Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 7 Apr 1982, p. 5

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY,' APRIL 7, 1982, PAGE ,.5 Wilman brings, "A Taste of Flowers"9 to gailery Sally Wildman likes flowers. So much so, that she spent a year painting them.. The fruits of her- labor (or more appropriately, blossoms) can be seen throughout the rnonth of April in a show entitled "A Taste 0f.Flowers" at the Whltby Arts Station Gallery. SThe Claremont resi- dent'graduated froin the' Ontario Coliege of Art in 1960 and after winning a one-year travelling scholarshipf rom. the Goldsmith College 0f Art 0f the University 0f London, England, spent 10 years as a commer- cial artist. .Wildmnaný spent these years dokçg illustrations for children's books and magazines .before Ieaving the worid 0f the 'commercial artist to take up her.first love- painting - fuUl time.' Prior' to her> flower series, Wildmnan specia- lized in' "slightly surreal" portraits of people. The works on dispiay at the arts station are al watercoiours'done froin photographs "of flowe rs that she took herseif ., In fact, the fiowers are flot like the still lifes, that many people acquaintý such art -with, but are môre like por- traits, she says. <"A fiower, is very detailed," she says, "'but 1 try to sirnpiify the shape- make it more abstract.", While she uses photo- graphs to paint from, she's flot looking for the glossy 'S8x 10" look. "I'm flot looking for the photographie look. I'm trying to simplify and give, the fiower an "They are not im- pressions 0f flowers, " Wildman continues,, "They are flowers." "In fact, I eall them portraits of fiowers. " Wildrnan is a native of Lancashire, England, where the long periods 0f ramn produce some of the worid's most beauti- fui flowers. i "1 enjoy growing flowers," she says, "I love flowers." Even as a child, she loved painting and the rainy days of northern England. "I used to look for- ward to them, so I-couid drfaw, " Wildnian says. She admits* that the flower is a tradi- tional subjeet for ar- tiats. "The, subject is very. tradiiona,but 'výe paintedthem in, very different ways." Hier work can be found in several- major Canadian collections in- cluding those 0f'Con- cordia University, Mon- treal,; the Dofasco Art Collection; the Canada Council Art'Bank; and the Con federation Art Gallery of Chartlotte- town, P.E.I. The average selling price of her work is bet- ween $600 and,$1,200., "1A'Taste of Flowers" will be at the Whitby Ar- ts Station Galery,,Vic- toria and. Henry, Streeta, until April 25. STRIPPIN.G FURNITURE CIJSTOM UPHOLSTERY MACNEIL'S ýFURNITURE DENTURE- THER APY C L'INI1C' 214 Dundas St. ,E.., Whitbyl 668-7797- Hours: Mon. -Sat. & Evenlings By Appointmeint Only (ac ross f rom Beer'Store) <Sally Wil dnan.is seen here with one 0f the many watercolor paintings of flowers that she has done over the last year or so. These paintings are-currently on dispiay at the Whitby Arts Station Galiery in anexhibition entitled "A Taste of Flowers." -Free Press Staff Photo -Ruddy .gçts .-new x-ray mac'hine John Kunetsky, admi- nistrator of Dr. Joseph 0. -Ruddy General Hos- pital, has announced the installation of new x-ray technology which will permit a sharp reduc.- tion in patient radiation exposure without sacri- ficing image quality of the x-ray. The 65-bed-,hospital switched to a systein combining Du Pont's rare earth Quanta III in- tensifying..screen and "Cronex" 7 x-ray film, which according to Dr. K.- Helson, the hospital's chief radioiogist, will reduce radiation dosage to patients in most examinations by 50 per cent. An intensifying screen is a thin sheet of phos- phorescent material placed between the patien t and the x-ray film. The sereen changes, x-rays to iight rays which are more easily "seen" by the x- ray film. The Dr. Joseph O. Ruddy Gener- ai Hospital annuaiiy x- rays about 10,000 patien- ts, totalling over 30,000 separate x-ray filins. Heison noted increas- ing concern with radia- tion dosages as well as rising health care costs. He said, "The radiolo- gist's objective is to use as littie radiation as possible while still pro- ducing a readable x-ray. SnIwMPLte e ii and garage la a. éLASSIFIED AU CALL 608111 WHITOY FREE PRES This new. x-ray screen and film systemn greatly reduces patient dosage and at the. saine turne gives a usable image., It also enables us to ex- tend x-ray tube life and thus help hold the line on hospitai costs. I arn very pieased that our hospi- tai can offer this new system to our patients. " Robain's Nest* Engraving & TrophyLtd. 102B Byron St. S. (Next to Dodd & Souter) APRIL SPECIALS FREEENGRAVING on ail trophies purchasedÏ in month of April from *ROBIN'S NEST '2,Colour Plastic Name Badges 1" X3" 2 Lines Engraved Just $2u«00 SAVE 50% DURUNG APRIL OTHERSERVICES: *Engraved Plastic sig ns. **Quai ity gifts & horl'oware. *Custom engraving. - *Custom pins. *Medals - Ribbons - Crests. CULLEN GARDENS AND -MINIATURE "VILLAGE BULB FESTIVALQUEEN > CONTEST INFORMATION lPRIZES $1,0 $ '500 $ 256' fi Fratrize.- Firsi Runner-,U'p Second Runner.Up Each contestant will receive $20.00 for particlpating in the c.on-, test. Ail entry forms must be in to Cullen Gardens & Miniature Village no laterthan 10:00 p.m., Monday, April l2th, 1982. Ail contestanits must be avallablejon Wednesday, April l4th, at 7:30 p.m. to meet the, co-ordinators; Saturday, April 24th,, for' the semi-finals, and Saturday-,*May 1,,1982 for the final coôntest."I The clothi ng requlred will1 be a casual sportwear ouf fit (no bl ue' 'Jeans or bathlng suits), an afternoon ensemble with a theme of spring flowers and one evening-gown., CONTEST RU LES 1. Ail contestants must reside in Durham Reg ion. 2. Applicants need not be single to enter.' 3. ýAppicants must be 18 years of age by December 31, 1982 and not over 25 years of age by December 31, 1982. 4. A recent photograph must accompany ail applications. (Photos will be returned if name and address are on the, bac k) 5.' Identification must be presented upon request. For further information contact Mrs-. Kristine Wilson, or Mrs. Jane Baron, Cullen Gardens & Miniature Viliage, -R.R. 2, Whit- by. 668-6606 (Whitby) * ENTRY FORM NAME: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE NO.: DATE 0F BIRTH:__ INTERESTS AND HOBBIES: TALENTS:. 1 1 ' !i 'l

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