom to cho ose Dear SIr: As chairman of Measure Canadian, a group founded In Eastern Ontario three weeks ago to flght forced use of metric In Canada, I would appreclate the opportunlty of apprising your read- ers, through your "Letters to the Edi- tor", of Measure Canadian's goals and ways which they, as Individual Canadians, can help us In this flght. Measure Cana- dian's utimate goal Is.to achieve free- dom of cholce for all Canadians in the use of- measure- ment systems. To achieve this goal, we have developed a nine-point pro- gram that includes such things as con- centrating our lob- bying efforts at the provincial govern- ment level; lobby- ing media and ad- vertisers to use Canadian measure- ments and initiating legal challenges to the metric law. Roman Catholic.Churches HOLY FAMILY ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST Saturday Masses at St. Pau's Schoot 903 Giffard St. 668-3676 200 Garrard Rd. Sunday Masses at Anderson Collegiate, 400 A nderson- St. MASSESjust above Dundas St.) 576-2098 Saturday, 7 p.m.. MASSES Sunday, 9a.m., 10.30 ,12:15 Saturday, 7 p. Sunday,9a.m.,10:00 a.m., 11:15a.m "Know that I am with you always; yes to the end of time." Spring into spring with a new window treatment. To introduce our organization to your area, we are offering aone-time Special on 100% Polyester Linen Sheers manufactured on our own premises by fully qualified personnel. We use only the best quality fabrics. And for our Spring Special We offer "Olympic" linen sheers Triple fullness and pinch.pleated. Reg. '22" per fin. ft. NOW $ 1 98 ONLY perfiIn. ft. For FREE shop at home service contact your local representative: Sharon Mounsteven at 668-6362 a Custom Designed Commercial & Residential interiors • Broadloom Sales & Installations • Wallpaper, Blinds HEADOFFICE 105 HOLLAND ST. W. 45 Brisbane Rd. P.O. BOX 1721 UNIT 24 BRADFORD, ONTARIO DOWNSVIEW, ONTARIO LOG1CO M3J 2K1 (416) 775-6100 416.61-9229 3 Cardiff Court NEPEAN, ONTARIO Whitby, Ontario K2H 6R4 L1N 5N8 for complete interior {613)829-9510 416-68862 To asàlst us In our efforts, we would urge Cana- dians to contact their provincial M.L.A., ask him/her their stand on for- ced use of metric and what, if any- thing, they are pre- pared to do about it. Measure Cana- dian believes that our best chance, over the short term, of stopping this ero- sion of our freedom lies at the provin- cial level. Canada wouldn't be in this present situation if provincial govern- ments hadn't gone along with conver- sion by force. It is' not too late, be- cause provincial governments still have the power to effectively "neutra- lize" forced metric laws within their Individual provinc- es. Some of the things provincial governments could do are as follows: issue a public state- ment calling on the federal government to make the program voluntary; pass legislation to make it illegal to advertise or post metric measure- ments without their Canadian (Imperial) equivalents; re- move met'ric from all provincial sta- tutes, thereby doing such things as re- verting all speed limits to m.p.h.; if possible, opt out of metric under the opting-out provi- sions of the new Constitution. Provi'ncial politi-.. cians have tried to "slough off" metric -as a federal matter, but as you can see, that's just another convenient dodge. Get after your M.P.P., and make him/her stand up and be counted. Measure Cana- dian was founded by a group of small businessmen, a retired newspaper editor, an M.P.P., and a number of municipal politi- cians. All of these people are respect- ed members of their communities, but above all, they are Canadians who love this country and are deeply concerned about our graduai loss of freedoms, sym bolized (so vividly) by forced - use of metric. If you, too, care and would like to get involved with our organization or recelve additional Information, please write or call Mea- sure Canadian's national headquart- ers' office at 75 John St., Brockville, Ontario, or phone (613) 342-7110. Yours truly, Steve Yeldon, Chairman. -Queen.'srole preserved Dear Sir: Recent develop- ments in Canada are causing wide- spread,.apprehen- sion about the future. of the most basic and valuable element of our poli- tical system, the Constitutional Mon- archy. The attempt to remove the Queen's picture f rom postage stam- ps, the confusion about recent state- ments by the Gover- nor General and the whole process of, Constitutional pat- riation have raised fresh fears about how long Canada will continue to remain loyal to the Crown. Whatever its other contents, Canadians may be happy that the new Constitution en- trenches the Mon- archy, making it im- possible for the Queen to be removed as Head of State without the consent of ail ten provinces. Equally, the insertion into the act of a refer- ence to the supre- macy of God rein- forces the Queen's title "Defenderhof the Faith" and her authority "by the Grace of God." It is now imper- ative for Canadians to educate afresh themselves, their fanilies, neighbors, and friends in the workings of the Monarchy. It must be preserved not merely on the basis of sentiment, but by an informed citizen- ry who, for in- stance, will under- stand the dangers of allowing the Gov- ernor General's high office to over- CONT'D ON PG. 22 j I I. -4~4 J M ERIR THE CORPORATION OF THETOWNOFWHITBY TOWN OF WHITBY MUNICIPAL OFFICES' CLOSED GOOD FRIDAY & EASTER MONDAY GARBAGE COLLECTION Garbage normally collected on Friday, April 9th, 1982 will be collected on Thursday, April 8th, 1982. Garbage normally collected on Monday, April 12th, 1982 will be collected on Tuesday, April 13th, 1982. WHITBY TRANSIT The Whitby Transit WILL NOT be in operation on Good Friday, April 9th, 1982. The Transit System will resume normal operations on Monday, April 12th, 1982. We règret any inconvenience that may be caused by this ac- tion. R.A. KUWAHARA, P.Eng., Directorof Public Works. 218 HARVVOOD AVE. S., AJAX SHHOPPINNGG PPLLAZA TELEPHONE 683 196688oppl

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