Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 7 Apr 1982, p. 20

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PAGE.20. WEDNESDAY, APRIL,7, .1982, WHITBY FREE PRýESS PMU4>-- Id~ g GALL A. PIOFES8IOILI TRACTOR-TRAILER SCANLAN'S NEW&USED TRAI NING FURNITURE For ClassA& D License Bought, Sold & Exchanged Cali Ail your furni1ture PARTICIPATION ,& applianco needs. 416-363-8031 2101 BROOK sTr. S., WHITBY Onfuri R*imats cu TouNFr" SATURDAY, 1-80.2689689APRIL 10, 1982 Day, Eve. & Sat. courses JOIN OUR ANTIQUE SALE. CARPENTRY' HIGHEST PRICES HOME REPAIRS PaId for Golci and Silver [coins, old guns, dlojcks, jewelery, dishes, furni- IMPROVEMENTS ýture, crocks, o11 paint- METRO L IC. B-2554 Ings and sealers. Kitchens, ,Ceramic TII- FREN L ing, ýDrywall,.' Rec. FIN L Rooms, Cedar Decks -FLEA MARKET and Patio Doors. 7598 FREE ESTIMATES 23KN STW, CAL 668-4686 OSHAWA' NTERESTEDUN JOHN *OLD TIME FORSYTH F IDDLING? CONTRACTING Pro esioni inStuc- Custom enovatlons Profssioal istru- 1& Additions tion by 1955-Canadian Rec Rooma * Docks rflddle champion..Other s1aunas &HotTube stylesoffered. Phone: Skyighte -Guaranteed W orkmanshlp VIC ,668-3741 668-4045' COM PETITIVE 1INSU RANCE RATES, FOR *COMMERCIAL * TRAVEL, *BUSINESS LIABILITY AUTO - FIRE - LIFE.- DISABILITY SHISKO INSURANCE BROKERS LIMITED 117 KING ST. P.O. BOX 253 WHITBY. ONT. LI1N 5S 1 HELP 1$ ON THE WAY for firme whose printer ha$ recentiy gene eut of business. Lou Dickeon has the cost cutting idoas you nood at a time like this 683-1968. BSDEAL IN TOWNI IThe Whitby Free Prose wil i ~deiver your message toeover *70,Oorecers every week - 668-6111 CONGRATULATIONS on your for- thceming marriage. Please view our semples of ongravod wedding Invitations at yeur leisuro ln aur Ajax Plaza store. Dickson Printing & Off ico Supplies 683-1968. (416) 668-5544 W ATING FOR PROFESSIONAL RESULTS, DIAL A PRO. PAINTING & WALLPAPER A PROFESSION - NOT ASIDELINE. 22 years experience. Aise dry- mai taping à texture spray <ut ucce). Free ostimates. Budget pices. Cati anytime: 576-2401, TURN YOUR ARTICLES INTO CASH. An ad undor the Whitby Free Press EmporiumSection wili soit aimest anything for you.. cars, boats, TV's, 4urnituro, pianos and pets ... the liet 18 endiesa. Cati 668-61 l now for further details. I I ___ I I _______ I ýP.REiioTINAi qq f _SERVICES "GRAMMAR FOR PEOPLE who hato grammar'" ls the Ideal pocket reference book for business peo- pie. $3.95 per copy and availabie at Diokoon Printlng,&. Office Sup- plies ln the Ajax Plaza. 0051aer on- quiries invted 683-11968. UNEIflEW .,JACKSON AUCTION EERS Estates - Farms <Househoid - Antiques Murray Jackson 985-2459 Robert Jackson 655-4878' »NOTICES CREDITORS, AND OTHERS All daims against the- Estate of JEAN McLENN- AN, late of the Town of - Whitby, in the Regional Municipality of Durharn> who died on the 11lth day of September, 1981, must be fiîed with the und er- signed. Executor on, or before the 3rd day of May, 1982, after which date the estat e wiII be d istrlbuted, ha ving regard only to the dlaims of which the Exe- cutor shall then have notice. .DATED at Toronto. this 3lst dayof March, 1982. ROYAL TRUST CORPORATION 0F CANADA, Box .7500, Station A, Toronto, Ontario, M5W1lP9 Executor, By Lang, Michener, Cranston, Farquharson & Wright, its Solicitors herein. ARTICLES FOR SALEj CHANDELIERS, one large , one smaii for sale. $150 or best offer. Phono 668-9947. Apr.7,82<B) 'CONTEMPORARY LOVESEAT by Skiar, beige & brown f iower nylon fabric, cushions roquire new feam. Excellent condition. $150 Phono 668-9805. - Apr.7,82<D) 1,000 BALES 0F HAY for sale. 85ç per baie. Phono 655-3450. WANNAMAKER' laUCTiION SEDRCS ARTICLES FOR SALE ARICLES FRSALE WATERBESS COMPLETE $299.111 TOP QUALITY WATERBEDS AT AFFORDABLE îi We specialize in waterbeds to comnplement yor present bedroom suite (5 finishes avallable>. ; "'Use your present head board,'"See us for dletalsË". j We seil - sing le,, ¾/, dogble, queen and kings lst quality sheet sets $49.95 Shéet Comforter Sets $129-95 ~ j Haîcyon needîe-pJoint mattress pads $29.95 Halcyon À I O UR DURHAM REGIlON HALCVON'DEALER JHaîcyon - f irst and foremost ln, matchedk waterbed, mattresses and heater kits. The Watershed 244 Brock St. S., Whltby. 666-1303 Open10 to 9Mon.- Fri. Set.0 toSpm. VISIT OUR used furniture ware- house by appointment. Big savings on deeks, chairs,,filing cabinets, etc. Cali Dickson Prînt- lng & Office Supplies f0 arrange an appoinimentfo view 683-1968. 2" Storm Doors Triple Seaied 5 colores 1'79.50. 4 styles Instalied & Guaranteed. Aiso eco- nomîcal and en ergy efficient storm and replacement thermal, windows and enclosures.*: S 'FREE STîMATES -- Durham Glass ",666-3355 - after hoijrs 666-1847 DEKOKER MEAT PACKERS LTD. SIDES 0F BEEF 3.57 kg (162 ib.) 725-4245 1-(705>-277-2324' AU10MMOBIES FORR SAELE 1975 DODGE MAXI CAMPER VAN, compieteiy equipped. excellent condition, low mleage. $6,500. 688-7240. 1975 MONTE CARLO in good con- dition. $700 or besi offer.1'Pthone 668-9078. REREATIONAL V~EJE 1975 PROWLER, house irailer. 18 fi., ail options, excellent condi- tion. Asklng $5,900 or best aller. Phone 579"790. PPRDICEDUCE FRESH MUSHROOMS. $700 2.27 kg. (5 lb.) Darlîngion Mushroom Farm, R.R. 4. Bowmanviiie, 983- 9304. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. daiiy. Com- posts for iawns & gardens $5.00 (cubic metro). WANTT ANIQUEûS, coilectabies, china, glass & furnlture wanted. Wiii psy cash. 576-7645. 0.ARTICLES 0FOR RENT TYPEWRITEA RENTAL, many makes and modela, by the week- end, week or month. Discounts avaliabie. Dlckson Printlng & Of- fice Supplies ln the Ajax Plaza. Cali us for business machine. repairs, 683-1968. FREE: Drop into t ho lckson Printing & Office Suppiy store ln the Ajax Plaza and pick up a f ree copy cf their 1982 Metric Caien- dar. PrInted ln two colours, it makes for handy roference 683- 1968. Fi9ht Th.em Al HeIp ymo Hect... HeIpycmo Heort Fund ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS W~A A1LÈ MOTHE RS SUMMERHELPERS, Ilve-ingirls from Quobec, heip with chIîdren and housework, succees or refund guaranteed. Cali 282-2478., HOUSE CLEANING New In your ares, quaiity houes- cieaning. Cail Dusty Doilios 686- 3888. SEVCE: W ILL DO BABYSITrTINO In my home. Hot meaf s providod., Phono -.668-0777. MOTHER 0F,'ONE wiii babysit In my homfe Monday to Friday. Good hot lunches, veryrfair rates. Oniy 'h block from Forence M. Heard. If interested cail 8688-9510. FLODA -UVACATION I ViW RENTSALS Clearwater - Take the famIiy, Ithreebe)droonl,,two.bathrooml Icountry ýclub àhomes, poolsI Itennis, close f0 major attrsc - ion, l.$.0U.S. eeklyJ 683-5503 PRivATrE SALE - 3 bedroom brick home, separate diningefoom, est-mn kitchen, screened sun porch, work room, storageroom, fenced yard, private drive, good mortgage. Cali 7284455.TE LOVE NEEDLECRAFTr? ENJOY TEACHING? Teach basic needlecraft eklie; and turn your hobby Into $$$19. Part- time or futi-time.ý CaI todayi Pen- ny- 688-2542. DUSTY DOLLIES now hirlng part- time domestic hoip worklng on s team, choice of days. dail Judy 686-3888. AN AFFECTIONATE, noni-smoking oxperionced babysitterý required daiiy 7:.30 f0 5 for 1-year and 5-year commen 'cing May 17 -,June, Receipts noeded, renurneratlon negotiabie dependa nt upon your home or mine. Otter Creek. 666& 2339. .EXPERIENCED NANNY NEEDED. Part-time f0 cire for two girls. Seme housework duties. $2.50Ihr. or $2OIday. Whltby. 666-2080, BROOKLIN TOOL dO. LTtD, requires three retired' pensons. Mechanic te repair air tools, jacks and compressors. Brick layer and carpenter te assiat In censtructing office., Phono 663-1753. BOYS & GIRLS - Work oniy a few hours each weèo<i -The Whltbýy Friee-Press needs carriers"ta deliver o Ur paper once a week. Start nowl Cali Circulation at 668- 6111. LOT, private,. 82 x 190. On Trent system, Lindsay area.. Hydre'ee phono. $6,000. 1-705.324-6203. RESIDENTIAL WELL-TREED >LOTS, fully serviced, quiet'court, conrystlg with ail cîty con- veniees Plans- sbiw .ý743- 0670 or 630-3535. EA ESIAI~ AUCTIONEEÈRS "REAL ESTATrE" SPECIALISTI KAHN R.R. 4, PORT PERRY, ONTARIO LOB iNO WE ARE NOW OFFERING A TOTALLY SPECIALIZED ALTERNATIVE IN SELLING, "5V AUCTION" - VOUR HOME, VACANT LAND OR COMMERCIAL PROPERTY. WHY REAL ESTATE BY AUCTION? IT SELLS YOUR PROPERTY, IN A QUICK EFFICIENT MANNERI IT SELLS VOUR PROPERTY, TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER, IN COMPETITIVE BIODINGI IT OFFERS YOUR PROPERTY, TO BE SEEN BY MANVI I)ON'T DELAY CALL TO-DAY - HENRY KAHN - 985-8161 or GEORGE SULLI VAN - 668-8826 TU RN TO PAGE 21, FOR MO RE- CLASSIFIED ADS. Please check your advertisement for errors on the f irst day 0f publication. The Whitby Free Press MiIl not be hiable for faihure to pubIlsh an ad, or for typographic errors ln publica- tion beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error up to a maximum cost of the first Insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to ciassify or reject ail advertisements. Ads must appear ln fhe paper.,one day before they can be Changed or canceîled. RATES: S$4.06 for 20-words If billed; 12s each additlonal word. Pre-paid'insertion of 20 words $3.50; additional words 11c eactu. You-may charge your Ciassified Ad to your Chargex or Visa Account and receive the discount on the price 0f your ad. Please have your Visa card ready when calîing. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the first 100 words; 12e each additional word. N MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the first 50 words; 1leach additional word. AUCTION SALES - 32Cý per Uine. (No word acis allowed.) BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are av'-iIable at an additional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Prç 3s will make every an- deavour to forward replies to box numbers, however, we ac- cept no liability regarding loss or damage alleged to arise through falure or delay in forwardlng such replies. We wilI not be responsible for box number replies not called for within 30 days. DEADLINES: Monday nooh prior to publication to Insert or cancel Classified Ads, Friday noon prior to publication to in- sert or cancel Emporium Ads. CALL, 668-6111 1~ . ~. -- _____________________ ________________________ * AUTO *HOME e MARINE

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